Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Jonathan D. Aronson
Professor, Communication and International Relations
Research Areas: International political economy with a focus on trade negotiations, trade in services, comparative regulation, international strategic alliances, and international telecommunications
Erin Baggott
Assistant Professor, International Relations
Research Areas: Chinese foreign policy and computational social science based on field research in China, documents about American foreign policy gained through Freedom of Information Act requests, and datasets of Chinese propaganda
Brian Bernards
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature
Director, EALC Graduate Studies
Research Areas: Modern Chinese and Southeast Asian literature and cinema (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan), Sinophone studies, postcolonial studies, and inter-Asia cultural studies
David Bialock
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature
Research Areas: Premodern Japanese literature, classical Japanese poetry, literature and the environment, and ecocriticism
Bettine Birge
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures and History
Research Areas: Premodern Chinese history and gender, law and ethnicity in China and Inner Asia
Phillip Bloom
Adjunct Associate Professor (Research), East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: East Asian gardens and designed landscapes, Chinese art history, ritual of China’s Song dynasty, and Buddhist art
Esther K. Chae
Assistant Professor, Acting (Dramatic Arts)
Research Areas: Asian/Asian-American drama/playwriting and representation
Baizhu Chen
Professor of Clinical, Finance and Business Economics
Research Areas: Macroeconomics and international economics with an emphasis on China
Meiling Cheng
Professor, Theatre Critical Studies
Research Areas: Performance art, body art, contemporary Euro-American experimental theater, modern Chinese performance art and live art
Jenny Chio
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures and Anthropology
Research Areas: Media ethnography, anthropology of Modernity, collective memory and cultural heritage, tourism and migration, documentary practice, and race, ethnicity and nationalism in contemporary China
Youngmin Choe
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Korean film and culture, contemporary East Asian visual culture, Trans-Asian cinema, tourism studies, and cultural studies
Ruth H. Gim Chung
Professor of Clinical, Education, Educational Psychology, and Marriage & Family Therapy
Research Areas: Acculturation and cultural identity, cultural psychology, multicultural counseling, mental health and counseling, career development of racial and ethnic minorities, and intergenerational conflict with a focus on Asian American and Korean American immigrant families
Robert Dekle
Professor, Economics
Research Areas: Economies of Japan and East Asia, international finance, and open-economy and development
Jo Ann Marie Farver
Professor, Psychology
Research Areas: Development psychology, social development of young children, cross-cultural developmental psychology, violence and young children, and early literacy
Robeson Taj Frazier
Associate Professor, Communication
Director, Institute for Diversity and Empowerment at Annenberg
Research Areas: Histories and current-day dynamics of race and gender, cultural traffic and contact, urban culture and life, and popular culture of the African Diaspora in the U.S. and China
Joshua Goldstein
Professor, History and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Director, EASC
Research Areas: Modern Chinese history and culture and recycling in China
Nitin Govil
Associate Professor, Cinematic Arts
Research Areas: Global Media, Transnational Hollywood, Asian Media, Media Industries, Comparative Methods, Genre and Star Studies, Science Fiction, Speculative Culture
Eric Heikkila
Professor and Director, Office of Global Engagement
Research Areas: Urban development, economic development, East Asian cities, urban economics, and urban information systems
Rena M. Heinrich
Associate Professor, Theatre Practice in Critical Studies
Chair of Dramatic Writing & Critical Studies
Chair of Literary Committee
Research Areas: Interculturalism; race, representation, and gender in performance; postcolonial theater; Asian and Asian American drama; acting; ethnography; and performance studies
Hajime Hoji
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Areas: Japanese/East Asian linguistics, language faculty science
Janet Hoskins
Professor, Anthropology and Religion
Research Areas: Visual anthropology, colonial and postcolonial theory, transnational religion, ritual performance, indigenous representations of the past and of time, and material culture, gender, exchange, narrative and healing
Velina Hasu Houston
Distinguished Professor of Theatre, Dramatic Writing
Research Areas: Asian-American drama/playwriting, multiethnic identity and interracial relationships
Jacques Hymans
Associate Professor, International Relations
Research Areas: International relations and security in Asia and beyond, comparative foreign policy, nuclear proliferation, big science, professionalism, and national and supranational identity
Henry Jenkins
Provost Professor, Communication, Journalism, Cinematic Arts and Education
Primary Investigator, Civic Paths Research Group
Research Areas: Arts and Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Entertainment, Gaming, Gender and Sexuality, History, Marketing, Media Literacy, Politics, Popular Culture, Social Media
Nan Jia
Associate Professor, Management and Organization
Dean’s Associate Professorship, Business Administration
Research Areas: Corporate political strategy, business-governance relationships, and corporate governance in international business
Jane Junn
