1. “A new approach to the perturbation theory in invariant surfaces,” Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 18(1965), 717-732.
2. “A perturbation theorem for invariant Riemannian manifolds.” Differential equations and dynamical systems (Proc. 1965 Puerto Rico Symposium), Academic Press, 1967 43-54.
3. “A perturbation theorem for invariant manifolds and holder continuity,” J. Math. & Mech. 18(1969), 706-762.
4. “The existence of periodic solutions on two-manifolds,” (with G. Sell). SIAM Studies Appl. Math. No. 5 1969, 117-118.
5. “The homology of invariant sets of flows,” Ordinary Differential Equations, Academic press, 1972, 265-275.
6. “On the existence of nontrivial recurrent motions,” (with G. Sell). J. Differential Equations, 11(1972), 449-463.
7. “On the existence of nontrivial recurrent motions,” (with G. Sell). Duke Math. J. 40(1973), 815-819.
8. “Asymptotic approach to periodic orbits,” Tech. Rep. 1972/9, Istituto “U. Dini,” Firenze, 1972.
9. “Asymptotic approach to periodic orbits and local prolongations of maps.” Pacific J. Math.51(1974), 273-287.
10. “Skew-product flows, finite extensions of minimal transformation groups and almost periodic differential equations,” (with G. Sell). Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 79(1973), 802-805.
11. “Finite extensions of minimal transformation groups,” (with G. Sell). Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 190(1974), 325-334.
12. “Existence of dichotomies and invariant splittings for linear differential systems I,” (with G. Sell). J. Differential Equations. 15(1974), 429-458.
13. “A note on Anosov diffeomorphisms,” (with G. Sell). Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.80(1974), 278-280.
14. “A note on almost periodic differential equations,” (with G. Sell). Equations Diff. Fonctionelles Non lin. (Actes Conf. “Equa-Diff. 73”) Bruxelles et Louvain-La- Neuve 1973, 93-96.
15. “Existence of dichotomies and invariant splittings for linear differential systems II,”(with G. Sell). J. Differential Equations 22(1976), 478-496
16. ” Skew-product dynamical systems,” in Dynamical Systems, Vol. 2, Academic Press 1976, 175-179.
17. “A spectral theory for linear almost periodic differential equations”. (with G. Sell). Proc. Internat. Conf. on Differential Equations (Los Angeles 1974), 698-708. Academic Press, 1975.
18. “Linear skew-product dynamical systems,” Proc. 3rd. Mexico-U. S. A. Symposium, in “Ecuaciones Differenciales” by Carlos Imaz.(1976)
19. “Existence of dichotomies and invariant splittings for linear differential systems III,” (with G. Sell). J. Differential Equations 22 (1976), 497-522.
20. “Lifting properties in skew-product flows with applications to Differential Equations,” (with G. Sell). AMS Memoirs Vol. 11 No. 190 July 1977.
21. “A Spectral Theory for Linear Differential Systems,” (with G. Sell). J. Differential Equations Vol. 27 No. 3(1978),. 320-358.
22. “Existence of dichotomies and invariant splittings for linear differential systems IV.”J. Differential Equations Vol. 27 No. 1(1978), 106-137.
23. “The Splitting Index for Linear Differential Systems,” J. Differential Equations, J. Differential Eq. Vol. 33 No. 3(1979), 368-405.
24. “Stability and Asymptotic Integration for Certain Linear Systems of Functional Differential Equations,” (with J. R. Haddock), J. Math. Anal. and Appl. Vol. 76 No. 2(1980), 328-338.
25. “Singular Perturbations and Conditional Stability,” (with G. Sell). J. Math. Anal. and Appl. Vol. 76 No. 2(1980), 406-431.
26. “The Spectrum of an Invariant Submanifold,” J. Differential Eq. Vol. 38 No. 22(1980), 135-160 (with G. Sell).
27. “Exponential Dichotomies in Evolutionary Equations,” (with G. Sell). Volterra and Functional Differential Equation Vol. 81(1982), 167-174.
