EMSI is in the process of updating this page.


2023: Women in Art and Science in the Early Modern World
November 10 & 11, 2023

Conference organizers:
Daniela Bleichmar, University of Southern California
Nicole LaBouff, LACMA

Elaine M. Ayers, New York University
“Women, Plants, and Colonial Legacies: Botanical Study, Credit, and Violence in the 19th Century”

Janet Browne, Harvard University
“Strategy on the Sidelines: Four Victorian Women Try to Contribute to Art and Science”

Margaret Carlyle, The University of British Columbia, Okanagan
“Revealing and Concealing Women’s Secrets: Wax Sculptors in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World”

Nicole LaBouff, LACMA
“Jane Barrington’s Painted Garden: Artistry and Horticultural Expertise in Georgian England”

Jessica C. Linker, Northeastern University
“Invisible Hands: Women and the Art of Early American Scientific Books, 1800–1850”

Laura Mitchell, University of California, Irvine
“Ghosts and Informants: Looking for African Women in Eighteenth-Century Natural History”

Carole Nataf, Courtauld Institute of Art
“Tasteful Science in the Jardin du roi: Madeleine Françoise Basseporte’s Shell Paintings on Vellum (1747–1768)”

Sarah Waheed, University of South Carolina
“Muslim Women’s Patronage of Art and Science in Early Modern India”

Winnie Wong, University of California, Berkeley
“Wives and Flowers: Naming Substitutes in 18th-Century Guangzhou”

2022: After 1800: Rethinking Revolution and Counter-Revolution
June 10 & 11, 2022

Conference organizers:
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal, University of Southern California
Clément Thibaud, EHESS-Mondes Américains

Practices Panel
Brian DeLay, University of California, Berkeley
David A. Bell, Princeton University
Geneviève Verdo, EHESS

Institutions Panel
Andréa Slemian, Universidade Federale de São Paulo
José Maria Portillo Valdes, Universidad del País Vasco
Clément Thibaud, EHESS-Mondes Américains-CERMA

Actors Panel
Chuck Walker, University of California, Davis
Nathalie Pierre, Howard University
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal, University of Southern California

Mathieu Ferradou, Université Paris-Nanterre
“After 1800 from an Irish Perspective: the 1797-1798 Counter-Revolutionary Turn”

Silvia Escanilla Huerta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“”The Fate was to Banish or Kill the Chaperones”: The Revolutionary Experiment in Huánaco”

Glauco Schettini, Fordham University
“Nations under God, 1808-48”

Frédéric Spillemaeker, EHESS
“The Royalist Military Reaction: Complex Logics of Power”

Miriam Liebman, Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society
“The Republican Revolutionary: Ruth Baldwin Barlow in Europe, 1789-1815”

Matthijs Tieleman, Arizona State University
“A Constitutional Revolution”

Ana Joanna Vergara Sierra, University of Minnesota
“The Escribano of Babe: Power, Exile, and Enslavement in the Venezuelan Plains during the War of Independence (1806-1835)”

Carrie Glenn, Niagara University
“After Haitian Independence: The “Quadroon” in Exile”

2019: Virginia 1619: A California Conversation
September 20, 2019

Conference organizer: Peter Mancall, University of Southern California

Emily Berquist Soule, California State University, Long Beach
“From Africa to the Ocean Sea: Slavery in the Origins of the Spanish Empire”

Alex Borucki, University of California, Irvine
“The White Lion and the Intra-American Slave Trade Database at www.slavevoyages.org”

Alejandra Dubcovsky, University of California, Riverside
“1619 from the Spanish Atlantic”

Jack P. Green, John Hopkins University
“1619, Latin America, and Public Memory”

Steven Hackel, University of California, Riverside
“1619/2019: Where are We?”