Professor, Political Science and Gender and Sexuality Studies
Associates Chair in Social Sciences
Research Areas: California politics, including gubernatorial and congressional elections, public opinion, polling methods and analysis, women in politics, racial and ethnic politics, the politics of immigration, and political behavior
David Kang
Professor, International Relations and Business
Director, Korean Studies Institute
Maria Crutcher Professor of International Relations
Research Areas: International relations of Asia, economic development, security relations, and the historical basis of contemporary relations
Saori N. Katada
Professor, International Relations
Research Areas: North-South relations, Japanese foreign policy, international political economy, regionalism, Pacific Rim, international financial and monetary relations, and foreign aid
Annette M. Kim
Associate Professor, Public Policy
Director, Spatial Analysis Lab
Research Areas: Housing and land use, international development planning, East Asian urbanization, race, arts, and placemaking, and critical mapping and urban analytics
Esther Chihye Kim
Associate Teaching Professor, Education
Research Areas: Research methodology, higher education, migration, and social inequalities
Dorinne Kondo
Professor, Anthropology and American Studies and Ethnicity
Research Areas: Japan, cultural theory, performance, aesthetics and politics, the question of the subject, cross-racial identification/multiracial collaboration, modes of embodiment, ethnography and genre, integration of “creative” and “critical” writing
Lon Kurashige
Professor, History and Spatial Sciences
Research Areas: Racial ideologies, politics of identity, emigration/immigration, historiography, cultural enactments, and social reproduction
Sonya Lee
Professor, Art History, East Asian Languages and Cultures and Religion
Department Chair, EALC
Research Areas: Religious art and architecture of premodern China, material culture of Chinese Buddhism and the ancient Silk Road, art and ecology, Asian art collecting, and heritage conservation
Audrey Li
Professor, Linguistics
Research Areas: Syntax and Chinese language and linguistics
Jenny Lin
Associate Professor, Critical Studies
Director, MA Curatorial Practices and the Public Sphere
Research Areas: Contemporary Chinese and Chinese American art, architecture, and film; cross-cultural art and design, urban studies, and critical theory
Akira Mizuta Lippit
Vice Dean of Faculty, School of Cinematic Arts
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Cinematic Arts, and Comparative Literature
T.C. Wang Family Endowed Chair in Cinematic Arts
Research Areas: Japanese film and culture, world cinemas, critical theory, experimental film and video, and visual studies
Nancy Lutkehaus
Professor of Anthropology and Political Science
Research Areas: Melanesian Gender and Social Organization, Political and Economic Anthropology, Symbolic Anthropology, Art and Cultures of Oceania, Visual Culture, Ethnographic and Documentary Film
Travis Major
Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Research Areas: Syntax and the interfaces, Fieldwork, Turkic Languages (Uyghur, Tatar, Turkish) and Niger-Congo Languages (Avatime, Ibibio)
Jonathan Markowitz
Associate Professor, Political Science and International Relations
Research Areas: Power projection and grand strategy and political implications of climate change and resource competition in the North Sea and South China Sea
Lori Meeks
Associate Professor, Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Women, gender, and religion, religious and social history of Japan, women’s history in East Asia, Buddhist literature and philosophy, Buddhist monasticism, and Japanese literature and culture
Hyungsik Roger Moon
Professor, Economics
Research Areas: Econometrics Theory, Applied Econometrics applications to labor, IO, and macro/finance, urban economics
Alaina Morgan
Assistant Professor, History
Research Areas: African-American History, African Diaspora History, Afro-Asian Diaspora History, Islam, Muslims in the Americas, Modernist Islamic Thought, Black Intellectual History, Mass Incarceration, Urban History, Black Political Movements
Jeffrey Nugent
Professor, Economics and Business
Research Areas: Chinese economic development, political economy of growth, small- and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, economic integration, and trade, institutions, industrial development and political economy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
Eunjoo Pacifici
Chair & Associate Professor, Department of Regulatory and Quality Sciences
Research Areas: Regulatory science, translational science, clinical pharmacy, and pharmaceutical economics and policy with a focus on Asia Pacific and Latin American regions
Sunyoung Park
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures and Gender and Sexuality Studies
Research Areas: Modern and contemporary Korean literature and culture, postcolonial studies, transnational anarchism and Marxism, feminism and gender studies, and science fiction and technocultural studies
Joan Piggott
Professor, History and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Gordon L. MacDonald Chair in History
Research Areas: Premodern historical studies in Japan and East Asia and monarchy, family history, and church-state relations
Nandini Rajagopalan
Professor, Management and Organization
Joseph A.DeBell Chair in Business Administration
Research Areas: Corporate governance in emerging economies including China and India, corporate boards, platform-based markets, and corporate diversification
Stanley Rosen
Professor, Political Science
Research Areas: Politics in the People’s Republic of China, Chinese film, and Chinese society
Brett Sheehan
Professor, History and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Modern China, economy and society, money and banking, and business
