NOTE:  This list is historical.  According to the Overseas Studies website for the Queen Mary University of London:

This program is only open to majors in Cinematic Arts, Engineering, and the Dornsife Departments of Comparative Literature, English (ENGL/CRWT/NARS), Gender & Sexuality Studies, History (HISE/HIST/LHCL), Linguistics, Environmental Studies, GeoDesign, and International Relations & Political Science (INCO/IR/IRGB/IRGE/POSC).

Students wishing to take courses in mathematics must be declared in one of the above majors.


QM University London Module Directory

USC Equivalent Abroad Course Major/Minor Approved For USC Units Notes
MTH4116: Probability and Statistics 1 All Cannot be used to satisfy any requirement
MATH 225 Mth5212 Applied Linear Algebra All
MATH 407 Mth5121 Proability Models All
MATH 432 Mth6109 Combinatorics All
No Equivalent Mth5104 Convergence and Continuity All Cannot be used as a MATH 400-Level Elective
No Equivalent Mth5112 Linear Algebra 1 All Cannot be used as a MATH 400-Level Elective
No Equivalent Mth5117 Mathematical Writing All Cannot be used as a MATH 400-Level Elective
No Equivalent Mth5122 Statistical Methods All Cannot be used as a MATH 400-Level Elective
No Equivalent Mth6104 Algebraic Structures All Cannot be used as a MATH 400-Level Elective
No Equivalent Mth6105 Algorithmic Graph Theory AMCM, MATH 400-Level Elective
No Equivalent Math6132 Relativity AMCM Quantitative Elective
No Equivalent Mth6140 Linear Algebra All Cannot be used as a MATH 400-Level Elective
Math 447? MTH6106: Intro to Machine Learning All
No Equivalent MTH6127: Metric Spaces and Topology All
No Equivalent MTH6142: Complex Networks All