Mark Hanna, University of California, San Diego
“Jamestown, Nest of Pirates”

Alexander Haskell, University of California, Riverside
“Our Anniversaries, Our Selves”

Michael Jarvis, University of Rochester
“Visualizing the Worlds of 1619”

Katie Moore, University of California, Santa Barbara
“Slavery and the Origins of American Money”

Melissa Morris, University of Wyoming
“Virginia 1619 and Early Modernity”

Paul Musselwhite, Dartmouth College
“Continental Histories of the Jamestown Era”

Lindsay O’Neill, University of Southern California
“Echoes of 1619: Slavery, Conversion & British Expansion 100 Years Later”

Nathan Perl-Rosenthal, University of Southern California
“Revolutionaries Look Back”

Carla Pestana, University of California, Los Angeles
“1619 as synecdoche”

James Rice, Tufts University
“Some Reflections on Politics at the Founding, circa 1619”

Robert Ritchie, Huntington Library
“What about paint?”

Carole Shammas, University of Southern California
“1619 – Questions about the prequel and sequel”

Brenda Stevenson, University of California, Los Angeles
“Considering 1619: Looking Back from Home”

Dana Velasco Murillo, University of California, San Diego
“1616: Conquest and Indigenous Slavery in Northern New Spain”

2017: Indigenous Knowledge and the Making of Colonial Latin America
December 8 & 9, 2017

Conference organizers:
Daniela Bleichmar, University of Southern California
Kim Richter, Getty Research Institute

Amber Brian, University of Iowa
“Conquest Accounts, Native Knowledge, and the Trope of Authenticity”

Kelly McDonough, University of Texas at Austin
“Reframing the Relaciones Geográficas of Colonial Mexico: A Corpus View of Indigenous Knowledge”

Davide Domenici, Universitá di Bologna
“Colors of Knowledge, Knowledge of Colors”

Gabriela Siracusano, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
“To Think about Nothing: Native Creativity between Material Practices and Representations in the Southern Andes”

Maya Stanfield-Mazzi, University of Florida
“Indigenous Knowledge in the Home: Domestic Textiles in Colonial Peru and Mexico”

Claudia Brosseder, University of Illinois
“Recalling Conquest(s): Amazonian Feathers in the Making of Multicultural Colonial Peru”

Daniela Bleichmar, University of Southern California
“The Legible Image: Translating Pictorial Knowledge in Early Colonial Mexico”

Mariana De Campos Françozo, Universiteit Leiden
“Indigenous Knowledge in Dutch Brazil: From Territorial Conquest to Natural History in the Historia Naturalis Brasiliae

Pablo F. Gómez, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“A Caribbean Natural History: Amerindians and the Creation of the New World”

Martha Few, Pennsylvania State University
“”These Noxious, Evil Little Animals”: Locust Swarms, Insect Extermination Campaigns, and the Politics of
Indigenous Knowledge in Colonial Mesoamerica”

Allison Bigelow, University of Virginia
“Seasons of Gold: Rethinking Indigenous Knowledge Production in the Siglo de Oro”

Kris Lane, Tulane University
“Beyond El Dorado: Indigenous Knowledge of Mines and Metals in Early Colombia and Ecuador”

Co-sponsored by the Seaver Institute and Getty Research Institute.

2017: Ideological Origins at 50: Power, Rights, and the Rise and Fall of Free States
April 20, 2017

Conference organizer: Peter Mancall, University of Southern California

Bernard Bailyn, Harvard University
“Confessional Thoughts on Re-Reading: The Ideological Origins”

Patrice Higonnet, Harvard University
“Pragmatic Idealism: Its Causes, Comparative Meaning, and Current Future”

Jack Rakove, Stanford University
“Ideas, Ideology, and the Anomalous Problem of Revolutionary Causes”

Danielle Allan, Harvard University
“The Invention of “The People”: The Sussex Declaration”

Daniel Hulsebosch, New York University, School of Law
“The Ideological Fulfillment: Constitution-making and the Law of Nations”

Eric Nelson, Harvard University
“What Kind of Book is the Ideological Origins of the American Revolution?”

