Placement into lower division Mathematics courses requires sufficiently high scores on either the USC Placement Exam, or the Calculus AP Exam. Students can also place into courses by having completed a course at a University Mathematics Department that articulates as equivalent to a course pre requisite. The department does not offer challenge exams for the satisfaction of any course pre requisite. Placement requirements for individual courses appear below. If on the basis of any your AP score you qualify to register, then please email Arnold Deal at with your name, your student ID number, the class in which you’d like to register and proof of your AP scores.
Math 040: Placement score of 0-12
Math 108 or MATH 117: Placement score of 13-21
Math 118: Score of 22 or higher on the USC Math placement exam, or, on the AP calculus exam, a score of 3 or higher on the AB exam, or a score of 3 or higher on the AB subscore of the BC exam. Note also that as Math 118 covers some multivariate calculus, most first semester calculus courses taken elsewhere will not articulate to a Math 118 equivalent.
Math 125: Score of 22 or higher on the USC Math placement exam, or, on the AP calculus exam, a score of 3 or higher on the AB exam, or a score of 3 or higher on the AB subscore of the BC exam.
Math 126: Prerequisite is Math 125, or a University course taken in a Mathematics Department that articulates to Math 125. The department will also waive the pre requisite for a score of 4 or 5 on the AB portion of the calculus AP test, or a 5 or higher on the IB (IBTEST: CALCULUS) Higher (not Standard) level exam, or passing the A LEVEL FURTHER MATH EXAM.
Math 225/226: Prerequisite is Math 126, or credit for a course offered by a University Mathematics department that articulates to Math 126 (please note: not all University Mathematics second semester calculus courses articulate as equilvalent to ours). The department will also waive the pre requisite for a score of 5 on the BC portion of the calculus AP test, or a score of 7 on the IB (IBTEST: CALCULUS) Higher (not Standard) level exam.
Students may place out of MATH 226 if they have credit for a courses offered by a University Mathematics department that articulation (our transfer credit group) has determined is equivalent to our MATH 226.
For further inquiries, please contact the Math Department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies, currently