Center for the Study of Health Inequality
The CESR / VU Amsterdam Center for the Study of Health Inequality (CSHI) aims to support, disseminate and communicate research on the causes of health inequality.
CSHI is housed within the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at the University of Southern California (USC) and the Economics Department of Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. Topics of interest to CSHI are the substantial disparities in health, human capital (e.g., education), and economic outcomes between socioeconomic groups; the role of early childhood endowments, circumstances, and parental investments in explaining later-life health and socioeconomic disparities. An important focus of the center is to make use of recent advances in genetics to inform economic analyses, such as for example, studies of gene-by-environment (GxE) interplay in influencing health outcomes, such as unhealthy behaviors, mortality, late-life cognition, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s and related dementias.
CSHI aims to develop integrated approaches to these issues, developing economic theories to explain empirical findings and make predictions and conducting empirical structural- as well as reduced-form analyses. CSHI brings together researchers from various disciplines within the University of Southern California’s and VU Amsterdam research communities as well as distinguished researchers from outside USC and VU Amsterdam, in such fields as economics (of health, human capital, and labor), epidemiology, psychology, demography, gerontology, public health, biology, and genetics. CSHI seeks to stimulate collaboration and communication between CSHI researchers and develop an infrastructure for its members and the broader research community. For example, we run a social-science genetics seminar / journal club series that is entirely online (Zoom) allowing researchers in Europe and the US to participate (for details, and if you would like to join, see below).
CSHI also seeks to inform policymakers and the general public to raise awareness and assist policymaking. CSHI members actively pursue sources of funding for the center, such as from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO), to support its activities. Initial support was provided by CESR and by a National Institute on Aging K02 award (K02 AG042452).
From Understanding to Reducing Health Disparities: A Model-based Evaluation
- Galama, T.J., Lleras-Muney, A. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2020), The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Oxford Handbook of Health Economics (forthcoming). Link to working paper.
- Fonseca R, Michaud PC, Galama T, Kapteyn A. Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity. J Eur Econ Assoc. 2021 Feb;19(1):536-579. doi: 10.1093/jeea/jvaa003. Epub 2020 Mar 12. PMID: 33679266; PMCID: PMC7935060.
- Van Ourti T, O’Donnell O, Koç H, Fracheboud J, de Koning HJ. Effect of screening mammography on breast cancer mortality: Quasi-experimental evidence from rollout of the Dutch population-based program with 17-year follow-up of a cohort. Int J Cancer. 2020 Apr 15;146(8):2201-2208. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32584. Epub 2019 Aug 7. PMID: 31330046; PMCID: PMC7065105.
- Koç H, O’Donnell O, Van Ourti T. What Explains Education Disparities in Screening Mammography in the United States? A Comparison with The Netherlands. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Sep 8;15(9):1961. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15091961. PMID: 30205539; PMCID: PMC6163342.
- Galama, T.J., Lleras-Muney, A. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2018), The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Link to working paper. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.7
- Galama TJ, van Kippersluis H. A Theory of Socio-economic Disparities in Health over the Life Cycle. Econ J (London). 2019 Jan;129(617):338-374. doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12577. Epub 2018 May 19. PMID: 30905971; PMCID: PMC6430209.
- Angrisani M, Atella V, Brunetti M. Public Health Insurance and Household Portfolio Choices: Unravelling Financial “Side Effects” of Medicare. J Bank Financ. 2018 Aug;93:198-212. doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2018.05.001. Epub 2018 May 7. PMID: 30700924; PMCID: PMC6349261.
- Bago d’Uva, T.M, O’Donnell, O.A, and van Doorslaer, E.K.A. (2017). Who can predict their own demise? Heterogeneity in the accuracy and value of longevity expectations. Journal of the Economics of Aging. doi:10.1016/j.jeoa.2017.10.003
- Hsieh, C.S. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2017). Smoking Initiation: Peers and Personality. Quantitative Economics, forthcoming Link to working paper.
- Ravesteijn, B., Van Kippersluis, H., Van Doorslaer, E. (2017). The wear and tear on health: what is the role of occupation? Health Economics (forthcoming) NIHMSID: 900657; Link to working paper
- Van Kippersluis, H., and Rietveld, C.A. (2017). Pleiotropy-robust Mendelian Randomization. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1-10; Link to working paper
- Angrisani, M., Hurd, M., Meijer, E., Parker, A. and Rohwedder, S. (2017). Personality and Employment Transitions at Older Ages: Direct and Indirect Effects through Non-Monetary Job Characteristics. Labour (early view). Link to working paper
- Salvy, S.-J., de la Haye, K., Galama, T.J. and Goran, M.I. (2017). Home visitation programs: An untapped opportunity for the delivery of early childhood obesity prevention. Obesity Reviews. 18(2), pp.149-163.
- Coveney, M., García Gómez, P., Van Doorslaer, E. and Van Ourti, T. (2016). Health Disparities by Income in Spain Before and After the Economic Crisis. Health Economics, 25(S2), pp.141-158. NIHMSID 821561; Link to working paper.
- Arnold, M., Rentería, E., Conway, D.I., Van Ourti, T., and Soerjomataram, I. (2016). Global inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality in the 21st century. Cancer Causes and Control, 27(8): 999-1007. PMID: 27329211
- Bijwaard, G.E. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2016). Efficiency of Health Investment: Education or Intelligence? Health Economics 25(9): 1056-1072
- Aguila, E., Angrisani, M. and Blanco, L. (2016), Ownership of a bank account and health of older Hispanics, Economics Letters, 144, 41–44. PMCID: PMC5034945
- O’Donnell, O., O’Neill, S., Van Ourti, T., Walsh, B. (2016). Conindex: Estimation of Concentration Indices. The Stata Journal, 16(1): 112-138. NIHMS ID: NIHMS756115; PMCID: PMC4819995
- Croezen, S., Avendano, M., Burdorf, A., Van Lenthe, F. (2015). Social participation and depression in old age: A fixed effects analysis in ten European countries. American Journal of Epidemiology, 182(2): 168-76. PMCID: PMC4493978. PMID 26025236
- Noelke, C., Avendano, M. (2015). Who Suffers During Recessions? Economic Downturns, Job Loss, and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Americans. American Journal of Epidemiology, 182(10): 873-82. PMC Journal – In Process. PMID: 26476283
- Arroyave, I., Hessel, P., Burdorf, A., Rodriguez-Garcia, J., Cardona, D., Avendano, M. (2015). The public Health Impact of Economic Fluctuations in a Latin American Country: Mortality and the Business Cycle in Colombia in the Period 1980-2010. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14:48. PMCID: PMC4477489. PMID: 26014135.
- Avendano, M., Hessel, P. (2015). The income inequality hypothesis rejected? European Journal of Epidemiology, 30(8): 595-598. NIHMS ID: NIHMS723814. PMID: 26377701
- Orsini, C., Avendano, M. (2015). Macro-economic conditions and infant health: a changing relationship for black and white infants in the United States. PLoS One. PMCID: PMC4431876. PMID: 25974070
- Van Hedel, K., Van Lenthe, F.J., Avendano, M., Bopp, M., Esnaola, S., Kovács, K., Martikainen, P., Regidor, E., Mackenbach, J.P. (2015). Marital status, labour force activity and mortality: a study in the USA and six European countries. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 43(5): 469-80. PMCID: PMC4673396. PMID: 25868643
- Montez, J.K., Martikainen, P., Remes, H., Avendano, M. (2015). Work-Family Context and the Longevity Disadvantage of US Women. Social Forces. 93, 4: 1567-1597. NIHMS ID: NIHMS755376
- Bijwaard, G.E., Van Kippersluis, H., Veenman, J. (2015). Education and health: The role of cognitive ability. Journal of Health Economics, 42: 29-43. PMCID: PMC4478201. PMID: 25912224. Link to working paper.
- Avendano, M., Berkman, L.F., Brugiavini, A., Pasini, G. (2015). The long-run effect of maternity leave benefits on mental health: Evidence from European countries. Social Science and Medicine, 132: 45-53. PMCID: PMC4400242. PMID: 25792339. Link to working paper.
- Van Hedel, K., Avendano, M., Berkman, L.F., Bopp, M., Deboosere, P., Lundberg, O., Martikainen, P., Menvielle, G., Van Lenthe, F.J., Mackenbach, J.P. (2015). The contribution of national disparities to international differences in mortality between the United States and 7 European countries. American Journal of Public Health, 105(4): e112-9. PMID: 25713947.
- Cylus, J., Glymour, M.M., Avendano, M. (2015). Health effects of unemployment benefit program generosity. American Journal of Public Health, 105(2): 317-23. PMID: 25521897.
- De Vries, E., Arroyave, I., Pardo, C., Wiesner, C., Murillo, R., Forman, D., Burdorf, A., Avendano, M. (2015). Trends in inequalities in premature cancer mortality by educational level in Colombia, 1998-2007. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 69(5): 408-15. PMCID: PMC4393795. PMID: 25492898.
