USC’s Multilingual Literary Journal

Designed to celebrate foreign languages at USC

Are you studying a foreign language? Do you write creative works in a foreign language?

Trojan Bloom is USC’s one and only Multilingual Journal which features literary works by students at USC. We are a bi-annual publication with online and print issues.

What are we looking for?
Prose (fiction and creative nonfiction)
Literary Translation

We want to celebrate the art of learning languages, and will be accepting submissions in the following languages: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, French, German, Classical Greek, Hebrew, Hindi/Urdu, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Submit your work now!

The deadline for the Fall 2025 submissions is February 17.

Submissions Guidelines

  • We accept submissions in one of the following 17 languages: Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, French, German, Classical Greek, Hebrew, Hindi/Urdu, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.
  • The submission must be previously unpublished.
  • Word limit is 500 words
  • For poetry, please submit no more than two poems at a time. Combine the poems into a single document and send as a word document.
  • Please include an English translation alongside the original piece.
  • We recommend that you have a native speaker or professor of the language review your work before you submit it.
  • By submitting material to Trojan Bloom, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal and that they will not submit the material to another journal until the completion of the editorial decision process at Trojan Bloom.

The Fall 2024 Issue is Here!

You can read it here or pick up a copy in Taper Hall 309.

Past Issues

Photos from launch parties

Trojan Blom Team

Editorial Board


Avi Mann


Juan Corona Spanish

Kaya Czyz French

Brianna Garcia-Guzman Spanish, Social Media and Outreach

Alex Iacono Polish and Italian

Halo Lyman French

Luisa Luo Chinese

Maria-Carolina Zensen Simoes Italian and Portuguese

Edith Zhang Chinese

Zimo Zhao Chinese

Vera Wang Graphic Design

Faculty Advisory Board

Evgeny Dengub (Co-Chair), Ph.D., Professor (Teaching), Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Director of the Center for Languages and Cultures

Anahit Hakoupian (Co-Chair), Ph.D., Associate Professor (Teaching), Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures

Lucas Herchenroeder, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Teaching), Department of Classics

Tin-Yu Tseng, Ph.D., Assistant Professor (Teaching), Department of East Easian Languages and Cultures