The ACTFL OPI and WPT Tester Certification workshops sand subsequent certification offer numerous benefits.

The certification process enriches teaching approaches in world languages and provides access to valuable ACTFL testing resources. It also includes invitations to tester meetings and priority in other ACTFL assessment initiatives. The experience gained through this certification can significantly enhance professional skills in language education and assessment, contributing to the overall quality of language programs at USC. For more detailed information, please visit the ACTFL OPI Tester Certification page.

Although not mandatory, the Center for Languages and Cultures is committed to supporting faculty interested in this opportunity.

Upcoming OPI Workshop

The workshop will be paid for by CLC and interested faculty will be reimbursed certification fees and the cost of the official OPI, if necessary, as part of the OPI certification process, up to $450.

The OPI workshop will take place in April-May and will be multilingual (conducted in English, not language specific but still allowing you to certify in your TL).

This is how it will be structured:

Part 1 (Early to Mid April) Complete Modules 1, 2 & 3 (7-10 hours of online coursework)

  • Module 1: Intro to course
  • Module 2: Proficiency, the OPI, the Rating Scale and Assessment Criteria
  • Module 3: The Sublevels, OPI Structure and Elicitation
  • 90-minute videoconferencing session with your facilitator at the end of the week or beginning of next week

Part 2 (Mid April) Complete Modules 4 & 5 (6-8 hours of online coursework)

  • Module 4: Applications and Implications
  • Module 5: Additional Preparation for OPI Testing
  • 90-minute videoconferencing session with your facilitator at the end of the week or beginning of the next week

Part 3 (May): Videoconferencing Interview Sessions and Module 6 (10 interviews, 1 exemplar interview from facilitator)

  • Day 1: 4.5 hours (Opening discussion, Exemplar Interview and Interviews 1-3)
  • Day 2: 4.5 hours (Opening discussion, Interviews 4-7)
  • Module 6: Certification
  • Summative Comprehension Check
  • Workshop Evaluation Survey

We are still waiting to hear from ACTFL to confirm the dates and other details. We will post them here as they become available.

Just a reminder that although USC no longer requires certification for faculty, it supports faculty who would like to pursue this professional development opportunity.

To sign up for the workshop please complete this form by March 1.

Please note that the number of spots is limited and we cannot guarantee a spot for you in this round.


If you are a certified OPI tester and would like to re-certify, please:

  • check whether or not you need to attend the workshop. According to the  ACTFL site, ‘testers who are approaching the end of their four-year certification period should apply for recertification before their certification expiration date and pay the recertification fee.’ It most likely means that if your certification lapsed and you are not an active LTI rater, you may need to attend the workshop and go through the full certification process (although this is just our assumption).
  • Determine, which ‘track’ you are on.
  • Complete the online form and pay your fee.
  • Send the receipt to and cc Evgeny Dengub (

For those who are re-certifying and in good standing (i.e. those who don’t need to start the process all over gain),  we will reimburse all re-certifications fees for the OPI or WPT.

Language Proficiency Overview Video (10:35)

What does it mean to have “Intermediate Proficiency”? Video (4:51)

Upcoming ACTFL Workshops

Official ACTFL Workshops (not sponsored by CLC)

Language Proficiency Resources

Oral Proficiency Test

Oral Proficiency Test on the ACTFL website

Introduction to Proficiency Levels

Free Practice Modules for Spanish Language Educators


Oral Proficiency Test Familiarization Manual

Oral Proficiency Test Familiarization Manual

Oral Proficiency Test Computer (OPIc) Familiarization Manual

Oral Proficiency Test Computer (OPIc) Familiarization Manual