Susan’s first four students at Debbie’s thesis defense (December 2000). Debbie, Susan and Dan S. (PhD 1999) at the top, Mike (PhD 2004) and Will (PhD 2005) below.
Lab alumni reunion at the pombe2011 meeting. Current members Lin, Nimna, Tara, Sarah, and Amanda. Alumni Rebecca and Matt.
Postdoc reunion in Kyoto at the 2nd fission yeast meeting in 2002: Julie, Sally, Susan, Eliana, and Hilary. Julie is a senior scientist at Amgen; Eliana is director = at Barofold; Sally is an associate prof at San Francisco State, and Hilary is a research associate at the ICMB, Edinburgh.
Yeast Unleashed: Sarah, Susan, and Pao-Chen in a USC College Magazine article about pombe, 2009
Road Trip to FASEB meeting: Susan, Elian and Sally on the Continental Divide in 2000
Award WInners: Pao-Chen (TA of the year) and Matt Getz (SCynergy Award), 2008
2nd international fission yeast meeting, 2002. Susan with Tom Kelly and Paul Nurse
Sarah Sabatinos, a Remarkable Woman of USC, 2009