- Garcia-Gomez, P., Schokkaert, E., Van Ourti, T., Bago d’Uva, T. (2015). Inequity in the Face of Death. Health Economics. 24(10): 1348-1367. NIHMS ID: NIHMS755422. PMID: 25073459.
- O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E., Van Ourti, T. (2015). Health and inequality. In Atkinson A.B., Bourguignon F.J. (eds.), North-Holland Handbook of Income Distribution, Elsevier: 1419-1533. Link to working paper.
- Rietveld, C.A., Kippersluis, H. and Thurik, A.R. (2015). Self‐employment and health: Barriers or benefits?. Health Economics, 24(10): 1302-1313. NIHMS ID: NIHMS759755
- Van Ourti, T., Erreygers, G., Clarke, P. (2014). Measuring Equality and Equity in Health and Health Care. In Culyer, T. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Health Economics, Vol. 2, Elsevier: 234-239.
- Hessel, P., Vandoros, S., Avendano, M. (2014). The differential impact of the financial crisis on health in Ireland and Greece: a quasi-experimental approach. Public Health, 128(10): 911-9. PMCID: PMC4372657. PMID: 25369355.
- Lopez-Arana, S., Avendano, M., Van Lenthe, F.J., Burdorf, A. (2014). Trends in overweight among women differ by occupational class: results from 33 low- and middle-income countries in the period 1992-2009. International Journal of Obesity, 38(1): 97-105. PMCID: PMC3742714. PMID: 23649471.
- Van Kippersluis, H., Galama, T.J. (2014). Wealth and Health Behavior: Testing the Concept of a Health Cost. European Economic Review. 72: 197-220. PMCID: PMC4266945. PMID: 25530621. Link to working paper.
- Riumallo-Herl, C., Basu, S., Stuckler, D., Courtin, E., Avendano, M. (2014). Job loss, wealth and depression during the Great Recession in the USA and Europe. International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(5): 1508-17. PMCID: PMC4190512. PMID: 24942142.
- Cylus, J., Glymour, M.M., Avendano, M. (2014). Cylus et al. respond to “unrealized benefits?” American Journal of Epidemiology, 180(1): 56-7. PMCID: PMC4133557. PMID: 24939979.
- Cylus, J., Glymour, M.M., Avendano, M. (2014). Do generous unemployment benefit programs reduce suicide rates? A state fixed-effect analysis covering 1968-2008. American Journal of Epidemiology, 180(1): 45-52. PMCID: PMC4070935. PMID: 24939978.
- Arroyave, I., Burdorf, A., Cardona, D., Avendano, M. (2014). Socioeconomic inequalities in premature mortality in Colombia, 1998-2007: the double burden of non-communicable diseases and injuries. Preventative Medicine, 64: 41-7. PMCID: PMC4067972. PMID: 24674854.
- Riumallo-Herl, C.J., Kawachi, I., Avendano, M. (2014). Social capital, mental health and biomarkers in Chile: assessing the effects of social capital in a middle-income country. Social Science and Medicine, 105: 47-58. PMCID: PMC4089037. PMID: 24495808.
- Rodríguez López, S., Montero, P., Carmenate, M., Avendano, M. (2014). Functional decline over 2 years in older Spanish adults: evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 14(2): 403-12. PMCID: PMC3843990. PMID: 23844926.
- Avendano, M., Kawachi, I. (2014). Why do Americans have shorter life expectancy and worse health than do people in other high-income countries? Annual Review of Public Health, 35: 307-25. PMCID: PMC4112220. PMID: 24422560.
- Leist, A.K., Hessel, P., Avendano, M. (2014). Do economic recessions during early and mid-adulthood influence cognitive function in older age? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(2): 151-8. PMCID: PMC4067969. PMID: 24258197.
- Baeten, S., Van Ourti, T., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). Rising inequalities in income and health in China: who is left behind? Journal of Health Economics, 32(6): 1214-29. PMCID: PMC3880577. PMID: 24189450.
- Baeten, S., Van Ourti, T., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). The socioeconomic health gradient across the life cycle: what role for selective mortality and institutionalization? Social Science and Medicine, 97: 66-74. PMCID: PMC3831059. PMID: 24161090.
- Galama, T.J., Van Kippersluis, H. (2013), Health Inequalities through the Lens of Health Capital Theory: Issues, Solutions, and Future Directions. Research on Economic Inequality, 21: 263-284. PMCID: PMC3932058. PMID: 24570580. Link to working paper.
- García-Gómez, P., Van Kippersluis, H., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). Long Term and Spillover Effects of Health Shocks on Employment and Income. Journal of Human Resources, 48(4): 873-909. PMCID: PMC4110210. PMID: 25067853.
- Hessel, P., Avendano, M. (2013). Are economic recessions at the time of leaving school associated with worse physical functioning in later life? Annals of Epidemiology, 23(11): 708-15. PMCID: PMC4372657. PMID: 24051367.
- Leist, A.K., Glymour, M.M., Mackenbach, J.P., Van Lenthe, F.J., Avendano, M. (2013). Time away from work predicts later cognitive function: differences by activity during leave. Annals of Epidemiology, 23(8): 455-62. PMCID: PMC3832060. PMID: 23889855.
- Lopez-Arana, S., Burdorf, A., Avendano, M. (2013). Trends in overweight by educational level in 33 low- and middle-income countries: the role of parity, age at first birth and breastfeeding. Obesity Reviews, 14(10): 806-17. PMCID: PMC3804307. PMID: 23782957.
- Arroyave, I., Cardona, D., Burdorf, A., Avendano, M. (2013). The impact of increasing health insurance coverage on disparities in mortality: health care reform in Colombia, 1998-2007. American Journal of Public Health, 103(3): e100-e106. PMCID: PMC3673514. PMID: 23327277.
- García-Gómez, P., Schokkaert, E., Van Ourti, T. (2013). Reference value sensitivity of measures of unfair health inequality. Research on Economic Inequality, 1; 21:157-192. PMCID: PMC4062312. PMID: 24954998.
- Ravesteijn, B., Van Kippersluis, H., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). The contribution of occupation to health inequality. Research on Economic Inequality, 1; 21: 311-332. PMCID: PMC4041295. PMID: 24899789.
- Galama, T.J., Kapteyn, A., Fonseca, R., Michaud, P.C. (2013). A health production model with endogenous retirement. Health Economics, 22(8): 883-902. PMCID: PMC3498590. PMID: 22888062. Link to working paper.
- Galama T.J., Hullegie, P., Meijer, E., Outcault, S. (2012). Is there empirical evidence for decreasing returns to scale in a health capital model? Health Economics, 21(9): 1080-100. PMCID: PMC3412934. PMID: 22628203. Link to working paper.
- Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K.I., Van Ourti, T. (2012). An experimental test of the concentration index. Journal of Health Economics, 31(1): 86-98. NIHMS ID: NIHMS588607. PMID: 22307035.
- Erreygers, G., Clarke, P., Van Ourti, T. (2012). “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?”–Distributional sensitivity in the measurement of socioeconomic inequality of health. Journal of Health Economics, 31(1): 257-70. PMCID: PMC3349439. PMID: 22204878. Link to working paper.
- D’Uva, T.B., Lindeboom, M., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2011). Slipping Anchor? Testing the Vignettes Approach to Identification and Correction of Reporting Heterogeneity. Journal of Human Resources, 46(4): 875-906. PMCID: PMC3241933. PMID: 22184479. Link to working paper.
- Avendano, M., Galama, T.J. (2011). Inequalities in mortality in the U.S. and Denmark: more alike than different. A commentary on Hoffmann. Social Science and Medicine, 73(11): 1569-72. PMID: 22001228.
- D’Uva, T.B., Lindeboom, M., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2011). Education-related inequity in healthcare with heterogeneous reporting of health. Journal of the Royal Statistics Society, Series A, 174(3): 639-664. PMCID: PMC3175532. PMID: 21938140. Link to working paper.
- Galama, T., Kapteyn, A. (2011). Grossman’s missing health threshold. Journal of Health Economics, 30(5): 1044-56. PMCID: PMC3177017. PMID: 21775003. Link to working paper.
- Erreygers, G., Van Ourti, T. (2011). Measuring socioeconomic inequality in health, health care and health financing by means of rank-dependent indices: a recipe for good practice. Journal of Health Economics, 30(4): 685-94. PMCID: PMC3158909. PMID: 21683462.
- Erreygers, G., Van Ourti, T. (2011). Putting the cart before the horse. A comment on Wagstaff on inequality measurement in the presence of binary variables. Health Economics, 20(10): 1161-5. PMCID: PMC3304083. PMID: 21674679.
- Van Kippersluis, H., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2009), Long Run Returns to Education: Does Schooling Lead to an Extended Old Age? Journal of Human Resources, 46(4), 695-721. PMCID: PMC3160637. PMID: 21874068. Link to working paper
Working Papers / Papers Submitted
- Galama, T.J., Lleras-Muney, A. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2020), The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Oxford Handbook of Health Economics (forthcoming). Link to working paper.
