The Francophone Research and Resource Center (FRC)
…develops and conducts programs, workshops, conferences, seminars and other activities for a wide range of audiences, Francophiles and Francophones, members of the University of Southern California community, French teachers at all levels, and students learning French, French literature and French culture.
Housed by USC’s Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, with the support of USC libraries and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy to the United States of America, the USC Francophone Research and Resource Center serves as a hub for a diverse set of multidisciplinary activities involving distinguished Francophone writers, scholars, filmmakers, journalists, and scientists. Its main goal is to create new interdisciplinary bridges between local and Francophone institutions.

Béatrice Mousli
…received her doctorate from the University of Paris-IV Sorbonne in 1993. Her work has three main focuses: French and Francophone 20th and 21st century literatures, French colonial history and literary institutions and networks in France and in the United States, transatlantic literary exchanges, and. She has published many books among which Intentions, histoire d’une revue littéraire des années vingt (Ent’revues 1996), Les Editions du Sagittaire 1919-1979 (IMEC, 2003), Valery Larbaud (Flammarion, 1998, Grand Prix de la Biographie de l’Académie Française), Virginia Woolf (Ed. du Rocher, 2001), Max Jacob (Flammarion, 2005, Prix Anna de Noailles de l’Académie Française 2006) and Philippe Soupault(Flammarion, 2010). Her latest book is a biography of Susan Sontag (Flammarion, 2017), the first one published after the writer’s passing. She has completed Tahar : A Kabyle citizen of the Empire (working title), a book-length narrative of ordinary times of colonization in Algeria and France, in the first half of the 20th century, to be published in 2024, and is now preparing a new biography of Marguerite Yourcenar.
She is the founding director of the Francophone Research and Resource Center and teaches in the department of French & Italian. She was named “Knight of The Order of Academic Palms” by the French Minister of Education in 2007, and Officer in the same order in 2018.