Arabic is an official language of the United Nations and the fifth most common language in the world, with 420 million native speakers. Studying Arabic will give you the opportunity to gain critical language skills applicable in 22 countries and to participate in the active economic growth of the Arab world.
Despite the importance of the Middle East in international affairs, there is an extreme shortage of workers in the West who are versed in Arabic language and culture. As less than 1% of U.S. college students study Arabic, you will distinguish yourself as having important linguistic skills, no matter your professional field. A minor in Arabic provides opportunities for research and communication from Northwest Africa to Iraq, the Persian Gulf and beyond, and opens the door for work in a variety of fields such as foreign service, journalism, business, education, finance and banking, translation and so much more.
The small student to professor ratios in the Arabic program will allow you to develop more advanced language skills as we tailor our courses to better serve our students’ interests.
The Major
For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
ARAB 122 – Arabic I
ARAB 152 – Arabic II
ARAB 222 – Arabic III
ARAB 252 – Arabic IV
ARAB 322 – Advanced Arabic I
ARAB 352 – Advanced Arabic II
ARAB 300 – Introduction to Translation
ARAB 333 – Colloquial Arabic: Regional Dialects
ARAB 334 – Media Arabic
REL 650 – Readings in Islamic Texts*
*Requires advanced Arabic language ability and instructor’s permission. Contact the Department of Middle East Studies for more information.
Study Abroad
Students make great strides in their Arabic skills through a combination of language, history, and literature courses taught in Arabic as well as through volunteering at local schools in a rural community or Amman-based organizations that work with underserved communities.
Amman-Jordan (CIEE Study Center)
From the ancient stone city of Petra to the teeming center of urban Amman, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a unique destination offering fascinating sights and a prime location at the crossroads of the Middle East. Amman is a city of over two million draped over many hills, with ancient ruins that dominate the downtown skyline.
Students make great strides in their Arabic skills through a combination of language, history, and literature courses taught in Arabic as well as through volunteering at local schools in a rural community or Amman-based organizations that work with underserved communities.
Morrocco- Rabat (AMIDEAST Center)
The AMIDEAST Area Studies & Arabic program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to study Arabic semi-intensively and take courses on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in a variety of academic disciplines such as anthropology, comparative literature, gender studies, history, international relations, political science, and religion, all while immersed in Moroccan culture. Courses are taught by English-speaking Moroccan faculty members from AMIDEAST’s partner, the College of Letters and Humanities of Mohammed V University – Agdal, and other universities in Rabat and neighboring cities.
Student Experiences
Language classes at USC are really challenging, but so rewarding. I’m now planning on spending my senior year abroad in Morocco!

Just two USC Arabic courses with Dr. Wali strengthened my reading, writing, and speaking abilities in Modern Standard Arabic incredibly. I went from intermediate to advanced fluency to the point where I would be comfortable working in a professional workplace in an Arab nation. Now I can engage with media that once intimidated me, and I have a seat at adult family decision tables that once excluded me!

Department of Middle East Studies
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Department Fellowships, Awards and Prizes
Every year, the Department of Middle East Studies offers a range of competitive awards for students.
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Contact Information
Department Office
Department of Middle East Studies
3501 Trousdale Parkway, Taper Hall 256
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089