- Fonseca, R., Michaud, P., Galama, T.J. and Kapteyn, A. (2021). Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity. Journal of the European Economic Association,19(1), pp.536-579.
- Van Ourti, T., O’Donnell, O., Koç, H., de Koning, H., and Fracheboud, J. (2019). Effect of screening mammography on breast-cancer mortality: Quasi-experimental evidence from rollout of the Dutch population-based program with 17-year follow-up of a cohort. International Journal of Cancer.
- Koc, H., O’Donnell, O., and Van Ourti, T. (2018). What Explains Education Disparities in Screening Mammography in the United States? A Comparison with The Netherlands. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15(9), 1961
- Galama, T.J., Lleras-Muney, A. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2018), The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Link to working paper. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.7
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis H. (2018). A Theory of Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Over the Life Cycle. Economic Journal; Link to working paper.
- Angrisani, M., Atella, V. and M. Brunetti, M. (2018). Public Health Insurance and Household Portfolio Choices: Unraveling Financial “Side Effects” of Medicare. Journal of Banking and Finance. Link to working paper.
- Koc, H. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2017). Thought for Food: Understanding Education Disparities in Food Consumption. Journal of Human Capital (forthcoming)
- Bago d’Uva, T.M, O’Donnell, O.A, and van Doorslaer, E.K.A. (2017). Who can predict their own demise? Heterogeneity in the accuracy and value of longevity expectations. Journal of the Economics of Aging. doi:10.1016/j.jeoa.2017.10.003
- Hsieh, C.S. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2017). Smoking Initiation: Peers and Personality. Quantitative Economics, forthcoming Link to working paper.
- Ravesteijn, B., Van Kippersluis, H., Van Doorslaer, E. (2017). The wear and tear on health: what is the role of occupation? Health Economics (forthcoming) NIHMSID: 900657; Link to working paper
- Van Kippersluis, H., and Rietveld, C.A. (2017). Pleiotropy-robust Mendelian Randomization. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1-10; Link to working paper
- Angrisani, M., Hurd, M., Meijer, E., Parker, A. and Rohwedder, S. (2017). Personality and Employment Transitions at Older Ages: Direct and Indirect Effects through Non-Monetary Job Characteristics. Labour (early view). Link to working paper
- Salvy, S.-J., de la Haye, K., Galama, T.J. and Goran, M.I. (2017). Home visitation programs: An untapped opportunity for the delivery of early childhood obesity prevention. Obesity Reviews. 18(2), pp.149-163.
- Coveney, M., García Gómez, P., Van Doorslaer, E. and Van Ourti, T. (2016). Health Disparities by Income in Spain Before and After the Economic Crisis. Health Economics, 25(S2), pp.141-158. NIHMSID 821561; Link to working paper.
- Arnold, M., Rentería, E., Conway, D.I., Van Ourti, T., and Soerjomataram, I. (2016). Global inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality in the 21st century. Cancer Causes and Control, 27(8): 999-1007. PMID: 27329211
- Bijwaard, G.E. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2016). Efficiency of Health Investment: Education or Intelligence? Health Economics 25(9): 1056-1072
- Aguila, E., Angrisani, M. and Blanco, L. (2016), Ownership of a bank account and health of older Hispanics, Economics Letters, 144, 41–44. PMCID: PMC5034945
- O’Donnell, O., O’Neill, S., Van Ourti, T., Walsh, B. (2016). Conindex: Estimation of Concentration Indices. The Stata Journal, 16(1): 112-138. NIHMS ID: NIHMS756115; PMCID: PMC4819995
- Croezen, S., Avendano, M., Burdorf, A., Van Lenthe, F. (2015). Social participation and depression in old age: A fixed effects analysis in ten European countries. American Journal of Epidemiology, 182(2): 168-76. PMCID: PMC4493978. PMID 26025236
- Noelke, C., Avendano, M. (2015). Who Suffers During Recessions? Economic Downturns, Job Loss, and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Americans. American Journal of Epidemiology, 182(10): 873-82. PMC Journal – In Process. PMID: 26476283
- Arroyave, I., Hessel, P., Burdorf, A., Rodriguez-Garcia, J., Cardona, D., Avendano, M. (2015). The public Health Impact of Economic Fluctuations in a Latin American Country: Mortality and the Business Cycle in Colombia in the Period 1980-2010. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14:48. PMCID: PMC4477489. PMID: 26014135.
- Avendano, M., Hessel, P. (2015). The income inequality hypothesis rejected? European Journal of Epidemiology, 30(8): 595-598. NIHMS ID: NIHMS723814. PMID: 26377701
- Orsini, C., Avendano, M. (2015). Macro-economic conditions and infant health: a changing relationship for black and white infants in the United States. PLoS One. PMCID: PMC4431876. PMID: 25974070
- Van Hedel, K., Van Lenthe, F.J., Avendano, M., Bopp, M., Esnaola, S., Kovács, K., Martikainen, P., Regidor, E., Mackenbach, J.P. (2015). Marital status, labour force activity and mortality: a study in the USA and six European countries. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 43(5): 469-80. PMCID: PMC4673396. PMID: 25868643
- Montez, J.K., Martikainen, P., Remes, H., Avendano, M. (2015). Work-Family Context and the Longevity Disadvantage of US Women. Social Forces. 93, 4: 1567-1597. NIHMS ID: NIHMS755376
- Bijwaard, G.E., Van Kippersluis, H., Veenman, J. (2015). Education and health: The role of cognitive ability. Journal of Health Economics, 42: 29-43. PMCID: PMC4478201. PMID: 25912224. Link to working paper.
- Avendano, M., Berkman, L.F., Brugiavini, A., Pasini, G. (2015). The long-run effect of maternity leave benefits on mental health: Evidence from European countries. Social Science and Medicine, 132: 45-53. PMCID: PMC4400242. PMID: 25792339. Link to working paper.
- Van Hedel, K., Avendano, M., Berkman, L.F., Bopp, M., Deboosere, P., Lundberg, O., Martikainen, P., Menvielle, G., Van Lenthe, F.J., Mackenbach, J.P. (2015). The contribution of national disparities to international differences in mortality between the United States and 7 European countries. American Journal of Public Health, 105(4): e112-9. PMID: 25713947.
- Cylus, J., Glymour, M.M., Avendano, M. (2015). Health effects of unemployment benefit program generosity. American Journal of Public Health, 105(2): 317-23. PMID: 25521897.
- De Vries, E., Arroyave, I., Pardo, C., Wiesner, C., Murillo, R., Forman, D., Burdorf, A., Avendano, M. (2015). Trends in inequalities in premature cancer mortality by educational level in Colombia, 1998-2007. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 69(5): 408-15. PMCID: PMC4393795. PMID: 25492898.
- Garcia-Gomez, P., Schokkaert, E., Van Ourti, T., Bago d’Uva, T. (2015). Inequity in the Face of Death. Health Economics. 24(10): 1348-1367. NIHMS ID: NIHMS755422. PMID: 25073459.
- O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E., Van Ourti, T. (2015). Health and inequality. In Atkinson A.B., Bourguignon F.J. (eds.), North-Holland Handbook of Income Distribution, Elsevier: 1419-1533. Link to working paper.
- Rietveld, C.A., Kippersluis, H. and Thurik, A.R. (2015). Self‐employment and health: Barriers or benefits?. Health Economics, 24(10): 1302-1313. NIHMS ID: NIHMS759755
- Van Ourti, T., Erreygers, G., Clarke, P. (2014). Measuring Equality and Equity in Health and Health Care. In Culyer, T. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Health Economics, Vol. 2, Elsevier: 234-239.
- Hessel, P., Vandoros, S., Avendano, M. (2014). The differential impact of the financial crisis on health in Ireland and Greece: a quasi-experimental approach. Public Health, 128(10): 911-9. PMCID: PMC4372657. PMID: 25369355.
- Lopez-Arana, S., Avendano, M., Van Lenthe, F.J., Burdorf, A. (2014). Trends in overweight among women differ by occupational class: results from 33 low- and middle-income countries in the period 1992-2009. International Journal of Obesity, 38(1): 97-105. PMCID: PMC3742714. PMID: 23649471.
- Van Kippersluis, H., Galama, T.J. (2014). Wealth and Health Behavior: Testing the Concept of a Health Cost. European Economic Review. 72: 197-220. PMCID: PMC4266945. PMID: 25530621. Link to working paper.
- Riumallo-Herl, C., Basu, S., Stuckler, D., Courtin, E., Avendano, M. (2014). Job loss, wealth and depression during the Great Recession in the USA and Europe. International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(5): 1508-17. PMCID: PMC4190512. PMID: 24942142.
- Cylus, J., Glymour, M.M., Avendano, M. (2014). Cylus et al. respond to “unrealized benefits?” American Journal of Epidemiology, 180(1): 56-7. PMCID: PMC4133557. PMID: 24939979.
- Cylus, J., Glymour, M.M., Avendano, M. (2014). Do generous unemployment benefit programs reduce suicide rates? A state fixed-effect analysis covering 1968-2008. American Journal of Epidemiology, 180(1): 45-52. PMCID: PMC4070935. PMID: 24939978.
