2-Unit General Courses

  • Basic Mandarin conversational skills for effective communication in familiar, everyday Chinese contexts and better understanding of intercultural communication through content-based language acquisition. Graded CR/NC.

    This course is for students with no previous experience in Mandarin. Not available for credit to East Asian Area Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures, and East Asian Studies majors and minors.

  • This course introduces students to the origin of the basic components of Chinese scripts and the basic principles and styles of calligraphy.

  • Currently not offered.

    The first half of EALC 104: Chinese I. The sound system of modern Chinese; aural comprehension, oral expression, basic patterns and writing system. Completion of both 103a and 103b is treated as equivalent as completion of 104.

  • Currently not offered.

    The second half of EALC 104: Chinese I. The sound system of modern Chinese; aural comprehension, oral expression, basic patterns and writing system. Completion of both 103a and 103b is treated as equivalent as completion of 104.

  • Furthers students’ knowledge in the Chinese writing system and develops students’ skills in a more advanced calligraphy style.

Chinese Language Core Courses

No experience in Chinese –> EALC 104: Chinese I –> D-Clearance

Previous experience in Chinese –> Placement Exam

  • The sound system of modern Chinese; aural comprehension, oral expression, basic patterns, and writing system.

  • Dialogue practice and conversation; reading of simple stories and essays; comparison of Chinese and English grammar; writing of paragraphs.

  • Conversational practice: reading of stories and essays; writing of short essays.

  • Continuation of 204, with emphasis on reading and writing, frequent interaction with native speakers.

  • Combined classroom discussion and supervised internship at companies. Practical experience in applying communication and cultural knowledge in a professional, “real world” employment context.

  • Reading selections from different styles of modern Chinese writings, analysis of stylistic techniques and syntactic structure, composition, and translation.

  • Continuation of 304; composition exercises in different styles of writing.

  • Currently not offered.

    Readings in modern Chinese literary, documentary, and epistolary styles; stylistic and syntactic analysis; composition; translation.

  • Currently not offered.

    Continuation of 404.

  • Reading selections from newspaper articles and online reports to further develop proficiency in advanced Chinese and understanding of the society and culture.

  • Practice in the basic vocabulary and idioms of foreign trade and other commercial transactions in Mandarin.

  • Continuation of EALC 412a.

Language Requirements for EALC Major, Minor, and Minor in Chinese for the Professions

minor: ealc

Four semesters (two years) of Chinese:

EALC 104        Chinese I
EALC 106        Chinese II
EALC 204        Chinese III
EALC 206        Chinese IV

Language Electives (up to two):

EALC 304        Advanced Modern Chinese I
EALC 306        Advanced Modern Chinese II
EALC 404        Advanced Modern Chinese III
EALC 406        Advanced Modern Chinese IV
EALC 407        News and Web Chinese
EALC 412a       Business Chinese
EALC 412b       Business Chinese

EALC Minor Requirements

Major: ealc

Six semesters (three years) of Chinese

EALC 104        Chinese I
EALC 106        Chinese II
EALC 204        Chinese III
EALC 206        Chinese IV
EALC 304        Advanced Modern Chinese I
EALC 306        Advanced Modern Chinese II

400-level Language Electives (up to two):

EALC 404        Advanced Modern Chinese III
EALC 406        Advanced Modern Chinese IV
EALC 407        News and Web Chinese
EALC 412a       Business Chinese
EALC 412b       Business Chinese

EALC Major        |        Course Requirements

Minor: Chinese for the Professions

Four semesters (two years) of Chinese:

EALC 104        Chinese I
EALC 106        Chinese II
EALC 204        Chinese III
EALC 206        Chinese IV

Two semesters of Internship (4 units):
EALC 366: Chinese Professional Internship (2 units)
* Prerequisite: EALC 206 (Chinese IV) or its equivalent

Two courses from Group I (8 units)
EALC 304, 306, etc.

Two courses from Group II (8 units)
EALC 404, 406, 407, 412a, 412b

Minor in Chinese for the Professions