Oyserman, D. (2022, April). Identity-based motivation theory. Invited Talk. University of Tennessee.
Oyserman, D. (2021, April). We think and act this way so it is probably true: How culture and identity-based motivation shape effectiveness of persuasive attempts. Invited Talk. APA distinguished scientist lecture.
Oyserman, D. (2021, March). Identity-based motivation theory: from the lab to real-world effects. Invited Talk. Tay Gavin Erickson Lecture Series.
Oyserman, D. (2018, Nov). Identity-based motivation: Using identity-based motivation to bolster academic outcomes. Invited Talk. French Ministry of Education CANOPE.
Oyserman, D. (2017, Feb). Using technology to improve academic success by increasing identity-based motivation. Keynote lecture. Annual Chaise Conference. The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel.
Oyserman, D. (2017, Feb). Nuts and bolts of using edu-games and other technology-assisted intervention to improve academic success by increasing identity-based motivation. Invited Seminar. Annual Chaise Conference. The Research Center for Innovation in Learning Technologies. The Open University of Israel.
Oyserman, D. (2006, Feb). Possible Selves and Social Identities: When and How They Promote School Performance. Winter Roundtable Teachers College. Columbia University.