- Arroyave, I., Burdorf, A., Cardona, D., Avendano, M. (2014). Socioeconomic inequalities in premature mortality in Colombia, 1998-2007: the double burden of non-communicable diseases and injuries. Preventative Medicine, 64: 41-7. PMCID: PMC4067972. PMID: 24674854.
- Riumallo-Herl, C.J., Kawachi, I., Avendano, M. (2014). Social capital, mental health and biomarkers in Chile: assessing the effects of social capital in a middle-income country. Social Science and Medicine, 105: 47-58. PMCID: PMC4089037. PMID: 24495808.
- Rodríguez López, S., Montero, P., Carmenate, M., Avendano, M. (2014). Functional decline over 2 years in older Spanish adults: evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 14(2): 403-12. PMCID: PMC3843990. PMID: 23844926.
- Avendano, M., Kawachi, I. (2014). Why do Americans have shorter life expectancy and worse health than do people in other high-income countries? Annual Review of Public Health, 35: 307-25. PMCID: PMC4112220. PMID: 24422560.
- Leist, A.K., Hessel, P., Avendano, M. (2014). Do economic recessions during early and mid-adulthood influence cognitive function in older age? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(2): 151-8. PMCID: PMC4067969. PMID: 24258197.
- Baeten, S., Van Ourti, T., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). Rising inequalities in income and health in China: who is left behind? Journal of Health Economics, 32(6): 1214-29. PMCID: PMC3880577. PMID: 24189450.
- Baeten, S., Van Ourti, T., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). The socioeconomic health gradient across the life cycle: what role for selective mortality and institutionalization? Social Science and Medicine, 97: 66-74. PMCID: PMC3831059. PMID: 24161090.
- Galama, T.J., Van Kippersluis, H. (2013), Health Inequalities through the Lens of Health Capital Theory: Issues, Solutions, and Future Directions. Research on Economic Inequality, 21: 263-284. PMCID: PMC3932058. PMID: 24570580. Link to working paper.
- García-Gómez, P., Van Kippersluis, H., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). Long Term and Spillover Effects of Health Shocks on Employment and Income. Journal of Human Resources, 48(4): 873-909. PMCID: PMC4110210. PMID: 25067853.
- Hessel, P., Avendano, M. (2013). Are economic recessions at the time of leaving school associated with worse physical functioning in later life? Annals of Epidemiology, 23(11): 708-15. PMCID: PMC4372657. PMID: 24051367.
- Leist, A.K., Glymour, M.M., Mackenbach, J.P., Van Lenthe, F.J., Avendano, M. (2013). Time away from work predicts later cognitive function: differences by activity during leave. Annals of Epidemiology, 23(8): 455-62. PMCID: PMC3832060. PMID: 23889855.
- Lopez-Arana, S., Burdorf, A., Avendano, M. (2013). Trends in overweight by educational level in 33 low- and middle-income countries: the role of parity, age at first birth and breastfeeding. Obesity Reviews, 14(10): 806-17. PMCID: PMC3804307. PMID: 23782957.
- Arroyave, I., Cardona, D., Burdorf, A., Avendano, M. (2013). The impact of increasing health insurance coverage on disparities in mortality: health care reform in Colombia, 1998-2007. American Journal of Public Health, 103(3): e100-e106. PMCID: PMC3673514. PMID: 23327277.
- García-Gómez, P., Schokkaert, E., Van Ourti, T. (2013). Reference value sensitivity of measures of unfair health inequality. Research on Economic Inequality, 1; 21:157-192. PMCID: PMC4062312. PMID: 24954998.
- Ravesteijn, B., Van Kippersluis, H., Van Doorslaer, E. (2013). The contribution of occupation to health inequality. Research on Economic Inequality, 1; 21: 311-332. PMCID: PMC4041295. PMID: 24899789.
- Galama, T.J., Kapteyn, A., Fonseca, R., Michaud, P.C. (2013). A health production model with endogenous retirement. Health Economics, 22(8): 883-902. PMCID: PMC3498590. PMID: 22888062. Link to working paper.
- Galama T.J., Hullegie, P., Meijer, E., Outcault, S. (2012). Is there empirical evidence for decreasing returns to scale in a health capital model? Health Economics, 21(9): 1080-100. PMCID: PMC3412934. PMID: 22628203. Link to working paper.
- Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K.I., Van Ourti, T. (2012). An experimental test of the concentration index. Journal of Health Economics, 31(1): 86-98. NIHMS ID: NIHMS588607. PMID: 22307035.
- Erreygers, G., Clarke, P., Van Ourti, T. (2012). “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all?”–Distributional sensitivity in the measurement of socioeconomic inequality of health. Journal of Health Economics, 31(1): 257-70. PMCID: PMC3349439. PMID: 22204878. Link to working paper.
- D’Uva, T.B., Lindeboom, M., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2011). Slipping Anchor? Testing the Vignettes Approach to Identification and Correction of Reporting Heterogeneity. Journal of Human Resources, 46(4): 875-906. PMCID: PMC3241933. PMID: 22184479. Link to working paper.
- Avendano, M., Galama, T.J. (2011). Inequalities in mortality in the U.S. and Denmark: more alike than different. A commentary on Hoffmann. Social Science and Medicine, 73(11): 1569-72. PMID: 22001228.
- D’Uva, T.B., Lindeboom, M., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2011). Education-related inequity in healthcare with heterogeneous reporting of health. Journal of the Royal Statistics Society, Series A, 174(3): 639-664. PMCID: PMC3175532. PMID: 21938140. Link to working paper.
- Galama, T., Kapteyn, A. (2011). Grossman’s missing health threshold. Journal of Health Economics, 30(5): 1044-56. PMCID: PMC3177017. PMID: 21775003. Link to working paper.
- Erreygers, G., Van Ourti, T. (2011). Measuring socioeconomic inequality in health, health care and health financing by means of rank-dependent indices: a recipe for good practice. Journal of Health Economics, 30(4): 685-94. PMCID: PMC3158909. PMID: 21683462.
- Erreygers, G., Van Ourti, T. (2011). Putting the cart before the horse. A comment on Wagstaff on inequality measurement in the presence of binary variables. Health Economics, 20(10): 1161-5. PMCID: PMC3304083. PMID: 21674679.
- Van Kippersluis, H., O’Donnell, O., Van Doorslaer, E. (2009), Long Run Returns to Education: Does Schooling Lead to an Extended Old Age? Journal of Human Resources, 46(4), 695-721. PMCID: PMC3160637. PMID: 21874068. Link to working paper
Our Research in the News:
Kevin Thom’s research discussed in The Washington Post here.
Identifying Modifiable Aspects of Gene-by-Environment Interplay in Later-Life Cognitive Decline
- Van Alten S, Domingue BW, Faul J, Galama T, Marees AT. Reweighting UK Biobank corrects for pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Apr 11;53(3):dyae054. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyae054. PMID: 38715336; PMCID: PMC11076923.
- Lyall DM, Kormilitzin A, Lancaster C, Sousa J, Petermann-Rocha F, Buckley C, Harshfield EL, Iveson MH, Madan CR, McArdle R, Newby D, Orgeta V, Tang E, Tamburin S, Thakur LS, Lourida I; Deep Dementia Phenotyping (DEMON) Network; Llewellyn DJ, Ranson JM. Artificial intelligence for dementia-Applied models and digital health. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 Jul 26. doi: 10.1002/alz.13391. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37496259.
- Van Kippersluis, H., Biroli, P.., Dias Perreira, R., Galama, T.J., von Hinke. S., Meddens, F., Muslimova, D., Slob, S., de Vlaming, Rietveld, N. (2023), Overcoming Attenuation Bias in Regressions using Polygenic Indices: A Comparison of Approaches. Nature Communications, 14, 4473 (2023). Link to working paper
- Bierut, L., Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., and Thom, K. (2023). Challenges in studying the interplay of genes and environment. A study of childhood financial distress moderating genetic predisposition for peak smoking. Journal of Economic Psychology. PMID: 37484514; PMCID: PMC10358858.
- Klee, M, Leist, A.K., Veldsman, M., Ranson, J.M. and Llewellyn, D. J.(2023), Socioeconomic Deprivation, Genetic Risk, and Incident Dementia, American Journal of Preventive Medicine 64, no. 5 (2023): 621-630.
- Ward, David D; Ranson, Janice M; Wallace, Lindsay M K; Llewellyn, David J; Rockwood, Kenneth (2022), Frailty, lifestyle, genetics and dementia risk, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 93, 343-350
- Kolli, Ajay; Zhou, Yunshu; Chung, Grace; Ware, Erin B; Langa, Kenneth M; Ehrlich, Joshua R (2022), Interactions between the apolipoprotein E4 gene and modifiable risk factors for cognitive impairment: a nationally representative panel study. BMC geriatrics, 22(1), 938.