Jean Chen Shih
Boyd P. and Elsie D. Welin Professor, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research Areas: Health promotion in China and Taiwan, molecular pharmacology, and toxicology
Stephanie Shih
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Research Areas: Phonology, morphology, variation, computational linguistics, and cognitive science with current projects focused on Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, Mende, Dioula, Hausa, and English
Andrew Simpson
Professor, Linguistics
Research Areas: Comparative syntax of East Asian, Southeast Asian, and South Asian languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Burmese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Hindi and Bengali
Guofu Tan
Professor, Economics
Research Areas: Industrial Organization, Antitrust & Competition Policy, Auction Theory, Microeconomic Theory
Shui Yan Tang
Frances R. and John J. Duggan Professor in Public Administration
Chair, Department of Public Policy and Management
Research Areas: Institutional analysis and design, common-pool resource governance, environmental politics and policy, collaborative governance, and governance reform
Douglas Thomas
Associate Professor of Communication, Design Strategy and Business of Innovation
Research Areas: Intersection of technology and culture, Game Studies, Cybercrime and the culture of video games and the digital revolution in education
Ben Uchiyama
Associate Professor, History
Research Areas: Japanese mass culture and national mobilization in wartime, social history of the Japanese home front, politics and culture of occupied Japan, postwar cultural politics, and cultural history of defeated Japan
Jay Wang
Associate Professor, Journalism
Director, Center on Public Diplomacy
Research Areas: Nation branding, nonprofit branding, corporate diplomacy, and CSR practices in emerging economies with a focus on China
Mengxiao Wang
Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Premodern China, Buddhism, Chinese literature
Shiing-Wu Wang
Associate Professor, Accounting
Research Areas: Financial accounting, tax and valuation issues in mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, and taxes and business strategy
Duncan Williams
Professor, Religion, American Studies and Ethnicity, and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Director, Shinso Ito Center for Japanese Religions and Culture
Research Areas: Buddhism, Japanese and Japanese American religions, Buddhism and nature/environment, Buddhism and WWII Japanese American incarceration, critical mixed race studies, and social history of religion
Carol Wise
Professor, Political Science and International Relations
Research areas: International political economy, institutional reform, international development, Latin American politics and economics, interdevelopment, and China-Latin American relations
Audrye Wong
Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations
Research Areas: The political economy of security, China’s foreign policy, Asia-Pacific security issues, and the strategies and effectiveness of economic statecraft, with a focus on positive inducements
Tak-Jun Wong
Professor, Accounting
Joseph A. DeBell Professor, Business Administration
Research areas: Accounting and corporate governance in emerging markets
Aimei Yang
Associate Professor, Journalism
Research areas: Transnational civil networks, multi-sectoral alliance networks, public diplomacy, and dynamic social networks in social movements
Sha Yang
Vice-Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs, Marshall School of Business
Ernest Hahn Professor, Marketing
Research areas: Consumer purchase behavior, market competition, search engine advertising, and social networks
Kerim Yasar
Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Director, EALC Undergraduate Studies
Research areas: Modern Japanese literature and cinema, media theory and history, auditory culture and musicology, translation theory and praxis, and performance studies and the history of Japanese film acting
Jessica (Xiaomin) Zu
Assistant Professor, Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Buddhist philosophy, Yogacara (the school of consciousness-only) and social sciences, intellectual history of modern China, Buddhism and social Darwinism
RTPC Faculty
John Alexander
Artist in Residence, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Photography, film and video, documentary practice, and contemporary China
Vinayak Bharne
Adjunct Professor, Landscape Urbanism & Heritage Conservation in Architecture
Research Areas: Contemporary urbanism in Asia and Latin America, urban informality, low-income housing, indigenous habitats and sacred territories
Jinhee Choung
Lecturer, Political Science
Research Areas: East Asian comparative politics, economic development, and Korean labor reform
Mina Chow Faia
Adjunct Associate Professor, Architecture
Research Areas: International design, architecture, documentary filmmaking and history, technology, theory and culture
Miya Elise Desjardins
Adjunct Associate Professor (Teaching), East Asian Languages and Cultures and Art History
Research Areas: Modern Japanese art and literature
Ben Lee
Clinical Professor, Communication
Co-Director, Master of Communication Management
Research Areas: China, entertainment industries, entrepreneurship innovation, new media, organizational performance, and research methods
Hye Jin Lee
Clinical Assistant Professor, Communication
Research Areas: K-pop industry and global fandom, transformation of cultural meaning, status and content of popular culture, convergence of social media and television and the gendering of technology
Kin Tak Raymond Tsang
Research Areas: History of Hong Kong martial arts films, Hong Kong wuxia films, colonial order, and the geopolitical forces of the Cold War.
