The Levan Institute for the Humanities serves as a hub for the humanities and humanistic social sciences at the University of Southern California, connecting faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and students across disciplines, departments, programs, and institutes.


Book Chats

Conversations celebrating new books by USC scholars in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Each event features the author and guests in conversation about a recently completed publication.

How To…

Practical workshops where humanists discuss how to do the things we do. Each workshop consists of brief comments from three experienced presenters and a longer Q&A session.

Working Groups

Interdisciplinary working groups that foster intellectual exchange and advance research on topics in the humanities (broadly construed) not already addressed by an existing department or program.


The Levan Institute provides modest grants and promotion for public events in the humanities at USC.

Global Collaborations

The Levan Institute aims to foster and facilitate collaborations with scholars and institutions around the globe.

New Books

Congratulations to USC scholars on their recent publications!

Upcoming Events

Book Chat

Lisa Bitel, Otherworld: Nine Tales of Wonder and Romance from Medieval Ireland (Oxford University Press, 2024)

March 11, 2025, 12–1pm  |  More

The author will be joined in conversation by Eric Falci (UC Berkeley) and Siobhán McElduff (University of British Columbia), moderated by Daniela Bleichmar (USC). Program partners: Van Hunnick History Department and School of Religion. Registration is required.

Book Chat

Natalie Lauren Belisle, Caribbean Inhospitality: The Poetics of Strangers at Home (Rutgers University Press, 2025)

March 24, 2025, 12–1pm  |  More

The author will be joined in conversation by Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez (University of Texas) and Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel (University of Miami), moderated by Nayan Shah (USC). Organized in partnership with the Department of Comparative Literature and the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures. Registration is required.

Book Chat

Lindsay O’Neill, The Two Princes of Mpfumo: An Early Eighteenth-Century Journey into and out of Slavery (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2025)

April 8, 2025, 12–1pm  |  More

The author will be joined in conversation by Catherine Molineux (Vanderbilt University) and Asheesh Siddique (University of Massachusetts Amherst), moderated by Peter Mancall (USC). Program partners: Van Hunnick History Department and Early Modern Studies Institute. Registration is required.

Book Chat

Admire Mseba, Society, Power, and Land in Northeastern Zimbabwe, ca. 1560–1960 (Ohio University Press, 2024)

April 22, 2025, 11am–12pm  |  More

The author will be joined in conversation by Mariana Candido (Emory University) and David Hughes (Rutgers University), moderated by Lindsay O’Neill (USC). Program partners: Van Hunnick History Department and Department of Anthropology. Registration is required.

Book Chat

Emily Hodgson Anderson, Shadow Work: Loneliness and the Literary Life (Columbia University Press, 2025)

May 8, 2025, 12pm–1pm  |  More

The author will be joined in conversation by Julia Lee (Loyola Marymount University) and Anahid Nersessian (UCLA), moderated by Dana Johnson (USC). Organized in partnership with the Department of English and the Early Modern Studies Institute. Registration is required.

Header image: Reverse of Postcard of Tram Running Between Venice, Ocean Park and Santa Monica, California, March 31, 193- (date obscured), USC Libraries Special Collections

Contact Us


3501 Trousdale Parkway
THH 348
Los Angeles, CA 90089


Director: Daniela Bleichmar
Associate Director: Zach Mann
Assistant Director: Isabella Carr

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