28. “Dichotomies for Linear Evolutionary Equations in Banach Space,”(Joint with G. Sell), J. Differential Eq. 113(1994), 17-67(Selected by American Mathematical Society for Featured Review)
29. “A new approach to asymptotic diagonalization of linear differential systyems,” (with Sigrun Bodine) J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 12,1, 2000, 229-245
30. “Asymptotic diagonalization of linear difference equations”(with Sigrun Bodine) Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2001, Vol. 7, 637-650
31.”Bifurcation of maps and cycling in genetic systems” (with Hubertus F. von Bremen) Fields Institute Comm. Vol 42, 2004, 305-311
32. “Open problems on cycling in genetic systems” Fields Institute Comm. Vol 42, 2004, 535-436
33. “A new approach to cycling in a 2-locus 2-allele genetic model” (with Hubertus F.von Bremen) J. Difference Eq. and Appl.9(5) May 2003, 441-448
33a Corrigendum- A new approach to cycling ..(#32) J. Difference Eq. and Appl.9(9) Sept. 2003, p. 868
34. “Global stability of periodic orbits of nonautonomous difference equations and population biology” (with Saber Elaydi) J. Differential Eq. 208(1)2005, 258-273
35. “Global stability of periodic orbits of nonautonomous difference equations in population biology and the Cushing-Henson conjectures”, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications Brno, Czech Republic (with Saber Elaydi). Elaydi, et.al. editors, Chapman and Hall, 2005, .113-126
36. “Nonautonomous Beverton-Holt equations and the Cushing-Henson conjectures” (with S. Elaydi) J. Difference Eq. and Appl. 11, Nos. 4-5, 2005, 337-346
37. “Basin of attraction of periodic orbits of maps on the real line” J. Difference Eq.and Appl. (with S. Elaydi) V.10 No.10, August 2004, 881-888
38. “Periodic difference equations, population biology and the Cushing-Henson conjectures” (with S. Elaydi) Math. Biosciences, 201(2006) 195-207
39. “Skew-product dynamical systems: Applications to difference equations” Proceedings of the Second Annual Celebration of Mathematics, United Arab Emirates (2005) (with Saber Elaydi). (to appear)
40. “Global asymptotic stability in the Jia Li model for genetically altered mosquitos” (with H. von Bremen) Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, Los Angeles(2004),World Scientific 2005, 87-100.
41. “The stochastic Beverton-Holt equation and the M. Neubert conjecture” (with Cymra Haskell) J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, 17, No.4, 2005, 825-844
42. “Some Stability Results in a Model for Genetically Altered Mosquitoes” (with H. von Bremen), Modeling and Control of Autonomous Decision Support Based Systems, Shaker Verlag, 2005. pp. 301-308.
43. “A Note on Periodic Ricker Maps” J. Difference Eq. & Appl., 13, No. 1, January 2007, 89-92.
44. “Dynamic Reduction with applications to Mathematical Biology and other areas” (with H. von Bremen) J. Biological Dynamics,1(4), October 2007, 437-453
45. Introduction to the 2009 Re-Publication of the “Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation Theorem”, J. Difference Eq. and Appl., 15 (8-9) 2009, 753-758
45a. “Chapter 2 of Author’s 1964 Dissertation“, J. Difference Eq. and Appl., 15(8-9) 2009, 759-774 (see Publication “0” above for full dissertation)
45b. “Erratum“. Publication error in 45a (above), J. Difference Eq. and Appl. 15(10) 2009, 1027
46. “Semigroups of Maps and Periodic Difference Equation”, J. Difference Eq. and Appl., 16(1), January 2010, 1-13
47. “Population models with Allee effect: A new model”, (with Saber Elaydi) J. Biological Dynamics, 4(4) July 2010, 397-408
48. “A Conjecture on the Stability of the Periodic Solutions of Ricker’s Equation With Periodic Parameters“, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (2010) 1213-1219
49. “A Note: An Invariance Theorem for Mappings“, J. of Difference Eq. and Appl., 18(1) 2012, 163-166
50. “Global Stability in a multi-species periodic Leslie-Gower model“, J. Biological Dynamics 5(5) 2011, 549-562
51. Difference Equations with the Allee Effect and the Periodic Sigmoid Beverton- Holt Equation, J. Biological Dynamics, (with G. Gaut, K. Goldring, F. Grogan, C. Haskell) 6(2)2012, pp. 1019-1033
52. A Note: An Invariance Theorem for Mappings II, J. Dynamics and Diferential Equations, 24(3)2012, pp. 595-599
53. Resonance and Attenuation in the n-periodic Beverton-Holt Equation, (with Yi Yang), J. Difference Equ. and Appl.19(7) 2013, 1174-1191
54. Periodic Unimodal Allee Maps, the Semigroup Property and the Lambda-Ricker Map with Allee Effect (with Yi Yang) Discrete and Continuous Dynam. Syst.-B, 19(2) March 2014, 589-606
55. On a Discrete Selection-Mutation Model (with Azmy Ackleh and Paul Salceanu) J. Difference Equ. and Appl. 20(10), October 2014, 1383-1403
56. Global Stability in the 2D Ricker Equation (with Brian Ryals) J. Difference Equ. and Appl. 21(11) 2015, 1068-1081
57. Global Stability in the 2D Ricker Equation-Revisited (with Brian Ryals) Discrete and Continuous Dynam. Syst. -B, 22(2) 2017, pp. 585-604
58. Almost Periodicity, Ricker Map, Beverton-Holt Map and Others, a General Method, J. Differernce Equations and Appl.,23(7) 2017, 1286-1297