- Tai, Xin You; Veldsman, Michele; Lyall, Donald M; Littlejohns, Thomas J; Langa, Kenneth M; Husain, Masud; Ranson, Janice; Llewellyn, David J (2022), Cardiometabolic multimorbidity, genetic risk, and dementia: a prospective cohort study. Healthy longevity (2022), 3, e428-e436
- Nihat, A., Ranson, J., Dominque, H., McNiven, K., Mok, T, Rudge, P., Collinge, J, Llewelyn, D., Mead, S. (2022), Development of prognostic models for survival and care status in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Brain Communications, 4(4) fcac201
- Bakulski, K.M., Vadari, H.S., Faul, J.D., Heeringa, S.G., Kardia, S.L., Langa, K.M., Smith, J.A., Manly, J.J., Mitchell, C.M., Benke, K.S. and Ware, E.B., 2021. Cumulative genetic risk and APOE ε4 are independently associated with dementia status in a multiethnic, population-based cohort. Neurology Genetics, 7(2).
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis, H. (2022), Economic theories of health across the life course, Elgar Handbook on Health Inequalities Across The Life Course
- Dias-Pereira, R., Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K. (2022), Gene-by-Environment Interplay in the Social Sciences. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Working Paper.
- Smith, J.A., Kho, M., Zhao, W., Yu, M., Mitchell, C., Faul, J.D. (2021), Genetic effects and gene-by-education interactions on episodic memory performance and decline in an aging population. Social science & medicine, 271, 112039. PubMed PMID: 30449520; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6510651; DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.11.019.
- Faul JD, Kho M, Zhao W, Rumfelt KE, Yu M, Mitchell C, Smith JA. (2021) Trans-ethnic Meta-analysis of Interactions between Genetics and Early Life Socioeconomic Context on Memory Performance and Decline in Older Americans. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 Aug 27:glab255. doi:10.1093/gerona/glab255. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34448475.
- Siervo, Mario; Shannon, Oliver M; Llewellyn, David J; Stephan, Blossom Cm; Fontana, Luigi (2021), Mediterranean diet and cognitive function: From methodology to mechanisms of action. Free radical biology & medicine, 176 105-117
- Barcellos, S., Carvalho, L. and Turley, P. (2021). Distributional Effects of Education on Health, Forthcoming at the Journal of Human Resources.
- Kuźma, Elżbieta; Littlejohns, Thomas J; Khawaja, Anthony P; Llewellyn, David J; Ukoumunne, Obioha C; Thiem, Ulrich (2021), Visual Impairment, Eye Diseases, and Dementia Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Alzheimer’s disease (JAD), 83, 1073-1087,
- Fonseca, R., Michaud, P., Galama, T.J. and Kapteyn, A. (2021). Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity. Journal of the European Economic Association,19(1), pp.536-579.
- Ranson, Janice M; Rittman, Timothy; Hayat, Shabina; Brayne, Carol; Jessen, Frank; Blennow, Kaj; van Duijn, Cornelia; Barkhof, Frederik; Tang, Eugene; Mummery, Catherine J; Stephan, Blossom C M; Altomare, Daniele; Frisoni, Giovanni B; Ribaldi, Federica; Molinuevo, José Luis; Scheltens, Philip; Llewellyn, David J; European Task Force for Brain Health Services (2021), Modifiable risk factors for dementia and dementia risk profiling. A user manual for Brain Health Services-part 2 of 6, Alzheimer’s research & therapy, 13, 169
- Marees, A.T., Smit, D.J.A., Abdellaoui, A., Nivard, M.G., van den Brink, W., Denys, D., Galama, T.J., Verweij, K.J.H., Derks, E.M. (2021), Genetic correlates of socio-economic status influence the pattern of shared heritability across mental health traits, Nature Human Behavior, pp.1-9.
- Faul, J.D., Ware, E.B., Kabeto, M.U., Fisher, J., Langa, K.M. (2021), The effect of childhood socioeconomic position and social mobility on cognitive function and change among older adults: A comparison between the United States and England, Journal of Gerontology, Series B, 76, pS51-S63.
- Fu, M., Bakulski, K.M., Higgins, C. and Ware, E.B. (2021). Mendelian Randomization of Dyslipidemia on Cognitive Impairment Among Older Americans. Frontiers in neurology, 12, p.1002.
- Ware, E.B., Morataya, C., Fu, M. and Bakulski, K.M. (2021). Type 2 Diabetes and Cognitive Status in the Health and Retirement Study: a Mendelian Randomization Approach. Frontiers in genetics, 12, p.634767.
- Bakulski, K.M., Vadari, H.S., Faul, J.D., Heeringa, S.G., Kardia, S.L., Langa, K.M., Smith, J.A., Manly, J.J., Mitchell, C.M., Benke, K.S. and Ware, E.B. (2021). Cumulative Genetic Risk and APOE ε4 Are Independently Associated With Dementia Status in a Multiethnic, Population-Based Cohort. Neurology Genetics, 7(2).
- Faul, J.D., Ware, E.B., Kabeto, M.U., Langa, K.M., Llewellyn, D.J., Galama, T. (2020), Lifestyle and Genetic Risk: Revisiting the Association with Incident Dementia. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 2020 16:e044220
- Zhang, Na; Ranson, Janice M; Zheng, Zhi-Jie; Hannon, Eilis; Zhou, Zhenwei; Kong, Xuejun; Llewellyn, David J; King, Daniel A; Huang, Jie (2021), Interaction between genetic predisposition, smoking, and dementia risk: a population-based cohort study, Scientific reports, 11, 1295
- Barth, D., Papageorge, N. and Thom, K. (2020), Genetic Endowments and Wealth Inequality, Journal of Political Economy. doi: 10.1086/70541
- Papageorge, N. and Thom, K. (2019), Genes, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study, Journal of the European Economic Association.
- Clark, Christopher E; Thomas, Daniel; Llewellyn, David J; Ferrucci, Luigi; Bandinelli, Stefania; Campbell, John L (2019), Systolic inter-arm blood pressure difference and risk of cognitive decline in older people: a cohort study. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 70, e472-e48
- Ware, Erin B; Faul, Jessica D; Mitchell, Colter M; Bakulski, Kelly M (2020), Considering the APOE locus in Alzheimer’s disease polygenic scores in the Health and Retirement Study: a longitudinal panel study, BMC Medical Genomics, 13, 164
- Elliott, Emma; Green, Claire; Llewellyn, David J; Quinn, Terence J (2019), Accuracy of Telephone-Based Cognitive Screening Tests: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Current Alzheimer Research, 17, 460-47
- Taylor, J.Y., Ware, E.B., Wright, M.L., Smith, J.A., Kardia, S.L.R. (2019), Using Genetic Burden Scores for Gene-by-Methylation Interaction Analysis on Metabolic Syndrome in African Americans. Biological Research for Nursing, 21(3): 279-285. doi: 10.1177/1099800419828486. Epub 2019 Feb 19. PubMed PMID: 30781968.
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis H. (2018). A Theory of Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Over the Life Cycle. Economic Journal; Link to working paper
- Schmitz, L.L., Gard, A.M., Ware, E.B. (2019), Examining sex differences in pleiotropic effects for depression and smoking using polygenic and gene-region aggregation techniques. American Journal of Medical Genetics, part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32748. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31219244; NIHMSID:NIHMS1042483.
- Lourida, Ilianna; Hannon, Eilis; Littlejohns, Thomas J; Langa, Kenneth M; Hyppönen, Elina; Kuzma, Elzbieta; Llewellyn, David J (2019), Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia, JAMA, 322. 430-437, PMC ID 6231970
- Galama, T.J., Lleras-Muney, A. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2018), The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Link to working paper. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.7
- Kuźma, E., Lourida, A., Moore, S.F., Levine, D.A., Obioha C. Ukoumunne, O.C., Llewellyn, D.J. (2018). Stroke and dementia risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Alzheimers & Dementia, 1-11
- Kuźma, E., Hannon, E., Zhou, A., Lourida, I., Bethel, A., Levine, D.A., Lunnon, K., Thompson-Coon, J., Hyppönen, E., and Llewellyn, D.(2018), Which risk factors causally influence dementia? A systematic review of Mendelian randomization studies, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 64, pp. 181–193
- Barcellos, S.H., Carvalho, S., Turley, P. (2018), Education can Reduce Health Differences Related to Genetic Risk of Obesity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of the United States
Working Papers / Papers Submitted
- PhD Thesis: Genetics, Human Capital Formation and the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status (2024), Sjoerd van Alten (supervisor T.J. Galama), VU Amsterdam.
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Faul J., Galama, T.J., and Marees, A.T. (2022b), Correcting for volunteer bias in GWAS uncovers novel genetic variants and increases heritability estimates. Working Paper.
- Van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J. and Lindeboom, M. (2022), Why Life Gets Better after Age 50 For Some: Mental Well-Being and the Social Norm of Work. Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, Working Paper 2022-040
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis, H. (2022), Human-Capital Formation: The Importance of Endogenous Longevity. Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, Working Paper 2022-009
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Galama, T.J. and Marees, A.T. (2022a), Reweighting the UK Biobank to reflect its underlying sampling population substantially reduces pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Working Paper.
