Welcome to PombeNet, and to the Forsburg Lab!
We are part of the Molecular & Computational Biology Section in the Dept of Biological Sciences at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA. Our research examines the links between DNA replication, cell cycle, and chromosome dynamics in a model genetic system: the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Our work uses a combination of classical genetics and state of the art imaging methods to expore mechanisms of genome stablity .
This web site (PombeNet) offers information on DNA replication and our research, as well as practical information, protocols and reference pages for working with fission yeast, internet guides to pombe, sequence analysis, and women in biology, and an introduction to our group.
Navigation You can use the drop down menu at the top of each page which has links to the interior pages. Check out our FAQ for quick answers to frequently asked pombe questions and links within the site.
Interested in joining the Forsburg lab? Information for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc applicants can be found here.
Pombe 2019
The pombe community will meet in Barcelona July 14-19 for Pombe2019
New: Pombex
Need to perform segmentation analysis? Try this MatLab software pombeX
Announcement: Website
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