Eric Slauter, University of Chicago
“The Literature of Revolution and the Origins of Ideological Origins

Colin Kidd, University of St. Andrews
“Global Turns: Other States, Other Civilization”

Gordon Wood, Brown University
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution: A Reassessment”

2016: Global Maritime History
March 4 & 5, 2016
Huntington Library

Conference organizer: Nathan Perl-Rosenthal, University of Southern California

Lauren Benton, Vanderbilt University

Naor Ben Yehoyada, University of Cambridge
“Conjuring up the Sea: Historical Anthropology of Maritime Region Formation”

Hannah Farber, Boston College
“Lines, Zones, and Basins: The Political Geography of Global Maritime Trade Considered as a Response to Globalization-Speak”

Maria Fusaro, University of Exeter
“The Global Relevance of the European ‘Ocean’: A Historiographical Reassessment of the Early Modern Mediterranean”

Mark Hanna, UC San Diego
“Pirates or Navies? Murky Waters in the Early Modern Maritime World”

David Igler, UC Irvine
“Indigenous Maritime Travelers and Visual Representation: The Case of Kadu and Ludwig Choris in the Pacific Ocean”

Lisa Norling, University of Minnesota
“Working Women Who Got Wet: Reflections on Women’s Involvement in Early Modern Fisheries”

Carla Rahn Phillips, University of Minnesota
“Coercion and the Maritime Tradition, or Why did Anyone go to Sea?”

Sebastian Prange, University of British Columbia
“Fluid Sovereignties: Maritime Claims and Contests in the early-modern Indian Ocean”

Mark Raffety, University of Redlands
“‘The Law is the Lord of the Sea’: Maritime Law as Global Maritime History”

Margaret Schotte, York University
“When Sailing was ‘Big Science’”

2015: World and Ground: New Early American Histories
March 6 & 7, 2015

Conference organizer: Christopher Grasso, College of William & Mary

Juliana Barr, University of Florida
“’There’s No Such Thing as ‘Pre-History’: What Chaco, Cahokia, and the Continent’s Longue Durée Can Tell Us about Colonial America”

Karen Halttunen, University of Southern California
“World History, Native Ground: Travels with Ezra Stiles”

Eric Hinderaker, University of Utah
“Arms in the Colonial City: The Military Revolution in the Americas, 1689–1775”

Susan Juster, University of Michigan
“Father Andrew White’s ‘Great Cross’: Rethinking the Protestant-Catholic Encounter in English America”

Cathy Matson, University of Delaware
“At the Ragged Edge: Philadelphia Counting Houses in a Revolutionary Era”

Gregory O’Malley, University of California, Santa Cruz
“Souls and Barrels: The Slave Market of Colonial Charleston”

Mark Peterson, University of California, Berkeley
“Boston and the Emergence of Capitalism, 1540–1815”

Joshua Piker, Editor of William & Mary Quarterly
“From Ground to World, Or, The Creek Who Went to London with an Eagle and Came Home with a Lion”

Brett Rushforth, College of William & Mary
“The Merchant and the Englishwoman: Intimate Networks, Colonial Law, and the Personality of Empire”

Eric Slauter, University of Chicago
“A Slave Sold Near the Liberty Tree: Scipio Moorhead and the End of Slavery”

Sophie White, University of Notre Dame
“”Not so denatured as to kill her child”: Slavery, Motherhood and the French Empire”

2013: Ephemerality and Durability in Early Modern Visual and Material Culture
September 27, 2013

Conference organizers:
Jessica Keating, USC
Sean Roberts, USC
Alexander Marr, University of Cambridge

Melissa Calaresu, University of Cambridge
“Street Food: Eating Out in Early Modern Europe”

Dale Kinney, Bryn Mawr
“The Stones of Rome”

Timothy McCall, Villanova University
“Ephemeral Phenomena and the Material Culture of Signorial Adornment and Array”

Lucy Razzall, University of Cambridge
“’Hail Holy Image’: Late Fifteenth-Century Woodcuts Pasted into Boxes”

Sean Roberts, University of Southern California
“Nature and Artifice in Botticelli’s Pallas and the Centaur

Mark Rosen, University of Texas, Dallas
“Freeing the Captives: Revolutionary Rhetoric and the Remaking of Royal Monuments”

Elizabeth Upper, University of Cambridge
“Saving Waste: Artifacts of the Earliest Color-Printing Techniques”

J.K Barret, University of Texas, Austin
“Imminent Futures: Ephemeral Legacy and Durable Form in Late Shakespeare”
Respondent: Keith Pluymers, University of Southern California

Suzanna Ivanic, University of Cambridge
“Meanings of Matter: Objects in the Kunstkammer of Rudolf II of Prague (1583–16122)”
Respondent: Lauren Dodds, University of Southern California