- Carvalho, L. (2022), Genetics, Economic Choices, and Income. In preparation.
- Van Alten, S. and Galama, T. (2021), Genetic and environmental determinants of socioeconomic status: evidence from within-family models in the Dutch Lifelines cohort. In preparation.
- Aranda, R., Galama, T., and Thom, K. (2022), The Long-Run Health Consequences of Title IX. In preparation
- Galama, T., Munteanu, A and Thom, K. (2022), Intergenerational Consequences of Compulsory Schooling. In preparation.
- Barcellos, S., Carvalho, L. and Turley, P. (2021). The Effect of Education on the Relationship between Genetics, Early-Life Disadvantages, and Later-Life SES (under revision at the Journal of Political Economy). NBER Working Paper No. w28750
- Fu, M., Faul, J.D., Jin, Y., Ware, E.B. and Bakulski, K.M., 2021. Smoking and Dementia Status Among Older Americans: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis. Link to working paper.
- Fu, M., Ware, E.B., Faul, J.D., Bakulski, K.M. (2020), Mendelian randomization of smoking behavior on cognitive status among older Americans. (medRxiv) 2019.12.11.19014522; doi: Link to working paper.
- Ware, E.B., Schmitz, L.L., Faul, J.D., Gard, A., Mitchell, C., Smith, J.A., Zhao, W., Weir, D., Kardia, S.L.R. (2019), Heterogeneity in polygenic scores for common human traits. In review.
- Jeong, Y., Papageorge, N.W., Skira, M.M. and Thom, K. (2021), Genetic endowments, Alzheimer’s disease, and economic outcomes. In preparation.
- Van Alten, S., Galama, T.J. and Thom, K. (2021), The distributional consequences of region-specific exposure to Chinese import competition: evidence from a shift-share analysis (1990-2010). In preparation.
- Warly Solsberg, C., van Alten, S., Geier, E.G., Bonham, L., Derks, E.M., Sirota, M., Galama, T.J., Yokoyama, J.S., Marees, A.T. (2021), Conducting a genome wide association study: a roadmap and tutorial. In preparation.
- Angrisani, Faul, J., Galama, T. and Kabeto, M. (2021), Money Management Problems as a Precursor of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. In preparation
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., Marees, A., et al. (2021), Sources of Inequality at Birth: the Interplay Between Genes and Parental Socioeconomic Status. In preparation
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K. (2021), The Economics and Econometrics of Gene-Environment Interplay (under revision at the Review of Economic Studies). Working Paper.
- Bakulski, K.M., Petrowicz, B., Vadari, H., Faul, J.D., Manly, J., Kardia, S.K., Heeringa, S., Ware, E.B. (2019), Early life exposures and risk for dementia in the Health and Retirement Study. In preparation
- Faul, J.D., Benke, K., Bakulski, K.M., Ware, E.B. (2019), Within and Trans-Racial PGS and Gene-Region Associations. In preparation.
- Brandt, D., Bakulski, K.M., Faul, J.D., Vadari, H.S., Ware, E.B. (2019) Occupational mental and physical work demands associated with cognitive status in older Americans. In preparation.
- Marshall III, W., Ware, E.B., Faul, J.D., Vadari, H.S., Bakulski, K.M. (2019), Family history of Alzheimer’s Disease and cumulative genetic risk in older Americans. In preparation.
- Mitchell CM, Faul JD, Kho M, Zhao W, Ware EB, Hillman TJ, Smith JA (2022). Genetic burden and early life socioeconomic status jointly influence memory performance and decline in older adults. Revise and Resubmit at Biodemography Soc Biol. In preparation.
Human Capital, Health and Longevity: Explaining the Health Gradient
- Galama, T.J., Lleras-Muney, A. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2020), The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Oxford Handbook of Health Economics (forthcoming). Link to working paper.
- Fonseca, R., Michaud, P., Galama, T.J. and Kapteyn, A. (2021). Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity. Journal of the European Economic Association,19(1), pp.536-579.
- Galama, T.J., Lleras-Muney, A. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2018), The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Link to working paper. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190625979.013.7
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis H. (2018). A Theory of Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Over the Life Cycle. Economic Journal; Link to working paper.
- Salvy, S.-J., de la Haye, K., Galama, T.J. and Goran, M.I. (2017). Home visitation programs: An untapped opportunity for the delivery of early childhood obesity prevention. Obesity Reviews. 18(2), pp.149-163.
- Van Kippersluis, H., Galama, T.J. (2014). Wealth and Health Behavior: Testing the Concept of a Health Cost. European Economic Review. 72:197-220. PMID: 25530621. Link to working paper.
- Galama, T.J., Van Kippersluis, H. (2013), Health Inequalities through the Lens of Health Capital Theory: Issues, Solutions, and Future Directions. Research on Economic Inequality, 21: 263-284. PMID: 24570580. Link to working paper.
Working Papers
- Galama, T.J., Morgan, R. and Saavedra, J.E. (2017), Wealthier, happier and more self-sufficient: when anti-poverty programs improve economic and subjective wellbeing at a reduced cost to taxpayers. NBER working paper 24090
- García-Gómez, P., Galama, T.J., Van Doorslaer, E., and López-Nicolás, A. (2017). Interactions between Financial Incentives and Health in the Early Retirement Decision. CESR Working Paper No. 2017-004
- Galama , T.J. and Van Kippersluis, H. (2015), A Theory of Education and Health. CESR Working Paper #2015-001.
- Galama, T.J. (2015), A Contribution to Health-Capital Theory. CESR Working Paper #2015-004.
Identifying Critical Stages of Life and Modifiable Aspects of Environment Moderating Genetic Risk for Unhealthy Behaviors
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
- Van Alten S, Domingue BW, Faul J, Galama T, Marees AT. Reweighting UK Biobank corrects for pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Apr 11;53(3):dyae054. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyae054. PMID: 38715336; PMCID: PMC11076923.
- Van Kippersluis, H., Biroli, P.., Dias Perreira, R., Galama, T.J., von Hinke. S., Meddens, F., Muslimova, D., Slob, S., de Vlaming, Rietveld, N. (2023), Overcoming Attenuation Bias in Regressions using Polygenic Indices: A Comparison of Approaches. Nature Communications, 14, 4473 (2023). Link to working paper
- Bierut, L., Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., and Thom, K. (2023). Challenges in studying the interplay of genes and environment. A study of childhood financial distress moderating genetic predisposition for peak smoking. Journal of Economic Psychology. PMID: 37484514; PMCID: PMC10358858.
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis, H. (2022), Economic theories of health across the life course, Elgar Handbook on Health Inequalities Across The Life Course
- Dias-Pereira, R., Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K. (2022), Gene-by-Environment Interplay in the Social Sciences. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Working Paper.
- Fonseca, R., Michaud, P., Galama, T.J. and Kapteyn, A. (2021). Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity. Journal of the European Economic Association,19(1), pp.536-579.
- Marees, A.T., Smit, D.J.A., Abdellaoui, A., Nivard, M.G., van den Brink, W., Denys, D., Galama, T.J., Verweij, K.J.H., Derks, E.M. (2021), Genetic correlates of socio-economic status influence the pattern of shared heritability across mental health traits, Nature Human Behavior, pp.1-9.
- Marees, A.T., Gamazon, E.R., Gerring, Z., Vorspan, F.. Fingal, J., van den Brink, W. Smit, D.J.A, Verweij, K.J.H., Kranzler, H.R., Sherva, R., Farrer, L., International Cannabis Consortium, Gelernter, J., Derks, E.M. (2020). Post-GWAS analysis of six substance use traits improves the identification and functional interpretation of genetic risk loci, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 206, p.107703.
- Clergue-Duval, V., Nicolas-Sacy, L., Karsinti, E., Zerdazi, E.-H., Laplanche, J.-L.., Brousse, G., Marees, A.T., Derks, E.M., Henry, P., Bellivier, F., Vorspan, F., Bloch, V. (2021), Risk and protective factors of lifetime cocaine-associated chest pain. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 (do:
Working Papers / Papers Submitted
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Faul J., Galama, T.J., and Marees, A.T., Correcting for volunteer bias in GWAS uncovers novel genetic variants and increases heritability estimates. Nature Communications, [EF 100; AI 99] (2024).
- Van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J. and Lindeboom, M., Why Life Gets Better after Age 50 For Some: Mental Well-Being and the Social Norm of Work. Journal of Labor Economics, [EF 79; AI 98] (2024).
- PhD Thesis: Genetics, Human Capital Formation and the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status (2024), Sjoerd van Alten (supervisor T.J. Galama), VU Amsterdam.
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis, H. (2022), Human-Capital Formation: The Importance of Endogenous Longevity. Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, Working Paper 2022-009
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Galama, T.J. and Marees, A.T. (2022a), Reweighting the UK Biobank to reflect its underlying sampling population substantially reduces pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Working Paper.
- Van Alten, S. and Galama, T. (2021), Genetic and environmental determinants of socioeconomic status: evidence from within-family models in the Dutch Lifelines cohort. In preparation.
