Archaeological survey and excavation provide critical information to fields as diverse as Classics, Art History and Biblical Studies. As a scholarly discipline, however, archaeology is more than a way of recovering physical evidence. It is a way of understanding the rich record of past human societies through the study of their material cultures.
Learn Archaeology
USC now offers students an undergraduate degree in Archaeology drawing on the University’s many resources and diverse faculty research locations and interests. The exciting archaeology program is ideal for the student who has an abiding interest in how the past informs the present and is looking for a broad interdisciplinary approach to understanding the world and its material history.
More Information

Archaeology Major/Minor
Resources and Opportunities
Explore the many options students can choose to enrich their experience at USC ranging from hands-on excavation courses, to exploring our collections at our very own Archaeology Research Center.
Students can also explore the financial and academic resources we offer here.
Student Group
The Society for Trojan Archaeologists is a student-run organization that fosters and expands student interest and knowledge about the field of archaeology.
Hunter Blatherer
Life as an Archaeology Student at the University of Southern California

Contribute to Archaeology
You can contribute to archaeology at USC with either in-kind or cash donations — we welcome all your support! Be part of safeguarding over 11,000 ancient artifacts in the USC Archaeology Research Collection for future generations of Trojans through the purchase of a climate control system, conservation and materials analysis equipment needed to protect these ancient treasures. We also welcome the donation of recent computer equipment.
If you have a special interest or would like to support a specific archaeological project, please e-mail the curator, Lynn Swartz Dodd, at or call (213) 740-0266.
USC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and so your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You can Donate Now by credit card or donate by check. Checks should be made out to “USC”, with the subject line reading “Archaeology Research Center.” Please mail check donations to: Lynn Dodd, MC 1481 825 Bloom Walk, ACB-130, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1481
Thank you for your support!