Preprint versions of papers:
- (with C. Negron), Cohomology for Drinfeld Doubles of Some Infinitesimal Group Schemes, To appear in Algebra and Number Theory. arxiv:1709.09217
- Rational Cohomology and Supports for Linear Algebraic Groups, To appear in “Geometric and Topoogical Aspects of Representation Theory of Finite groups, Springer-Verlag.
- Filtrations, 1-Parameter Subgroups, and
- Rational Injectivity, Advances in Math. 323 (2018), 84 – 113.
- (with Joseph Ross), An Approach to Intersection Theory on Singular Varieties using Motivic Complexes, 152 (2016). 2371-2404.
- (with J. Carlson and J. Pevtsova), Vector bundles associated to Lie algebras, J. fur die Reine und Ang. Math. (Crelle) 716 (2016), 147-178.
- (with Jon F. Carlson and Julia Pevtsova), Elementary Subalgebras of Lie Algebras, J. Algebra 442 (2015), 155-189.
- Support Varieties for Rational Representations, 151 (2015), 765-792.
- Spectrum of group cohomlogy and support varieties, Journal of K-Theory 11 (2013), 507-516.
- (with J. Carlson and J. Pevtsova), Representations of elementary abelian p-groups and bundles on Grassmanians, Advances in Math.229 (2012), 2985-3051.
- Restrictions to G(Fp) and G(r) of rational G-modules, Compositio Mathematica 147 (2011), 1955-1978.
- (with Julia Pevtsova), Constructions for Infinitesimal Group Schemes, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 6007-60761.
- (with Jon C. Carlson and Andrei Suslin), Modules for Z/p x Z/p, Commentarrii Mathematici Helvetici 86 (2011), 609-657.
- (with J. Pevtsova) Generalized support varieties for finite group schemes, Documenta Mathematica – Extra volume Suslin (2010), 197-222.
- Weil Restriction and Support Varieties, Journal f¨ur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 648 (2010), 183-200.
- (with Christian Haesemeyer), Lipschitz cocycles and Poincare duality, in The Geometry of Algebraic Cycles, Clay Mathematics Proceedings, vol 9, Amer. Math. Soc, Providence, RI, 2010, pp. 33-51.
- (with Jon F. Carlson), Exact Category of Modules of Constant Jordan type, Exact category of modules of constant Jordan type. Manin Festschift, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 269, Birkh¨auser-Boston (2009), 267-290.
- (with Vincent Franjou), Cohomology of bifunctors, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 97 (2008), 514-544.
- (with Jon Carlson and Julia Pevtsova), Modules of constant Jordan type, Journal f´ur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 614 (2008), 191-234.
- The Friedlander-Milnor Conjecture, L’Enseignement Math´ematique 54 (2008), 90-92.
- (with Julia Pevtsova), II-supports for Modules for Finite Group Schemes over a Field, Duke Math. J. 139 (2007), 317-368.
- (with Julia Pevtsova and Andrei Suslin), Generic and maximal Jordan types, Inventiones Math 168 (2007), 485-522.
- (with Julia Pevtsova), Representation-Theoretic Spaces for Finite Group Schemes, American Journal of Math 127 (2005), 379-420.
- (with Mark Walker), Semi-topological K-theory, in Handbook of K-theory, vol I (2005).
- (with Christian Haesemeyer and Mark Walker), Techniques, computations, and conjectures for semi-topological K-theory, Math Annalen 330 (2004), 759-807.
- (with Mark Walker), Rational isomorphisms between K-theories and cohomology theories, Inventiones Math. 154 (2003), 1–61.
- (with Mark Walker), Semi-topological K-theory using function complexes Topology 41 (2002), 591–644.
- (with Andrei Suslin), The Spectral Sequence relating Algebraic K-theory to Motivic Cohomology, Ann. Sci. Ec Norm. Sup. 35 (2002), 773–875.
- (with Mark Walker), Function spaces and continuous algebraic pairings for varieties, Compositio Math. 125 (2001), 69–110.
- (with Mark Walker), Comparing K-theories for Complex Varieties, American J. of Math 123 (2001), 779–810.
- (with Mark Walker), Semi-topological K-theory of Real Varieties ,Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry, Tata Institute of Fundamental, Research, Mumbai 2000, Ed. R. Parimala, (2001), 219–326.
- (with Mark Walker), Some Remarks concerning mod-n K-theory, Invent. math 145 (2001), 545–555.
- (with V. Voevodsky) Bivariant cycle cohomology. In Cycles, Transfers, and Motivic Homology Theories. Annals of Math Studies, Princeton University Press 2000, 138-187.
- Relative Chow Correspondences and the Griffiths Group , Annales de l’Institut Fourier, Grenoble 50 (2000), 1073-1098.
- Bloch-Ogus Properties for Topological Cycle Theory, Annales Ec. Norm Sup. 33 (2000), 57-65.
- (with Vincent Franjou, Alexander Scorichenko, and Andrei Suslin), General Linear and Functor Cohomology over Finite Fields , Annals of Math 150 (1999), 663-728.
- (with H.B. Lawson) Moving algebraic cycles of bounded degree. Inventiones Math. 132 (1998), 91-119.
- Algebraic Cocycles on Normal, Quasi-Projective Varieties, Compositio Math. 110 (1998), 127-162.
- Geometry of-Infinitesimal Group Schemes, Documenta Mathematica 1998, Extra Vol. II, 55-65.
- (with A. Suslin and C. Bendel) Infinitesimal 1-parameter subgroups and cohomology, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 10 (1997), 693-728.
- (with A. Suslin), Cohomology of finite group schemes over a field, Inventiones Math. 127 (1997), 209-270.
- (with H.B. Lawson) Duality relating spaces of algebraic cocycles and cycles, Topology 36 (1997), 533-565.
- (with Andrei Suslin and Christopher P. Bendel), Support Varieties for Infinitesimal Group Schemes, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 10 (1997), 729-759.
- Motivic Complexes of Suslin and Voevodsky, S´eminaire Bourbaki. vo. 1996/97. Asterisque 245 (1997), 355-378.
- Intersection products for spaces of algebraic cycles, Recent progress in intersection theory (Bologna, 1997), 217–237, Trends Math., Birkhauser 2000
- Filtrations on algebraic cycles and homology, Annales Ec. Norm. Sup., 4e serie, t. 28 (1995), 317-343.
- Some computations of algebraic cycle homology, K-theory 8 (1994), 271–285.
- (with B. Mazur) Correspondence homomorphism for singular varieties, Annales de l’Institut Fourier 44, 3 (1994), 703-727.
- (with W. Dwyer) Topological models for arithmetic, Topology 33 (1994), 1–24.
- (with O. Gabber) Cycle spaces and intersection theory, in Topological Methods in Modern Mathematics (1993), 325-370.
- (with H.B. Blaine Lawson Jr.) Graph mappings and Poincare duality, Math. Ann. 343 (209), no.2, 431–461. (1993), 325-370.
- (with A. Suslin and C.P. Bendel) Support varieties for infinitesimal group schemes, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 (1997), no. 3, 729–759.
All published papers are listed at MathSciNet