Roundtable Discussion: Jessica Keating, Sean Roberts, Alexander Marr, Peter Mancall and Dale Kinney

Lavinia Maddaluno, University of Cambridge
“Durable Machines and Ephemeral Powers: Politics and Scientific Practices of a Late Eighteenth-Century Milanese Mathematician”
Respondent: Jeremy Glatstein, University of Southern California

Jose Ramon Marcaida, University of Cambridge
“Don Juan de Espina and his Chair: Material Culture and Ephemerality in a 17th-Century Spanish Collection”

Richard Serjeantson, University of Cambridge
“Investigating the Ephemeral in Seventeenth-Century Natural Philosophy”

Emily Berquist Soule, Cal State University, Long Beach
“Pictures without Words, Objects without Bodies: The Confounding “Codex” and Collections of Trujillo, Peru”

Michelle Wallis, University of Cambridge
“Papering Over the Past: Ephemeral Print and the Early Modern History of Medicine, 1660–1720”
Respondent: Penelope Geng, University of Southern California

Sophie Waring, University of Cambridge
“In Pursuit of the Ephemeral and Durable: Weights, Measures and the Figure of the Earth”
Respondent: Nicholas Gliserman, University of Southern California

Organized in collaboration with CRASSH, University of Cambridge.

2013: Objects in Motion in the Early Modern World 
May 10, 2013
Getty Center

Conference organizers:
Daniela Bleichmar, USC
Meredith Martin, Wellesley College
Joanne Pillsbury, Getty Research Institute

Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Queen’s University, Ontario
“From the Rue Saint-Jacques to the Paraguayan Outback: The Itinerant lives of Rococo Decorative Prints in Eighteenth-Century South America”

Daniela Bleichmar, University of Southern California
“The Itinerant Lives of Mexican Codices”

Zirwat Chowdhury, University of California, Los Angeles
“Monumentality in Motion: A Mughal Audience Tent in Late Eighteenth-Century Jodhpur”

Chanchal Dadlani, Wake Forest University
“Translating, Transporting, and Transforming Mughal History: An Illustrated French Translation of the ‘Ain-I Akbari

Jessica Keating, University of Southern California
“Diana Transformed: The Case of the Diana Automaton

Dana Leibsohn, Smith College
“Coins for Candles: Asian Commodities and the Visual Culture of Spanish America”

Meredith Martin, Wellesley College
“Mirror Reflections: Louis XIV, Phra Narai, and the Material Culture of Kingship”

Sandy Prita Meier, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Porcelain Objects and Mercantile Aesthetics: Trading Culture in Coastal East Africa”

Avinoam Shalem, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich
“Classicizing the New: The Publication of the History of the New World (Tarih ül-Hind il garbi el-müsemma bi-Hadis-i nev)”

Mary Sheriff, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“Technology in Paradise”

Claudia Swan, Northwestern University
“Trading in the Senses: Exotica On and Off the Early Modern Dutch Marketplace”

Nancy Um, State University of New York, Binghamton
“Chairs, Writing Tables, and Chests: On the Postures of Commercial Documentation in the Early Modern Indian Ocean”

Co-sponsored by the Getty Research Institute.

2012: New World of Projects, 1550–1750
June 23, 2012

Eric Ash, Wayne State University
“Transforming the Future of the Fens: Drainage, Improvement, and Projectors in Seventeenth-Century England”

Joyce Chaplin, Harvard University
“Projecting into the Future”

Mordechai Feingold, California Institute of Technology
“Projectors and learned Projects in Early Modern England”

Jonsson Fredrik, University of Chicago
“Cornucopian Projects”

Vera Keller, University of Oregon
“Projecting New Worlds in Europe”

Thomas Leng, University of Sheffield
“Mastering the market in colonial staples: Benjamin Worsley’ ‘project’ of the growth of sugar”

Ted McCormick, Concordia University
“Population, Wealth, and Government: Three Seventeenth-Century Projects at the Disciplinary Margins”

Sarah Rivett, Princeton University
“Savage Sounds and Missionary Linguistics in Seventeenth-Century North America”

Abigail Swingen, Texas Tech University
“The 300 Malefactors: Convict Transportation and Unfree Labor in the English Caribbean Colonies”

