Sussex Study Abroad Modules
Sussex Mathematics Modules



Abroad Course Closest USC Equivalent
Approved Math Programs
G5140: Number Theory Math 430 All
G5144: Algebra Math 410 Any program that does not require Math 410
F3201: Mathematical Methods for Physics 1 Math 445 All
G5135: Analysis 1 None None Must be taken in combination with G5139 for credit
G5139: Analysis 2 Math 425A Any program that does not require Math 425A Must be taken in combination with G5135 for credit
G5147: Numerical Analysis Math 458 All
L1032: Macroeconomics 2 Econ 305 All
L1022: Statistics and Introductory Econometrics Econ 317 All
G1107 Linear Statistical Models None None
G5124 Financial Mathematics None None