A list of measures and manipulations used in my research, including reliability and relevant citations
Measures of Fidelity. These measures are used in assessing the fidelity of the Pathways to Success Intervention
Interpretation of Experienced Ease and Difficulty Scales. These scales assess how people respond to experiences of ease and difficulty, consisting of four subscales; ease-as-possibility, ease-as-triviality, difficulty-as-importance, difficulty-as-impossibility. From Fisher, O. & Oyserman, D. (2017). Assessing Interpretations of Experienced Ease and Difficulty as Motivational Constructs. Motivation Science, 17, 1-31.
Uncertainty Word Completion Task. This task provided a manipulation check of a self vs. world uncertainty manipulation. From: Smith, G., James, L., Varnum, M., & Oyserman, D. (2014) Give up or get going? Productive uncertainty in uncertain times. Self & Identity, 13, 681-700.
School is the Path Measure. This measure provides a French and English versions of a scale to assess the extent to which students believe school is the way to success. From: Nurra, C., & Oyserman, D. (2018). From future self to current action: An identity-based motivation perspective. Self and Identity, 17, 343-364.
Asian-American Identity Scale. This measures provides a socially contextualized model Asian American Identity adding the importance of family focus. From: Oyserman, D., & Sakamoto, I. (1997). Being Asian American: Identity, cultural constructs, and stereotype perception. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 33, 435-453.
Racial-Ethnic Identity and Self-Schema Scales Racial-ethnic identity subscales (connectedness, awareness of racism, and embedded achievement) are provided, as are reliability (alpha and confirmatory factor analyses) and stability information in Oyserman, D., Brickman, D., & M. Rhodes (2007). Racial‐ethnic identity in adolescence: Content and consequences for African American and Latino youth. In. A. Fuligni (Ed.) Social Categories, Identities and Educational Participation. Pp91‐114. New York: Russell‐Sage. Racial-ethnic identity can be conceptualized as a self-schema with reliability and stability provided in Oyserman, D. (2008). Racial‐ethnic self‐schemas: Multi‐dimensional identity‐based motivation. Journal of Research on Personality, 42, 1186–1198.
Possible Selves and Plausibility of Possible Selves Coding Instructions (Spanish Translation) This provides measures for the close ended and open-ended possible selves. Open-ended has been validated in Oyserman, D., & Markus, H. (1990). Possible selves and delinquency. Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology, 59(1), 112-125. Close-ended has been validated in Kemmelmeier, M. & Oyserman, D. (2001). Gendered influence of downward social comparisons on current and possible selves. Journal of Social Issues, 57, 129-148. Note the spanish translation has been piloted but not fully tested.
Instructions for Coding Academic Plausibility for College Students
Possible Selves Citations, Measures, and Coding Instructions for College Age Participants
Individualism and Collectivism (Hebrew 12-Item Version and Hebrew 16-Item Version as well as Rating scale; Japanese version and scoring key also available, for more information on these contact K. Ohbuchi, This provides brief measures of individualism and collectivism. From: Oyserman, D. (1993). The lens of personhood: Viewing the self, others, and conflict in a multicultural society. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 993-1009.
Visual Form of Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultural Mindset Primes. This manipulation was used to subtly activate an individualistic or collectivistic mindset. From Mourey, J., Oyserman, D., & Yoon, C. (2013) One without the other: Seeing relationships in everyday objects. Psychological Science, 24(9), 1615 – 1622. Doi 10.1177/0956797613475631
Supplemental Materials
Science News 11-02-2005
Review of culture set within framework of amae research
Appendix for Oyserman, Bybee, & Terry, 2006 01-24-2006)
This describes the background to our use of compliance analyses in Oyserman, Bybee, & Terry, JPSP
Appendix for Journal of Family Psychology, 2007 03-27-2007
This appendix provides details of analyses and figures depicting the models for Kahng, Oyserman, Bybee, and Mowbray (2007) Mothers with serious mental illness: When symptoms decline does parenting improve? Journal of Family Psychology
Oyserman and Lee Psychological Bulletin (2008) Appendix B 12-18-2007
This Appendix accompanies Oyserman & Lee (2008) Does Culture Influence What and How We Think? Effects of Priming Individualism and Collectivism (which can be found by clicking the Culture click button)
Priming Individual and Collective Mindset 05-17-2009
This is the instructions and priming tasks for priming individual mindset and collective mindset using conceptual replications of the original task from Gabriel and Gardner (1999)
Appendix to Zhu et al. (2014) BJEP
This appendix provides the full procedures, measures, and analytic plan for Zhu et al BJEP
Supplemental materials for Oyserman et al. (2015) Self and Identity
These are the supplemental analyses and the full measures for Oyserman et al Self and Identity (in press)