Carl Wennerlind, Barnard College
“From Hartlib to Linnaeus: Science, Spirituality, and Political Economy”

Koji Yamamoto, University of Edinburgh
“Moses Stringer: A Chymical Projector taking an Imperial Turn”

Anya Zilberstein, Concordia and Rachel Carson Center
“’Mostly Temperate’: Projecting the Climate in Northeastern America”

2011: Ingenious Acts: The Nature of Invention in Early Modern Europe 
April 1, 2011

Conference organizer: Alexander Marr, University of Southern California

Paul Binski, University of Cambridge
“Gothic Invention”

Timothy Chesters, Royal Holloway, University of London
“Montaigne: The Lure of Invention”

Michael Cole, Columbia University
“What did Michelangelo Invent?”

Frances Gage, Buffalo State University, SUNY
“’Fantasia’ and the Habit of Invention in Seicento Rome”

Katherine Graham Isard, Columbia University
“Vincenzo Scamozzi, Architectural Commonplaces, and Architectural Ingenuity”

Matthew L. Jones, Columbia University
“Reinventing the (Stepped) Wheel: Invention and New Science around Enlightenment Calculating Machines”

Vera Keller, EMSI Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern California
“The Murder of Invention”

Rhodri Lewis, University of Oxford
“Literate Experience? Francis Bacon on Reading, Imagination, and Discovery”

Jessica Ratcliffe, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“’Pretended Good and Profitable’: Vernacular Representations of Projectors and Technological Invention, c. 1630–70”

Sean Roberts, University of Southern California
“Inventing Engraving in Vasari’s Florence”

Daniel Rosenberg, University of Oregon
“Data Before the Fact”

Bruce Smith, University of Southern California
“The Congeniality of Shakespeare’s Genius”

Elly Truitt, Bryn Mawr College
“History and Invention in the Middle Ages”

2010: Image and Devotion in the Early Modern Spanish World
May 7 & 8, 2010

Clara Bargellini, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
“The Permanence of the Religious Image in New Spain”

Luis Corteguerra, University of Kansas
“The Sacred Object of Desire”

Thomas Cummins, Harvard University
“The Indulgent Image: Prints in the New York, Production, Circulation, and Innovation”

Kenneth Mills, University of Toronto
“Sacred Journeys and Difficult Middles in the Early Modern Spanish World”

Jeanette Favrot Peterson, University of California, Santa Barbara
“On the Matter of the Sacred”

Tanya Tiffany, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
“Devotion and Desire: Diego Velázquez’s Virgin of the Immaculate Conception and Vision of Saint John the Evangelist

Cordula Van Wyhe, York University

Sherry Velasco, University of Southern California
“Screening Ecstasy: St. Teresa on Film”

Charlene Villasenor-Black, University of California, Los Angeles
“Sacred Art and Censorship: The Breasts and Body of the Virgin Mary”

Alison Weber, University of Virginia
“Images, Miracles, and Living Saints in Early Modern Spain”

Christopher Wilson, Holton-Arms School

2007: Collecting Across Cultures in the Early Modern World
May 10, 11, & 12, 2007
Huntington Library

Lisa Jardine, Queen Mary University of London
“The Anomaly of Exchange in Antwerp: Anglo-Dutch Cultural Exchange in the 1640s and 50s”

Tom Cummins, Harvard University
Cosas Extraordinarias: America & the Anticipation of the Royal Desires of Charles V & Phillip II”

Janice Katz, Art Institute of Chicago
“Fools for Art: Two Daimyo as Collectors in 17th-Century Japan”

Dana Leibsohn, Smith College
“From Manila to Mexico, from Parian to Parlor: Interpreting Spanish American Desires for Asian Objects”

Michael North, University of Griefswald, Germany
“Collecting Art in European Colonial Settlements in Asia (17th & 18th Centuries)”

Juan Pimentel
“Dead Natures or Still Lives? Collecting, Art, and Science in Spanish Baroque Culture”

Anne Goldgar, King’s College, London
“The Domestication of the Exotic: Dutch Naturalia, Fashion, and Boredom”

David J. Roxburgh, Harvard University
“‘Doing European and Chinese’ (farangi-saz va khata’i-saz): European and Chinese identities in the Collecting Cultures of Early Modern Iran”

