- N Haydn: Return times distribution of expanding maps; USC preprint
- L Amorim, N Haydn and S Vaienti: Quenched limiting entry distributions for random expanding maps with null targets; Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 179 (2025), p. 104511
- S Gallo, N Haydn and S Vaienti: Number of Visits in Arbitrary Sets for $\phi$-mixing Dynamics; Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist. 60(2), 1150–1187 (2024)
- N Haydn and M Nicol: Erdös-Renyi laws for exponentially and polynomially mixing dynamical systems
- C Davis, N Haydn and F Yang: Escape rate and conditional escape rate from a probabilistic point of view; Annales Henri Poincare, 22, 2195–2225 (2021)
- J Atnip, N Haydn and S Vaienti: Extreme Value Theory with Spectral Techniques: Application to a Simple Attractor
- N Haydn and S Vaienti: Limiting Entry Times Distribution for Arbitrary Null Sets; Comm. Math. Phys. 378(4), (2020)
- N Haydn and F Yang: Local Escape Rates for φ-mixing Dynamical Systems; Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. Vol. 40 (10), p.2854–2880 (2020).
- N Haydn, J Rousseau and F Yang: Exponential Law for Random Maps on Compact Manifolds; Nonlinearity, 33(12), 6760–6789 (2020)
- N Haydn and F Yang: A Derivation of the Poisson Law for Returns of Smooth Maps with Certain Geometrical Properties; in Contemporary Mathematics Proceedings in memoriam Chernov 2017
- N Haydn and M Todd: Return times at periodic points in random dynamics; Nonlinearity 30(1) (2017), 73–89
- N Haydn, M Nicol, A Török and S Vaienti: Almost sure invariance principle for sequential and non-stationary dynamical systems; Transactions of the AMS, 369(8), 5293–5316, (2017)
- N Haydn and F Yang: Entry times distribution for dynamical balls on metric spaces; J. Stat. Phys. (2017) DOI: 10.1007/s10955-017-1745-7.
- N Haydn and F Yang: Entry times distribution for mixing systems; J. Stat. Phys. (2016) DOI 10.1007/s10955-016-1487-y.
- N Haydn and K Wasilewska: Limiting distribution and error terms for the number of visits to balls in non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamics systems; Disc. Cont. Dynam. Syst. 36(5) (2106), 2585–2611.
- J M Freitas, N Haydn and M Nicol: Convergence of Rare Events Point Processes to the Poisson Process for Planar Billiards; Nonlinearity 27(7) (2014), 1669–1687.
- N Haydn and M Kupsa: Example of a non-standard Extremal Values Law; Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Syst. 35(6) (2015), 1902–1912.
- N Haydn: Entry and Return Times Distribution; Dynamical Systems 28(3) (2013), 333–353.
- N Haydn, N Winterberg and R Zweimüller: Return-times statistics, Hitting-time statistic and Inducing; BIRS Proceedings 2014.
- N Haydn: The Almost Sure Invariance Principle for Beta-Mixing measures; J. Stat. Phys. 159(2) (2015), 231–254.
- C Gupta, N Haydn, M Ko and A Rada: Entrance Time Convergence and Entropy; Stoch. Dynam. 15(4) (2015).
- N Haydn, M Nicol, S Vaienti and L Zhang: Central Limit Theorems for the shrinking target problem; J. Stat Phys. 153 (2013), 864–887.
- C Gupta and N Haydn: Statistical properties of coupled expanding maps on a lattice with general infinite range couplings and Hölder densities
- N Haydn, M Nicol, T Persson and S Vaienti: A note on the Borel-Cantelli lemmas for non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems; Erg. Th. & Dynam. Syst.33(2) (2013), 475–498.
- N Haydn: Phase transitions in one-dimensional subshifts: Disc. Cont. Dynam. Syst. 33(5) (2013), 1965–1973.
- G Cristadoro, N Haydn, P Marie and S Vaienti: Statistical properties of intermittened maps with unbounded derivative; Nonlinearity 23 (2010), 1071–1095.
- N Haydn and Y Psiloyenis: Return times distribution for Markov towers with decay of correlations; Nonlinearity 27(6) (2014), 1323–1349.
- N Haydn and S Vaienti: The Rényi Entropy and the Large Deviation of Short Return Times; Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Syst. 30 (2010), 159–179.
- N Haydn: The Central Limit Theorem for uniformly mixing systems; Stochastics and Dynamics 12(4) (2012).
- N Haydn, E Lunedei and S Vaienti: Averaged number of visits; Chaos 17 (2007).
- N Haydn and S Vaienti: The compound Poisson distribution and return times in dynamical systems; Prob. Th. & Rel. Fields 144 (2009), 517–542.
- N Haydn, E Lunedei, L Rossi, G Turchetti and S Vaienti: Multiple returns for some regular and mixing maps; Chaos 15(3) (2005).
- P Ferraro, N Haydn and S Vaienti: Entropy fluctuations for parabolic maps; Nonlinearity 16 (2003), 1203–1218.
- N Haydn, Y Lacroix and S Vaienti: Hitting and return times in ergodic dynamical systems; Ann. Prob. 33 (2005), 2043–2050.
- N Haydn: The distribution of the measure of cylinder sets for non-Gibbsian measures;in Complex Dynamics and Related Topics 2004, 147–162.
- E Gutkin and N Haydn: Generalised polygon exchanges with zero topological entropy; Proceedings of Workshop on Dynamical Systems, University of Maryland 1993, 12–18.
- N Haydn and S Vaienti: The Central Limit Theorem for (\phi,f)-mixing systems; Stoch. & Dynamics 4 (2004), 595–627.
- N Haydn and S Vaienti: The limiting distribution and error terms for return times of dynamial systems; Disc. Cont. Dynam. Syst. 10(3) (2004), 589–616.
- N Haydn: Convergence of the natural approximatipns of monotone interval maps; Chaos 2004.
- N Haydn: Generalised Gibbs states for expanding maps
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- N Haydn and S Isola: Parabolic rational maps; Journal LMS 63 (2001), 673–689.
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