For more information about any of these texts, contact Derek Christian Quezada Meneses, USC Libraries Rare Book Librarian.

Le Throsne du destin, auquel chacun peut voir sa bonne ou mauvaise fortune en jettant un, ou deux, ou trois dez communs, sur quelz points quilz se puissent recontrer.

Maître C. Coturier, Paris 1632
USC Special Collections GV1303.C68 1632

Le Throsne du destin is a seventeenth-century game book on vellum. Players cast dice to learn which of the game’s one hundred and sixty-four bawdy and scandalous fortunes – divided in half by sex (women’s fortunes on the recto side, men’s on the verso) – would be their fate. USC’s newly acquired copy of this remarkably unique manuscript includes the original bone dice necessary to play the game.