Alden R. Gordon, Trinity College, Hartford
“The French Engravings of the ‘Conquests of the Emperor Quianlong’: The Role of Prints in the Amplification of Collecting Across Cultures”

Carina Johnson, Pitzer College
“Aztec Regalia and the Reformation of Display”

Sarah Benson, Visiting Fellow, Cornell University
“European Wonders at the Court of Siam”

Robert Batchelor, Georgia Southern University
“The Banten Roadshow: Exchange and Collecting Across Cultures in 17th-Century Java”

Pascal Riviale, Musée d’Orsay & CNRS, Paris
“Europe Rediscovers Latin America: Collecting Artifacts & Views in the First Decades of the 19th-Century”

Stacey Sloboda, Southern Illinois University
“Displaying Materials: Porcelain in the Duchess of Portland’s Museum”

Natasha Eaton, University College, London
“Mimetic Rivalries: Networks of Iconophobia, Iconoclasm and Collecting in Europe and South Asia, 1760–1840”

2006: The Sciences of Race in the Long Eighteenth Century
April 27, 28, & 29, 2006

Robert Bernasconi, University of Memphis
“When Mixed Race was Thought to be Superior to Pure Race: The Scientific Debate in Northern Europe about Human Hybridity before 1850”

Nicholas Hudson, University of British Columbia
“‘Hottentots’ & the Changing Aesthetics of Race, 1600-1850”

Miriam Claude Meijer, Montgomery College
“The Intersection of Race & Aesthetics in 18th-century Anthropology”

Ilona Katzew, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
“White or Black? 18th-century Portraits of Albinism and the Colonial World”

James Delbourgo, McGill University
“Slavery in the Cabinet of Curiosities: Hans Sloane and Africans in the Natural History of Jamaica”

Paul Turnbull, Griffith University, Austrailia
“Scientific Theft of Indigenous Australian Remains and the Construction of the Aboriginal Race, c. 1790-1830”

Karen Halttunen, USC
“Ancient Britons and American Savages: Geology, Race, and the Antiquity of Humankind in Britain and the U.S.”

Ann Fabian, Rutgers University
“Daniel Wilson’s Discoveries”

Martha Few, University of Arizona
“‘Egyptians and Other Nations of the East’: Race, Sexuality, and Colonial Medicine in Enlightenment Guatemala”

Robert Markley, University of Illinois
“Climate, Race, and Civility in Southeast Asia: Alexander Hamilton’s A New Account of the East-Indies”

Adam Warren, University of Washington
“Seattle–A Race out of Place? Colonial Peruvian Medical Debates about Africans, Disease, and the New World”

Maria Elena Martinez, USC
“Leán y Gama’s Treatise on Skin Color and the Enlightened Creole “Science” of Race in 18th-century New Spain”

Andrew Curran, Wesleyan University
“Maupertuis’ Vénus physique: On Race, Races, and the Nègre blanc”

2005: Medieval and Early Modern Encounters between Christianity and Islam
March 31 & April 1, 2005

Teofilo Ruiz, UCLA
“Reading Violence: Muslim and Christian Relations in Medieval and Early Modern Spain”

Debra Blumenthal, UC Santa Barbara
“Strange Bedfellows: Two Christians and the Moro who Slept on the Edge of the Bed”

Molly Greene, Princeton University
“What Makes a Greek Ship Greek? Trade and Legal Regimes in the Early Modern Mediterranean”

Carina Johnson, Pitzer College
“Captivity Tales: Christian Ethnographies of Muslim Culture in the Fifteenth Century”

Nabil Matar, Florida Institute of Technology
“Two Arabic Views of Western Europe, 1611–1618”

Mary Elizabeth Perry, Occidental College
“Madalena’s Bath: Embodied Encounters in Early Modern Spain”

Megan Reid, University of Southern California
“Contact and Contagion in Medieval Muslim Encounters with Foreigners, 1200–1400”

Ramzi Rouighi, University of Southern California
“The Merchant, the Pirate, and the Saint, an Essay”

Roundtable discussion
Ussama Makdisi, Rice University

2005: Plants & Insects in the Early Modern World
April 28 & 30, 2005
Huntington Library

