Play. Learn. Have Fun!

Looking for a fun and interactive way to improve your language skills? The Board Games Corner is the perfect place to practice vocabulary, enhance communication skills, and immerse yourself in different cultures – all while having fun with friends! Choose from a variety of board games in different languages and make language learning exciting and social.

📍 Located at the THH 309

📅 Open Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

The Board Games Corner is sponsored by the Dornsife Projects Supporting Undergraduate Education grant.

Have questions or want to suggest a game to add to our collection?

✉️ Send us an email at – we’d love to hear from you!

Explore the games we offer:

📍 Visit the Board Games Corner at CLC and enjoy language learning through play!

Whether you’re a beginner or fluent, games are a fun way to practice and connect with others. See you there!

Have questions or want to suggest a game to add to our collection?

✉️ Send us an email at clc@dornsife.usc.eduwe’d love to hear from you!