Welcome to Physics and Astronomy
For undergraduate students, we offer majors in Physics, Astronomy, Biophysics, and a joint Physics/Computer Science program. We also offer minors in Physics and Astronomy.
For graduate students, we offer a Ph.D. in Physics. If you are a prospective graduate student, please take a look at the Ph.D. section for all the information on application to our Ph.D. program.
Physics and Astronomy are both going through revolutionary times mirrored by the research programs in the department, which range from theory of High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, to Cosmology. Large Scale Computation is an important field with several state-of-the-art facilities available to students and faculty. Emerging areas of research in our department include the rapidly developing fields of Quantum Information Science and Physical Biology. Biological Physics is where the quantitative skills of physicists address important problems coming from biological systems.
Your Major & Minor
The Department of Physics & Astronomy offers majors and minors in five different subject areas. It also offers several different levels of introductory courses for students with majors in other departments.
Scattering Theory Redux: Supercolliders, Fluid Dynamics, and Black Holes
Please join us as we welcome Clifford Cheung from the Department of Physics at Caltech on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 4:15 pm in SSL 202.
Refreshments will be served at 4:00 pm.
(Zoom link is provided to @USC subscribers only).
If we can improve our predictions concerning changes in the number of sunspots and the activity of the solar cycle, then we may be able to improve our knowledge of space weather and determine what is likely to cause major problems on Earth and what isn’t.
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