Conference organizers:
Daniela Bleichmar, University of Southern California
Peter Mancall, University of Southern California
Alison Sandman, University of Southern California

Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University
“Plants and Empire”

Paula de Vos, San Diego State University
“The Science of Spices: Empiricism, Entrepreneurialism and Economic Botany in the Spanish Empire”

Benjamin Schmidt, University of Washington
“Empires and Insects: Exotic Natural History, Visual Culture, and Early Modern ‘Globalism’”

Luis Millones-Figueroa, Colby College
“The Staff of Life: Wheat and ‘Indian Bread’ in the New World”

Paul White, University of Cambridge
“Fallen Fruit: Bounty, Providence, and the Lure of Paradise”

S. Max Edelson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“From Mulberry to Palmetto: Trees, Culture, and Colonization in South Carolina”

Rebecca Larouche, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
“From Artemesia to Meadowsweet: Queen Elizabeth and the English Herbal, 1568–1640”

Janice Neri, Boise State University
“Stitches, Specimens, and Pictures: Maria Sibylla Merian & the Processing of the Natural World”

Brian Cowan, McGill University
“Botany, Curiosity, and Commerce: The Discovery of Coffee in 17th-Century England”

Marcy Norton, George Washington University
“Nicolas Monardes and Tobacco: Indian Knowledge and European Frameworks”

Peter Mancall, University of Southern California
“Plants and Empire”

Alain Touwaide, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
“A New Look at Old Recipes: Renaissance Use of Ancient Drug Lore”

Carla Nappi, Princeton University
“Offspring of the Elements: Insects and Metamorphosis in Early Modern China”

William R. Newman, Indiana University
“Insects, Dyes, and Transmutation: The Tinctures of a Working Alchemist”

Arianne Faber Kolb, Independent Scholar
“Spirituality and the Observation of Natural Minutiae: Jan Brueghel the Elder’s Mouse with Rosebuds and Insects

Mary Terrall, UCLA
“Natural Theology and More: Insects and their Admirers in the 18th Century”

2004: The Early Modern Travel Narrative: Production and Consumption 
April 30 & May 1, 2004

Josiah Blackmore, University of Toronto
“The Nautical Metaphoric: Iberian Travel Writing and the Seafaring Mind”

Daniela Bleichmar, Princeton University
“Text and Image in Spanish Scientific Exploration of the Eighteenth Century Americas”

Nicholas Dew, University of Cambridge
“Collecting Travels in Late Seventeenth-Century Paris”

Jordana Dym, Skidmore College
“The Familiar and the Strange: Western Travelers’ Maps of Europe and Asia ca. 1600–1800”

M.D. Eddy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Travel as Field Observation: Scottish Naturalists and the Collection of Chemical Data, 1780–1800”

Michael Fisher, Oberlin College
“From India to England and Back: Early Indian Travel Narratives for Indian Readers”

Mary C. Fuller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Assigning Value to Documents, Objects and Cultures in the Early English Travel Collection”

Anne Good, University of Minnesota
“The Construction of an Authoritative Text: Peter Kolb’s Description of the Khoikhoi at the Cape of Good Hope in the Eighteenth Century”

Nathalie Hester, University of Oregon
“The Art of Telling the Truth: Women’s Travel Writing in 17th-Century France”

Ophie Mintz-Manor, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
“Imagined Journeys – Literature, History and the Production of Travel Narratives in Zacharia Al-Dahri’s Book of Ethics”

Anthony Parr, University of the Western Cape
“John Donne: Travel Writer”

Joan-Pau Rubies, London School of Economics
“Sixteenth Century Travel Accounts and Humanistic Culture: A ‘Blunted Impact?’”

Neil Safier, University of Michigan
“Bookish Learning and the Natural Historic Practice in the Field Libraries of Two Eighteenth Century Portuguese Naturalists”

Jonathan D. Sassi, City University of New York
“Anthony Benezet’s African Library: African Travel Narratives and Revolutionary-era Antislavery”

Daniel Vitkus, Florida State University
“Venturing Heroes: Narrating Violent Commerce in Seventeenth-Century England”

John E. Wills, Jr., University of Southern California
“Journeys Mostly to the West: Chinese Perspectives on Travel Writing”