CESR Seminar and Brown Bag Series
Ron Hays | University of California, Los Angeles
Monday, September 16, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Bio: Ron D. Hays is a UCLA Distinguished Professor of Medicine and an affiliated adjunct researcher at the RAND Corporation with a research focus on patient-reported outcomes. He has been a principal investigator for the AHRQ-funded Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) project at RAND since its beginning in 1995. Hays has been acknowledged as one of the most highly cited and influential scientific minds by Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics. He has published 40 book chapters and about 690 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Suhani Jalota | Stanford University
Monday, September 23, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Abstract: In many developing countries, married women face significant practical barriers to entering the workforce, particularly for jobs outside the home. These barriers include safety concerns, travel costs, and housework responsibilities. We design an experiment that lowers these barriers by establishing new local offices that are within a five-minute walk from home, exclusively for women, and permit children. We assigned 3,200 unemployed wives in Mumbai to the same jobs (part-time, smartphone-based digital work), either from home or a local office, and cross-randomized them to one of three monthly wage levels (ranging widely). About 27% of women take up local office jobs, suggesting that low-practical-barrier jobs can get more than a quarter of unemployed women to enter the workforce. However, shifting the job location to home is even more effective than local offices or higher wages. Specifically, 56% of women took up the same jobs when offered from home. In contrast, a five-fold increase in wages for local office jobs only increased uptake by 25%. A parallel experiment with husbands reveals that the higher take-up from home is gender-specific, as husbands were indifferent to job location for themselves. In a follow-up mechanism experiment, we find that women are unable to leave their homes even for a two-minute check-in at an office. This inability explains about half of the difference in job take-up between home-based and local office jobs. Gender norms are important in this context, implying that home-based and local jobs may be the most immediate path to increasing women’s participation.
Bio: Suhani Jalota is a Hoover Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In her research, Jalota uses field experiments to explore the intersection between women’s employment, health, and agency and the enabling role of technology. In her doctoral dissertation, she analyses constraints to women’s paid work and uses data from digital jobs performed at home in India to study the increase in female labor-force participation. For the last fourteen years, Jalota has been working in urban slum areas and rural communities on projects ranging from adolescent girl health, water, and sanitation to social protection policies in South Africa, Thailand, and several cities in India. She is also the founder of the Myna Mahila Foundation, a research-driven social enterprise with the mission to increase women’s agency and decision-making power to make them more confident, financially independent, and healthy. Founded in 2015, Myna Mahila now has a reach of 1.5 million women and a team of seventy in India. Jalota was a Knight-Hennessy Scholar at Stanford University, where she received her PhD and MBA. She has a BS in economics and global health with the highest distinction from Duke University.
Morteza Dehghani | USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Monday, September 30, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Abstract: Acts of hate have been used to silence, terrorize, and erase marginalized social groups throughout history. In this work, we investigate the motivations underlying extreme behavioral expressions of prejudice (EBEPs), proposing that acts of hate may often be best understood as morally motivated behaviors grounded in people’s moral values and perceptions of moral violations. First, we provide support for the concomitant relationship between morality and hate in language from a diverse array of contexts, including the use of hateful language in propaganda to inspire genocide, slurs, and social media data. Next, we demonstrate that moral values oriented around group preservation are predictive of the county-level prevalence of hate groups and associated with the belief that EBEPs against marginalized groups are justified. Additional analyses suggest that the association between group-based moral values and EBEPs against outgroups can be partly explained by the belief that these groups have done something morally wrong. In another line of work, we demonstrate that homogeneity in moral concerns results in increased levels of radical intentions. Overall, our research highlights the complex interplay of morality and hate, suggesting a potential avenue for intervention when hate is perceived as virtuous.
Bio: Morteza is a Professor of Psychology, Computer Science, and the Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI) at the University of Southern California, where he directs the Morality and Language Lab. His work combines correlational studies of psychological processes in social discourse artifacts with behavioral experimentation. He studies the relationship between human values and environmental and psychological factors to predict real-world behaviors. Morteza is particularly interested in how extreme moral worldviews can lead to prejudice, violence, and hate. Morteza’s work has been recognized through several awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, the Young Investigator Fellowship from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Google Award for Inclusion Research. He received his BS and MS from UCLA and his PhD from Northwestern University.
So Young Choe | University of California, Berkeley
Monday, October 14, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Abstract: Are Asians really intrusive? Do Asian adolescents feel that their parents are intrusive? I measured what Korean adolescents believe to be intrusive parenting, guided by the Two Facet Model of Parental Psychological Control (Choe et al., 2023) that stipulates intrusiveness and emotional manipulation as two core facets of parental psychological control. Please come and see how I measured intrusiveness and emotional manipulation separately and if or how intrusiveness functioned differently from emotional manipulation. The participating adolescents came from a poor area and a disadvantaged academic environment in Seoul, South Korea.
Bio: Dr. So Young Choe received her doctorate in Psychology at the University of Southern California where she started studying harmful parenting called parental psychological control. Parental psychological control (PPC) refers to a set of intrusive parenting techniques that emotionally manipulate children to obey parents (Choe & Read, 2019). Then she trained in the NIAAA T32 program at the University of California, Berkeley where she connected PPC to adolescents’ alcohol use. Dr. Choe is awarded a K99&R00 grant by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Pietro Biroli | University of Bologna
Monday, October 21, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Sarah Hayford | The Ohio State University
Monday, October 28, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Darin Christensen | University of California, Los Angeles
Monday, November 4, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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David Neumark | University of California, Irvine
Monday, November 18, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Grigory Franguridi | USC CESR
Monday, December 2, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Ara Khachaturian | The Campaign to Prevent Alzeihmer’s Disease
Monday, December 9, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Sarah Townsend | USC Marshall School of Business
Monday, December 16, 2024
12pm – 1pm
VPD 203 and Zoom
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Social-Science Genetics Seminars
AASRO 2024
USC is hosting AASRO September 25-27, 2024
Dinner Meeting on Wednesday will be at the USC Hotel.
Thursday and Friday we will be at the
1002 West Childs Way
Los Angeles, CA 90089.
Agenda will be posted here soon!
Past Events
For more information on the seminar presentations, or if you would like to attend the presentation, or to meet with any of the speakers, please contact Italo Lopez Garcia or Evan Sandlin.
For more information on the brown bag presentations, or if you would like to attend the presentation or be added to our list for announcements, please contact Michele Warnock.