
Deborah Finkel is a Research Scientist (50%) at CESR. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a PhD in Behavior Genetics in 1992. Starting in 2018, Deborah has a position as professor of psychology (50%) at Jönköping University in Sweden. Her research focuses on genetic and environmental contributions to cognitive aging using longitudinal twin data, with extended interests in related areas: physical aging, self-rated health, health disparities. She has worked extensively with the Swedish twin studies and is currently PI of GENDER, a study of opposite-sex twins aged 70+ in Sweden, and is on the leadership team of the IGEMS: Interplay of Genes and Environment across Multiple Studies. She also collaborates with the team currently extending the Louisville Twin Study into midlife. Deborah is past-president of the Behavior Genetics Association and a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America.


Ph.D. Psychology, University of Minnesota
B.S. Psychobiology and Applied Math, Centre College of Kentucky

Academic Appointment, Affiliation, and Employment History

Research Scientist, University of Southern California, 2023
Professor, Institute for Gerontology, Jönköping Univesity, 2018
Professor, Indiana University Southeast, 2001-2022
Associate Professor, Indiana University Southeast, 1997-2001
Assistant Professor, Indiana University Southeast, 1992-1997