Our core value is creating and supporting diversity among the members of the Department at all levels. We strive to provide equitable opportunities, support, and standards, so that any individual or group can be and feel welcomed and enabled to do their best work. The following organizations at the Department and the University focus on supporting this goal:

To promote diversity and inclusion in the Department, we are taking the following actions:

  • We have appointed a Climate Committee, consisting of faculty, staff, and students who are charged with a task to assess the climate, make recommendations for improvement, and keep record of actions. The charge of the committee and member list is here.

  • We appoint a diversity liaison for each faculty search.

  • We are partnering with the Center for Excellence in Teaching to create a more welcoming climate in our classrooms.

  • We are conscious of the need to create a family-friendly work environment; our weekly colloquium time is at 12pm, and no Department-wide talks are scheduled after 4pm.

  • We initiated a Women in Physics group to create a safe space for discussing matters of gender, work-life balance, and other beyond-science topics of interest to our community.

Faculty Leadership on Diversity issues includes: