Alexander Zholkovsky
The following list consists of two sections: books (23 items; 22 in print) and articles (244 items), the latter comprising two areas: linguistics–Russian, Somali, and general (44 items) and literature–theory and criticism (200 items). Various versions of an article are listed together as one item.
- Sintaksis somali. Glubinnye i poverkhnostnye struktury [Somali syntax. Deep and surface structures]. Moscow: Nauka, 1971.; M.: LKI, 2007. 272 pp.
- Matematika i iskusstvo (poetika vyrazitel’nosti) [Mathematics and art: A poetics of expressiveness; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Moscow: Znanie, 1976. 65 pp. Engl. version in No. 8.
- Poetika vyrazitel’nosti. Sbornik statei [Poetics of expressiveness: Essays; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 2. Vienna, 1980. 257 pp.
- [Essays in a Poetics of Expressiveness; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Russian Literature, Special Issue 11 (1982), 1.
- Tolkovo-kombinatornyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka [Explanatory and combinatorial dictionary of Modern Russian; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 14. Vienna, 1984, 992 pp.
- Themes and Texts: Toward a Poetics of Expressiveness. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1984. 300 pp.
- Mir avtora i struktura teksta. Stat’i o russkoi literature [The author’s world and the structure of the text: Essays on Russian literature; co-author Iu. Shcheglov]. Tenafly, N.J.: Hermitage, 1986. 348 pp.
- Poetics of Expressiveness: A Theory and Applications [co-author Yu. Shcheglov; intro. and ed. A. Zholkovsky]. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987. 361 pp.
- NRZB. Rasskazy [“Illegible”. Fictions]. Moscow: Vesy, 1991. 134 pp.
- Bluzhdaiushchie sny [Wandering dreams]. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1992. 430 pp.
- Bluzhdaiushchie sny i drugie raboty [Wandering dreams and other studies]. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaia literatura, 1994. 428 pp.
- Text Counter Text. Rereadings in Russian Literary History. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper). 370 pp.
- Babel’/Babel [ Isaak Babel; co-author M. B. Yampolsky]. Moscow: Carte blanche, 1994. 444 pp.
- Raboty po poetike vyrazitel’nosti. Invarianty – tema – priemy – tekst [Studies in a poetics of expressiveness: Invariants – theme – device – text; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Moscow: Progress-Univers, 1996. 344 pp.
- Inventsii [Inventions]. Moscow: Gendalf, 1995. 248 pp.
- Mikhail Zoshchenko: Poetika nedoveriia [Mikhail Zoshchenko: A Poetics of Mistrust]. M.: Shkola “Iazyki Russkoi Kul’tury,” 1999. 393 pp.; M.: LKI, 2007. 392 pp.
- Memuarnye vin’etki i drugie non-fictions [Memoiristic vignettes and other non-fictions]. St.Petersburg, Nizhini Novgorod: URBI, 2000. 244 pp.
- Erosiped i drugie vin’etki [Erosiped and other vignettes]. M., Vodolei, 2003. 624 pp.
- Izbrannye stat’i o russkoi poezii: Invarianty, struktury, strategii, interteksty [Selected Essays on Russian Poetry: Invariants, Structures, Strategies, Intertexts]. Moscow: RGGU, 2005: 654 pp.
- NRZB (Rasskazy). Allegro Mafioso( Vin’etki) [Illegible ( fictions). Allegro mafioso (vignettes)]. Moscow: OGI, 2005. 272 pp.
- Poltora rasskaza Babelia: “Giui de Mopassan” i “Spravka/Gonorar”. Struktura, smysl, fon [Isaak Babel’s a Story and a Half: “Guy de Maupassant” and “Anwer to Inquiry/First Fee”. Structure, meaning, background]. Moscow: Komkniga (URSS), 2006. 288 P.
- Zvezdy i nemogo nervno. Memuarnye vin’etki [Stars and somewhat nervous. Memoiristic vignettes], Moscow: Vremia, 2008. 320 pp.
- Ostorozhno, trenozhnik! [Beware of the Tripod!] Moscow, Vremia, 2010. 496 pp.
- Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia [Modern and Recent Russian Poetry]. Moscow: RGGU, 2009. 368 pp.
- Poetika Borisa Pasternaka: Invarianty, struktury, interteksty [Pasternak’s poetics: Invariants, structures, intertexts]. Moscow, NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 608 pp.
- Poetika Borisa Pasternaka: Invarianty, struktury, interteksty [Pasternak’s poetics: Invariants, structures, intertexts]. Moscow, NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 608 pp.
- Iurii Shecheglov. Prosa. Poeziia. Poetika. Izbrannye raboty [Prose. Poetry. Poetics. Selected studies]. Ed. by A. K. Zholkovskii and V. A. Shcheglova. Moscow: NLO [New Literary Survey], 2012. 576 pp.
In Preparation
28. Russkaia infinitivnaia poeziia XVIII-XX vekov [Russian Infinitive Poetry. 18th-20th centuries]
A. Linguistics
- O printsipial’nom ispol’zovanii smysla pri mashinnom perevode [On the relevance of meaning to machine translation; co-authors N. N. Leont’eva, Iu. S. Martem’ianov]. In: Mashinnyi perevod. Trudy ITM i VT AN SSSR [Machine translation. Papers of the Precision Mechanics and Computation Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences], v. 2, 1960; English version in: Essays on Lexical Semantics, V. Ju. Rozencvejg ed., 2 vols., Stockholm: Skriptor, 1974, , v. 1.
- Raboty Charni po strukturnoi semantike [Elisabeth Charney’s work in structural semantics]. Voprosy iazykoznaniia [Problems of linguistics], 1961, 6.
- Raboty Kembridzhskoi gruppy po mashinnomu perevodu [Cambridge Language Research Unit’s papers on and in machine translation]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika [Machine translation and applied linguistics], 1961, 5.
- O pravilakh semanticheskogo analiza [On rules for semantic analysis], Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1964, 8; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- Leksika tselesoobraznoi deiatel’nosti [The vocabulary of purposeful activty], Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1964, 8: 67-103; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- Raboty Sepira po strukturnoi semantike [Sapir’s work in structural semantics], Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika 1964, 8; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- 7. Predislovie [Introduction (to the collected papers of the Laboratory of Machine Translation of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages)]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1964, 8: 3-16; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- O vozmozhnom metode i instrumentakh semanticheskogo sinteza [On a possible method and tools for the semantic synthesis of texts; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia [Scientific-technological information], 1966, 11.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, I. Stroenie slovaria [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, I. The structure of the dictionary; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, 1966, 11.
- Posledovatel’nosti predglagol’nykh chastits v jazyke somali [Sequences of preverbal particles in Somali]. In: Jazyki Afriki [The Languages of Africa], B. A. Uspenskii ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1966.
- K leksikograficheskomu opisaniiu somaliiskikh sushchestvitel’nykh [On the lexicographic description of Somali nouns]. Narody Asii i Afriki [The peoples of Asia and Africa], 1967, 1.
- O semanticheskom sinteze [On the semantic synthesis of texts; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Problemy kibernetiki [Problems of cybernetics], 1967, 19; French version, T. A. informations, 1970, N2.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, II. Pravila perifrazirovaniia [On a system for the semantic synthesis, II. Periphrasing rules; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk], Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsija, series 2, 1967, 2.
- Sintaksis nezavisimogo utverditel’nogo predlozheniia v jazyke somali [The syntactic structure of the independent affirmative sentence in Somali; abstract of the Ph. D. dissertation]. Moscow: MGU, 1968.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, III. Obraztsy slovarnykh statei [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, III. Samples of dictionary entries; co-authors Iu. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, series 2, 1968, 11.
- K postroeniiu deistvuiushchei modeli jazyka “Smysl – Tekst” [Towards a functioning ‘Meaning – Text’ model of language; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1969, 11; and in: Sign, Language, Culture, A. J. Greimas et al. eds., The Hague: Mouton, 1970; Engl. version in Linguistics, 1970, 57, May, and in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 2.
- Ob odnom sposobe izucheniia sochetaemosti slov [On a method for the study of lexical co-occurence; co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. Russkii jazyk v natsional’noi shkole [The Russian language in an ethnic school], 1969, 6.
- Materialy k russko-somaliiskomu slovariu [Materials for a Russian-Somali dictionary]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1970, 13. Also in: Voprosy afrikanskoi filologii [Problems of African philology], N. V. Okhotina ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1974; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 2.
- O glubinnom i poverkhnostnom sintaksise (na materiale jazyka somali) [On the deep and surface syntax (as applied to Somali material)], Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 5 (1970), and in Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriia literatury i jazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Literary and linguistic series], 29 (1970), 5.
- Vyrazhenie v jazyke somali gruppy znachenii, sviazannykh s ideei stepeni [The expression in Somali of the idea of grading]. In: Problemy afrikanskogo jazykoznaniia [Problems of African linguistics], N. V. Okhotina and B. A. Uspenskii eds., Moscow: Nauka, 1971.
- Eksperimental’nyi fragment anglo-russkogo tolkovo-kombinatornogo slovaria v protsesse perevoda [An experimental fragment of an English-Russian automatic explanatory and combinatorial dictionary in the process of (simulated automatic) translation; co-authors I. A. Mel’chuk, Z. M. Shaliapina]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 16 (1971).
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, IV. Obraztsy slovarnykh statei [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, IV. Samples of dictionary entries; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, series 2, 1972, 9.
- Into i out of – k semanticheskomu tolkovaniiu dvukh angliiskikh predlogov [Into and out of: Towards a semantic definition of two English prepositions; co-author T. V. Pivovarova], Informatsionnye voprosy semiotiki, lingvistiki i avtomaticheskogo perevoda [Informatic problems of semiotics, linguistics and automatic translation (Moscow: VINITI)], 1972, v. 3.
- Semantics and lexicography: towards a new type of unilingual dictionary [co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. In: Studies in Syntax and Semantics, F. Kiefer ed., Dordrecht-Holland: D. Reidel, 1970.
- Proba objasniajaco-kombinatorycznego slownika jezyka rosyjskiego [Compiling an explanatory-combinatory dictionary of modern Russian; co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I.A. Mel’chuk]. In: Semantyka i Slownik [Semantics and the dictionary], M.-R. Mayenowa ed.; Warszawa: Ossolineum, 1972.
- Materials for an explanatory-combinatory dictionary of modern Russian [co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. In: Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics, F. Kiefer ed., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, USA: D. Reidel, 1973.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, V. Obraztsy slovarnykh statei [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, V. Samples of dictionary entries; co-author E. E. Razlogova]. Informatsionnye voprosy semiotiki, lingvistiki i avtomaticheskogo perevoda, 1974, v. 4.
- O nekotorykh utochneniiakh i popravkakh k sisteme perifrazirovaniia [Perfecting the periphrasing system]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, 1977, 5.
- Vokabula “CHUVSTVO” v tolkovo-kombinatornom slovare sovremennogo russkogo jazyka [The entry “FEELING” in the explanatory combinatorial dictionary of Modern Russian; co-authors L. Iordanskaia, I. Mel’chuk], Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 13, 1984, 87-109.
- The Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary (co-author I. Mel’chuk), in Relational Models of the Lexicon, ed. by Martha Evans, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 41-74.
B. Literature
- Ob usilenii [On amplification]. In: Strukturno-tipologicheskie issledovaniia [Structural-typological studies], T. Moloshnaia ed., Moscow: Institut Slavianovedeniia AN SSSR, 1962, 161-171; Italian version in: I sistemi di segni e lo strutturalismo Sovietico, R. Faccani, U. Eco, eds., Milano: Bompiani, 1969.
- Deus ex machina. Trudy po znakovym sistemam [Studies in sign sistems (Tartu: TGU)], 3 (1967), 146-155, and in: Sign, Language, Culture, A. J. Greimas ed., The Hague: Mouton, 539-547; Italian version in: I sistemi di segni e lo structturalismo Sovietico, R. Faccani, U. Eco eds., Milano: Bompiani, 1969; Engl. version in Book No. 6.
- Iz predystorii sovetskikh rabot po strukturnoi poetike [From the prehistory of the Soviet research in structural poetics, co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Trudy po znakovym sistemam, 3 (1967), 367-377; Engl. version in Soviet Studies in Literature. A Journal of Translations, 31 (1985), No. 3-4, Carol Any guest ed.
- Strukturnaia poetika – porozhdaiushchaia poetika [Structural poetics is generative poetics; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 1967, 1, 74-89; German version in: Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, J. Ihwe ed., Frankfurt am Main: Athenaum Fischer, 1972; English version in: Soviet Semiotics, D. Lucid ed., Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.
- Porozhdaiushchaia poetika v rabotakh S. M. Eizenshteina [A generative poetics in the works of S. M. Eisenstein]. In: Sign, Language, Culture. A. J. Greimas et al. ed., The Hague: Mouton, 1970, 451-468, and in Book No. 14; Ital. version in: Cinema e Film, 1967, 1 (3); French version in: Ca (Cinema), 1975, 7/8; Span. version in: Semiologia del Teatro, J. M. D. Borque and L. Lorenzo eds., Barcelona: Planeta; Engl. version in Russian Poetics in Translation, 8 (1981), 40-61, and in Book No. 6.
- Somaliiskii rasskaz “Ispytanie proritsatelia.” Opyt porozhdaijushchego opisaniia [The Somali story “A Soothsayer’s Trial”. An attempt of a generative analysis]. Narody Asii i Afriki [The peoples of Asia and Africa], 1970, 1:104-115; Spanish version in Prohemio, 1 (1970),3; French version in: Analyse et validation dans l’etude des donnees textuelles, M. Borillo, J. Virbel eds., Paris: CNRS, 1977; Engl. version in Book No. 6, pp. 85-98; short Engl. version in : A Soothsayer Tested. Somali Folktales, ed. and transl. by G.L. Kapchits, Moscow: The Way, 2006, pp. 205-217.
- 6а. “
- ” [A Soothsayer’s Triial]. Transl. from Somali A. Zholkovskii. In: Skazki Narodov Afriki [Folktales of Africa]. Eds. A. A. Zhukov and S. Kotliar. M.: Nauka, 1976. P. 522-534.
- “Otsutstvuiushchaia struktura” Umberto Eco [U. Eco’s “Absent Structure”]. Voprosy filosofii [Problems of philosophy], 1970, 2.
- K opisaniju smysla svjaznogo teksta (na materiale khudozestvennykh tekstov) [Describing the meaning of a coherent text (as applied to artistic texts); co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 22 (1971); Spanish version in Prohemio, 3 (1972), 2; Engl. version in Russian Poetics in Translation, 1 (1975).
- K opisaniiu…, II. Tema i priemy vyrazitel’nosti. Primer vyvoda teksta iz temy. [II. Theme and expressive devices. An example of Theme-Text derivation; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 33 (1972).
- K opisaniiu…, III. Priemy vyrazitel’nosti, c. 1 [III. Expressive devices, pt. 1; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 39 (1973).
- K opisaniiu…, IV. Priemy vyrazitel’nosti, c. 2 [IV. Expressive devices, pt. 2; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 49 (1974).
- K opisaniiu…, V. O poeticheskom mire Pasternaka [V. On Pasternak’s poetic world]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 61 (1974); a revised version in Book No. 3, 205-244.
- K opisaniiu sviazi mezhdu glybinnymi i poverkhnostnymi urovniami khudozhestvennogo teksta [Describing the links between the deep and surface levels of a literary text]. In: Materialy Vsesoiuznogo Simpoziuma po Vtorichnym Modeliruiushchim Sistemam [Materials of the All-Union Symposium on Secondary Modelling Systems], I, 5 (1974), Tartu: TGU, 161-167.
- K poniatiiam “tema” i “poeticheskii mir” [Towards the concepts of “theme” and “poetic world”; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Trudy po znakovym sistemam, 7 (1975), 143-167; Engl. version in Russian Poetics in Translation, 1 (1975).
- Poetics as a theory of expressiveness: Towards a “Theme – Expressiveness Devices – Text” model of literary structure [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Poetics, 5 (1976), 207-246.
- K opisaniiu odnogo tipa semioticheskikh sistem (poeticheskii mir kak sistema invariantov) [Describing one type of semiotic system: poetic world as a system of invariants]. Semiotika i informatika [Semiotics and informatics], 7 (1976), 27-61.
- K opisaniiu…, VI. Poeticheskii mir Pushkina i “Ia vas liubil…”, ch. 1-3 [VI, pts. 1-3. Pushkin’s poetic world and “I loved you once…”]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 76-78 (1976).
- Zametki o tekste, podtekste i tsitatsii u Pasternaka [Notes on text, subtext and quoting in Pasternak]. In: Boris Pasternak. Essays, N. A. Nilsson ed., Stockholm: Almqvist & Wicksell, 1976, 67-84.
- K opisaniiu priema vyrazitel’nosti VAR’IROVANIE [Describing the expressive device of VARIATION; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Semiotika i informatika, 9 (1977), 106-150; Engl. version in Book No. 8.
- On three analogies between linguistics and poetics (semantic invariance, obligatoriness of grammatical meanings, competence vs. performance). Poetics, 6 (1977), 77-106; Russian version in: Semiotika i informatika, 10 (1977).
- Razbor stikhotvoreniia Pushkina “Ia vas liubil…” [An analysis of Pushkin’s poem “I loved you once…”]. Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriia literatury i iazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Literary and linguistic series], 36 (1977), 3, 252-263; an expanded Russian version in Russian literature, 7 (1979), 1-25 (both are short versions of No. 17), and in Book No. 19: 46-59; Engl. version in New Literary History, 9 (1977-78), 264-278, and in Book No. 6.
- The poetic structure of a maxim by La Rochefoucauld: An essay in “Theme – Text” poetics [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Poetics and Theory of Literature 3 (1978), 549-592; Russian version in: Paremiologicheskii sbornik [Essays on paremiology], G. L. Permjakov ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1978 (revised version of No. 9).
- Sovremennaia lingvistika i metodologiia izucheniia literaturnogo proizvedeniia [Modern linguistics and the methodology of the study of literary works; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. In: Tekst. Jezyk. Poetyka, M.-R. Mayenowa ed., Warzawa: Ossolineum, 1978, 217-239.
- K opisaniiu…, VIII. “Voina i mir” dlia detskogo chteniia. Invariantnaia tematiko-vyrazitel’naia struktura detskikh rasskazov L. N. Tolstogo, ch. 1-3 [VIII. “War and Peace” for children’s reading: The invariant thematic-expressive structure of L. N. Tolstoy’s children’s stories, pts. 1-3; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 104-106 (1978); Engl. version in Book No. 8.
- How to show things with words (ob ikonicheskoi realizacii tem sredstvami plana vyrazheniia) [On the iconic representation of themes by expression plane means]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 2 (1978), 5-24, and in Book No. 14; Engl. version in Poetics, 8 (1979), 405-430, and in Book No. 6.
- The window in the poetic world of Boris Pasternak. New Literary History, 9 (1977-78), 279-314, and in Book No. 6; Russian version in Russian Literature, 6 (1978), 1, 1-38 and in Book No. 14.
- At the intersection of linguistics, paremiology and poetics: on the artistic structure of proverbs. Poetics, 7 (1978), 309-332; Russian version in Paremiologicheskii sbornik, G. L. Permjakov ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1978.
- O podgotovke rifmy: PREDVESTIIA i OTKAZY v rifmovke [On the preparation of rhymes: PRESAGES and RECOILS in rhyming]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 4 (1979), 125-151; Engl. version in Book No. 6.
- Rai, zamaskirovannyi pod dvor: Zametki o poeticheskom mire Bulata Okudzhavy [Paradise disguised as a courtyard: Notes on the poetic world of Bulat Okudzhava]. Neue Russische Literatur 1 (1979), 101-120 (Russian version; also in Books No. 7: 279-308, No. 19: 109-135), 281-306 (German version).
- Materialy k opisaniiu poeticheskogo mira Pushkina [Materials towards a description of Pushkin’s poetic world]. In: Russian Romanticism. Studies in the Poetic Codes, N. A. Nilsson ed., Stockholm: Almqvist & Wicksell, 1979, 45-93 (revised version of No. 17), and in Book No. 19: 13-45; short Russian version in Trudy po znakovym sistemam 11 (1979), 3-25; revised Engl. versions in Russian Poetics in Translation 8 (1981), 62-107, and in Book No. 6.
- Invarianty i struktura teksta. Mandel’shtam: “Ja p’iu za voennye astry.” [Invariant motifs and the text structure. Mandelstam’s “I drink to the military asters…”]. Slavica Hierosolymitana 4 (1979), 159-184, and in Books No. 7 and 19: 60-82 ( “Ia p’u za voennye astry..”: Poeticjeskii avtoportret Mandel’shtama” [“I drink to the military asters: Mandelstam’ s poetic self-portrait”]). Shorter version in: Slovo i sud’ba: Osip Mandel’shtam. Issledovaniia i materialy [Word and destiny: Osip Mandelstam. Studies and materials], Z. S. Papernyi ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1991, pp. 413-427.
- Ex ungue leonem: The invariant structure of Leo Tolstoy’s children’s stories [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. VS (Versus) 24 (1979), 3-36; Russian version in Book No. 4 (both are short versions of No. 24).
- The “Eclipsing” construction and its place in the structure of L. Tolstoy’s children’s stories [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Russian Literature, 7 (1979), 121-159; Russian version in Book No. 3, 115-144, and in Book No. 14.
- Comparing poetic worlds. Diacritics, 1980, Winter, 60-74, and in Book No. 6; Russian version in Book No. 4.
- An Essay in Arch Poetics: The Deep and Surface Structures of the Archpoet of Cologne’s “Confession” in Service of an Ambivalent Theme [co-author Yu. Shcheglov]. Working Papers and Pre-publications of the International Center for Linguistics and Semiotics, Urbino: Universita di Urbino, 1981, series B, 103-105, and in Book No. 8, 255-304; Russian version in Book No. 3.
- ‘Obstoiatel’stva velikolepiia’: ob odnoi pasternakovskoi chasti rechi [‘Circumstances of magnificence’: on one Pasternakian part of speech]. In: Voz’mi na radost’. To Honour Jeanne van der Eng, W. Weststeijn et al. eds., Amsterdam: Slavic Seminar, 1980: 157-168.
- O prieme vyrazitel’nosti OTKAZ [On the expressive device of RECOIL; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Slavica Hierosolymitana 5-6 (1981), 109-36 and in Book No. 14; Engl. version in Book No. 8.
- Zametki o “Tsarskosel’skoi statue” [Notes on “A Statue in Tsarskoe Selo”]. Russian Literature Journal, 35 (1981), No. 120 [special Pushkin issue, S. Senderovich guest ed.]: 127-149, and in Book No. 19: 371-389.
- ‘Distributive contact’: a syntactic invariant in Pasternak. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 9 (1982), 119-147.
- Poeziia i grammatika pasternakovskogo “Vetra” [Poetry and grammar in Pasternak’s “Wind”]. Russian Literature 14 (1983), 241-286.
- October 19, 1982, or: The semiotics of a Soviet cookie wrapper. Wiener Slawistischer Alamanach 11 (1983; special Mel’chuk issue), 341-354.
- O Mel’chuke [About Mel’chuk]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 11 (1983; special Mel’chuk issue), 341-354, in Book No. 15, and in Ocherki istorii informatiki v Rossii [Essays in the history of informatics in Russia]. Eds. D. A. Pospelov, Ia. I. Fet. Novosibrsik: Nauchno-izdatel’skii Tsentr OIGGM SO RAN, 1998. P. 351-358 and in Book No. 17.
- Pun and Punishment: The Structure of a Bertrand Russell Aphorism. In: Themes and Texts. Toward a Poetics of Expressivenes, Ithaca and London: Cornell UPress, 1984. P. 112-131. Early Russian version in Book No. 3, pp. 47-60, short Russian version in Book No. 6, pp. 134-142.
- The ‘sinister’ in the poetic world of Pasternak. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 29 (1984), 109-131. Russian version in the Library of “Novyi mir” (The New World).
- Seven “winds”: translations of Pasternak’s “Veter.” In Language and Literary Theory, B. Stolz et al. eds., Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1984, 623-643.
- “Pobeda” Vasiliia Aksenova [Aksenov’s “Victory”]. Dvadtsat’ dva [Twenty two] 36 (1984), 194-208; revised version in Books No. 7, 14; Engl. version in To Honor Vasilij Aksenov, E. Mozejko ed., Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1986.
- Poems. In Discourse and Literature, T.A. van Dijk ed., Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985, 105-119.
- Iz zapisok po poezii grammatiki [From notes on the poetry of grammar]: On Pasternak’s figurative voices. Russian Linguistics (special Zalizniak issue; W. Lehfeldt guest ed.), 9 (1985), 375-386. Russian version in Kritika i semiotika, 7(2004), 203-216, and in Book No. 19: 489-501
- Chuzhikh pevtsov bluzhdaiushchie sny. O tsitatnykh pereklichkakh poetov [The wandering dreams of alien bards. On intertextuality in Russian poetry]. Russkaia mysl’ [Russian thought (Paris)], 3572-3574 (1985) and in Books No. 10, 11.
- “Fro”: piat’ prochtenii [(Platonov’s) “Fro”: five readings]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 1989, 12, 23-49, and “Dusha, dal’ i tekhnologiia chuda (Piat’ prochtenii “Fro”)” [Soul, distance and the technology of miracle (Five readings of “Fro”)] in Andrei Platonov. Mir tvorchestva [Andrei Platonov: His creative world), N. Kornienko. E. Shubina eds., Moscow: Sovremenyi pisatel’, 1994: 373-396; Engl. version, The codes and contexts of Platonov’s “Fro”, in Book No. 12: 270-296. Brief early Russian version: Tekhnologiia chuda i ee razoblachenie (zametki o Platonove) [The technology of miracle and its unmasking (notes on Platonov)]. Russkaia mysl’, 3600 (1985).
- Mekhanizmy vtorogo rozhdeniia [The dynamics of the second birth]. Sintaksis [Syntax (Paris)] 14 (1985), 77-97, Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 1990, 2, 35-41; Alexander ZholkovskyLIST OF PUBLICATIONS
The following list consists of two sections: books (23 items; 22 in print) and articles (244 items), the latter comprising two areas: linguistics–Russian, Somali, and general (44 items) and literature–theory and criticism (200 items). Various versions of an article are listed together as one item.
- Sintaksis somali. Glubinnye i poverkhnostnye struktury [Somali syntax. Deep and surface structures]. Moscow: Nauka, 1971.; M.: LKI, 2007. 272 pp.
- Matematika i iskusstvo (poetika vyrazitel’nosti) [Mathematics and art: A poetics of expressiveness; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Moscow: Znanie, 1976. 65 pp. Engl. version in No. 8.
- Poetika vyrazitel’nosti. Sbornik statei [Poetics of expressiveness: Essays; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 2. Vienna, 1980. 257 pp.
- [Essays in a Poetics of Expressiveness; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Russian Literature, Special Issue 11 (1982), 1.
- Tolkovo-kombinatornyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka [Explanatory and combinatorial dictionary of Modern Russian; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 14. Vienna, 1984, 992 pp.
- Themes and Texts: Toward a Poetics of Expressiveness. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1984. 300 pp.
- Mir avtora i struktura teksta. Stat’i o russkoi literature [The author’s world and the structure of the text: Essays on Russian literature; co-author Iu. Shcheglov]. Tenafly, N.J.: Hermitage, 1986. 348 pp.
- Poetics of Expressiveness: A Theory and Applications [co-author Yu. Shcheglov; intro. and ed. A. Zholkovsky]. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987. 361 pp.
- NRZB. Rasskazy [“Illegible”. Fictions]. Moscow: Vesy, 1991. 134 pp.
- Bluzhdaiushchie sny [Wandering dreams]. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1992. 430 pp.
- Bluzhdaiushchie sny i drugie raboty [Wandering dreams and other studies]. Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaia literatura, 1994. 428 pp.
- Text Counter Text. Rereadings in Russian Literary History. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper). 370 pp.
- Babel’/Babel [ Isaak Babel; co-author M. B. Yampolsky]. Moscow: Carte blanche, 1994. 444 pp.
- Raboty po poetike vyrazitel’nosti. Invarianty – tema – priemy – tekst [Studies in a poetics of expressiveness: Invariants – theme – device – text; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Moscow: Progress-Univers, 1996. 344 pp.
- Inventsii [Inventions]. Moscow: Gendalf, 1995. 248 pp.
- Mikhail Zoshchenko: Poetika nedoveriia [Mikhail Zoshchenko: A Poetics of Mistrust]. M.: Shkola “Iazyki Russkoi Kul’tury,” 1999. 393 pp.; M.: LKI, 2007. 392 pp.
- Memuarnye vin’etki i drugie non-fictions [Memoiristic vignettes and other non-fictions]. St.Petersburg, Nizhini Novgorod: URBI, 2000. 244 pp.
- Erosiped i drugie vin’etki [Erosiped and other vignettes]. M., Vodolei, 2003. 624 pp.
- Izbrannye stat’i o russkoi poezii: Invarianty, struktury, strategii, interteksty [Selected Essays on Russian Poetry: Invariants, Structures, Strategies, Intertexts]. Moscow: RGGU, 2005: 654 pp.
- NRZB (Rasskazy). Allegro Mafioso( Vin’etki) [Illegible ( fictions). Allegro mafioso (vignettes)]. Moscow: OGI, 2005. 272 pp.
- Poltora rasskaza Babelia: “Giui de Mopassan” i “Spravka/Gonorar”. Struktura, smysl, fon [Isaak Babel’s a Story and a Half: “Guy de Maupassant” and “Anwer to Inquiry/First Fee”. Structure, meaning, background]. Moscow: Komkniga (URSS), 2006. 288 P.
- Zvezdy i nemogo nervno. Memuarnye vin’etki [Stars and somewhat nervous. Memoiristic vignettes], Moscow: Vremia, 2008. 320 pp.
- Ostorozhno, trenozhnik! [Beware of the Tripod!] Moscow, Vremia, 2010. 496 pp.
- Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia [Modern and Recent Russian Poetry]. Moscow: RGGU, 2009. 368 pp.
- Poetika Borisa Pasternaka: Invarianty, struktury, interteksty [Pasternak’s poetics: Invariants, structures, intertexts]. Moscow, NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 608 pp.
- Poetika Borisa Pasternaka: Invarianty, struktury, interteksty [Pasternak’s poetics: Invariants, structures, intertexts]. Moscow, NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 608 pp.
- Iurii Shecheglov. Prosa. Poeziia. Poetika. Izbrannye raboty [Prose. Poetry. Poetics. Selected studies]. Ed. by A. K. Zholkovskii and V. A. Shcheglova. Moscow: NLO [New Literary Survey], 2012. 576 pp.
In Preparation
28. Russkaia infinitivnaia poeziia XVIII-XX vekov [Russian Infinitive Poetry. 18th-20th centuries]
A. Linguistics
- O printsipial’nom ispol’zovanii smysla pri mashinnom perevode [On the relevance of meaning to machine translation; co-authors N. N. Leont’eva, Iu. S. Martem’ianov]. In: Mashinnyi perevod. Trudy ITM i VT AN SSSR [Machine translation. Papers of the Precision Mechanics and Computation Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences], v. 2, 1960; English version in: Essays on Lexical Semantics, V. Ju. Rozencvejg ed., 2 vols., Stockholm: Skriptor, 1974, , v. 1.
- Raboty Charni po strukturnoi semantike [Elisabeth Charney’s work in structural semantics]. Voprosy iazykoznaniia [Problems of linguistics], 1961, 6.
- Raboty Kembridzhskoi gruppy po mashinnomu perevodu [Cambridge Language Research Unit’s papers on and in machine translation]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika [Machine translation and applied linguistics], 1961, 5.
- O pravilakh semanticheskogo analiza [On rules for semantic analysis], Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1964, 8; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- Leksika tselesoobraznoi deiatel’nosti [The vocabulary of purposeful activty], Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1964, 8: 67-103; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- Raboty Sepira po strukturnoi semantike [Sapir’s work in structural semantics], Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika 1964, 8; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- 7. Predislovie [Introduction (to the collected papers of the Laboratory of Machine Translation of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages)]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1964, 8: 3-16; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 1.
- O vozmozhnom metode i instrumentakh semanticheskogo sinteza [On a possible method and tools for the semantic synthesis of texts; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia [Scientific-technological information], 1966, 11.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, I. Stroenie slovaria [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, I. The structure of the dictionary; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, 1966, 11.
- Posledovatel’nosti predglagol’nykh chastits v jazyke somali [Sequences of preverbal particles in Somali]. In: Jazyki Afriki [The Languages of Africa], B. A. Uspenskii ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1966.
- K leksikograficheskomu opisaniiu somaliiskikh sushchestvitel’nykh [On the lexicographic description of Somali nouns]. Narody Asii i Afriki [The peoples of Asia and Africa], 1967, 1.
- O semanticheskom sinteze [On the semantic synthesis of texts; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Problemy kibernetiki [Problems of cybernetics], 1967, 19; French version, T. A. informations, 1970, N2.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, II. Pravila perifrazirovaniia [On a system for the semantic synthesis, II. Periphrasing rules; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk], Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsija, series 2, 1967, 2.
- Sintaksis nezavisimogo utverditel’nogo predlozheniia v jazyke somali [The syntactic structure of the independent affirmative sentence in Somali; abstract of the Ph. D. dissertation]. Moscow: MGU, 1968.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, III. Obraztsy slovarnykh statei [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, III. Samples of dictionary entries; co-authors Iu. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, series 2, 1968, 11.
- K postroeniiu deistvuiushchei modeli jazyka “Smysl – Tekst” [Towards a functioning ‘Meaning – Text’ model of language; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1969, 11; and in: Sign, Language, Culture, A. J. Greimas et al. eds., The Hague: Mouton, 1970; Engl. version in Linguistics, 1970, 57, May, and in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 2.
- Ob odnom sposobe izucheniia sochetaemosti slov [On a method for the study of lexical co-occurence; co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. Russkii jazyk v natsional’noi shkole [The Russian language in an ethnic school], 1969, 6.
- Materialy k russko-somaliiskomu slovariu [Materials for a Russian-Somali dictionary]. Mashinnyi perevod i prikladnaia lingvistika, 1970, 13. Also in: Voprosy afrikanskoi filologii [Problems of African philology], N. V. Okhotina ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1974; Engl. version in Rozencvejg ed., 1974, v. 2.
- O glubinnom i poverkhnostnom sintaksise (na materiale jazyka somali) [On the deep and surface syntax (as applied to Somali material)], Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 5 (1970), and in Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriia literatury i jazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Literary and linguistic series], 29 (1970), 5.
- Vyrazhenie v jazyke somali gruppy znachenii, sviazannykh s ideei stepeni [The expression in Somali of the idea of grading]. In: Problemy afrikanskogo jazykoznaniia [Problems of African linguistics], N. V. Okhotina and B. A. Uspenskii eds., Moscow: Nauka, 1971.
21-34. Materialy k tolkovo-kombinatornomu slovariu russkogo jazyka [Materials for an explanatory and combinatorial dictionary of Modern Russian; co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk, et. al.]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii Problemnoi Gruppy po Eksperimental’noi i Prikladnoi Lingvistike Instituta Russkogo Jazyka AN SSSR[Preliminary publications of the Problem Group for the Experimental and Applied Linguistics of the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences], 1970, 2, 4; 1971, 14, 23; 1972, 26, 28, 29; 1973, 34, 35, 42; 1976, 30; Engl. version of some of these in No. 33. - Eksperimental’nyi fragment anglo-russkogo tolkovo-kombinatornogo slovaria v protsesse perevoda [An experimental fragment of an English-Russian automatic explanatory and combinatorial dictionary in the process of (simulated automatic) translation; co-authors I. A. Mel’chuk, Z. M. Shaliapina]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 16 (1971).
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, IV. Obraztsy slovarnykh statei [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, IV. Samples of dictionary entries; co-author I. A. Mel’chuk]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, series 2, 1972, 9.
- Into i out of – k semanticheskomu tolkovaniiu dvukh angliiskikh predlogov [Into and out of: Towards a semantic definition of two English prepositions; co-author T. V. Pivovarova], Informatsionnye voprosy semiotiki, lingvistiki i avtomaticheskogo perevoda [Informatic problems of semiotics, linguistics and automatic translation (Moscow: VINITI)], 1972, v. 3.
- Semantics and lexicography: towards a new type of unilingual dictionary [co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. In: Studies in Syntax and Semantics, F. Kiefer ed., Dordrecht-Holland: D. Reidel, 1970.
- Proba objasniajaco-kombinatorycznego slownika jezyka rosyjskiego [Compiling an explanatory-combinatory dictionary of modern Russian; co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I.A. Mel’chuk]. In: Semantyka i Slownik [Semantics and the dictionary], M.-R. Mayenowa ed.; Warszawa: Ossolineum, 1972.
- Materials for an explanatory-combinatory dictionary of modern Russian [co-authors Ju. D. Apresian, I. A. Mel’chuk]. In: Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics, F. Kiefer ed., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, USA: D. Reidel, 1973.
- O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza, V. Obraztsy slovarnykh statei [On a system for the semantic synthesis of texts, V. Samples of dictionary entries; co-author E. E. Razlogova]. Informatsionnye voprosy semiotiki, lingvistiki i avtomaticheskogo perevoda, 1974, v. 4.
- O nekotorykh utochneniiakh i popravkakh k sisteme perifrazirovaniia [Perfecting the periphrasing system]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, 1977, 5.
- Vokabula “CHUVSTVO” v tolkovo-kombinatornom slovare sovremennogo russkogo jazyka [The entry “FEELING” in the explanatory combinatorial dictionary of Modern Russian; co-authors L. Iordanskaia, I. Mel’chuk], Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 13, 1984, 87-109.
- The Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary (co-author I. Mel’chuk), in Relational Models of the Lexicon, ed. by Martha Evans, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 41-74.
B. Literature
- Ob usilenii [On amplification]. In: Strukturno-tipologicheskie issledovaniia [Structural-typological studies], T. Moloshnaia ed., Moscow: Institut Slavianovedeniia AN SSSR, 1962, 161-171; Italian version in: I sistemi di segni e lo strutturalismo Sovietico, R. Faccani, U. Eco, eds., Milano: Bompiani, 1969.
- Deus ex machina. Trudy po znakovym sistemam [Studies in sign sistems (Tartu: TGU)], 3 (1967), 146-155, and in: Sign, Language, Culture, A. J. Greimas ed., The Hague: Mouton, 539-547; Italian version in: I sistemi di segni e lo structturalismo Sovietico, R. Faccani, U. Eco eds., Milano: Bompiani, 1969; Engl. version in Book No. 6.
- Iz predystorii sovetskikh rabot po strukturnoi poetike [From the prehistory of the Soviet research in structural poetics, co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Trudy po znakovym sistemam, 3 (1967), 367-377; Engl. version in Soviet Studies in Literature. A Journal of Translations, 31 (1985), No. 3-4, Carol Any guest ed.
- Strukturnaia poetika – porozhdaiushchaia poetika [Structural poetics is generative poetics; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 1967, 1, 74-89; German version in: Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, J. Ihwe ed., Frankfurt am Main: Athenaum Fischer, 1972; English version in: Soviet Semiotics, D. Lucid ed., Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.
- Porozhdaiushchaia poetika v rabotakh S. M. Eizenshteina [A generative poetics in the works of S. M. Eisenstein]. In: Sign, Language, Culture. A. J. Greimas et al. ed., The Hague: Mouton, 1970, 451-468, and in Book No. 14; Ital. version in: Cinema e Film, 1967, 1 (3); French version in: Ca (Cinema), 1975, 7/8; Span. version in: Semiologia del Teatro, J. M. D. Borque and L. Lorenzo eds., Barcelona: Planeta; Engl. version in Russian Poetics in Translation, 8 (1981), 40-61, and in Book No. 6.
- Somaliiskii rasskaz “Ispytanie proritsatelia.” Opyt porozhdaijushchego opisaniia [The Somali story “A Soothsayer’s Trial”. An attempt of a generative analysis]. Narody Asii i Afriki [The peoples of Asia and Africa], 1970, 1:104-115; Spanish version in Prohemio, 1 (1970),3; French version in: Analyse et validation dans l’etude des donnees textuelles, M. Borillo, J. Virbel eds., Paris: CNRS, 1977; Engl. version in Book No. 6, pp. 85-98; short Engl. version in : A Soothsayer Tested. Somali Folktales, ed. and transl. by G.L. Kapchits, Moscow: The Way, 2006, pp. 205-217.
- 6а. “
- ” [A Soothsayer’s Triial]. Transl. from Somali A. Zholkovskii. In: Skazki Narodov Afriki [Folktales of Africa]. Eds. A. A. Zhukov and S. Kotliar. M.: Nauka, 1976. P. 522-534.
- “Otsutstvuiushchaia struktura” Umberto Eco [U. Eco’s “Absent Structure”]. Voprosy filosofii [Problems of philosophy], 1970, 2.
- K opisaniju smysla svjaznogo teksta (na materiale khudozestvennykh tekstov) [Describing the meaning of a coherent text (as applied to artistic texts); co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 22 (1971); Spanish version in Prohemio, 3 (1972), 2; Engl. version in Russian Poetics in Translation, 1 (1975).
- K opisaniiu…, II. Tema i priemy vyrazitel’nosti. Primer vyvoda teksta iz temy. [II. Theme and expressive devices. An example of Theme-Text derivation; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 33 (1972).
- K opisaniiu…, III. Priemy vyrazitel’nosti, c. 1 [III. Expressive devices, pt. 1; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 39 (1973).
- K opisaniiu…, IV. Priemy vyrazitel’nosti, c. 2 [IV. Expressive devices, pt. 2; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 49 (1974).
- K opisaniiu…, V. O poeticheskom mire Pasternaka [V. On Pasternak’s poetic world]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 61 (1974); a revised version in Book No. 3, 205-244.
- K opisaniiu sviazi mezhdu glybinnymi i poverkhnostnymi urovniami khudozhestvennogo teksta [Describing the links between the deep and surface levels of a literary text]. In: Materialy Vsesoiuznogo Simpoziuma po Vtorichnym Modeliruiushchim Sistemam [Materials of the All-Union Symposium on Secondary Modelling Systems], I, 5 (1974), Tartu: TGU, 161-167.
- K poniatiiam “tema” i “poeticheskii mir” [Towards the concepts of “theme” and “poetic world”; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Trudy po znakovym sistemam, 7 (1975), 143-167; Engl. version in Russian Poetics in Translation, 1 (1975).
- Poetics as a theory of expressiveness: Towards a “Theme – Expressiveness Devices – Text” model of literary structure [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Poetics, 5 (1976), 207-246.
- K opisaniiu odnogo tipa semioticheskikh sistem (poeticheskii mir kak sistema invariantov) [Describing one type of semiotic system: poetic world as a system of invariants]. Semiotika i informatika [Semiotics and informatics], 7 (1976), 27-61.
- K opisaniiu…, VI. Poeticheskii mir Pushkina i “Ia vas liubil…”, ch. 1-3 [VI, pts. 1-3. Pushkin’s poetic world and “I loved you once…”]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 76-78 (1976).
- Zametki o tekste, podtekste i tsitatsii u Pasternaka [Notes on text, subtext and quoting in Pasternak]. In: Boris Pasternak. Essays, N. A. Nilsson ed., Stockholm: Almqvist & Wicksell, 1976, 67-84.
- K opisaniiu priema vyrazitel’nosti VAR’IROVANIE [Describing the expressive device of VARIATION; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Semiotika i informatika, 9 (1977), 106-150; Engl. version in Book No. 8.
- On three analogies between linguistics and poetics (semantic invariance, obligatoriness of grammatical meanings, competence vs. performance). Poetics, 6 (1977), 77-106; Russian version in: Semiotika i informatika, 10 (1977).
- Razbor stikhotvoreniia Pushkina “Ia vas liubil…” [An analysis of Pushkin’s poem “I loved you once…”]. Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriia literatury i iazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Literary and linguistic series], 36 (1977), 3, 252-263; an expanded Russian version in Russian literature, 7 (1979), 1-25 (both are short versions of No. 17), and in Book No. 19: 46-59; Engl. version in New Literary History, 9 (1977-78), 264-278, and in Book No. 6.
- The poetic structure of a maxim by La Rochefoucauld: An essay in “Theme – Text” poetics [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Poetics and Theory of Literature 3 (1978), 549-592; Russian version in: Paremiologicheskii sbornik [Essays on paremiology], G. L. Permjakov ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1978 (revised version of No. 9).
- Sovremennaia lingvistika i metodologiia izucheniia literaturnogo proizvedeniia [Modern linguistics and the methodology of the study of literary works; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. In: Tekst. Jezyk. Poetyka, M.-R. Mayenowa ed., Warzawa: Ossolineum, 1978, 217-239.
- K opisaniiu…, VIII. “Voina i mir” dlia detskogo chteniia. Invariantnaia tematiko-vyrazitel’naia struktura detskikh rasskazov L. N. Tolstogo, ch. 1-3 [VIII. “War and Peace” for children’s reading: The invariant thematic-expressive structure of L. N. Tolstoy’s children’s stories, pts. 1-3; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Predvaritel’nye publikatsii…, 104-106 (1978); Engl. version in Book No. 8.
- How to show things with words (ob ikonicheskoi realizacii tem sredstvami plana vyrazheniia) [On the iconic representation of themes by expression plane means]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 2 (1978), 5-24, and in Book No. 14; Engl. version in Poetics, 8 (1979), 405-430, and in Book No. 6.
- The window in the poetic world of Boris Pasternak. New Literary History, 9 (1977-78), 279-314, and in Book No. 6; Russian version in Russian Literature, 6 (1978), 1, 1-38 and in Book No. 14.
- At the intersection of linguistics, paremiology and poetics: on the artistic structure of proverbs. Poetics, 7 (1978), 309-332; Russian version in Paremiologicheskii sbornik, G. L. Permjakov ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1978.
- O podgotovke rifmy: PREDVESTIIA i OTKAZY v rifmovke [On the preparation of rhymes: PRESAGES and RECOILS in rhyming]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 4 (1979), 125-151; Engl. version in Book No. 6.
- Rai, zamaskirovannyi pod dvor: Zametki o poeticheskom mire Bulata Okudzhavy [Paradise disguised as a courtyard: Notes on the poetic world of Bulat Okudzhava]. Neue Russische Literatur 1 (1979), 101-120 (Russian version; also in Books No. 7: 279-308, No. 19: 109-135), 281-306 (German version).
- Materialy k opisaniiu poeticheskogo mira Pushkina [Materials towards a description of Pushkin’s poetic world]. In: Russian Romanticism. Studies in the Poetic Codes, N. A. Nilsson ed., Stockholm: Almqvist & Wicksell, 1979, 45-93 (revised version of No. 17), and in Book No. 19: 13-45; short Russian version in Trudy po znakovym sistemam 11 (1979), 3-25; revised Engl. versions in Russian Poetics in Translation 8 (1981), 62-107, and in Book No. 6.
- Invarianty i struktura teksta. Mandel’shtam: “Ja p’iu za voennye astry.” [Invariant motifs and the text structure. Mandelstam’s “I drink to the military asters…”]. Slavica Hierosolymitana 4 (1979), 159-184, and in Books No. 7 and 19: 60-82 ( “Ia p’u za voennye astry..”: Poeticjeskii avtoportret Mandel’shtama” [“I drink to the military asters: Mandelstam’ s poetic self-portrait”]). Shorter version in: Slovo i sud’ba: Osip Mandel’shtam. Issledovaniia i materialy [Word and destiny: Osip Mandelstam. Studies and materials], Z. S. Papernyi ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1991, pp. 413-427.
- Ex ungue leonem: The invariant structure of Leo Tolstoy’s children’s stories [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. VS (Versus) 24 (1979), 3-36; Russian version in Book No. 4 (both are short versions of No. 24).
- The “Eclipsing” construction and its place in the structure of L. Tolstoy’s children’s stories [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Russian Literature, 7 (1979), 121-159; Russian version in Book No. 3, 115-144, and in Book No. 14.
- Comparing poetic worlds. Diacritics, 1980, Winter, 60-74, and in Book No. 6; Russian version in Book No. 4.
- An Essay in Arch Poetics: The Deep and Surface Structures of the Archpoet of Cologne’s “Confession” in Service of an Ambivalent Theme [co-author Yu. Shcheglov]. Working Papers and Pre-publications of the International Center for Linguistics and Semiotics, Urbino: Universita di Urbino, 1981, series B, 103-105, and in Book No. 8, 255-304; Russian version in Book No. 3.
- ‘Obstoiatel’stva velikolepiia’: ob odnoi pasternakovskoi chasti rechi [‘Circumstances of magnificence’: on one Pasternakian part of speech]. In: Voz’mi na radost’. To Honour Jeanne van der Eng, W. Weststeijn et al. eds., Amsterdam: Slavic Seminar, 1980: 157-168.
- O prieme vyrazitel’nosti OTKAZ [On the expressive device of RECOIL; co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Slavica Hierosolymitana 5-6 (1981), 109-36 and in Book No. 14; Engl. version in Book No. 8.
- Zametki o “Tsarskosel’skoi statue” [Notes on “A Statue in Tsarskoe Selo”]. Russian Literature Journal, 35 (1981), No. 120 [special Pushkin issue, S. Senderovich guest ed.]: 127-149, and in Book No. 19: 371-389.
- ‘Distributive contact’: a syntactic invariant in Pasternak. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 9 (1982), 119-147.
- Poeziia i grammatika pasternakovskogo “Vetra” [Poetry and grammar in Pasternak’s “Wind”]. Russian Literature 14 (1983), 241-286.
- October 19, 1982, or: The semiotics of a Soviet cookie wrapper. Wiener Slawistischer Alamanach 11 (1983; special Mel’chuk issue), 341-354.
- O Mel’chuke [About Mel’chuk]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 11 (1983; special Mel’chuk issue), 341-354, in Book No. 15, and in Ocherki istorii informatiki v Rossii [Essays in the history of informatics in Russia]. Eds. D. A. Pospelov, Ia. I. Fet. Novosibrsik: Nauchno-izdatel’skii Tsentr OIGGM SO RAN, 1998. P. 351-358 and in Book No. 17.
- Pun and Punishment: The Structure of a Bertrand Russell Aphorism. In: Themes and Texts. Toward a Poetics of Expressivenes, Ithaca and London: Cornell UPress, 1984. P. 112-131. Early Russian version in Book No. 3, pp. 47-60, short Russian version in Book No. 6, pp. 134-142.
- The ‘sinister’ in the poetic world of Pasternak. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 29 (1984), 109-131. Russian version in the Library of “Novyi mir” (The New World).
- Seven “winds”: translations of Pasternak’s “Veter.” In Language and Literary Theory, B. Stolz et al. eds., Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1984, 623-643.
- “Pobeda” Vasiliia Aksenova [Aksenov’s “Victory”]. Dvadtsat’ dva [Twenty two] 36 (1984), 194-208; revised version in Books No. 7, 14; Engl. version in To Honor Vasilij Aksenov, E. Mozejko ed., Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1986.
- Poems. In Discourse and Literature, T.A. van Dijk ed., Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985, 105-119.
- Iz zapisok po poezii grammatiki [From notes on the poetry of grammar]: On Pasternak’s figurative voices. Russian Linguistics (special Zalizniak issue; W. Lehfeldt guest ed.), 9 (1985), 375-386. Russian version in Kritika i semiotika, 7(2004), 203-216, and in Book No. 19: 489-501
- Chuzhikh pevtsov bluzhdaiushchie sny. O tsitatnykh pereklichkakh poetov [The wandering dreams of alien bards. On intertextuality in Russian poetry]. Russkaia mysl’ [Russian thought (Paris)], 3572-3574 (1985) and in Books No. 10, 11.
- “Fro”: piat’ prochtenii [(Platonov’s) “Fro”: five readings]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 1989, 12, 23-49, and “Dusha, dal’ i tekhnologiia chuda (Piat’ prochtenii “Fro”)” [Soul, distance and the technology of miracle (Five readings of “Fro”)] in Andrei Platonov. Mir tvorchestva [Andrei Platonov: His creative world), N. Kornienko. E. Shubina eds., Moscow: Sovremenyi pisatel’, 1994: 373-396; Engl. version, The codes and contexts of Platonov’s “Fro”, in Book No. 12: 270-296. Brief early Russian version: Tekhnologiia chuda i ee razoblachenie (zametki o Platonove) [The technology of miracle and its unmasking (notes on Platonov)]. Russkaia mysl’, 3600 (1985).
- Mekhanizmy vtorogo rozhdeniia [The dynamics of the second birth]. Sintaksis [Syntax (Paris)] 14 (1985), 77-97, Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 1990, 2, 35-41; revised version (“Mne xochetsia domoi, v ogromnost’…” Pasternaka: sotsial’nyi zakaz, tematika, struktura [Pasternak’s “I Want to Go Home, into the Hugeness…”: Social command, thematics, structure] in Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriia literatury i jazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Literary and linguistic series], 50 (1991) (1): 20-34; French vers. (Instruments pour l’analyse thematique appliques a un poeme de Pasternak) in Strumenti Critici, 4 (1989), 2, 179-91. Expanded Engl. version in Book No. 12.
- Iskusstvo prisposobleniia [The art of adaptation]. Grani [Facets], 38 (1985), 78-97, Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 1990, 6, 6-51, and in Books No. 10, 11.
- Writing in the wilderness: on Brodskii and a sonnet. Slavic and East European Journal, 30 (1986), 3, 404-419; revised Engl. version: De- and re-constructing a classic: “I loved you” by Joseph Brodsky in Book No. 12: 117-146; Russian version in Poetika Brodskogo [Brodsky’s Poetics], L. Losev ed., Tenafly, N.J.: Hermitage, 1986, 38-62, and in Books No. 10, 11 (“Ia vas liubil…” Brodskogo [Joseph Brodsky’s “I loved you once…”]; pp. 205-224, and Book No. 19: 292-308.
- Grafomanstvo kak priem: Lebiadkin, Khlebnikov, Limonov i drugie [Graphomania as Technique: Lebiadkin, Khlebnikov, Limonov and others]. In: Velimir Chlebnikov: Myth and Reality. 1885-1985, W.Westteijn ed., Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1986, 573-593, and in Books No. 10, 11.
- Zamiatin, Orvell i Khvorob’ev. O snakh novogo tipa [Zamiatin, Orwell, and Khvorob’ev: On a new type of dream]. Grani [Facets], 140 (1986), 178-212, and in Books No. 11, 12. Engl. version A dystopian “Newdream” Fivefold : Analyzing Ilf and Petrov’s Closet Monarchist in Book No. 12: 241-269, and in Slavic Review 48 (1989), 1, 36-53.
- Lev Tolstoi i Mikhail Zoshchenko kav zerkalo i zazerkal’e russkoi revoliutsii [Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Zoshchenko, and the Russian Revolution]. Sintaksis, 16 (1986), 103-129, Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 1990, 4, 54-76, and in Books No. 10, 11; Engl. version Through Revolution’s looking-glass: Tolstoy into Zoshchenko in Book No. 12: 35-57.
- Liubovnaia lodka, upriazh’ dlia Pegasa i pokhoronnaia kolybel’naia: tri stikhotvoreniia i tri perioda Pasternaka [A love boat, a harness for Pegassus, and a funereal lullaby: three poems and three periods of Pasternak] in Book 7: 228-254; short French version: La poetique de Pasternak. In: Histoire de la literature russe. Le XX-e siecle. Gels et degeles. Ed. by E. Etkind, G. Nivat, I. Serman, V. Strada. Paris, Fayard, 1990: 488-504. Short Russian version (manuscript).
- O genii i zlodeistve, o babe i vserossiiskom masshtabe (Progulki po Maiakovskomu) [About genius and villainy, about stupid women, and the all-Russian scale] in Books No. 7: 255-278, No. 11: 247-275, and No. 19: 195-220.
- Poetu nastoiashchemu spasibo… (O novykh stikhakh B. Okudzhavy) [Many thanks to a genuine poet… (On B. Okudzava’s new poems)]. Strana i mir [The nation and the world], 1987, 4 [40], 133-140.
- Dialog Bulgakova i Oleshi o kolbase, parade chuvstv i Golgofe [The dialogue between Olesa and Bulgakov about salami, the parade of emotions, and the Calvary]. Sintaksis 20 (1987), 25-55; revised version in Books No, 11, 12; revised Engl. version A duet in three movements: Bulgakov — Olesha – Bulgakov in Book No. 12: 181-212.
- Vliublenno-blednye nartsissy o vremeni i o sebe [Pale enamoured narcissi on time and themselves]. Beseda [Conversation (Paris)] 6 (1987), 144-177; revised version in Books No. 10, 11.
- [Review of] O. Ronen, An Approach to Mandel’stam, Jerusalem, 1983. Slavic and East European Journal 31 (1987): 115-117.
- Intertextuality, its content and discontents (review article of I. P. Smirnov’s Porozhdenie intertexta [Generating the intertext]). Slavic Review, 47 (1988) 4, 726-729.
- Three on courtship, corpses, and culture (Tolstoy, “After the Ball,” Zoshchenko, “Lady with Flowers,” E. Ginzburg, “Paradise under the Microscope.” Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 22 (1989), 7-24; revised version in Book No. 12: 66-87; Russ. version in Books No. 11, 12.
- The beauty mark and the ‘I’s of the beholder. In Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis, D. Rancour-Laferriere ed., Amsterdam: John Benjamins 1989, 329-352, revised version in Book No. 12: 147-163, short Russian version Book No. 11: 234-242, complete Russian version (forthcoming) to appear as: Intertekstual ponevole (Limonov’s “Ia v mysliakh poderzhu drugogo cheloveka…” [Intertextual malgre lui (Limonov’s “I will hold another person in my thoughts…”)] in Book No. 19: 309-326.
- The stylistic roots of Palisandria. Canadian-American Slavic Studies (special Sasha Sokolov issue; D. Barton Johnson guest ed.) 21, Nos. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1987 [actually publ. 1990], 369-400).
- “Legkoe dykhanie” i “Stantsionnyi smotritel’”: Problemy kompozitsii [“Light Breathing” and “The Station Master”: Problems of composition]. In Cultural Mythologies of Russian Modernism: From the Golden Age to the Silver Age, ed. by Boris Gasparov, Robert P. Hughes, and Irina Paperno, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Oxford, University of California Press, 1992: 293-314, and in Books No. 10, 11; expanded Engl. version A study in framing: Pushkin, Bunin, Nabokov, and theories of story and discourse in Book No. 12: 88-116.
- Poetry of grammar, poetic worlds and grammatical motifs. In Semiotics 1982, John Deely and Jonathan Evans eds., Bloomington: Lanham, New York and London: University Press of America, 1987: 129-138.
- Levels, domains, invariants: A format for the description of poems. In Semiotics 1983, John Deely and Jonathan Evans eds. Lanham, New York and London: University Press of America, 1987: 333-345.
- Mezhdu zhanrami [Between genres] in: Tsel’nost’. O tvorchestve L. Ia. Ginzburg [Integrity. On the work of L. Ja Ginzburg; by several participants]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 1989 (10): 78-86 (p. 83) and in Books No. 9: 131-133, 15: 154-157, 18: 580-586; English version, “Between Genres,” in a collection of essays on Ginzburg, ed. by Jane Harris as a special issue of Canadian-American Slavic Studies 28 (1994) 2-3: 157-160.
- The terrible armor-clad general line: A new profile of Eisenstein’s poetics. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, special volume 31 (Psychopoetik. Beitraege zur Tagung “Psychologie und Literatur,” Muenchen 1991, ed. by A. Hansen-Loeve) 1992: 481-502; a revised version, Eisenstein’s poetics: dialogical or totalitarian? in: Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian Avant-Garde and Cultural Experiment, ed. by John E. Bowlt and Olga Matich, Stanford UP, 1996: 245-256; Russ. version in Kinovedcheskie zapiski 16, in Book No. 11: 296-311.
- Rereading Gogol’s miswritten book: notes on Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends, in Essays on Gogol: Logos and the Russian Word, ed. by S. Fusso and P. Meyer, Evanston, Illinois: Nothwestern University Press, 1992: 172-84, and in Book No. 12: 17-34; Russian version in Books No. 10, 11.
- Morfologiia i istoricheskie korni “Posle bala” L. N. Tolstogo (jazychestvo i khristianstvo) [The Morphology and Historical Roots of L. N. Tolstoy’s “After the Ball” (Paganism and Christianity)], in Christianity and the Eastern Slavs, 3 vls, ed. by B. Gasparov, R. Hughes, I. Paperno, and O, Raevsky-Hughes, UC Press, v. 3 (16-38), in Daugava [Riga] 1990, 12: 80-93, and in Books No. 10, 11: 87-102; short Engl. version in Sprache – Text – Kultur, ed. by K. Eimermacher and P. Grzybek, Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1991: 271-9; revised Engl. version in Book No. 12: 59-87.
- Biografiia, struktura, tsitatsiia (eshche neskol’ko puskinskikh podtekstov) [Biography, structure, quoting: some Pushkinian subtexts]. In: Tainy remesla. Akhmatovskie chteniia, II [Craft’s secrets. Akhmatova studies, II], ed. by N. Koroleva and S. A. Kovalenko, Moscow: Nasledie, 1992: 20-29, and in Book No. 19: 271-279. Expanded Engl. version, To Cross or Not to Cross: Akhmatova’s “Sacred Boundary”, in: Approaches to Poetry: Some Aspects of Textuality, Intertextuality and Intermediality, ed. by Janos Petofi and Terry Olivi, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1994: 248-264.
- Philosophy of composition: O nekotorykh aspektakh struktury odnogo literaturnogo teksta [… On some aspects of the structure of a literary text], in Readings in Russian Modernism [Kul’tura russkogo modernizma] To Honor V. F. Markov’, ed. by J. Malmstad and R. Vroon. UCLA Slavic Studies. New Series. Vol. 1. Moscow: Nauka. Oriental Literature Publishers, 1993: 390-399, in Zolotoi vek/ The Golden Age (Moscow), 1992, 3: 69-73, and in Book No. 15: 45-56.
- Metashtrikhi k portretu A. M. Piatigorskogo [Meta-sketches for the portrait of A. M. Piatigorsky]. In the A. M. Piatigorsky Festschrift, ed. by I. Smirnov and T. Pomerantseva, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 23 (1989): 233-40, and in Book No. 15: 171-178.
- Limonov na literaturnykh Olimpiks ( O rasskaze “Krasavitsa, vdokhnovliavsaia poeta). Panorama (Los Angeles) 497, October 19-26, 1990: 18-19 (also in Sintaksis 29 [1991]: 150-160, and Literaturnoe obozrenie [ Literary survey ] 1991, 7: 22-25; expanded version in Book No. 15:72-87, and Book No. 19: 232-245; expanded Engl. version in Book No. 12: 163-180: Limonov at literary Olympics ( On his short story “The Belle Who Had Inspired the Poet”).
- Ekstaticheckie motivy Pasternaka v svete ego lichnoi mifologii (kompleks Iakova/Akteona/Gerakla). In Boris Pasternak. 1890-1990, ed. by Lev Loseff, Northfield VT, The Russian School of Norwich University: 52-74, and in Book No. 11; short version in Literaturnoe obozrenie (Literary survey], 1991, 11: 87-91.
- Semiotika “Tamani” [The semiotics of [Lermontov’s] “Taman’”]. In Sbornik statej k 70-letiju prof. Iu. M. Lotmana [A collection of essays for Prof. Iu. M. Lotman’s 70th birthday], ed. by A. Mal’ts, Tartu: TGU, 1992: 248-56, and in Book No. 11: 276-282.
- ZH/Z: Notes of an ex-pre-poststructuralist. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 33 (1992) 283-91; Russ. version in Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey] 1991, 10: 31-35, and in Book No. 15: 6-17.
- On the use of taste. In Le mot, les mots, les bons mots. Words, Words, Witty Words. Hommage a Igor Mel’chuk par ses amis, collegues et eleves a l’occasion de son 60-eme anniversaire, ed. by Andre Clas, Montreal: Les [presses de l’Universite de Montreal, 1992: 51-60. Russ. version in Zolotoi vek/ The Golden Age, 5 (1994), and in Book No. 15: 18-31.
- O trekh grammaticheskikh motivakh Pasternaka [On three grammatical motifs in Pasternak]. In Byt’ znamenitym nekrasivo… Pasternakovskie chteniia, I [Being famous is unbeautiful…: Pasternak studies, 1], ed. by I. Podgaetskaia et al., Moscow: Nasledie, 1992: 55-66.
- Six easy pieces on grammar of poetry, grammar of love. In Literary Tradition and Practice in Russian Culture. Papers from an International Conference on the Occasion of the Seventieth Birthday of Yury Mikhailovich Lotman. Russian Culture: Structure and Tradition. 2-6 July 1992, Keele University, UK, ed. by V. Polukhina, J. Andrew, and R. Reid, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993: 192-213; Russian version, Grammatika liubvi (shest’ fragmentov), in Pasternakovskie chteniia, II [Pasternak studies, II], ed. by I. Podgaetskaia, Moscow: Nasledie, 1998, S. 132-151, and in Book No. 15: 105-121.
- ‘Slaughterhouse’ motifs in Mandelstam’s “The Egyptian Stamp” and environs. In The Language and Verse in Russia, H. Birnbaum and M. Flier eds., Moscow and Los Angeles: UCLA Slavic Studies, New Series, Vol. 2, 1995: 304-310.
- Beyond “Form vs. Theme.” In The Return of Thematic Criticism, ed. by Werner Sollors, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (Harvard English Studies, v. 18), 1993: 297-298.
- Mandelstam’s Egyptian Stamp: a study in Envy? Slavic and East European Journal 38, 2 (1994): 224-44; Russ. version in Books No. 10, 11.
- A memo from the underground. Elementa 1, 4 (1994): 305-20; an expanded Russ. version: Mezhdu Dostoevskim i Russo [Between Dostoevsky and Rousseau] in Book No. 13: 89-121.
- How a Russian Maupassant was made in Odessa and Yasnaya Polyana: Isaak Babel and the Tolstoy legacy. Slavic Review, 53, 3 (1994): 671-693; Russ. version: Tolstoi i Babel’, avtory Mopassana [Tolstoi and Babel’, authors of Maupassant] in Book No. 13: 30-56.
- Muskat 1883 goda [Muscat-1883]. In Book No. 13:76-88.
- Kak sdelan Mopassan Babelia [How Babel’s Maupassant was made]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 4 (1993): 215-227, and in Book No. 13: 57-75.
- Diurua, Drei, Peredonov i drugie [Duroy, Drei, Peredonov and others]. In Book No. 13: Ch. 6, pp. 122-148.
- Seks v ramkakh [Sex framed].Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 6 (1994): 15-24, and in Book No. 15: 143-153.
- Poetika proizvola i proizvol’nost’ poetiki. Maiakovskii: “Dachnyi sluchai”-1928 [Poetics of arbitrariness and arbitrariness of poetics. Mayakovsky-1928: The case of the “The Episode at the dacha”]. Znamia [The Banner] 1993, 11: 195-202, and in Book No. 15: 122-133, and Book No. 19: 100-108.
- ‘Immortality for a while’: Pasternak’s poetry of tense and time. Elementa, 2 (1996): 331-341. Russian version in: Tekst. Intertekst. Kul’tura. Sbornik dokladov mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii (Moskva 4-7 aprelia 2001 goda).[Text. Intertext. Culture. Papers from the International Conference (Moscow, April 4-7, 2001)] Sost. V. P. Grigor’ev, N. A. Fateeva. M.: Azbukovnik, 2001. S. 66-77.
- Na fone megaform [Against the background of megaforms]. In: Semiotika. Lingvistika. Poetika. K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia A. A. Reformatskogo [Semiotics. Linguistics. Poetics. On the occasion of his 100th birthday]. Ed. by V. A. Vinogradov. Moscow: Iazyki Slavianskoi Kul’tury, 2004. P. 517-528.
- Nevidimye miru strakhi: Zoshchenko-iumorist v sumerechnom svete “Pered voskhodom solntsa” [Invisible fears: Zoshchenko’s laughter in the crepuscular light of Before Sunrise]. In Mir Mikhaila Zoshchenko [The World of Mikhail Zoshchenko], ed. by G. A. Belaia and A. M. Ushakov, Moscow: Nasledie (forthcoming), and in Book No. 16: 13-28.
- Ruka blizhnego i ee mesto v poetike Zoshchenko. [The arm/hand of your neighbor and its place in Zoshchenko’s poetics]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 1995, 15: 262-286, and in Book 16: 107-131
- Spravka-rodoslovnaia (K teme Babel’ i Gor’kii) [A memo and a genealogy (On the Babel-Gorky relationship)]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 34 (1994): 1-35, and in Book No. 13: 148-173.
- Isaac Babel, author of Guy de Maupassant. In a special Babel issue of Canadian-Slavonic Papers, guest-ed. by R. L. Busch and Allan Reid, 36 (1994) 1-2: 89-106 (short. Engl. vers. of three chapters in Book No. 13: Ch. 1: Metaportret khudozhnika v iunosti [A metaportrait of the artist as a young man], pp. 15-29, and also Chs. 2-3 (=Nos. 88, 90), pp. 37-88.
- Of tarts and teas: Russian and Western motifs in an Isaac Babel Story. In Thematics Reconsidered: Essays in Honor of Horst S. Daemmrich, ed. by Frank Trommler, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994: 145-158.
- Topos prostitutsii v literature [Prostitution topos in literature]. In Book No. 13: 317-368. A short English-language excerpt: Of tarts and teas: Russian and Western motifs in an Isaac Babel Story. In Thematics Reconsidered: Essays in Honor of Horst S. Daemmrich, ed. by Frank Trommler, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994: 145-158.
- Les mots: relire. In Rusistika. Slaviska. Indoevropeistika. Sbornik k 60-letiiu A. A. Zalizniaka [Russian, Slavic, and Indoeuropean Studies. A Festschrift for A. A. Zalizniak’s 60-th birthday], ed. by T. M. Nikolaeva, A. A. Gippius,, and V. N. Toporov. M.: Indrik, 1996: 669-689, and in Book No. 15: 88-104.
- O Smerdiakove (Bulgakov i Dostoevskii) [On Smerdyakov (Bulgakov and Dostoevsky)]. In Lotmanovskii sbornik. 1 [The Lotman Series. 1], ed. by E. V. Permiakov, Moscow: ITs-Garant, 1994, 568-581, and in Book No. 15: 32-44.
- Eccola (k donzhuanskoi teme u Zoshchenko) [Eccola (on the Don-Juan theme in Zoshchenko)]. In Poeziia i zhivopis’. Sbornik trudov pamiati N.I. Khardzhieva [Poetry and painting. Essays in memory of N. I. Khardzhiev], ed. by M.B. Meilakh and D. V. Sarab’ianov. Moscow: Shkola Iazyki Russkoi Kul’tury, 2000.P. 821-834, and in Books No. 15: 57-71, 16: 288-303; final Russian version in Book No. 16: 288-303.
- Ubiistvennyi kalambur Bertrana Rassela [Bertrand Russel’s deadly pun]. Various versions in Books No. 3, 6, and 15: 134-142.
- ‘Prevoskhoditel’nyi pokoi’: Ob odnom invariantnom motive Pushkina. In Books No. 3, 14.
- K reinterpretatsii poetiki Mikhaila Zoshchenko: ‘Entsiklopediia strakha’ i ideinaia struktura rasskaza “Dushevnaia prostota” [Reinterpreting Zoshchenko’s poetics: the ‘encyclopedia of fear’ and the thematic structure of “Soul’s Simplicity”]. Izvestiia Akademii Nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences. Literary and linguistic series], 54 (1995), 5: 50-60; and in Slavica Tergentsia, 1996, 4 (Nasledie Iu. M. Lotmana: Nastoiashchee i budushchee [Iu. M. Lotman’s legacy: Present and future]. Atti del Convengno Unibersita degli Studi di Bergamo, 3-5 Novembre 1994, guest-ed. by P. Deotto, M. Nortman, and M. Pesenti): 233-250. English version in Russian Studies in Literature, 33 (1997), 2 (Studies of Mikhail Zoshchenko, guest-ed. by D. Brown, Part II): 41-48; final Russian version in Book No. 16: 48-57.
- Dematerializatsiia u Zoshchenko? [On dematerialization in Zoshchenko]. In Flug, Entfernung, Verschwinden. Konzeptuelle Moskauer Kunst [a catalogue on post-Soviet art], hgb. von K. Becker, D. Bienert, M. Slavicka. Berlin, Kiel and Prague: Cantz Verlag, 1996: 127-130 (in German), 293-296 (in Russian).
- O redaktorakh [Regarding editors]. Znamia [The banner] 1996, 2: 212-220, and in Book No. 17: 204-220.
- V minus pervom i minus vtorom zerkale: Tat’iana Tolstaia, Viktor Erofeev–akmatoviana i arhetipy [In the mirrors minus one and minus two: Tatiana Tolstaya and Viktor Erofeev–Akhmatoviana and archetypes]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 253 (1995), 6: 25-41, and in Book No. 19: 246-268; Engl. version [Tatyana Tolstaya and Viktor Erofeev: parallel indiscretions] to apear in a collection of essays on post-Soviet literature, ed. by E. Dobrenko, N. Condee et al.
- Strakh, tiazhest’, mramor: iz materialov k zhiznetvorcheskoi biografii Akhmatovoi [Fear, weight, marble: materials for a life-as-art biography of Akhmatova]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 36 (1995): 119-154.
- Anna Akhmatova: scripts, not scriptures [Review Article]. Slavic and East European Journal 40 (1996), 1: 135-141.
- Moi vzgliad na institut kostra i drugie instituty, ili Khokhorony vtornik [My View on the Institution of the Bonfire and Other Institutions, or Funneral Tuesday], Zvezda [Star], 1997, 4: 233-236 and in Book No. 19: 168-174.
- Zoshchenko iz XXI veka, ili Poetika nedoveriia [Zoshchenko from the XXIst century, or A poetics of mistrust]. Zvezda [The Star], 1996, 5: 190-204 (repr. in: M. Zoshchenko. Rasskazy. Golubaia kniga (Kniga dlia uchenika i uchitelia). Comp. S. F/ Dmitrenko. M.: Olimp, 1998. P. 502-532.
- Anna Akhmatova piat’desiat let spustia [Anna Akhmatova fifty years later]. Zvezda [The Star], 1996, 9: 211-227, and in Book No. 19: 139-174.
- Food, Fear, Feigning, and Flight in Zoshchenko’s “Foreigners”. Russian Literature 40 (1996), 3 (special Nilsson issue): 385-404; Russian version “Inostrantsy” ili “vse v poriadke” [“Foreigners”, or Everything under control] in Book No. 16: 247-261.
- Tri inventsii na grani lingvistiki i poetiki [Three inventions on the borderline between linguistics and poetics]. Moskovskii lingvisticheskii zhurnal [Moscow linguistic journal] (special Paducheva Festschrift issue), 1996, 2: 147-161.
- Dve konferentsii v Moskve [Two Moscow conferences [The Babel and Zoshchenko centennials]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey] 1995, 1: 85-87 and in Book No. 19: 460-488.
- “What is the author trying to say with his artistic work?”: rereading Zoshchenko’s oeuvre. Slavic and East European Journal, 40 (1996), 3: 458-474.
- “Ia poprezhnemu oshchushchaiu sebia literaturovedom…” Beseda s Aleksandrom Zholkovskim [“I still see myself as a literary scholar…” An Interview with Alexander Zholkovsky]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 261 (1997), 1: 16-22.
- “Monter” Zoshchenko, ili slozhnyi teatral’nyi mekhanizm [Zoshchenko’s “The Electrician,” or: This complex theatrical mechanism]. In Tynianovskii Sbornik, 10. Shestye–Sed’mye–Vos’mye Tynianovskie chteniia. [The Tynianov Collection, 10. The Sixth–Seventh–Eighth Tynianov Readings]. Ed. E. A. Toddes. Moscow: 1998. P. 335-356. English version in Russian Studies in Literature, 33 (1996-1997), 1 (Studies of Mikhail Zoshchenko, guest-ed. by D. Brown, Part I): 59-79; and in Book No. 16.
- Zubnoi vrach, korystnaia molochnitsa, intelligentnyi monter i ikh avtor: krepkovatyi brak v mire Zoshchenko [A dentist, a greedy dairy-woman, an intellectual electrician, and their author: the theme of “stablish” marriage in Zoshchenko]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 259-261 (1996), 5-6: 128-144; and in Book No. 16: 80-106 .
- Verter na koles’iakh [Werther on wheels]. In Lotmanovskii sbornik. 2 [The Lotman Series. 2], ed. by E. V. Permiakov. M.: OGI-RGGU, 1997: 377-392; and in Book No. 16.
- Eda u Zoshchenko [Eating in Zoshchenko]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 1997, 21: 258-273; and in Book No. 16: 233-246.
- “Ia besporiadkov ne narushaiu”: Zoshchenko i vlast’ [“I’m not violating disorders”: Zoshchenko and authority]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 40 (1997): 59-87; and in Book No. 16.
- Akhmatova i Maiakovskii: K teorii parodii [Akhmatova and Maiakovskii: Towards a theory of parody]. In: In memoriam. Sbornik pamiati Ia. S. Lur’e [In memoriam. A Collection tp honor the memory of Ia. S. Lur’e]. Ed. by N. Botvinnik and E. Vaneeva. S-Petersburg: Atheneum/Feniks, 1997. P. 383-394, and in Book No. 19: 221-231.
- Iz istorii vcherashnego dnia [From the history of yesterday]. Rossia/Russia 1998, 1 [9]. Semidesiatye gody kak predmet istorii russkoi kul’tury [The 1970s as a subject in the history of Russian culture]. Guest-ed. K. Iu. Rogov. P. 135-152 (also in “Memuarnye vin’etki…”: 221-241); and in Book No. 17: 221-241.
- Kheppi-end v epokhu kul’ta lichnosti: Popytka tselostnogo analiza memuarnogo rasskaza L. A. Mazelia “Essentuki, 1952” [A happy ending in the times of the cult of personality: An essay in a comrehensive analysis of L. A. Mazel’s memoir tale “Essentuki, 1952”]. In Muzyka: Analiz i estetika. Sbornik k 90-letiiu L. A. Mazelia [Music: Analysis and aesthetics: Festschrift for L. A. Mazel’s 90th birthday], ed. by I. N. Baranova, R. A. Ostrovskii, K. I. Iuzhak. Petrozavodsk and S.-Petersburg: SPbGK, 1997. P. 98-115. Appendix: L. A. Mazel’, “Essentuki, 1952”, Znamia [The Banner], 1995, 10: 166-170.
- K tekhnologii vlasti v tvorchestve i zhiznetvorchestve Akhmatovoi [On the technology of power in Akhmatova’s life and works]. In Lebenskunst–Kunstleben. Zhiznetvorchestvo v russkoi kul’ture XVII-XX v. [Life’s art–artistic life: “Zhiznetvorchestvo” in Russian culture of the 18th–20th centuries]. Ed. Schamma Schahadat. Munich: Otto Sagner, 1998. P. 193-210.
- Roman s gonorarom: K teme Babel’ i Sholom-Aleikhem [Romance with an honorarium: Isaac Babel and Sholom Aleichem]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 264 (1997, 4): 43-54; also in: Oh Jerusalem! Eds. W. Moskovich, W. Schwarzband, G. dell’Agata, S. Garzonio. Pisa–Jerusalem, 1999: 255-278.
- Zoshchenko i Chekhov (sopostavitel’nye zametki) [Zoshchenko and Chekhov (comparative notes)]. In Chekhovskii sbornik, ed. A. P. Chudakov. M: Izd-vo Literaturnogo instituta im. A. M. Gor’kogо,.1999. S. 175-190; in Revue d’Etudes Slaves (special Chekhov issue, guest-ed. by J. Bonamour; forthcoming), and in Book No. 16: 174-187.
- ZH/Z-97. In: Moskovsko-tartuskaia semioticheskaia shkola. Istoriia, vospominaniia, razmyshleniia. Ed. S. Iu. Nekliudov. M: Shkola “Iazyki russkoi kul’tury”, 1998. P. 175-209.
- Ballada samoobladan’ia: Stikh i smysl v neigauzovskoi “Ballade” Pasternaka [A ballade of self-discipline: Verse and meaning in Pasternak’s Neuhaus “Ballade”]. Die Welt der Slaven 16 (1999): 1-26, and in Book No. 19: 502-522.
- Kniga knig Pasternaka: K 75-letiiu “Sestry moei–zhizni” [Pasternak’s book of books: The 75-th anniversary of My Sister–Life]. Zvezda [Star], 1997, 12: 193-214. Another version, “O zaglavnom trope knigi ‘Sestra moia – zhizn”” [The Title Trope of the book My Sister–Life] in Stanford Slavic Studies 21 [Poetry and Revolution. Boris Pasternak’s “My Sister Life”. Ed. Lazar Fleishman, 1999]: 26-65, and in Book No. 19: .175-194.
- Roman Osipovich Jakobson: Iz memuarnykh zametok [Roman Jakobson: Memoir notes]. Roman Jakobson: Texts, Documents, Studies. Eds. Henryk Baran, Sergej Gindin, Elena Shumilova. Moscow: RGGU, 1999. P. 269-278; and in Book No. 17: 192-203.
- Pushkin Under Our Skin. Alexander Pushkin: A Celebration of Russia’s Best-loved Writer. Ed. A. D. P. Briggs. London: Hazar Publishing, 1999. P. 189-196.
- O neiasnoi iasnosti: Logotsentricheskie zametki na poliakh stikhotvoreniia Mandel’shtama “Ne sravnivai: zhivushchii nesravnim…” [On Unclear clarity: Logocentric marginalia to Mandelstam’s poem “Do not compare: a living one is incomparable…”]. Zvezda [The Star] 1999, 2: 177-191. A shorter version, “Klavishnye progulki bez podorozhnoi“. Zapiski Mandel’shtamovskogo obshchestva. Sokhrani moiu rech’. Publikatsii, stat’i [Notes of the Mandelstam Society. Keeo my speech. Publications, essays], 3/1. Eds. O. Lekmanov et al. M. 2000. P. 160-184, and in Book No. 19: 83-99.
- K pereosmysleniiu kanona: sovetskie klassiki-nonkonformisty v postsovetskoi perspektive [Rethinking the canon: Non-conformist Soviet classics in post-Soviet perspective], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 29 (1998) 29: 55-68, and in Book No. 19: 351-368. An English version in the Materials of the Second Nevada Conference on Russian Culture. Ed. Dmitry Shalin (forthcoming).
- Iz memuarnykh zametok [From memoiristic notes]. Neprikosnovennyi zapas: Ocherki nravov kul’turnogo soobshchetsva [Private stock: Notes on Intellectuals] 1998, 2: 79-82; 1999, 1 [3]: 77-81; 2 [4]: 85-89; 3 [5]: 91-94.
- Predislovie k kn.: Mark Freidkin. Opyty. M.: Carte Blanche, 1994.
- Pamiati Viktora Iul’evicha Rozentsveiga [In memory of V. Iu. Rozentsveig], with Vl. Uspensky et al. [NTI, ser. 2: Informatsionnye protsessy i sistemy [NTI, ser. 2: Information Processes and Systems] 1999, 6: 33-39.
- “Ia besporiadkov ne narushaiu”: Zoshchenko i vlast’ [“I don’t violate disorders”: Zoshchenko and authority], in Book 16: 58-79; Zoscenko: Medecine et pouvoir [Zoshchenko: Medicine and power]. Revue des Etudes Slaves (special issue on the Serapion Brothers, ed. E. Etkind) 71 (1999), 3: 571-583.
- The obverse of Stalinism: Akhmatova’s self-serving charisma of Selflessness. In Self and Story in Russian History, ed. by Laura Engelstein and Stephanie Sandler, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2000: 46-68.
- Mikhail Zoshchenko’s Shadow Operas. In Russian Literature and the Other Arts. Ed. Catriona Kelly and Stephen Lovell. Cambridge University Press , 2000: 119-146.
- Ochnye stavki s vlastitelem: Iz istorii odnoi “pushkinskoi” paradigmy [Eye-to-eye with Power Figures: From the History of a “Pushkinian” Paradigm]. In: Pushkinskaia konferentsia v Stenforde. 1999. Materialy i issledovaniia. Eds. David M. Bethea, A. L. Ospovat, N. G. Okhotin, L. S. Fleishman. M: OGI, 2001. P. 366-401.
- The Power of Grammar and Grammar of Power in the Childhood Scenes of Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible. In Eisenstein at 100: A Reconsideration. Eds. Al LaValley and Barry P. Scherr. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London: Rutgers UP. P. 253-267.
- Iz memuarnykh vin’etok [From memoiristic vignettes]. Zvezda [The Star], 2000, 3: 163-184, 4: 190-209.
- Brodskii i infinitivvnoe pis’mo (Materialy k teme) [Brodsky and infinitive writing (Preliminary materials)]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 2000, 45: 187-198.
- K probleme infinitivnoi poezii (Ob intertekstual’nom fone “Ustroit’sia na avtobazu…”‘ S. Gandlevskogo) [On infinitive poetry (A propos the intertextual background of S. Gandlevskii’s “To get a job as a trucker…”]). Izvestiia RAN, Seriia Literatury i Iazyka [Communications of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literary and Linguistic series], 61 (2002), 1: 34-42.
- Telega na slavistiku [Trashing of Slavic studies]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 2001, 47:340-345.
- Byt’ ili ne byt’ Bogom: K paradoksam avtorskoi vlasti u Dostoevskogo [To be or not to be God: On paradoxes of authorial power in Dostoevsky]. In Paradoksy russkoj literatury [Paradoxes of Russian Literature]. Ed. by Wolf Schmid and Vladimir. Markovich. St.-Petersburg: Inapress, 2001. P. 234-247.
- Dve obez’iany, bochki zlata… [Two monkeys, barrels of gold…]. Zvezda [The Star], 2001, 10: 202-214.
- Poem, Problem, Prank. The Nabokovian 47 (Fall 2001): 19-28.
- Novyye vin’etki [New vignettes]. Zvezda [The Star], 2002, 1: 155-179.
- Infinitivnoe pis’mo: Tropy i siuzhety (Materialy k teme) [Infinitive Writing: Tropes and Plots (Preliminary Materials)]. In: Etkindovskie chteniya. I: Sbornik statei po materialam Chtenii pamyati E.G.Etkinda (27–29 iiunia 2000). Eds. P.L.Vakhtina, A.A.Dolinin, B.A.Kats i dr. SPb.: The European University at St.-Petersburg, 2003. P. 250–271.
- Dve versii strakha: Akhmatova i Zoshchenko [Two versions of fear: Akhmatova and Zoshchenko]. In: Semiotika strakha [Semiotics of fear].. Ed. by Nora Buhks and Francis Conte. Moscow: Russkii Institut, “Evropa”, 2005. P. 249-260.
- Poetry of Grammar or Pragmatics of Poetry? (Confessions of a Compulsive Conservative). Paper at the Symposium Between History and System: Slavic Theory Today, at Yale University, March 1-2, 2002.
- Infinitivnoe pis’mo i kitaiskaia klassicheskaia poeziia [ co-au. I. S. Smirnov; Infinitive Writing and Classical Chinese Poetry]. In Lotmanovskii sbornik. 3. [The Lotman Series. 3]. Eds. L. N. Kiseleva, R. G. Leibov, T. N. Fraiman. M.: OGI, 2004. P. 674-695.
- Ob infinitivnom pis’me Shershenevicha [Vadim Shershenevich’s Infinitive Writing]. Russkii iazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii [The Russian Language in Scholarly Light] 6 (2), 2003: 100-117, and in: Russkii imazhinizm:.Istoriia, teoriia, praktika [Russian Imaginism: History, theory, practice. Ed. V. A. Drozdkov et al.. Мoscow: Linor, 2003. P. 291-305, and in Book No. 19: 444-459.
- U istokov pasternakovskoi poetiki: O stikhotvorenii “Raskovannyi golos”. Izvestiia RAN, Seriia Literatury i Iazyka [Communications of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literary and Linguistic series], 62 (4), 2003: 10-22.
- Ob odnom kazuse infinitivnogo pis’ma (Shershenevich-Pasternak-Kushner) [On One Interesting Case of Infinitive Writing (Shershenevich-Pasternak-Kushner)]. Philologica, 2001/02, v. 7, No. 17/18: 261-270.
- Piat’ intertekstual’nykh etiduov (s memuarnym predisloviem) [Five Intertextual Pieces (with a Memoiristic Introduction)]. Russian Literature, 2003, vol. 54, No. 1-3.
- Infinitivnoe pis’mo i analiz teksta: “Leiklos” Brodskogo[Infinitie Writing and Brodsky’s “Leiklos”]. In: Poetika iskanii, ili poisk poetiki. Materialy mezhdunarodnoш konferentsii-festivalia “Poeticheskii iazyk rubezha XX-XXI vekov i sovremennye literaturnye strategii” [A Poetics of Search and a Search for a Poetics. Publications from the Conference-Festival “The Poetic Language of the Turn of the 20th-21st Centuries and Modern Literary Strategies”]. Ed. N. A. Fateeva. M., Izd-vo Instituta russkogo jazyka RAN [Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004. P. 132-150 and in Book No. 19: 460-488.
- Motat’–Tait’: Ob odnom perevodnom tekste Khodasevicha [To Spin–To Conceal: On a Translated Text by Khodasevich]. In: Etkindovskiie Chteniia. II. Sbornik statei po materialam Chtenii pamyati E.G.Etkinda. 2002). Eds. P.L.Vakhtina, A.A.Dolinin, B.A.Kats. SPb.: The European University at St.-Petersburg (forthcoming 2004), and in Book No. 19: 280-191.
- Schast’e i prava sub specie infinitivi: “Iz Pindemonti” [Happiness and Rights Sub Specie Infinitivi: Pushkin’s “Iz Pindemonti”]. In: “Pushkin i ego sovremenniki” [Pushkin and His Contemporaries]. SPb: Akademicheskii proekt, 2005, issue 4 (43): 451-473; and in Book No. 19: 432-443.
- Gandlevskii, Brodskii, Blok, Tvardovskii. Iz zametok ob infinitivnoi poezii [Gandlevskii, Brodskii, Blok, Tvardovskii. From Notes on Infinitive Poetry]. Zvezda [The Star], 2003, 12: 201-204.
- Russkoe infinitivnoe pis’mo na rendez-vous: Fet/ Miusse [Russian Infinitive Writing on a Rendez-vous : Fet/ Musset]. In : De la littérature russe: mélanges offerts à Michel Aucouturier. Ed. Catherine Depretto. Paris : Institut d’études slaves, 2005. P. 34-49.
- “Dorozhit on etim znakom–byt’ kak vse ne khochet…” [“He treasures this token–doesn’t want to be like others…”]. Rets. na kn. Eduard Limonov, Stikhotvoreniia. M.: Ul’tra. Kul’tura, 2004. 416 s. 3000 ekz. [Review article of Eduard Limonov, Poems ]. Kritichsekaia massa [Critical mass], 2004, 1:35.
- Towards a typology of “debut” narratives: Babel, Nabokov and Others: Paper at the conference on The Enigma of Isaac Babel. Stanford University, 29 February-2 March 2004.
- Intertekstual’noe potomstvo “Ia vas liubil Pushkina…” [On the intertextual progeny of Pushkin’s poem “I loved you once…” ] in Book No. 19: 309-326.
- Tema i variatsii (Pasternak/ Okudzhava) [A Theme and Variations (Pasternak/ Okudzhava)]. in Books No. 3 and No. 19: 327-350.
- Ob infinitivnykh “Stikhakh uklonista B. Ryzhego” [The infinitive “Verses of the Deviationist B. Ryzhii”], Zvezda [Star], 2005, 12, and also in: SHIPOVNIK [Briar, a Festschrift for Roman Timenchik’s 60th birthday], ed. by Iu. Leving et al., Moscow: Vodolei, 2005, pp. 96-111.
- You Don’t Know What You’re Missing. Hermitage Magazine 2006, No. 2:32-33. Russian version.
- In Memoram M. L. Gasparov: A Poetic Offering (Ivan Bunin’s “Without Me”; 1916 ). Paper at the USC Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures Symposium on Recent Books on Russian Poetry dedicated to the memory of M.L. Gasparov, Friday, April 7, 2006; also in Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 16. Russian version: Sovershitel’ Gasparov [Gasparov the Accomplisher]. In Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 77 (2006): 39-44.
- “Prosypat’sia na rassvete…”: Poetika osvezheniia. [Anna Akhmatova’s “To Wake up at Dawn…”: A Poetics of Freshness] In: Stikh, iazyk, poeziia. Pamiati M. L. Gasparova/ Editorial board. M.: RGGU, 2006. P. 211-232. Short Russian version.
- Otkuda eta Diotima (Zametki o “lete” Pasternaka). [Whence This Diotima? (Notes on Boris Pasternak’s “Summer”]. In: Eternity’s Hostage. Selected Papers from the Stanford International Conference on Boris Pasternak, May, 2004. In Honor of Evgeny Pasternak and Elena Pasternak Ed. by Lazar Fleishman. Part I (Stanford Slavic Studies. Vol. 31). Stanford, 2006. P. 239-261. Short Russian version.
- Blistaiushchie odezhdy. Ob odnom literaturnom motive [Radiant garments: A literary motif]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of Literature], 2006, 4: 221-136.
- Gde konchaetsia filologiia? Osennie zachistki na letnikh territoriiakh [Where Does Philology End? Autumn Cleansing on Summer Territories]. Zvezda [The Star], 2007, 1.
- Ramki-obmanki Pasternaka [Boris Pasternak’s trompe-l’oeil frames]. Ermitazh [Hermitage], 2007, 6: 36-37.
- Plinii na skameike []Pliny on the bench]. Zvezda [The Star], 2007, 5: 208-216.
- Eduard Limonov. 85 stikhotvoirenii iz Arkhiva Aleksandra Zholkovskogo (konets 60-kh — nachalo 70-kh gg.) [Eduard Limonov. 85 poems from the Archive of Alexander Zholkovsky (late 1960s– early 1970s)].
- Kak organizovano ”Begstvo” Khodasevicha [How Vladislav Khodasevich’s “Flight” Was Organized], Zvezda [The Star] , 2007, 7, pp. 179-194.
- Tak i etak Georgiia Ivanova («Luny nachishschennyi piatak…») [Georgii Ivanov’s tak and etak («Moon’s polished nickel…» ], Zvezda [Star], 2007, 9: 185-194.
- ”Akhmat” Bunina, ili kratkaia grammatika zhelaniia [Ivan Bunin’s “Akhmat”, or A short grammar of desire. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 2007, 4, pp. 310-321.
- “Khorosho!”. Vin’etki. [“Good!” Vignettes]. Novyi mir [New World], 2007, 9, pp. 78-102.
- Anna Akhmatova: scripts, not scriptures [Review Article]. Slavic and East European Journal 40 (1996), 1: 135-141.
- “Neuzheli…?” (Olga Sedakova, “Kitaiskoe puteshestvie”, 13) [“Is It Possible…?” (Olga Sedakova’s, “Chinese Journey”, 13), Zvezda (The Star), 11: 180–190.
- Pri muzyke: “Razryv. 9” i ego intertekstual’nyi akkompanement. [In the Presence of Music: Pasternak’s “Break-up. 9” and Its Intertextual Acompaniment]. In: The Real Life of Pierre Delalande. Studies in Russian and Comparative Literature in Honor of Alexander Dolinin. In Stanford Slavic Studies. Ed. by David Bethea et al. (Stanford Slavic Studies 33, 2 vls.), Vol. 1: 293-314.
- Iz vospominanii (Otmechaia 100-letie L. A. Mazelia) [Marking L. A. Mazel’s Centennial) . Muzykal’naia Akademiia [Academy of Music], 2007, 3, ?. 91-100.
- «Pushkinskie mesta» L’va Loseva i ikh okrestnosti [Lev Losev’s “Pushkin places” and their environs]. Zvezda (The Star),2007, 2: 215-228.
- V sovershenno pustom sadu Eduarda Limonova [Eduard Limonov’s “In a completely empty garden]. Zvezda (The Star),2008, 4: 225–234.
- Infinitivy sub specie d’inachevé. Zametki k teme “poetika Tiutcheva”(I).// I vremia I mesto: istoriko-filologicheskii sbornik k shestidesiatiletiiu Aleksandra L’vovicha Ospovata [Infinitives sub specie d’inachevé. Notes on the subject “Tiutchev’s poetics”. I// ‘Tis Both the Time and the Place: A Historical-philological Collection of Essays to Honor the Sixtieth Birthday of Aleksandr L’vovich Ospovat]. Comp. Ronals Vroon et al. Ed. Kirill Rogov, Andrei Nemser. Moscow: Novoe izdatel’stvo, 2008. P. 369-373.
- Tikhonov kurtuaznyi [A Courteous Tikhonov]. Zvezda (The Star), 2008, 6: 220 — 229.
- “Krasotka ochen’ moloda…” [“The Beauty is quite young…”]. Inostrannaia litreratura (Foreign Literature), 2008, 6: 252-254.
- Eshche raz o malen’koi Khloe Khodasevicha (K analizu “Begtsva”) [More on Vladislav Khodasevich’s litlle Chloe (Understanding “Flight”). In: Russian Literature and the West: A Tribute for David M. Bethea. Eds. Alexander Dolinin, Lazar Fleishman, Leonid Livak. P. II. Stanford Slavic Studies, 35: 80-95.
- Gipsovaia desnichka, ili Ne vsiakaia poslovitsa pri vsiakom molvitsa. Filologicheskii sluchai [The Tiny Plaster-of-Paris Hand, or Not Every Proverb Fits Every Company. A Philological Event]. Novyi mir [New World], 2008, 7: 125-132.
- Ostorozhno, trenozhnik! Otvet opponentu (“Caution: A Tripod! A Response to a Critic”). Russian Journal(30.07.2008).
- Iz zapisok ob infinitivnoi poezii (Problemy opisaniia i obraztsy kommentariev) [Notes on infinitive poetry (Issues in analysis and samples of annotation)]. In: Iazyk kak materiia smysla. Sbornik stateai k 90-letiiu akademika N. Iu. Shvedovoi. Ed. M. V. Liapon [Languaghe as Meaning’s Matter: Essays in Honor of Academician N. Iu. Shvedova’s 90th Birthday].Moscow: Azbukovnik, 2007. P. 478-487.
- (co-author Lada Panova). Samoubiitsvo kak priem: “Sladko umeret’ Mikhail Kuzmina” [Suicide as Technique: Mikhail Kuzmin’s “‘Tis Sweet to Die…”]. Zvezda (The Star), 2008, 10: 191-201.
- Liubov’ ekspata [An Expatriate’s Love]. Zvezda (The Star), 2008, 11: 198-205.
- Esse. [The Essay. An essay]. Inostrannaia Literatura [Foreign Literature], 2008, 12: 233-236.
- Malen’kii metatekstual’nyi shedevr Leskova [Nikolai Leskov’s Metatextual Gem], Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 93 (2008): 155-176.
- Gore mykat’ [Trouble with “we”]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 2: 208-221.
- “Iz noveishikh odobrialsia nesomnenno odin Turgenev…” (K teme I. S. Turgenev i N. S. Leskov) [“Of the newest only Ivan Turgenev was approved unconditionally…” (Notes on Ivan Turgenev and Nikolai Leskov]. In: Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii. Sbornik v chest’ 60-letiia Aleksandra Vasil’evicha Lavrova]. Eds. Vs. Bagno, J. Malmstad, M. Malikova. Moscow: NLO, St-Petersburg: IMLI (Pushkinskii Dom) RAN. 2009 S. 266-281.
- Effekt babochki. Vin’etki [The Butterfly effect. Vignettes]. Novyi mir [New World], 2009, 2: 96-117.
- Poliushko-pole: Eshche raz ob oppozitsii «svoe/chuzhoe» [Field trouble: More on the opposition “one’s own/ other people’s”]. Stengazeta, 02. 26.2009.
- Vybrannye mesta. Tsenton [Selected Passages. A Cento]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 4, pp. 84-87.
- Esli by [If…]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 6: .
- Sbrosit’ ili brosit’? [To Throw to Dump or to Throw to Kill?] NLO [New Literary Survey], 2009, 96, s. 191-211.
- Dvoinaia spiral’. [Double Helix]. Vin’etki [Vignettes]. Novyi Mir [New World], 2009, 7, s. 00-00.
- Pamyati L’va Loseva. Slova o L’ve Loseve. [Remembering Lev Losev]. Zvezda [Star], 2009, 7, s. 00-00.
- Doctor Livingstone, I presume. Stengazeta (02.04.09).
- The usual // Стенгазета (15.05.09).
- Esli by [If…]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 6:219-224.
- Sbrosit’ ili brosit’? [To Throw to Dump or to Throw to Kill?] NLO [New Literary Survey], 2009, 96, s. 191-211.
- Pamyati L’va Loseva. Slova o L’ve Loseve. [Remembering Lev Losev]. Zvezda [Star], 2009, 7, s. 228-238.
- Ierunda [Rubbish]. Zvezda [The Star], 2009, 8: 213-216.
- Chekhov, Gorkii I “My” (Iz opyta prep[odavaniia russkoi prozy) [Сhekhov, Gorkii and “We” (From lectures on Russian prose]. In Segni. Scritture. Culture. A cura di Sergio Bertolissi, Marina Di Filippo, Roberta Salvatore. Napoli, 2009.
- Vlast’ slova: Tema i variatsii. Voprosy literatury 2009, 6: 204-227.
- Magiia slova, ili Kto kogo. Zvezda, 2009, 12: 223-225.
- Novyi avangard – novaia klassika (Losev, Sedakova, Limonov) [New avant-garde, new classics (Lev Losev, Olga Sedakova, Eduard Limonov)]. In: Avangard i ideologija: russkie primery [The Avant-garde and Ideology: Russian examples]. Ed. by Korneliia.Ichin. Belgrade: Izdanie Filologicheskogo fakul’teta Belgradskogo Universiteta, 2009. P. 685-696.
- Iurii Shcheglov. “Medved’” v trekh izmereniiakh. Vstupitel’naia zametka Aleksandra Zholkovskogo [Chekhov’s “The Bear” in three dimensions. Introductory notes by Alexander Zholkovsky. Zvezda [The Star], 2009, 8: 128-144.
- Pamiati soavtora i druga [In memory of a friend and co-author]. Novoe literaturnoe obozreniie [New literary survey] 99 (2009): 140-143 [In Memoriam: Юрий Константинович Щеглов (26.01.1937 – 6.04. 2009, Мэдисон, США)] [In memoriam: Iurii Konstantinovich Shcheglov (26.01.1937 – 6.04. 2009, Мэдисон, США).
- Iskusstvo poezii -2010. [Ars poetica – 2010]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2010, 2: 149-152.
- Luchshe pozdno [Better late]. Chto chitat’ [What to read].
- Marginalii k Postscriptum’u Brodskogo [Marginal notes on Joseph Brodsky’s “Postscriptum”]. Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 2:226-238.
- “Grivennik serebrianyi v karmane…” [A Silver dime in my pocket…]. In: Lesnaia shkola: Trudy VI Mezhdunarodnoi letnei shkoly na Karel’skom peresheike po russkoi literature [Transactions of the VI International summer school on the Karelian isthmus on Russian literature]/ Ed. by A. Kobrinskii et al. Pos. Poliany (Uusikirko) Leningradskoi oblasti, 2010. P. 125-142.
- Eshche raz o mandel’shramovskom “Lamarke”: Tak kak zhe on sdelan? [Once more on Mandel’shtam’s “Lamarck”: How was it made, after all?] Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature] 2010, 2: 150-182.
- Lessons of Spanish. Inostrannaia literatura [Foreign literature], 2010, 3: 250-255.
- Belle marquise. Inostrannaia literature [Foreign literature], 2010 (forthcoming).
- Mezhdu mogiloi i pamiatnikom: Zametki o finale akhmatovskogo “Rekviema” [Between grave and monument: Notes on Anna Akhmatova’s “Requiem”]. In: Ot Kibirova do Pushkina. Sbornik v chest’ 60-letiia N. A. Bogomolova [From Kibirov to Pushkin. A Collection of Essays to Honor the 60th Birthday of N.A. Bogomolov]. Ed. by A. L. Lavrov, O.A. Lekmanov. M.: NLO, 2010. P. 114-142.
- The Shadow of Ivan the Terrible. What To Read, 4, p. 49-51.
- Domik na Chelsi, ili Tema s Variatsiiami. Zametki filologa [Little House on Chelsea, or A Theme with Variations. Notes of a Philologist]. Novaia Iunost’, 2010, 1.
- Pantomimy Fazilia Iskandera [Pantomimes by Fazil Iskander]. Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 6: 219-227.
- Sr. SS s R [Cf. “Heart of a Dog” and “A Mermaid”: On links between Mikhail Bulgakov and Arkadii Averchenko]. Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 33: 325-338.
- “Vopros: Kto zhe is nikh bolee zhivoi?..” [“Тhe question: Which of the two is more alive…”]. Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 8: 226-229.
- (co-author Lada Panova) PESNI ZHESTY MUZHSKOE ZHENSKOE. K poeticheskoi pragmatike Anny Akhmatovoi (Das Karpalistische Opfer) [SONGS GESTURES MASCULINE FEMININE. On Anna Akhmatova’s Poetic Pragmatics (Das Karpalistische Opfer)] // От слов к телу: Сборник статей к 60-летию Юрия Цивьяна / Отв. ред. А.В. Лавров. М.: НЛО, 2010. С. 50-71. UNCENSORED VERSION! Keywords: AKHMATOVA, BISEXUALITY, CENSORSHIP, TIMENCHIK.
- Zagadki “Znakov Zodiaca” [The puzzles of Nikolai Zabolotskii’s “The Zodiacal Signs Are Darkening…”]. In: Short version in: Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 10: 219-230. Full version In: N. A. Zabolotskii: pro et contra. Ed. by T. V. Igosheva and I. E. Loshchilov. St.-Petersburg: RKhGA, 2010. P.. 867-910.
- Tak-tak-tak. [Ra-ta-ta] NLO [New Literary Survey], 2010, 103:188-200.
- Otdel’nost’, granitsa, razrezhennost’, tsel’nost’. Zametki ob ikonike stikha [Separateness, Boundary, Spacing, Wholeness. Notes on Verse Iconicity]. In: Zvezda, 2010, 12: 217-224.
- Infinitive Poetry, Relevance Of Linguistics And Issues In Poetic Analysis. Paper at the AATSEEL 2010/2011 Convention (Pasadena, CA), Panel on “Work in Progress” ( Jan. 07, 2011).
- Iskander’s Pantomime Narratives. Paper at the AATSEEL 2010/2011 Convention (Pasadena, CA), Panel on “Literary Theatrics: Gestures, Staginess, and Speech” (Jan. 8, 2011).
- More Keys To The Lamarck Puzzle And Related Theoretical Issues. Paper at the ASEEES 2010 Convention (Los Angeles, CA), Panel on “Mandelstam Revisited” (Nov. 20, 2010).
- Gorod i lokon. Ob odnoi pushkinskoi miniature [City and Hairlock. On a Pushkin Miniature]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 2: 221-230.
- Prekrasnaia markiza [La Belle Marquise]. In: Inostrannaia literatura [Foreign Literature], 2011, 2: 231-240.
- O temnykh mestakh teksta: K probleme real’nogo kommentirovaniia [Obscure Passages in Literary Texts: On the Problem of Real Commentary]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2011, 3: 168-179.
- “Chto eto bylo? ” [“What Was It?”]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 4: 232–237.
- Paradigma kak priem [Paradigm as Techinque]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 6: 226–230.
- “Pkhents na randevu: niu, meniu, dezhaviu
“[Pkhents on a rendez-vous: nu, menu, deja vu]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011,
- :210-228.
- «Umri, Denis, luchshe ne napishesh’!…»: Ob odnom dvuiazychnom kalambure (“Live or die, Denis [Fonvizin], you won’t write anything better [than this]!”: On an Unwitting Bilingual Pun [by Chekhov]) [Paradigm as Techinque]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 8: 223–228.
- Piatero s ran’shego vremeni: Ob odnom motivnom klastere metasovetskoj literatury [Five old-timers: A motif cluster of meta-Soviet literarture]. In: Toronto Slavic Quarterly 37 (summer 2011): 159-172.
- O redaktirovanii i redaktorax. Sbornik-antologiya. Vyderzhki iz knig, statej, pisem, rasskazy, fel’etony, parodii [On editing and editors. An anthology. Excerpts from books, articles, letters, stories, feuilletons, parodise]. Sostavitel’ A. E. Mil’chin [Compiled by A. E. Mil’chin]. M.: NLO, 2011. P. 189-195, 425-430, 470-471. For the pages on-line see Index of names.
- Bender v Tsiurikhe [Ostap Bender in Zuerich]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 10: 214–227.
- Edinyi printsip i drugie vin’etki [A single principle and other vignettes]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2011, 10: 99-120.
- Fazil’-Amerikantes [Fazil Iskander as an American Writer]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 111: 260-272.
- Nedostavavshee zveno [A Missing Link]. Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 1:218–220.
- Zerkalo ili trel’iazh? [Khodasevich’s Mirror – Regular or Trifold?]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature] 2011, 6: 363-387.
- Sakharnitsa Aleksandra Kushnera [Alexander Kushner’s “Sugar Bowl”], Bol’shoi gorod [Big City], 22 (288), 14.12.11, p. 38-40.
- Must be luv.. O drugom [Re: Other]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 11.
- “Chtob fraze ruk ne otorvalo…»: Matrosskii tanets Pasternaka [“So it wouldn’t cut off the sailor’s arms…”: Boris Pasternak’s poem “A Sailor in Moscow”]. Zvezda [The Star], 2012, 2:215–228.
- Pushkin v roli Trike v roli Pushkina [Pushkin as Triquet in the role of Pushkin] in Book No. 26.
- Sokhrani moiu rech’, — i ia primu tebia, kak upriazh’, ili Mandel’shtam i Pasternak v 1931 godu [Preserve My Speech…– And I’ll Accept you as Harness: Mandel’shtam and Pasternak in the Year 1931]. Zvezda [The Star], 2012, 4:226–235.
- Vremya, den’gi i sekrety avtorstva v «Krotkoi» Dostoevskogo [Time, Money and Secrets of Authorship in Dostoevsky’s “Gentle Spirit”]. Toronto Slavic Quarterly (TSQ), 40: 23-56.
- Predislovie [Introduction]. Book 27. P. 5-12.
- Pravlil’nye nitochkli. Filologicheskii etiud. [The Right Little Threads. A philological essay]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2012, 115: 215-223.
- The Red and the Gray. In: : Emily Van Buskirk and Andrei Zorin, eds., Lydia Ginzburg’s Alternative Literary Identities. A Collection of Articles and New Translations (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012): 27-37. Russain version in Book 24: 104-114.
- Poetics Today: Some Burning Issues. Keynote Lecture // AATSEEL-Wisconsin Conference, 12-13 October 2012. University of Madison-Wisconsin . Pyle Center, Room 335, Friday 12 October 2012, 4:00 pm.
- Chelovek na chasakh Leskova: vertikal’ smysla [Nikolai Leskov’s “Man on Sentry Duty”: Hierarchy and Narrative]. In Book 26 [Ochnye…], p. 196-213, and in: From Medieval Russian Culture to Modernism. Studies in Honor of Ronald Vroon. Eds. Lazar Fleishman et al. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. P. 129-150.
- Byt’ znamenitym… [ To Be Famous…]. Zvezda [The Star], 2012, 11 : 212–217.
- “Tolstovskie” stranitsy ital’ianskogo romana Stendalia (K ostraneniiu voiny v “Parmskoi obiteli” i “Voine i mire”) [The “Tolstoyan” pages of Stendhal’s Italian novel: On the defamiliarization of war in The Charterhouse of Parma and War and Peace]. In: Venok: Studia slavica Stefano Garzonio sexagenario oblata. In Honor of Stefano Garzonio. Eds. Guido Carpi, Lazar Fleishman, Bianca Sulpasso. Stanford, 2012. Part I. С. 198-220.
- Themes, Structure, and Intertexts in Mikhail Kuzmin’s Infinitive Poem “Sweet Is It To Die…”. In: The Many Facets of Mikhail Kuzmin. A Miscellany. Ed. by Lada Panova with Sarah Pratt. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica, 2011. P. 27-42.
- Zagrobnoe stikhotvorenie Bunina <“Bez menia”> [Ivan Bunin’s posthumous poem ], in Book 23 (Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia ): 53-55.
- “Mne ni k chemu odicherskie rati…”: K tainam remesla Anny Akhmatovoi [“I have no use for odic formations…”: On Anna Akhmatova’s secrets of craftsmanship] in Book 23 (Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia ): 72–81.
- Liubovnaia lodka, upriazh’ dlia Pegasa i pokhoronnaia kolybel’naia: Tri stikhotvoreniia I tri perioda Pasternaka [A love boat, a harness for Pegasus and a funereal lullaby: Three p;oems and three periods of Boris Pastenak], in Book 7 (Mir avtora…): 85-117, and ; also in Book 23 (Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia ): 83-112.
- Pitsunda-57, dalee vezde [Pitsunda-57, with all stops down the line]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2012, 12 (8-27).
- Puk nezabudok [A Bunch/Fart of Forget-me-nots]. Zvezda [The Star], 2013, 2:223–234.
- «Na kholmax Gruzii lezhit nochnaia mgla…»: Vosem’ strok o svoistvakh strasti i besstrastiia [“On the Hills of Georgia Nocturnal Darkness Lies…”: Eight Lines on the Properties of Passion and Impassivity]. Zvezda [The Star], 2013, 4:222–230.
revised version (“Mne xochetsia domoi, v ogromnost’…” Pasternaka: sotsial’nyi zakaz, tematika, struktura [Pasternak’s “I Want to Go Home, into the Hugeness…”: Social command, thematics, structure] in Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriia literatury i jazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Literary and linguistic series], 50 (1991) (1): 20-34; French vers. (Instruments pour l’analyse thematique appliques a un poeme de Pasternak) in Strumenti Critici, 4 (1989), 2, 179-91. Expanded Engl. version in Book No. 12.
- Iskusstvo prisposobleniia [The art of adaptation]. Grani [Facets], 38 (1985), 78-97, Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 1990, 6, 6-51, and in Books No. 10, 11.
- Writing in the wilderness: on Brodskii and a sonnet. Slavic and East European Journal, 30 (1986), 3, 404-419; revised Engl. version: De- and re-constructing a classic: “I loved you” by Joseph Brodsky in Book No. 12: 117-146; Russian version in Poetika Brodskogo [Brodsky’s Poetics], L. Losev ed., Tenafly, N.J.: Hermitage, 1986, 38-62, and in Books No. 10, 11 (“Ia vas liubil…” Brodskogo [Joseph Brodsky’s “I loved you once…”]; pp. 205-224, and Book No. 19: 292-308.
- Grafomanstvo kak priem: Lebiadkin, Khlebnikov, Limonov i drugie [Graphomania as Technique: Lebiadkin, Khlebnikov, Limonov and others]. In: Velimir Chlebnikov: Myth and Reality. 1885-1985, W.Westteijn ed., Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1986, 573-593, and in Books No. 10, 11.
- Zamiatin, Orvell i Khvorob’ev. O snakh novogo tipa [Zamiatin, Orwell, and Khvorob’ev: On a new type of dream]. Grani [Facets], 140 (1986), 178-212, and in Books No. 11, 12. Engl. version A dystopian “Newdream” Fivefold : Analyzing Ilf and Petrov’s Closet Monarchist in Book No. 12: 241-269, and in Slavic Review 48 (1989), 1, 36-53.
- Lev Tolstoi i Mikhail Zoshchenko kav zerkalo i zazerkal’e russkoi revoliutsii [Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Zoshchenko, and the Russian Revolution]. Sintaksis, 16 (1986), 103-129, Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 1990, 4, 54-76, and in Books No. 10, 11; Engl. version Through Revolution’s looking-glass: Tolstoy into Zoshchenko in Book No. 12: 35-57.
- Liubovnaia lodka, upriazh’ dlia Pegasa i pokhoronnaia kolybel’naia: tri stikhotvoreniia i tri perioda Pasternaka [A love boat, a harness for Pegassus, and a funereal lullaby: three poems and three periods of Pasternak] in Book 7: 228-254; short French version: La poetique de Pasternak. In: Histoire de la literature russe. Le XX-e siecle. Gels et degeles. Ed. by E. Etkind, G. Nivat, I. Serman, V. Strada. Paris, Fayard, 1990: 488-504. Short Russian version (manuscript).
- O genii i zlodeistve, o babe i vserossiiskom masshtabe (Progulki po Maiakovskomu) [About genius and villainy, about stupid women, and the all-Russian scale] in Books No. 7: 255-278, No. 11: 247-275, and No. 19: 195-220.
- Poetu nastoiashchemu spasibo… (O novykh stikhakh B. Okudzhavy) [Many thanks to a genuine poet… (On B. Okudzava’s new poems)]. Strana i mir [The nation and the world], 1987, 4 [40], 133-140.
- Dialog Bulgakova i Oleshi o kolbase, parade chuvstv i Golgofe [The dialogue between Olesa and Bulgakov about salami, the parade of emotions, and the Calvary]. Sintaksis 20 (1987), 25-55; revised version in Books No, 11, 12; revised Engl. version A duet in three movements: Bulgakov — Olesha – Bulgakov in Book No. 12: 181-212.
- Vliublenno-blednye nartsissy o vremeni i o sebe [Pale enamoured narcissi on time and themselves]. Beseda [Conversation (Paris)] 6 (1987), 144-177; revised version in Books No. 10, 11.
- [Review of] O. Ronen, An Approach to Mandel’stam, Jerusalem, 1983. Slavic and East European Journal 31 (1987): 115-117.
- Intertextuality, its content and discontents (review article of I. P. Smirnov’s Porozhdenie intertexta [Generating the intertext]). Slavic Review, 47 (1988) 4, 726-729.
- Three on courtship, corpses, and culture (Tolstoy, “After the Ball,” Zoshchenko, “Lady with Flowers,” E. Ginzburg, “Paradise under the Microscope.” Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 22 (1989), 7-24; revised version in Book No. 12: 66-87; Russ. version in Books No. 11, 12.
- The beauty mark and the ‘I’s of the beholder. In Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis, D. Rancour-Laferriere ed., Amsterdam: John Benjamins 1989, 329-352, revised version in Book No. 12: 147-163, short Russian version Book No. 11: 234-242, complete Russian version (forthcoming) to appear as: Intertekstual ponevole (Limonov’s “Ia v mysliakh poderzhu drugogo cheloveka…” [Intertextual malgre lui (Limonov’s “I will hold another person in my thoughts…”)] in Book No. 19: 309-326.
- The stylistic roots of Palisandria. Canadian-American Slavic Studies (special Sasha Sokolov issue; D. Barton Johnson guest ed.) 21, Nos. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1987 [actually publ. 1990], 369-400).
- “Legkoe dykhanie” i “Stantsionnyi smotritel’”: Problemy kompozitsii [“Light Breathing” and “The Station Master”: Problems of composition]. In Cultural Mythologies of Russian Modernism: From the Golden Age to the Silver Age, ed. by Boris Gasparov, Robert P. Hughes, and Irina Paperno, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Oxford, University of California Press, 1992: 293-314, and in Books No. 10, 11; expanded Engl. version A study in framing: Pushkin, Bunin, Nabokov, and theories of story and discourse in Book No. 12: 88-116.
- Poetry of grammar, poetic worlds and grammatical motifs. In Semiotics 1982, John Deely and Jonathan Evans eds., Bloomington: Lanham, New York and London: University Press of America, 1987: 129-138.
- Levels, domains, invariants: A format for the description of poems. In Semiotics 1983, John Deely and Jonathan Evans eds. Lanham, New York and London: University Press of America, 1987: 333-345.
- Mezhdu zhanrami [Between genres] in: Tsel’nost’. O tvorchestve L. Ia. Ginzburg [Integrity. On the work of L. Ja Ginzburg; by several participants]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 1989 (10): 78-86 (p. 83) and in Books No. 9: 131-133, 15: 154-157, 18: 580-586; English version, “Between Genres,” in a collection of essays on Ginzburg, ed. by Jane Harris as a special issue of Canadian-American Slavic Studies 28 (1994) 2-3: 157-160.
- The terrible armor-clad general line: A new profile of Eisenstein’s poetics. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, special volume 31 (Psychopoetik. Beitraege zur Tagung “Psychologie und Literatur,” Muenchen 1991, ed. by A. Hansen-Loeve) 1992: 481-502; a revised version, Eisenstein’s poetics: dialogical or totalitarian? in: Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian Avant-Garde and Cultural Experiment, ed. by John E. Bowlt and Olga Matich, Stanford UP, 1996: 245-256; Russ. version in Kinovedcheskie zapiski 16, in Book No. 11: 296-311.
- Rereading Gogol’s miswritten book: notes on Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends, in Essays on Gogol: Logos and the Russian Word, ed. by S. Fusso and P. Meyer, Evanston, Illinois: Nothwestern University Press, 1992: 172-84, and in Book No. 12: 17-34; Russian version in Books No. 10, 11.
- Morfologiia i istoricheskie korni “Posle bala” L. N. Tolstogo (jazychestvo i khristianstvo) [The Morphology and Historical Roots of L. N. Tolstoy’s “After the Ball” (Paganism and Christianity)], in Christianity and the Eastern Slavs, 3 vls, ed. by B. Gasparov, R. Hughes, I. Paperno, and O, Raevsky-Hughes, UC Press, v. 3 (16-38), in Daugava [Riga] 1990, 12: 80-93, and in Books No. 10, 11: 87-102; short Engl. version in Sprache – Text – Kultur, ed. by K. Eimermacher and P. Grzybek, Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1991: 271-9; revised Engl. version in Book No. 12: 59-87.
- Biografiia, struktura, tsitatsiia (eshche neskol’ko puskinskikh podtekstov) [Biography, structure, quoting: some Pushkinian subtexts]. In: Tainy remesla. Akhmatovskie chteniia, II [Craft’s secrets. Akhmatova studies, II], ed. by N. Koroleva and S. A. Kovalenko, Moscow: Nasledie, 1992: 20-29, and in Book No. 19: 271-279. Expanded Engl. version, To Cross or Not to Cross: Akhmatova’s “Sacred Boundary”, in: Approaches to Poetry: Some Aspects of Textuality, Intertextuality and Intermediality, ed. by Janos Petofi and Terry Olivi, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1994: 248-264.
- Philosophy of composition: O nekotorykh aspektakh struktury odnogo literaturnogo teksta [… On some aspects of the structure of a literary text], in Readings in Russian Modernism [Kul’tura russkogo modernizma] To Honor V. F. Markov’, ed. by J. Malmstad and R. Vroon. UCLA Slavic Studies. New Series. Vol. 1. Moscow: Nauka. Oriental Literature Publishers, 1993: 390-399, in Zolotoi vek/ The Golden Age (Moscow), 1992, 3: 69-73, and in Book No. 15: 45-56.
- Metashtrikhi k portretu A. M. Piatigorskogo [Meta-sketches for the portrait of A. M. Piatigorsky]. In the A. M. Piatigorsky Festschrift, ed. by I. Smirnov and T. Pomerantseva, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 23 (1989): 233-40, and in Book No. 15: 171-178.
- Limonov na literaturnykh Olimpiks ( O rasskaze “Krasavitsa, vdokhnovliavsaia poeta). Panorama (Los Angeles) 497, October 19-26, 1990: 18-19 (also in Sintaksis 29 [1991]: 150-160, and Literaturnoe obozrenie [ Literary survey ] 1991, 7: 22-25; expanded version in Book No. 15:72-87, and Book No. 19: 232-245; expanded Engl. version in Book No. 12: 163-180: Limonov at literary Olympics ( On his short story “The Belle Who Had Inspired the Poet”).
- Ekstaticheckie motivy Pasternaka v svete ego lichnoi mifologii (kompleks Iakova/Akteona/Gerakla). In Boris Pasternak. 1890-1990, ed. by Lev Loseff, Northfield VT, The Russian School of Norwich University: 52-74, and in Book No. 11; short version in Literaturnoe obozrenie (Literary survey], 1991, 11: 87-91.
- Semiotika “Tamani” [The semiotics of [Lermontov’s] “Taman’”]. In Sbornik statej k 70-letiju prof. Iu. M. Lotmana [A collection of essays for Prof. Iu. M. Lotman’s 70th birthday], ed. by A. Mal’ts, Tartu: TGU, 1992: 248-56, and in Book No. 11: 276-282.
- ZH/Z: Notes of an ex-pre-poststructuralist. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 33 (1992) 283-91; Russ. version in Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey] 1991, 10: 31-35, and in Book No. 15: 6-17.
- On the use of taste. In Le mot, les mots, les bons mots. Words, Words, Witty Words. Hommage a Igor Mel’chuk par ses amis, collegues et eleves a l’occasion de son 60-eme anniversaire, ed. by Andre Clas, Montreal: Les [presses de l’Universite de Montreal, 1992: 51-60. Russ. version in Zolotoi vek/ The Golden Age, 5 (1994), and in Book No. 15: 18-31.
- O trekh grammaticheskikh motivakh Pasternaka [On three grammatical motifs in Pasternak]. In Byt’ znamenitym nekrasivo… Pasternakovskie chteniia, I [Being famous is unbeautiful…: Pasternak studies, 1], ed. by I. Podgaetskaia et al., Moscow: Nasledie, 1992: 55-66.
- Six easy pieces on grammar of poetry, grammar of love. In Literary Tradition and Practice in Russian Culture. Papers from an International Conference on the Occasion of the Seventieth Birthday of Yury Mikhailovich Lotman. Russian Culture: Structure and Tradition. 2-6 July 1992, Keele University, UK, ed. by V. Polukhina, J. Andrew, and R. Reid, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993: 192-213; Russian version, Grammatika liubvi (shest’ fragmentov), in Pasternakovskie chteniia, II [Pasternak studies, II], ed. by I. Podgaetskaia, Moscow: Nasledie, 1998, S. 132-151, and in Book No. 15: 105-121.
- ‘Slaughterhouse’ motifs in Mandelstam’s “The Egyptian Stamp” and environs. In The Language and Verse in Russia, H. Birnbaum and M. Flier eds., Moscow and Los Angeles: UCLA Slavic Studies, New Series, Vol. 2, 1995: 304-310.
- Beyond “Form vs. Theme.” In The Return of Thematic Criticism, ed. by Werner Sollors, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (Harvard English Studies, v. 18), 1993: 297-298.
- Mandelstam’s Egyptian Stamp: a study in Envy? Slavic and East European Journal 38, 2 (1994): 224-44; Russ. version in Books No. 10, 11.
- A memo from the underground. Elementa 1, 4 (1994): 305-20; an expanded Russ. version: Mezhdu Dostoevskim i Russo [Between Dostoevsky and Rousseau] in Book No. 13: 89-121.
- How a Russian Maupassant was made in Odessa and Yasnaya Polyana: Isaak Babel and the Tolstoy legacy. Slavic Review, 53, 3 (1994): 671-693; Russ. version: Tolstoi i Babel’, avtory Mopassana [Tolstoi and Babel’, authors of Maupassant] in Book No. 13: 30-56.
- Muskat 1883 goda [Muscat-1883]. In Book No. 13:76-88.
- Kak sdelan Mopassan Babelia [How Babel’s Maupassant was made]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 4 (1993): 215-227, and in Book No. 13: 57-75.
- Diurua, Drei, Peredonov i drugie [Duroy, Drei, Peredonov and others]. In Book No. 13: Ch. 6, pp. 122-148.
- Seks v ramkakh [Sex framed].Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 6 (1994): 15-24, and in Book No. 15: 143-153.
- Poetika proizvola i proizvol’nost’ poetiki. Maiakovskii: “Dachnyi sluchai”-1928 [Poetics of arbitrariness and arbitrariness of poetics. Mayakovsky-1928: The case of the “The Episode at the dacha”]. Znamia [The Banner] 1993, 11: 195-202, and in Book No. 15: 122-133, and Book No. 19: 100-108.
- ‘Immortality for a while’: Pasternak’s poetry of tense and time. Elementa, 2 (1996): 331-341. Russian version in: Tekst. Intertekst. Kul’tura. Sbornik dokladov mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii (Moskva 4-7 aprelia 2001 goda).[Text. Intertext. Culture. Papers from the International Conference (Moscow, April 4-7, 2001)] Sost. V. P. Grigor’ev, N. A. Fateeva. M.: Azbukovnik, 2001. S. 66-77.
- Na fone megaform [Against the background of megaforms]. In: Semiotika. Lingvistika. Poetika. K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia A. A. Reformatskogo [Semiotics. Linguistics. Poetics. On the occasion of his 100th birthday]. Ed. by V. A. Vinogradov. Moscow: Iazyki Slavianskoi Kul’tury, 2004. P. 517-528.
- Nevidimye miru strakhi: Zoshchenko-iumorist v sumerechnom svete “Pered voskhodom solntsa” [Invisible fears: Zoshchenko’s laughter in the crepuscular light of Before Sunrise]. In Mir Mikhaila Zoshchenko [The World of Mikhail Zoshchenko], ed. by G. A. Belaia and A. M. Ushakov, Moscow: Nasledie (forthcoming), and in Book No. 16: 13-28.
- Ruka blizhnego i ee mesto v poetike Zoshchenko. [The arm/hand of your neighbor and its place in Zoshchenko’s poetics]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 1995, 15: 262-286, and in Book 16: 107-131
- Spravka-rodoslovnaia (K teme Babel’ i Gor’kii) [A memo and a genealogy (On the Babel-Gorky relationship)]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 34 (1994): 1-35, and in Book No. 13: 148-173.
- Isaac Babel, author of Guy de Maupassant. In a special Babel issue of Canadian-Slavonic Papers, guest-ed. by R. L. Busch and Allan Reid, 36 (1994) 1-2: 89-106 (short. Engl. vers. of three chapters in Book No. 13: Ch. 1: Metaportret khudozhnika v iunosti [A metaportrait of the artist as a young man], pp. 15-29, and also Chs. 2-3 (=Nos. 88, 90), pp. 37-88.
- Of tarts and teas: Russian and Western motifs in an Isaac Babel Story. In Thematics Reconsidered: Essays in Honor of Horst S. Daemmrich, ed. by Frank Trommler, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994: 145-158.
- Topos prostitutsii v literature [Prostitution topos in literature]. In Book No. 13: 317-368. A short English-language excerpt: Of tarts and teas: Russian and Western motifs in an Isaac Babel Story. In Thematics Reconsidered: Essays in Honor of Horst S. Daemmrich, ed. by Frank Trommler, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994: 145-158.
- Les mots: relire. In Rusistika. Slaviska. Indoevropeistika. Sbornik k 60-letiiu A. A. Zalizniaka [Russian, Slavic, and Indoeuropean Studies. A Festschrift for A. A. Zalizniak’s 60-th birthday], ed. by T. M. Nikolaeva, A. A. Gippius,, and V. N. Toporov. M.: Indrik, 1996: 669-689, and in Book No. 15: 88-104.
- O Smerdiakove (Bulgakov i Dostoevskii) [On Smerdyakov (Bulgakov and Dostoevsky)]. In Lotmanovskii sbornik. 1 [The Lotman Series. 1], ed. by E. V. Permiakov, Moscow: ITs-Garant, 1994, 568-581, and in Book No. 15: 32-44.
- Eccola (k donzhuanskoi teme u Zoshchenko) [Eccola (on the Don-Juan theme in Zoshchenko)]. In Poeziia i zhivopis’. Sbornik trudov pamiati N.I. Khardzhieva [Poetry and painting. Essays in memory of N. I. Khardzhiev], ed. by M.B. Meilakh and D. V. Sarab’ianov. Moscow: Shkola Iazyki Russkoi Kul’tury, 2000.P. 821-834, and in Books No. 15: 57-71, 16: 288-303; final Russian version in Book No. 16: 288-303.
- Ubiistvennyi kalambur Bertrana Rassela [Bertrand Russel’s deadly pun]. Various versions in Books No. 3, 6, and 15: 134-142.
- ‘Prevoskhoditel’nyi pokoi’: Ob odnom invariantnom motive Pushkina. In Books No. 3, 14.
- K reinterpretatsii poetiki Mikhaila Zoshchenko: ‘Entsiklopediia strakha’ i ideinaia struktura rasskaza “Dushevnaia prostota” [Reinterpreting Zoshchenko’s poetics: the ‘encyclopedia of fear’ and the thematic structure of “Soul’s Simplicity”]. Izvestiia Akademii Nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka [Communications of the Academy of Sciences. Literary and linguistic series], 54 (1995), 5: 50-60; and in Slavica Tergentsia, 1996, 4 (Nasledie Iu. M. Lotmana: Nastoiashchee i budushchee [Iu. M. Lotman’s legacy: Present and future]. Atti del Convengno Unibersita degli Studi di Bergamo, 3-5 Novembre 1994, guest-ed. by P. Deotto, M. Nortman, and M. Pesenti): 233-250. English version in Russian Studies in Literature, 33 (1997), 2 (Studies of Mikhail Zoshchenko, guest-ed. by D. Brown, Part II): 41-48; final Russian version in Book No. 16: 48-57.
- Dematerializatsiia u Zoshchenko? [On dematerialization in Zoshchenko]. In Flug, Entfernung, Verschwinden. Konzeptuelle Moskauer Kunst [a catalogue on post-Soviet art], hgb. von K. Becker, D. Bienert, M. Slavicka. Berlin, Kiel and Prague: Cantz Verlag, 1996: 127-130 (in German), 293-296 (in Russian).
- O redaktorakh [Regarding editors]. Znamia [The banner] 1996, 2: 212-220, and in Book No. 17: 204-220.
- V minus pervom i minus vtorom zerkale: Tat’iana Tolstaia, Viktor Erofeev–akmatoviana i arhetipy [In the mirrors minus one and minus two: Tatiana Tolstaya and Viktor Erofeev–Akhmatoviana and archetypes]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 253 (1995), 6: 25-41, and in Book No. 19: 246-268; Engl. version [Tatyana Tolstaya and Viktor Erofeev: parallel indiscretions] to apear in a collection of essays on post-Soviet literature, ed. by E. Dobrenko, N. Condee et al.
- Strakh, tiazhest’, mramor: iz materialov k zhiznetvorcheskoi biografii Akhmatovoi [Fear, weight, marble: materials for a life-as-art biography of Akhmatova]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 36 (1995): 119-154.
- Anna Akhmatova: scripts, not scriptures [Review Article]. Slavic and East European Journal 40 (1996), 1: 135-141.
- Moi vzgliad na institut kostra i drugie instituty, ili Khokhorony vtornik [My View on the Institution of the Bonfire and Other Institutions, or Funneral Tuesday], Zvezda [Star], 1997, 4: 233-236 and in Book No. 19: 168-174.
- Zoshchenko iz XXI veka, ili Poetika nedoveriia [Zoshchenko from the XXIst century, or A poetics of mistrust]. Zvezda [The Star], 1996, 5: 190-204 (repr. in: M. Zoshchenko. Rasskazy. Golubaia kniga (Kniga dlia uchenika i uchitelia). Comp. S. F/ Dmitrenko. M.: Olimp, 1998. P. 502-532.
- Anna Akhmatova piat’desiat let spustia [Anna Akhmatova fifty years later]. Zvezda [The Star], 1996, 9: 211-227, and in Book No. 19: 139-174.
- Food, Fear, Feigning, and Flight in Zoshchenko’s “Foreigners”. Russian Literature 40 (1996), 3 (special Nilsson issue): 385-404; Russian version “Inostrantsy” ili “vse v poriadke” [“Foreigners”, or Everything under control] in Book No. 16: 247-261.
- Tri inventsii na grani lingvistiki i poetiki [Three inventions on the borderline between linguistics and poetics]. Moskovskii lingvisticheskii zhurnal [Moscow linguistic journal] (special Paducheva Festschrift issue), 1996, 2: 147-161.
- Dve konferentsii v Moskve [Two Moscow conferences [The Babel and Zoshchenko centennials]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey] 1995, 1: 85-87 and in Book No. 19: 460-488.
- “What is the author trying to say with his artistic work?”: rereading Zoshchenko’s oeuvre. Slavic and East European Journal, 40 (1996), 3: 458-474.
- “Ia poprezhnemu oshchushchaiu sebia literaturovedom…” Beseda s Aleksandrom Zholkovskim [“I still see myself as a literary scholar…” An Interview with Alexander Zholkovsky]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 261 (1997), 1: 16-22.
- “Monter” Zoshchenko, ili slozhnyi teatral’nyi mekhanizm [Zoshchenko’s “The Electrician,” or: This complex theatrical mechanism]. In Tynianovskii Sbornik, 10. Shestye–Sed’mye–Vos’mye Tynianovskie chteniia. [The Tynianov Collection, 10. The Sixth–Seventh–Eighth Tynianov Readings]. Ed. E. A. Toddes. Moscow: 1998. P. 335-356. English version in Russian Studies in Literature, 33 (1996-1997), 1 (Studies of Mikhail Zoshchenko, guest-ed. by D. Brown, Part I): 59-79; and in Book No. 16.
- Zubnoi vrach, korystnaia molochnitsa, intelligentnyi monter i ikh avtor: krepkovatyi brak v mire Zoshchenko [A dentist, a greedy dairy-woman, an intellectual electrician, and their author: the theme of “stablish” marriage in Zoshchenko]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 259-261 (1996), 5-6: 128-144; and in Book No. 16: 80-106 .
- Verter na koles’iakh [Werther on wheels]. In Lotmanovskii sbornik. 2 [The Lotman Series. 2], ed. by E. V. Permiakov. M.: OGI-RGGU, 1997: 377-392; and in Book No. 16.
- Eda u Zoshchenko [Eating in Zoshchenko]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 1997, 21: 258-273; and in Book No. 16: 233-246.
- “Ia besporiadkov ne narushaiu”: Zoshchenko i vlast’ [“I’m not violating disorders”: Zoshchenko and authority]. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 40 (1997): 59-87; and in Book No. 16.
- Akhmatova i Maiakovskii: K teorii parodii [Akhmatova and Maiakovskii: Towards a theory of parody]. In: In memoriam. Sbornik pamiati Ia. S. Lur’e [In memoriam. A Collection tp honor the memory of Ia. S. Lur’e]. Ed. by N. Botvinnik and E. Vaneeva. S-Petersburg: Atheneum/Feniks, 1997. P. 383-394, and in Book No. 19: 221-231.
- Iz istorii vcherashnego dnia [From the history of yesterday]. Rossia/Russia 1998, 1 [9]. Semidesiatye gody kak predmet istorii russkoi kul’tury [The 1970s as a subject in the history of Russian culture]. Guest-ed. K. Iu. Rogov. P. 135-152 (also in “Memuarnye vin’etki…”: 221-241); and in Book No. 17: 221-241.
- Kheppi-end v epokhu kul’ta lichnosti: Popytka tselostnogo analiza memuarnogo rasskaza L. A. Mazelia “Essentuki, 1952” [A happy ending in the times of the cult of personality: An essay in a comrehensive analysis of L. A. Mazel’s memoir tale “Essentuki, 1952”]. In Muzyka: Analiz i estetika. Sbornik k 90-letiiu L. A. Mazelia [Music: Analysis and aesthetics: Festschrift for L. A. Mazel’s 90th birthday], ed. by I. N. Baranova, R. A. Ostrovskii, K. I. Iuzhak. Petrozavodsk and S.-Petersburg: SPbGK, 1997. P. 98-115. Appendix: L. A. Mazel’, “Essentuki, 1952”, Znamia [The Banner], 1995, 10: 166-170.
- K tekhnologii vlasti v tvorchestve i zhiznetvorchestve Akhmatovoi [On the technology of power in Akhmatova’s life and works]. In Lebenskunst–Kunstleben. Zhiznetvorchestvo v russkoi kul’ture XVII-XX v. [Life’s art–artistic life: “Zhiznetvorchestvo” in Russian culture of the 18th–20th centuries]. Ed. Schamma Schahadat. Munich: Otto Sagner, 1998. P. 193-210.
- Roman s gonorarom: K teme Babel’ i Sholom-Aleikhem [Romance with an honorarium: Isaac Babel and Sholom Aleichem]. Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary survey], 264 (1997, 4): 43-54; also in: Oh Jerusalem! Eds. W. Moskovich, W. Schwarzband, G. dell’Agata, S. Garzonio. Pisa–Jerusalem, 1999: 255-278.
- Zoshchenko i Chekhov (sopostavitel’nye zametki) [Zoshchenko and Chekhov (comparative notes)]. In Chekhovskii sbornik, ed. A. P. Chudakov. M: Izd-vo Literaturnogo instituta im. A. M. Gor’kogо,.1999. S. 175-190; in Revue d’Etudes Slaves (special Chekhov issue, guest-ed. by J. Bonamour; forthcoming), and in Book No. 16: 174-187.
- ZH/Z-97. In: Moskovsko-tartuskaia semioticheskaia shkola. Istoriia, vospominaniia, razmyshleniia. Ed. S. Iu. Nekliudov. M: Shkola “Iazyki russkoi kul’tury”, 1998. P. 175-209.
- Ballada samoobladan’ia: Stikh i smysl v neigauzovskoi “Ballade” Pasternaka [A ballade of self-discipline: Verse and meaning in Pasternak’s Neuhaus “Ballade”]. Die Welt der Slaven 16 (1999): 1-26, and in Book No. 19: 502-522.
- Kniga knig Pasternaka: K 75-letiiu “Sestry moei–zhizni” [Pasternak’s book of books: The 75-th anniversary of My Sister–Life]. Zvezda [Star], 1997, 12: 193-214. Another version, “O zaglavnom trope knigi ‘Sestra moia – zhizn”” [The Title Trope of the book My Sister–Life] in Stanford Slavic Studies 21 [Poetry and Revolution. Boris Pasternak’s “My Sister Life”. Ed. Lazar Fleishman, 1999]: 26-65, and in Book No. 19: .175-194.
- Roman Osipovich Jakobson: Iz memuarnykh zametok [Roman Jakobson: Memoir notes]. Roman Jakobson: Texts, Documents, Studies. Eds. Henryk Baran, Sergej Gindin, Elena Shumilova. Moscow: RGGU, 1999. P. 269-278; and in Book No. 17: 192-203.
- Pushkin Under Our Skin. Alexander Pushkin: A Celebration of Russia’s Best-loved Writer. Ed. A. D. P. Briggs. London: Hazar Publishing, 1999. P. 189-196.
- O neiasnoi iasnosti: Logotsentricheskie zametki na poliakh stikhotvoreniia Mandel’shtama “Ne sravnivai: zhivushchii nesravnim…” [On Unclear clarity: Logocentric marginalia to Mandelstam’s poem “Do not compare: a living one is incomparable…”]. Zvezda [The Star] 1999, 2: 177-191. A shorter version, “Klavishnye progulki bez podorozhnoi“. Zapiski Mandel’shtamovskogo obshchestva. Sokhrani moiu rech’. Publikatsii, stat’i [Notes of the Mandelstam Society. Keeo my speech. Publications, essays], 3/1. Eds. O. Lekmanov et al. M. 2000. P. 160-184, and in Book No. 19: 83-99.
- K pereosmysleniiu kanona: sovetskie klassiki-nonkonformisty v postsovetskoi perspektive [Rethinking the canon: Non-conformist Soviet classics in post-Soviet perspective], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 29 (1998) 29: 55-68, and in Book No. 19: 351-368. An English version in the Materials of the Second Nevada Conference on Russian Culture. Ed. Dmitry Shalin (forthcoming).
- Iz memuarnykh zametok [From memoiristic notes]. Neprikosnovennyi zapas: Ocherki nravov kul’turnogo soobshchetsva [Private stock: Notes on Intellectuals] 1998, 2: 79-82; 1999, 1 [3]: 77-81; 2 [4]: 85-89; 3 [5]: 91-94.
- Predislovie k kn.: Mark Freidkin. Opyty. M.: Carte Blanche, 1994.
- Pamiati Viktora Iul’evicha Rozentsveiga [In memory of V. Iu. Rozentsveig], with Vl. Uspensky et al. [NTI, ser. 2: Informatsionnye protsessy i sistemy [NTI, ser. 2: Information Processes and Systems] 1999, 6: 33-39.
- “Ia besporiadkov ne narushaiu”: Zoshchenko i vlast’ [“I don’t violate disorders”: Zoshchenko and authority], in Book 16: 58-79; Zoscenko: Medecine et pouvoir [Zoshchenko: Medicine and power]. Revue des Etudes Slaves (special issue on the Serapion Brothers, ed. E. Etkind) 71 (1999), 3: 571-583.
- The obverse of Stalinism: Akhmatova’s self-serving charisma of Selflessness. In Self and Story in Russian History, ed. by Laura Engelstein and Stephanie Sandler, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2000: 46-68.
- Mikhail Zoshchenko’s Shadow Operas. In Russian Literature and the Other Arts. Ed. Catriona Kelly and Stephen Lovell. Cambridge University Press , 2000: 119-146.
- Ochnye stavki s vlastitelem: Iz istorii odnoi “pushkinskoi” paradigmy [Eye-to-eye with Power Figures: From the History of a “Pushkinian” Paradigm]. In: Pushkinskaia konferentsia v Stenforde. 1999. Materialy i issledovaniia. Eds. David M. Bethea, A. L. Ospovat, N. G. Okhotin, L. S. Fleishman. M: OGI, 2001. P. 366-401.
- The Power of Grammar and Grammar of Power in the Childhood Scenes of Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible. In Eisenstein at 100: A Reconsideration. Eds. Al LaValley and Barry P. Scherr. New Brunswick, New Jersey and London: Rutgers UP. P. 253-267.
- Iz memuarnykh vin’etok [From memoiristic vignettes]. Zvezda [The Star], 2000, 3: 163-184, 4: 190-209.
- Brodskii i infinitivvnoe pis’mo (Materialy k teme) [Brodsky and infinitive writing (Preliminary materials)]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 2000, 45: 187-198.
- K probleme infinitivnoi poezii (Ob intertekstual’nom fone “Ustroit’sia na avtobazu…”‘ S. Gandlevskogo) [On infinitive poetry (A propos the intertextual background of S. Gandlevskii’s “To get a job as a trucker…”]). Izvestiia RAN, Seriia Literatury i Iazyka [Communications of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literary and Linguistic series], 61 (2002), 1: 34-42.
- Telega na slavistiku [Trashing of Slavic studies]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 2001, 47:340-345.
- Byt’ ili ne byt’ Bogom: K paradoksam avtorskoi vlasti u Dostoevskogo [To be or not to be God: On paradoxes of authorial power in Dostoevsky]. In Paradoksy russkoj literatury [Paradoxes of Russian Literature]. Ed. by Wolf Schmid and Vladimir. Markovich. St.-Petersburg: Inapress, 2001. P. 234-247.
- Dve obez’iany, bochki zlata… [Two monkeys, barrels of gold…]. Zvezda [The Star], 2001, 10: 202-214.
- Poem, Problem, Prank. The Nabokovian 47 (Fall 2001): 19-28.
- Novyye vin’etki [New vignettes]. Zvezda [The Star], 2002, 1: 155-179.
- Infinitivnoe pis’mo: Tropy i siuzhety (Materialy k teme) [Infinitive Writing: Tropes and Plots (Preliminary Materials)]. In: Etkindovskie chteniya. I: Sbornik statei po materialam Chtenii pamyati E.G.Etkinda (27–29 iiunia 2000). Eds. P.L.Vakhtina, A.A.Dolinin, B.A.Kats i dr. SPb.: The European University at St.-Petersburg, 2003. P. 250–271.
- Dve versii strakha: Akhmatova i Zoshchenko [Two versions of fear: Akhmatova and Zoshchenko]. In: Semiotika strakha [Semiotics of fear].. Ed. by Nora Buhks and Francis Conte. Moscow: Russkii Institut, “Evropa”, 2005. P. 249-260.
- Poetry of Grammar or Pragmatics of Poetry? (Confessions of a Compulsive Conservative). Paper at the Symposium Between History and System: Slavic Theory Today, at Yale University, March 1-2, 2002.
- Infinitivnoe pis’mo i kitaiskaia klassicheskaia poeziia [ co-au. I. S. Smirnov; Infinitive Writing and Classical Chinese Poetry]. In Lotmanovskii sbornik. 3. [The Lotman Series. 3]. Eds. L. N. Kiseleva, R. G. Leibov, T. N. Fraiman. M.: OGI, 2004. P. 674-695.
- Ob infinitivnom pis’me Shershenevicha [Vadim Shershenevich’s Infinitive Writing]. Russkii iazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii [The Russian Language in Scholarly Light] 6 (2), 2003: 100-117, and in: Russkii imazhinizm:.Istoriia, teoriia, praktika [Russian Imaginism: History, theory, practice. Ed. V. A. Drozdkov et al.. Мoscow: Linor, 2003. P. 291-305, and in Book No. 19: 444-459.
- U istokov pasternakovskoi poetiki: O stikhotvorenii “Raskovannyi golos”. Izvestiia RAN, Seriia Literatury i Iazyka [Communications of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literary and Linguistic series], 62 (4), 2003: 10-22.
- Ob odnom kazuse infinitivnogo pis’ma (Shershenevich-Pasternak-Kushner) [On One Interesting Case of Infinitive Writing (Shershenevich-Pasternak-Kushner)]. Philologica, 2001/02, v. 7, No. 17/18: 261-270.
- Piat’ intertekstual’nykh etiduov (s memuarnym predisloviem) [Five Intertextual Pieces (with a Memoiristic Introduction)]. Russian Literature, 2003, vol. 54, No. 1-3.
- Infinitivnoe pis’mo i analiz teksta: “Leiklos” Brodskogo[Infinitie Writing and Brodsky’s “Leiklos”]. In: Poetika iskanii, ili poisk poetiki. Materialy mezhdunarodnoш konferentsii-festivalia “Poeticheskii iazyk rubezha XX-XXI vekov i sovremennye literaturnye strategii” [A Poetics of Search and a Search for a Poetics. Publications from the Conference-Festival “The Poetic Language of the Turn of the 20th-21st Centuries and Modern Literary Strategies”]. Ed. N. A. Fateeva. M., Izd-vo Instituta russkogo jazyka RAN [Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004. P. 132-150 and in Book No. 19: 460-488.
- Motat’–Tait’: Ob odnom perevodnom tekste Khodasevicha [To Spin–To Conceal: On a Translated Text by Khodasevich]. In: Etkindovskiie Chteniia. II. Sbornik statei po materialam Chtenii pamyati E.G.Etkinda. 2002). Eds. P.L.Vakhtina, A.A.Dolinin, B.A.Kats. SPb.: The European University at St.-Petersburg (forthcoming 2004), and in Book No. 19: 280-191.
- Schast’e i prava sub specie infinitivi: “Iz Pindemonti” [Happiness and Rights Sub Specie Infinitivi: Pushkin’s “Iz Pindemonti”]. In: “Pushkin i ego sovremenniki” [Pushkin and His Contemporaries]. SPb: Akademicheskii proekt, 2005, issue 4 (43): 451-473; and in Book No. 19: 432-443.
- Gandlevskii, Brodskii, Blok, Tvardovskii. Iz zametok ob infinitivnoi poezii [Gandlevskii, Brodskii, Blok, Tvardovskii. From Notes on Infinitive Poetry]. Zvezda [The Star], 2003, 12: 201-204.
- Russkoe infinitivnoe pis’mo na rendez-vous: Fet/ Miusse [Russian Infinitive Writing on a Rendez-vous : Fet/ Musset]. In : De la littérature russe: mélanges offerts à Michel Aucouturier. Ed. Catherine Depretto. Paris : Institut d’études slaves, 2005. P. 34-49.
- “Dorozhit on etim znakom–byt’ kak vse ne khochet…” [“He treasures this token–doesn’t want to be like others…”]. Rets. na kn. Eduard Limonov, Stikhotvoreniia. M.: Ul’tra. Kul’tura, 2004. 416 s. 3000 ekz. [Review article of Eduard Limonov, Poems ]. Kritichsekaia massa [Critical mass], 2004, 1:35.
- Towards a typology of “debut” narratives: Babel, Nabokov and Others: Paper at the conference on The Enigma of Isaac Babel. Stanford University, 29 February-2 March 2004.
- Intertekstual’noe potomstvo “Ia vas liubil Pushkina…” [On the intertextual progeny of Pushkin’s poem “I loved you once…” ] in Book No. 19: 309-326.
- Tema i variatsii (Pasternak/ Okudzhava) [A Theme and Variations (Pasternak/ Okudzhava)]. in Books No. 3 and No. 19: 327-350.
- Ob infinitivnykh “Stikhakh uklonista B. Ryzhego” [The infinitive “Verses of the Deviationist B. Ryzhii”], Zvezda [Star], 2005, 12, and also in: SHIPOVNIK [Briar, a Festschrift for Roman Timenchik’s 60th birthday], ed. by Iu. Leving et al., Moscow: Vodolei, 2005, pp. 96-111.
- You Don’t Know What You’re Missing. Hermitage Magazine 2006, No. 2:32-33. Russian version.
- In Memoram M. L. Gasparov: A Poetic Offering (Ivan Bunin’s “Without Me”; 1916 ). Paper at the USC Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures Symposium on Recent Books on Russian Poetry dedicated to the memory of M.L. Gasparov, Friday, April 7, 2006; also in Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 16. Russian version: Sovershitel’ Gasparov [Gasparov the Accomplisher]. In Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New literary survey], 77 (2006): 39-44.
- “Prosypat’sia na rassvete…”: Poetika osvezheniia. [Anna Akhmatova’s “To Wake up at Dawn…”: A Poetics of Freshness] In: Stikh, iazyk, poeziia. Pamiati M. L. Gasparova/ Editorial board. M.: RGGU, 2006. P. 211-232. Short Russian version.
- Otkuda eta Diotima (Zametki o “lete” Pasternaka). [Whence This Diotima? (Notes on Boris Pasternak’s “Summer”]. In: Eternity’s Hostage. Selected Papers from the Stanford International Conference on Boris Pasternak, May, 2004. In Honor of Evgeny Pasternak and Elena Pasternak Ed. by Lazar Fleishman. Part I (Stanford Slavic Studies. Vol. 31). Stanford, 2006. P. 239-261. Short Russian version.
- Blistaiushchie odezhdy. Ob odnom literaturnom motive [Radiant garments: A literary motif]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of Literature], 2006, 4: 221-136.
- Gde konchaetsia filologiia? Osennie zachistki na letnikh territoriiakh [Where Does Philology End? Autumn Cleansing on Summer Territories]. Zvezda [The Star], 2007, 1.
- Ramki-obmanki Pasternaka [Boris Pasternak’s trompe-l’oeil frames]. Ermitazh [Hermitage], 2007, 6: 36-37.
- Plinii na skameike []Pliny on the bench]. Zvezda [The Star], 2007, 5: 208-216.
- Eduard Limonov. 85 stikhotvoirenii iz Arkhiva Aleksandra Zholkovskogo (konets 60-kh — nachalo 70-kh gg.) [Eduard Limonov. 85 poems from the Archive of Alexander Zholkovsky (late 1960s– early 1970s)].
- Kak organizovano ”Begstvo” Khodasevicha [How Vladislav Khodasevich’s “Flight” Was Organized], Zvezda [The Star] , 2007, 7, pp. 179-194.
- Tak i etak Georgiia Ivanova («Luny nachishschennyi piatak…») [Georgii Ivanov’s tak and etak («Moon’s polished nickel…» ], Zvezda [Star], 2007, 9: 185-194.
- ”Akhmat” Bunina, ili kratkaia grammatika zhelaniia [Ivan Bunin’s “Akhmat”, or A short grammar of desire. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature], 2007, 4, pp. 310-321.
- “Khorosho!”. Vin’etki. [“Good!” Vignettes]. Novyi mir [New World], 2007, 9, pp. 78-102.
- Anna Akhmatova: scripts, not scriptures [Review Article]. Slavic and East European Journal 40 (1996), 1: 135-141.
- “Neuzheli…?” (Olga Sedakova, “Kitaiskoe puteshestvie”, 13) [“Is It Possible…?” (Olga Sedakova’s, “Chinese Journey”, 13), Zvezda (The Star), 11: 180–190.
- Pri muzyke: “Razryv. 9” i ego intertekstual’nyi akkompanement. [In the Presence of Music: Pasternak’s “Break-up. 9” and Its Intertextual Acompaniment]. In: The Real Life of Pierre Delalande. Studies in Russian and Comparative Literature in Honor of Alexander Dolinin. In Stanford Slavic Studies. Ed. by David Bethea et al. (Stanford Slavic Studies 33, 2 vls.), Vol. 1: 293-314.
- Iz vospominanii (Otmechaia 100-letie L. A. Mazelia) [Marking L. A. Mazel’s Centennial) . Muzykal’naia Akademiia [Academy of Music], 2007, 3, ?. 91-100.
- «Pushkinskie mesta» L’va Loseva i ikh okrestnosti [Lev Losev’s “Pushkin places” and their environs]. Zvezda (The Star),2007, 2: 215-228.
- V sovershenno pustom sadu Eduarda Limonova [Eduard Limonov’s “In a completely empty garden]. Zvezda (The Star),2008, 4: 225–234.
- Infinitivy sub specie d’inachevé. Zametki k teme “poetika Tiutcheva”(I).// I vremia I mesto: istoriko-filologicheskii sbornik k shestidesiatiletiiu Aleksandra L’vovicha Ospovata [Infinitives sub specie d’inachevé. Notes on the subject “Tiutchev’s poetics”. I// ‘Tis Both the Time and the Place: A Historical-philological Collection of Essays to Honor the Sixtieth Birthday of Aleksandr L’vovich Ospovat]. Comp. Ronals Vroon et al. Ed. Kirill Rogov, Andrei Nemser. Moscow: Novoe izdatel’stvo, 2008. P. 369-373.
- Tikhonov kurtuaznyi [A Courteous Tikhonov]. Zvezda (The Star), 2008, 6: 220 — 229.
- “Krasotka ochen’ moloda…” [“The Beauty is quite young…”]. Inostrannaia litreratura (Foreign Literature), 2008, 6: 252-254.
- Eshche raz o malen’koi Khloe Khodasevicha (K analizu “Begtsva”) [More on Vladislav Khodasevich’s litlle Chloe (Understanding “Flight”). In: Russian Literature and the West: A Tribute for David M. Bethea. Eds. Alexander Dolinin, Lazar Fleishman, Leonid Livak. P. II. Stanford Slavic Studies, 35: 80-95.
- Gipsovaia desnichka, ili Ne vsiakaia poslovitsa pri vsiakom molvitsa. Filologicheskii sluchai [The Tiny Plaster-of-Paris Hand, or Not Every Proverb Fits Every Company. A Philological Event]. Novyi mir [New World], 2008, 7: 125-132.
- Ostorozhno, trenozhnik! Otvet opponentu (“Caution: A Tripod! A Response to a Critic”). Russian Journal(30.07.2008).
- Iz zapisok ob infinitivnoi poezii (Problemy opisaniia i obraztsy kommentariev) [Notes on infinitive poetry (Issues in analysis and samples of annotation)]. In: Iazyk kak materiia smysla. Sbornik stateai k 90-letiiu akademika N. Iu. Shvedovoi. Ed. M. V. Liapon [Languaghe as Meaning’s Matter: Essays in Honor of Academician N. Iu. Shvedova’s 90th Birthday].Moscow: Azbukovnik, 2007. P. 478-487.
- (co-author Lada Panova). Samoubiitsvo kak priem: “Sladko umeret’ Mikhail Kuzmina” [Suicide as Technique: Mikhail Kuzmin’s “‘Tis Sweet to Die…”]. Zvezda (The Star), 2008, 10: 191-201.
- Liubov’ ekspata [An Expatriate’s Love]. Zvezda (The Star), 2008, 11: 198-205.
- Esse. [The Essay. An essay]. Inostrannaia Literatura [Foreign Literature], 2008, 12: 233-236.
- Malen’kii metatekstual’nyi shedevr Leskova [Nikolai Leskov’s Metatextual Gem], Novoe literatyrnoe obozrenie [New literary survey] 93 (2008): 155-176.
- Gore mykat’ [Trouble with “we”]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 2: 208-221.
- “Iz noveishikh odobrialsia nesomnenno odin Turgenev…” (K teme I. S. Turgenev i N. S. Leskov) [“Of the newest only Ivan Turgenev was approved unconditionally…” (Notes on Ivan Turgenev and Nikolai Leskov]. In: Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii. Sbornik v chest’ 60-letiia Aleksandra Vasil’evicha Lavrova]. Eds. Vs. Bagno, J. Malmstad, M. Malikova. Moscow: NLO, St-Petersburg: IMLI (Pushkinskii Dom) RAN. 2009 S. 266-281.
- Effekt babochki. Vin’etki [The Butterfly effect. Vignettes]. Novyi mir [New World], 2009, 2: 96-117.
- Poliushko-pole: Eshche raz ob oppozitsii «svoe/chuzhoe» [Field trouble: More on the opposition “one’s own/ other people’s”]. Stengazeta, 02. 26.2009.
- Vybrannye mesta. Tsenton [Selected Passages. A Cento]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 4, pp. 84-87.
- Esli by [If…]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 6: .
- Sbrosit’ ili brosit’? [To Throw to Dump or to Throw to Kill?] NLO [New Literary Survey], 2009, 96, s. 191-211.
- Dvoinaia spiral’. [Double Helix]. Vin’etki [Vignettes]. Novyi Mir [New World], 2009, 7, s. 00-00.
- Pamyati L’va Loseva. Slova o L’ve Loseve. [Remembering Lev Losev]. Zvezda [Star], 2009, 7, s. 00-00.
- Doctor Livingstone, I presume. Stengazeta (02.04.09).
- The usual // Стенгазета (15.05.09).
- Esli by [If…]. Zvezda (The Star), 2009, 6:219-224.
- Sbrosit’ ili brosit’? [To Throw to Dump or to Throw to Kill?] NLO [New Literary Survey], 2009, 96, s. 191-211.
- Pamyati L’va Loseva. Slova o L’ve Loseve. [Remembering Lev Losev]. Zvezda [Star], 2009, 7, s. 228-238.
- Ierunda [Rubbish]. Zvezda [The Star], 2009, 8: 213-216.
- Chekhov, Gorkii I “My” (Iz opyta prep[odavaniia russkoi prozy) [Сhekhov, Gorkii and “We” (From lectures on Russian prose]. In Segni. Scritture. Culture. A cura di Sergio Bertolissi, Marina Di Filippo, Roberta Salvatore. Napoli, 2009.
- Vlast’ slova: Tema i variatsii. Voprosy literatury 2009, 6: 204-227.
- Magiia slova, ili Kto kogo. Zvezda, 2009, 12: 223-225.
- Novyi avangard – novaia klassika (Losev, Sedakova, Limonov) [New avant-garde, new classics (Lev Losev, Olga Sedakova, Eduard Limonov)]. In: Avangard i ideologija: russkie primery [The Avant-garde and Ideology: Russian examples]. Ed. by Korneliia.Ichin. Belgrade: Izdanie Filologicheskogo fakul’teta Belgradskogo Universiteta, 2009. P. 685-696.
- Iurii Shcheglov. “Medved’” v trekh izmereniiakh. Vstupitel’naia zametka Aleksandra Zholkovskogo [Chekhov’s “The Bear” in three dimensions. Introductory notes by Alexander Zholkovsky. Zvezda [The Star], 2009, 8: 128-144.
- Pamiati soavtora i druga [In memory of a friend and co-author]. Novoe literaturnoe obozreniie [New literary survey] 99 (2009): 140-143 [In Memoriam: Юрий Константинович Щеглов (26.01.1937 – 6.04. 2009, Мэдисон, США)] [In memoriam: Iurii Konstantinovich Shcheglov (26.01.1937 – 6.04. 2009, Мэдисон, США).
- Iskusstvo poezii -2010. [Ars poetica – 2010]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2010, 2: 149-152.
- Luchshe pozdno [Better late]. Chto chitat’ [What to read].
- Marginalii k Postscriptum’u Brodskogo [Marginal notes on Joseph Brodsky’s “Postscriptum”]. Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 2:226-238.
- “Grivennik serebrianyi v karmane…” [A Silver dime in my pocket…]. In: Lesnaia shkola: Trudy VI Mezhdunarodnoi letnei shkoly na Karel’skom peresheike po russkoi literature [Transactions of the VI International summer school on the Karelian isthmus on Russian literature]/ Ed. by A. Kobrinskii et al. Pos. Poliany (Uusikirko) Leningradskoi oblasti, 2010. P. 125-142.
- Eshche raz o mandel’shramovskom “Lamarke”: Tak kak zhe on sdelan? [Once more on Mandel’shtam’s “Lamarck”: How was it made, after all?] Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature] 2010, 2: 150-182.
- Lessons of Spanish. Inostrannaia literatura [Foreign literature], 2010, 3: 250-255.
- Belle marquise. Inostrannaia literature [Foreign literature], 2010 (forthcoming).
- Mezhdu mogiloi i pamiatnikom: Zametki o finale akhmatovskogo “Rekviema” [Between grave and monument: Notes on Anna Akhmatova’s “Requiem”]. In: Ot Kibirova do Pushkina. Sbornik v chest’ 60-letiia N. A. Bogomolova [From Kibirov to Pushkin. A Collection of Essays to Honor the 60th Birthday of N.A. Bogomolov]. Ed. by A. L. Lavrov, O.A. Lekmanov. M.: NLO, 2010. P. 114-142.
- The Shadow of Ivan the Terrible. What To Read, 4, p. 49-51.
- Domik na Chelsi, ili Tema s Variatsiiami. Zametki filologa [Little House on Chelsea, or A Theme with Variations. Notes of a Philologist]. Novaia Iunost’, 2010, 1.
- Pantomimy Fazilia Iskandera [Pantomimes by Fazil Iskander]. Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 6: 219-227.
- Sr. SS s R [Cf. “Heart of a Dog” and “A Mermaid”: On links between Mikhail Bulgakov and Arkadii Averchenko]. Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 33: 325-338.
- “Vopros: Kto zhe is nikh bolee zhivoi?..” [“Тhe question: Which of the two is more alive…”]. Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 8: 226-229.
- (co-author Lada Panova) PESNI ZHESTY MUZHSKOE ZHENSKOE. K poeticheskoi pragmatike Anny Akhmatovoi (Das Karpalistische Opfer) [SONGS GESTURES MASCULINE FEMININE. On Anna Akhmatova’s Poetic Pragmatics (Das Karpalistische Opfer)] // От слов к телу: Сборник статей к 60-летию Юрия Цивьяна / Отв. ред. А.В. Лавров. М.: НЛО, 2010. С. 50-71. UNCENSORED VERSION! Keywords: AKHMATOVA, BISEXUALITY, CENSORSHIP, TIMENCHIK.
- Zagadki “Znakov Zodiaca” [The puzzles of Nikolai Zabolotskii’s “The Zodiacal Signs Are Darkening…”]. In: Short version in: Zvezda [The Star] 2010, 10: 219-230. Full version In: N. A. Zabolotskii: pro et contra. Ed. by T. V. Igosheva and I. E. Loshchilov. St.-Petersburg: RKhGA, 2010. P.. 867-910.
- Tak-tak-tak. [Ra-ta-ta] NLO [New Literary Survey], 2010, 103:188-200.
- Otdel’nost’, granitsa, razrezhennost’, tsel’nost’. Zametki ob ikonike stikha [Separateness, Boundary, Spacing, Wholeness. Notes on Verse Iconicity]. In: Zvezda, 2010, 12: 217-224.
- Infinitive Poetry, Relevance Of Linguistics And Issues In Poetic Analysis. Paper at the AATSEEL 2010/2011 Convention (Pasadena, CA), Panel on “Work in Progress” ( Jan. 07, 2011).
- Iskander’s Pantomime Narratives. Paper at the AATSEEL 2010/2011 Convention (Pasadena, CA), Panel on “Literary Theatrics: Gestures, Staginess, and Speech” (Jan. 8, 2011).
- More Keys To The Lamarck Puzzle And Related Theoretical Issues. Paper at the ASEEES 2010 Convention (Los Angeles, CA), Panel on “Mandelstam Revisited” (Nov. 20, 2010).
- Gorod i lokon. Ob odnoi pushkinskoi miniature [City and Hairlock. On a Pushkin Miniature]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 2: 221-230.
- Prekrasnaia markiza [La Belle Marquise]. In: Inostrannaia literatura [Foreign Literature], 2011, 2: 231-240.
- O temnykh mestakh teksta: K probleme real’nogo kommentirovaniia [Obscure Passages in Literary Texts: On the Problem of Real Commentary]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2011, 3: 168-179.
- “Chto eto bylo? ” [“What Was It?”]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 4: 232–237.
- Paradigma kak priem [Paradigm as Techinque]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 6: 226–230.
- “Pkhents na randevu: niu, meniu, dezhaviu
“[Pkhents on a rendez-vous: nu, menu, deja vu]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011,
- :210-228.
- «Umri, Denis, luchshe ne napishesh’!…»: Ob odnom dvuiazychnom kalambure (“Live or die, Denis [Fonvizin], you won’t write anything better [than this]!”: On an Unwitting Bilingual Pun [by Chekhov]) [Paradigm as Techinque]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 8: 223–228.
- Piatero s ran’shego vremeni: Ob odnom motivnom klastere metasovetskoj literatury [Five old-timers: A motif cluster of meta-Soviet literarture]. In: Toronto Slavic Quarterly 37 (summer 2011): 159-172.
- O redaktirovanii i redaktorax. Sbornik-antologiya. Vyderzhki iz knig, statej, pisem, rasskazy, fel’etony, parodii [On editing and editors. An anthology. Excerpts from books, articles, letters, stories, feuilletons, parodise]. Sostavitel’ A. E. Mil’chin [Compiled by A. E. Mil’chin]. M.: NLO, 2011. P. 189-195, 425-430, 470-471. For the pages on-line see Index of names.
- Bender v Tsiurikhe [Ostap Bender in Zuerich]. In: Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 10: 214–227.
- Edinyi printsip i drugie vin’etki [A single principle and other vignettes]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2011, 10: 99-120.
- Fazil’-Amerikantes [Fazil Iskander as an American Writer]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 111: 260-272.
- Nedostavavshee zveno [A Missing Link]. Zvezda [The Star], 2011, 1:218–220.
- Zerkalo ili trel’iazh? [Khodasevich’s Mirror – Regular or Trifold?]. Voprosy literatury [Problems of literature] 2011, 6: 363-387.
- Sakharnitsa Aleksandra Kushnera [Alexander Kushner’s “Sugar Bowl”], Bol’shoi gorod [Big City], 22 (288), 14.12.11, p. 38-40.
- Must be luv.. O drugom [Re: Other]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2011, 11.
- “Chtob fraze ruk ne otorvalo…»: Matrosskii tanets Pasternaka [“So it wouldn’t cut off the sailor’s arms…”: Boris Pasternak’s poem “A Sailor in Moscow”]. Zvezda [The Star], 2012, 2:215–228.
- Pushkin v roli Trike v roli Pushkina [Pushkin as Triquet in the role of Pushkin] in Book No. 26.
- Sokhrani moiu rech’, — i ia primu tebia, kak upriazh’, ili Mandel’shtam i Pasternak v 1931 godu [Preserve My Speech…– And I’ll Accept you as Harness: Mandel’shtam and Pasternak in the Year 1931]. Zvezda [The Star], 2012, 4:226–235.
- Vremya, den’gi i sekrety avtorstva v «Krotkoi» Dostoevskogo [Time, Money and Secrets of Authorship in Dostoevsky’s “Gentle Spirit”]. Toronto Slavic Quarterly (TSQ), 40: 23-56.
- Predislovie [Introduction]. Book 27. P. 5-12.
- Pravlil’nye nitochkli. Filologicheskii etiud. [The Right Little Threads. A philological essay]. NLO [New Literary Survey], 2012, 115: 215-223.
- The Red and the Gray. In: : Emily Van Buskirk and Andrei Zorin, eds., Lydia Ginzburg’s Alternative Literary Identities. A Collection of Articles and New Translations (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012): 27-37. Russain version in Book 24: 104-114.
- Poetics Today: Some Burning Issues. Keynote Lecture // AATSEEL-Wisconsin Conference, 12-13 October 2012. University of Madison-Wisconsin . Pyle Center, Room 335, Friday 12 October 2012, 4:00 pm.
- Chelovek na chasakh Leskova: vertikal’ smysla [Nikolai Leskov’s “Man on Sentry Duty”: Hierarchy and Narrative]. In Book 26 [Ochnye…], p. 196-213, and in: From Medieval Russian Culture to Modernism. Studies in Honor of Ronald Vroon. Eds. Lazar Fleishman et al. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. P. 129-150.
- Byt’ znamenitym… [ To Be Famous…]. Zvezda [The Star], 2012, 11 : 212–217.
- “Tolstovskie” stranitsy ital’ianskogo romana Stendalia (K ostraneniiu voiny v “Parmskoi obiteli” i “Voine i mire”) [The “Tolstoyan” pages of Stendhal’s Italian novel: On the defamiliarization of war in The Charterhouse of Parma and War and Peace]. In: Venok: Studia slavica Stefano Garzonio sexagenario oblata. In Honor of Stefano Garzonio. Eds. Guido Carpi, Lazar Fleishman, Bianca Sulpasso. Stanford, 2012. Part I. С. 198-220.
- Themes, Structure, and Intertexts in Mikhail Kuzmin’s Infinitive Poem “Sweet Is It To Die…”. In: The Many Facets of Mikhail Kuzmin. A Miscellany. Ed. by Lada Panova with Sarah Pratt. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica, 2011. P. 27-42.
- Zagrobnoe stikhotvorenie Bunina <“Bez menia”> [Ivan Bunin’s posthumous poem ], in Book 23 (Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia ): 53-55.
- “Mne ni k chemu odicherskie rati…”: K tainam remesla Anny Akhmatovoi [“I have no use for odic formations…”: On Anna Akhmatova’s secrets of craftsmanship] in Book 23 (Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia ): 72–81.
- Liubovnaia lodka, upriazh’ dlia Pegasa i pokhoronnaia kolybel’naia: Tri stikhotvoreniia I tri perioda Pasternaka [A love boat, a harness for Pegasus and a funereal lullaby: Three p;oems and three periods of Boris Pastenak], in Book 7 (Mir avtora…): 85-117, and ; also in Book 23 (Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia ): 83-112.
- Pitsunda-57, dalee vezde [Pitsunda-57, with all stops down the line]. Novyi mir [The New world] 2012, 12 (8-27).
- Puk nezabudok [A Bunch/Fart of Forget-me-nots]. Zvezda [The Star], 2013, 2:223–234.
- «Na kholmax Gruzii lezhit nochnaia mgla…»: Vosem’ strok o svoistvakh strasti i besstrastiia [“On the Hills of Georgia Nocturnal Darkness Lies…”: Eight Lines on the Properties of Passion and Impassivity]. Zvezda [The Star], 2013, 4:222–230.