• The Bachelor of Science in Biophysics program is intended for students with an interest in the interdisciplinary field of biophysics. The degree program provides the physics and biology background necessary for the field while simultaneously fulfilling medical school entrance requirements. Students interested in this program should begin taking math, chemistry and physics during their freshman year (see sample schedule below). Also notice that the Phys-151,152,153 sequence is an acceptable substitute for Phys-161,162,163.

    Degree listings here reflect current requirements. Since actual graduation requirements depend on the specific year which a student enters USC, students should always consult with their faculty advisor to determine course selection. As part of a curriculum revision, Biology courses listed here will be phased in over the next few years. To determine what combination of new and old courses to take, consult your faculty advisor.

    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
    Fall Units Fall Units  Fall  Units Fall  Units
    MATH 125 4 MATH 226 4 MATH 445 4 PHYS 408a 4
    CHEM 105aL 4 PHYS 152L 4 PHYS 304 4 PHYS 444 4
    GE Requirement 4 BISC 120L 4 BISC 320L 4 WRIT 340 4
    WRIT 150 4 GE Requirement 4 CHEM 322bL 4 Foreign Language 4
    PHYS 190 1
    Total 17 Total 16 Total 16 Total 16
    Spring Units Spring Units  Spring Units Spring Units
    MATH 126 4 MATH 245 4 PHYS 316 4 PHYS 408b 4
    CHEM 105bL 4 PHYS 153L 4 PHYS 438a 4 PHYS 440 4
    PHYS 151L 4 BISC 220L 4 WRIT 340 4 PHYS 493L 4
    GE Requirement 4 GE Requirement 4 Elective 4 Elective 4
    Total 16 Total 16 Total 16 Total 16
    Requirement Listing
    Required Lower Division Courses Units
    PHYS 151L/161L Fundamentals of Physics I 4
    PHYS 152L/162L Fundamentals of Physics II 4
    PHYS 153L/163L Fundamentals of Physics III 4
    PHYS 190 Freshman Colloquium 1
    CHEM 105abL/115abL* Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
    MATH 125 Calculus I 4
    MATH 126 Calculus II 4
    MATH 226 Calculus III 4
    MATH 245 Mathematics of Physics and
    Engineering I
    Required Upper Division Courses Units
    PHYS 304 Mechanics 4
    PHYS 316 Introduction to Thermodynamics
    and Statistical Physics
    PHYS 408ab Electricity and Magnetism 4-4
    PHYS 438ab Introduction to Quantum
    Mechanics and its Applications
    PHYS 440 Introduction to Solid
    State Physics
    PHYS 492L Senior Laboratory 4
    PHYS 493L Advanced Experimental Techniques 4
    MATH 445 Mathematics of Physics and
    Engineering II

    Total Units 77

    *CHEM 105abL may be substituted for CHEM 115abL