Jason Webb
Professor (Teaching), Comparative Literature and East Asian Languages and Cultures
Associate Director, USC Shinso Ito Center for Japanese Religions and Culture
Research Areas: Reception of Chinese texts 7th-9th century Japan, literary theory and political authority, royal poetic anthologies, and early Japanese and Chinese poetry
Yan Xiao
Adjunct Research Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Chinese science and technology, seismic analysis, and implementation of new materials into structural design
Language Faculty
Maki Irie
Senior Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Xiang Jian
Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Bo Hyun Kim
Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Woojoo Kim
Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Mamiko Konno
Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Yuka Kumagai
Master Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Director, Japanese Language Program
Co-Director, Korean Language Program
Yu-Chi Kuo
Senior Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Shanshan Li
Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Hsiao-Yun Liao
Master Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Yi-Hsien Liu
Associate Professor (Teaching), East Asian Languages and Cultures
Director, Chinese Language Program
Co-Director, Korean Language Program
Christopher Magriney
Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Yumi Matsumoto
Senior Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Eunju Na
Master Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Seojin Park
Lecturer, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Masako Tamanaha
Assistant Professor (Teaching), East Asian Languages and Cultures
Tin-Yu Tseng
Assistant Professor (Teaching), East Asian Languages and Cultures
Rebecca Corbett
Japanese Studies Librarian, East Asian Library
Director, Special Projects
Research areas: Japanese tea culture and early modern Japanese women’s history
Jungeun Hong
Resource Librarian, Korean Heritage Library
Tang Li
Acting Head, East Asian Library
Chinese Studies Librarian, East Asian Library
Associate University Librarian, East Asian Library
Emeriti Faculty
Gordon Berger
Professor Emeritus, History
Research Areas: 20th century political and institutional Japanese history
Philip H. Birnbaum-More
Professor Emeritus, Management and Organization
Professor, Entrepreneurship
Research Areas: Competitive strategy formulation and implementation in high technology firms in global markets with a focus on East Asia
Harrison Cheng
Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics
Research Areas: General equilibrium, game theory, and Chinese economic development
Dominic Cheung
Professor Emeritus, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Modern and classical Chinese literature, Chinese cultural studies and art
Iris Chi
Professor, Social Work
The Chinese-American Golden Age Association/Dr. Frances Wu Chair
Research Areas: Health and gerontology, long-term care for the elderly in the U.S. and China, and healthcare for Chinese immigrant communities in the U.S.
Roger Dingman
Professor Emeritus, History
Research Areas: U.S.-Japan relations
Richard Drobnick
Director, International Business Education and Research
Research Areas: Pacific Rim economic and business issues and U.S. and Pacific Rim trade policies
George Hayden
Associate Professor Emeritus, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Research Areas: Premodern Chinese literature, text and music of classical drama, and history of Chinese language
David James
Professor, Cinematic Arts
Research Areas: East-Asian cinema, avant-garde cinema, culture in Los Angeles, film and music, and working-class culture
Douglas Hal Joines
Professor Emeritus, Finance and Business Economics
Research Areas: Taxes, deficits, and social security in the global system including Japan
Joy Kim
Curator, Korean Heritage Library

Namkil Kim
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures

Kenneth Klein
Head Librarian Emeritus, East Asian Library
Thomas W. Lin
Professor Emeritus, Accounting
Research Areas: Chinese accounting and management, control systems, and strategic cost management
Qingyun Ma
Professor Emeritus, Architecture
Research Areas: International design, planning, and architecture
Gary Seaman
Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology
Research Areas: Taiwan, China, ethnographic film, ethnography, hypermedia in ethnography, and ritual
Ellen Seiter
Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
Stephen K. Nenno Endowed Chair, Television Studies
Research Areas: Media copyright law, youth and television, television streaming, how brain diseases are represented in film, effects of screens on the brain, patterns of television viewing, gender and racial stereotypes, class biases in television, and anime
James Steele
Professor Emeritus, Architecture
ACSA Distinguished Professor, Architecture
Research Areas: History of architecture, Asian architecture, Islamic architecture, and environmental concerns in architecture with an emphasis on sustainability