- Van Alten, S., Galama, T.J. and Thom, K. (2021), The distributional consequences of region-specific exposure to Chinese import competition: evidence from a shift-share analysis (1990-2010). In preparation.
- Aranda, R., Galama, T., and Thom, K. (2022), The Long-Run Health Consequences of Title IX. In preparation
- Galama, T., Munteanu, A and Thom, K. (2022), Intergenerational Consequences of Compulsory Schooling. In preparation.
- Angrisani, Faul, J., Galama, T. and Kabeto, M. (2021), Money Management Problems as a Precursor of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. In preparation
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., Marees, A., et al. (2021), Sources of Inequality at Birth: the Interplay Between Genes and Parental Socioeconomic Status. In preparation
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K. (2021), The Economics and Econometrics of Gene-Environment Interplay. In preparation.
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Galama, T.J. and Marees, A.T. (2021), The effects of demographic-based selection bias on GWAS results in the UK Biobank. In preparation.
- Warly Solsberg, C., van Alten, S., Geier, E.G., Bonham, L., Derks, E.M., Sirota, M., Galama, T.J., Yokoyama, J.S., Marees, A.T. (2021), Conducting a genome wide association study: a roadmap and tutorial. In preparation.
- van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J. and Lindeboom, M. (2020). Unpacking the U-shape in mental well-being: the role of unemployment and disability
- van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J. and Lindeboom, M. (2020). The social norm of work and the U-shape in mental health.
- Clergue-Duval, V., Nicolas-Sacy, L., Karsinti, E., Zerdazi, E., Laplanche, J-L.,Brousse, G., Marees, A.T., Derks, E.M., Henry, P., Bellivier, F., Vorspan, F., Bloch, V. (2020). Cocaine associated chest pain episodes are related to the intensity of cocaine use rather than to the genetic factors.
- García-Gómez, P., Galama, T.J., Van Doorslaer, E., and López-Nicolás, A. (2021). Interactions between Financial Incentives and Health in the Early Retirement Decision. CESR Working Paper No. 2017-004
- Galama, T.J. (2021), A Contribution to Health-Capital Theory. CESR Working Paper #2015-004.
Identifying Gene-by-Environment Interplay in Health Behavior
- Van Alten S, Domingue BW, Faul J, Galama T, Marees AT. Reweighting UK Biobank corrects for pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Apr 11;53(3):dyae054. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyae054. PMID: 38715336; PMCID: PMC11076923.
- Van Kippersluis, H., Biroli, P.., Dias Perreira, R., Galama, T.J., von Hinke. S., Meddens, F., Muslimova, D., Slob, S., de Vlaming, Rietveld, N. (2023), Overcoming Attenuation Bias in Regressions using Polygenic Indices: A Comparison of Approaches. Nature Communications, 14, 4473 (2023). Link to working paper
- Bierut, L., Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., and Thom, K. (2023). Challenges in studying the interplay of genes and environment. A study of childhood financial distress moderating genetic predisposition for peak smoking. Journal of Economic Psychology. PMID: 37484514; PMCID: PMC10358858.
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis, H. (2022), Economic theories of health across the life course, Elgar Handbook on Health Inequalities Across The Life Course
- Marees, A.T., Smit, D.J.A., Abdellaoui, A., Nivard, M.G., van den Brink, W., Denys, D., Galama, T.J., Verweij, K.J.H., Derks, E.M. (2021), Genetic correlates of socio-economic status influence the pattern of shared heritability across mental health traits, Nature Human Behavior, pp.1-9.
- Fonseca, R., Michaud, P., Galama, T.J. and Kapteyn, A. (2021). Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity. Journal of the European Economic Association,19(1), pp.536-579.
- Becker, J. et al (2021), Resource profile and user guide of the Polygenic Index Repository. Nature Human Behaviour, pp.1-15.
- Okbay et al. (2022), Polygenic prediction of educational attainment within and between families from genome-wide association analyses in 3 million individuals, Nature Genetics. 54:437-449 (2022)
- Dias-Pereira, R., Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K. (2022), Gene-by-Environment Interplay in the Social Sciences. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Working Paper.
- Dias Pereira, R., H. van Kippersluis, and C.A. Rietveld (2022) “The interplay between maternal smoking and genes in offspring birth weight“, Journal of Human Resources, Forthcoming.
- Barcellos, S., Carvalho, L. and Turley, P. (2019). Distributional Effects of Education on Health (2021), Journal of Human Resources, Forthcoming. NBER Working Paper No. w25898
Working Papers
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Faul J., Galama, T.J., and Marees, A.T., Correcting for volunteer bias in GWAS uncovers novel genetic variants and increases heritability estimates. Nature Communications, [EF 100; AI 99] (2024).
- Van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J. and Lindeboom, M., Why Life Gets Better after Age 50 For Some: Mental Well-Being and the Social Norm of Work. Journal of Labor Economics, [EF 79; AI 98] (2024).
- Galama, T.J. and van Kippersluis, H. (2022), Human-Capital Formation: The Importance of Endogenous Longevity. Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, Working Paper 2022-009
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Galama, T.J. and Marees, A.T. (2022a), Reweighting the UK Biobank to reflect its underlying sampling population substantially reduces pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Working Paper.
- Barcellos, S., Carvalho, L. and Turley, P. (2021). The Effect of Education on the Relationship between Genetics, Early-Life Disadvantages, and Later-Life SES (under revision at the Journal of Political Economy). NBER Working Paper No. w28750
- Muslimova, D., Meddens, F., Rietveld, N., von Hinke, S., and van Kippersluis, H. (2021), “Complementarities in human capital formation: Evidence from birth order and genes.” Working Paper.
- Birol, P. and Zund, C.L. (2021), Genes, Pubs, and Drinks: Gene-environment interplay and alcohol licensing policy in the United Kingdom. Working Paper.
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K. (2021), The Economics and Econometrics of Gene-Environment Interplay. R&R Review of Economic Studies. Working Paper.
- Muslimova, D., Pereira, R., Rietveld, R., Meddens, F., van Kippersluis, H., von Hinke, S. (2021), “Rank concordance of polygenic indices: implications for personalised intervention and gene-environment interplay” Working Paper.
- Van Alten, S. and Galama, T. (2021), Genetic and environmental determinants of socioeconomic status: evidence from within-family models in the Dutch Lifelines cohort. In preparation.
- Carvalho, L. (2022), Genetics, Economic Choices, and Income. In preparation.
- Aranda, R., Galama, T., and Thom, K. (2022), The Long-Run Health Consequences of Title IX. In preparation
- Galama, Titus J. and Munteanu, Andrei and Thom, Kevin, Intergenerational Persistence in the Effects of Compulsory Schooling in the U.S. (January 21, 2024). CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper No. 2024_001,
- Van Kippersluis, H., Meddens, F.. Roestenberg, T., and Van Ourti, T. (2022), Estimating Inequality of Opportunity: Evidence from Stochastic Frontiers and Genes, Mimeo.
- Baker, S., Biroli, P., van Kippersluis, H., von Hinke, S. (2020), “Beyond Barker: The role of gene-environment interactions.”
- Van Alten, S., Galama, T.J. and Thom, K. (2021), The distributional consequences of region-specific exposure to Chinese import competition: evidence from a shift-share analysis (1990-2010). In preparation.
- Barth, D., Papageorge, N.W., and Thom, K. (2021), Genetic endowments, income dynamics, and wealth accumulation over the lifecycle. In preparation.
- Jeong, Y., Papageorge, N.W., Skira, M.M. and Thom, K. (2021), Genetic endowments, Alzheimer’s disease, and economic outcomes. In preparation.
- Warly Solsberg, C., van Alten, S., Geier, E.G., Bonham, L., Derks, E.M., Sirota, M., Galama, T.J., Yokoyama, J.S., Marees, A.T. (2021), Conducting a genome wide association study: a roadmap and tutorial. In preparation.
- Angrisani, Faul, J., Galama, T. and Kabeto, M. (2021), Money Management Problems as a Precursor of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. In preparation
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., Marees, A., et al. (2021), Sources of Inequality at Birth: the Interplay Between Genes and Parental Socioeconomic Status. In preparation
Van Kippersluis, H., Sopa, G., and Windmeijer, F. (2022), “The polygenic score as a generated regressor: implications for inference.” Mimeo
Genotyping the UAS
- Newby D, Orgeta V, Marshall CR, Lourida I, Albertyn CP, Tamburin S, Raymont V, Veldsman M, Koychev I, Bauermeister S, Weisman D, Foote IF, Bucholc M, Leist AK, Tang EYH, Tai XY, The Deep Dementia Phenotyping (DEMON) Network, Llewellyn DJ, Ranson JM. Artificial Intelligence for Dementia Prevention. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 Oct 14;19(12):5952–5969. doi: 10.1002/alz.13463. Available in PMC: 2024 Dec 1. PMCID: PMC10843720. PMID: 37837420.
