Students in the Neuroscience Majors are trained to develop an appreciation for the breadth of knowledge that spans the array of neuroscience disciplines, including molecular, cellular, systems, behavioral, cognitive, and computational neuroscience.
At the completion of their studies, students are prepared with a sufficient depth of knowledge and abilities to prepare them for entry-level employment in a wide variety of fields, or for graduate study in neuroscience or health-related professions.
Congratulations to our USC Undergraduate Neuroscience Program End of the Year Award Recipients of 2024!
Allison Chang is a junior majoring in neuroscience and pursuing a progressive degree in medical gerontology. In Dr. Dion Dickman’s lab, she has been investigating the role of calcium-dependent determinants of synaptic heterogeneity at the neuromuscular junction by applying confocal microscopy. Aside from her studies, she enjoys volunteering as a learning assistant for organic chemistry classes, supporting peers in USC Christian Challenge, and interning at a local pediatrics office. In her free time, she enjoys reading, playing beach volleyball, embarking on national park road trips, and playing the piano. Allison is very grateful to have been selected for the Brian Phillip Rakusin Scholarship Award this year. She would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Dion Dickman, Jerry Chien, Rebecca Stark, and everyone at the Dickman Lab for their mentorship and support.

Neuroscience Outstanding Student of the Year Award
Maxfield is a graduating senior and prospective physician-scientist majoring in neuroscience with a minor in philosophy. As a member of the Jakowec-Petzinger lab, he conducts research on the protective and restorative effects of exercise on astrocytes and neurons in mouse models of Parkinson’s Disease. His work in the Eich lab involves analyzing the relationships between intellectual humility, curiosity, age, and confidence. He has been proud to wear many hats as a student, serving as a coauthor, editor, and illustrator for the Crash Review Team, as the president of Nu Rho Psi, and as a member of several USC choirs. He is honored to have been selected for this award, and is beyond grateful to Dr. Michael Jakowec, Dr. Teal Eich, Dr. Rita Barakat, Amelia Marvit, all of his labmates, and his family for all of their support and mentorship.

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Office Manager: Erin Russell