Prof. Sacker’s research interest spans over ordinary differential equations, difference equations, infinite dimensional dynamical systems, applied mathematics and population biology.

B.S. 1959 Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. 1961 Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. 1964 New York University — Courant Institute

Dissertation: “On invariant surfaces and bifurcation of periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations” (Thesis Advisor: – J. K. Moser)

Scientific Accomplishments

The following are cited numerous places in the literature:

  • Spectral theory for non-autonomous Dynamical Systems: “Sacker-Sell” spectrum (Meet the authors);

Robert Sacker – A Biographical Sketch by Sell;

George R. Sell in Memorium.

Mathematical Ancestral Tree : Click Here

Co-Editor: “Short Notes” section of Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

Guidelines for submission of Short Notes (Policy Statement) :: Click Here

Professional Societies and Conferences