- Van Alten S, Domingue BW, Faul J, Galama T, Marees AT. Reweighting UK Biobank corrects for pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Apr 11;53(3):dyae054. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyae054. PMID: 38715336; PMCID: PMC11076923.
Working Papers
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Faul J., Galama, T.J., and Marees, A.T., Correcting for volunteer bias in GWAS uncovers novel genetic variants and increases heritability estimates. Nature Communications, [EF 100; AI 99] (2024).
- Van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J. and Lindeboom, M., Why Life Gets Better after Age 50 For Some: Mental Well-Being and the Social Norm of Work. Journal of Labor Economics, [EF 79; AI 98] (2024).
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K. (2021), The Economics and Econometrics of Gene-Environment Interplay. R&R Review of Economic Studies. Working Paper.
- Galama, Titus J. and Munteanu, Andrei and Thom, Kevin, Intergenerational Persistence in the Effects of Compulsory Schooling in the U.S. (January 21, 2024). CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper No. 2024_001,
- Warly Solsberg, C., van Alten, S., Geier, E.G., Bonham, L., Derks, E.M., Sirota, M., Galama, T.J., Yokoyama, J.S., Marees, A.T. (2021), Conducting a genome wide association study: a roadmap and tutorial. In preparation.
- Angrisani, Faul, J., Galama, T. and Kabeto, M. (2021), Money Management Problems as a Precursor of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. In preparation
- Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., Marees, A., et al. (2021), Sources of Inequality at Birth: the Interplay Between Genes and Parental Socioeconomic Status. In preparation
Working Papers
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B.W., Faul J., Galama, T.J., and Marees, A.T., Correcting for volunteer bias in GWAS uncovers novel genetic variants and increases heritability estimates. Nature Communications, [EF 100; AI 99] (2024).
- Van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J. and Lindeboom, M., Why Life Gets Better after Age 50 For Some: Mental Well-Being and the Social Norm of Work. Journal of Labor Economics, [EF 79; AI 98] (2024).
- PhD Thesis: Genetics, Human Capital Formation and the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status (2024), Sjoerd van Alten (supervisor T.J. Galama), VU Amsterdam.
- Van Alten S, Domingue BW, Faul J, Galama T, Marees AT. Reweighting UK Biobank corrects for pervasive selection bias due to volunteering. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Apr 11;53(3):dyae054. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyae054. PMID: 38715336; PMCID: PMC11076923.
- Van Kippersluis, H., Biroli, P.., Dias Perreira, R., Galama, T.J., von Hinke. S., Meddens, F., Muslimova, D., Slob, S., de Vlaming, Rietveld, N. (2023), Overcoming Attenuation Bias in Regressions using Polygenic Indices: A Comparison of Approaches. Nature Communications, 14, 4473 (2023). Link to working paper
- Bierut, L., Biroli, P., Galama, T.J., and Thom, K. (2023). Challenges in studying the interplay of genes and environment. A study of childhood financial distress moderating genetic predisposition for peak smoking. Journal of Economic Psychology. PMID: 37484514; PMCID: PMC10358858.
Working Papers
- Van Alten, S., Domingue, B., Faul, J., Galama, T. and Marees, A.,` Correcting for volunteer bias in GWAS uncovers novel genetic variants and increases heritability estimates’, Nature Communications, [EF 100; AI 99] (2025), accepted for publication.
- Van de Kraats, C., Galama, T.J., Lindeboom, M., Deng, Z., `Why life gets better after age 50, for some: mental well-being and the social norm of work’, Journal of Labor Economics [EF 79; AI 98] (2025), Accepted for publication.
- Biroli, B., Galama, T.J., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C.A., and Thom, K., `The Economics and Econometrics of Gene-Environment Interplay’, Review of Economic Studies [EF 95; AI 99] (2025), Accepted for publication.
Social-Science Genetics Seminars
Welcome to the Social-Science Genetics Seminars (SSGS) at USC’s Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) and the department of Economics at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. The SSGS provides an informal setting to discuss relevant papers in social-science genetics (typically presented by an author or sometimes reviewed by a club member). We are entirely based online, using Zoom as our platform, and our members are located across the U.S. and Europe. Our meetings are typically once a month on Thursday at 9 am Pacific Time in the first or second week of the month. The series is jointly organized by Brian Finch, Titus Galama, Patrick Turley and Pam Tyler (all at CESR) and hosted by the CESR/VU Amsterdam Center for the Study of Health Inequality (CSHI) and the CESR Behavioral and Health Genomics Center (BHG). If you are interested in joining our mailing list, please contact Titus Galama.
Date Speaker Title of Talk Suggested Literature April 03, 2025 Elsje van Bergen The Interplay of Genetics and Environment in Shaping Learning Abilities. May 01, 2025 Dalton Conley TBA June 05, 2025 Stephanie von Hinke TBA -
Date Speaker Title of Talk Suggested Literature March 06, 2025 Daniel Adkins Genome, Social Structure, and Social Status: A General Model and Empirical Strategy. February 06, 2025 Anastacia Terskaya Peers’ Genetic Predisposition to Alcohol Consumption and Intimate Partner Violence December 05, 2024 Qiongshi Lu Genetic basis of partner choice December 03, 2024 Michel Boivin The contributions of two Quebec birth cohorts to the biosocial understanding of developmental trajectories: the past, the present, and the future. November 07, 2024 Laurel Raffington Epigenetic measures of biological aging across the life span and new quantifications of child development October 03, 2024 Nicolau Martin Bassols Examining the Health Legacy of the NHS: Short- and Long-Term Effects on Infant Mortality and Adult Health Outcomes September 05, 2024 Daniel S. Hamermesh The Economic Impact of Heritable Physical Traits: Hot Parents, Rich Kid? (with Anwen Zhang) May 16, 2024 Mikkel Aagaard Houmark Gender Differences in the Genetics of Skill Formation The Nurture of Nature and the Nature of Nurture: How Genes and Investments Interact in the Formation of Skills January 11, 2024 Rafael Ahlskog Using fine-grained population-based geolocation data to disentangle causal and non-causal gene-environment correlation across the lifespan December 07, 2023 Hans Fredrik Sunde Genetic similarity between relatives provides evidence on the presence and history of assortative mating Genetic similarity between relatives provides evidence on the presence and history of assortative mating November 09, 2023 Sam Trejo The Phenotype Differences Model Reveals Genetic Effects on Mortality Using Incomplete Sibling Data The Phenotype Differences Model Reveals Genetic Effects on Mortality Using Incomplete Sibling Data October 26, 2023 Nathaniel Comfort TBA October 12, 2023 Leandro Carvalho A Chip Off the Old Block? Genetics and The Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status June 01, 2023 Michel Nivard Neither nature nor nurture: Using extended pedigree data to elucidate the origins of indirect genetic effects on offspring educational outcomes May 04, 2023 Randi Vogt Scatter versus decile bar plots: What do different ways of visualizing the same polygenic index-phenotype relationship convey to lay audiences? Harden & Belsky,, 2018; Harden, Nat Rev Gen, 2022 April 06, 2023 Melinda Mills Applications of multidimensional and longitudinal phenotype measurement in labour market sociogenomics March 09, 2023 Jonathan Beauchamp Kin-Based Institutions and Economic Development Kin-Based Institutions and Economic Development February 09, 2023 Xingyan “David” Wang Genetic diversity fuels gene discovery for tobacco and alcohol use Genetic diversity fuels gene discovery for tobacco and alcohol use November 04, 2022 Neil M. Davies Within-sibship genome-wide association analyses decrease bias in estimates of direct genetic effects Within-sibship genome-wide association analyses decrease bias in estimates of direct genetic effects October 06, 2022 Chandra Reynolds Access to parks and trails and health at the cusp of midlife: individual factors and environmental selection September 15, 2022 David Hugh-Jones Trading social status for genetics in marriage markets: evidence from UK Biobank Trading social status for genetics in marriage markets: evidence from UK Biobank June 02, 2022 Sam Trejo What Makes Us Unequal? Understanding Disagreement Regarding Genes and Social Inequality May 12, 2022 Malin Ericsson Genetic propensities and attained education: Influences on age-related health and mortality April 21, 2022 Daniel J. Benjamin Polygenic prediction of educational attainment within and between families from genome-wide association analyses in 3 million individuals Polygenic prediction of educational attainment within and between families from genome-wide association analyses in 3 million individuals April 14, 2022 Paul Hufe Genetic Endowments, Educational Outcomes and the Mediating Influence of School Investments March 04, 2022 Perline Demange Estimating effects of parents’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills on offspring education using polygenic scores February 11, 2022 Sjoerd Van Alten The effects of demographic-based selection bias on GWAS results in the UK Biobank January 14, 2022 Gabriella Conti Genes, Parental Education, and Inequalities in Human Capital: Evidence two British Cohorts November 12, 2021 Leandro Carvalho Genotypes, Education, and Income October 08, 2021 Silvia Barcellos The Effect of Education on the Relationship between Genetics, Early-Life Disadvantages, and Later-Life SES September 12, 2021 Marco Francesconi Gene-Environment Effects on Female Fertility June 16, 2021 Victor Ronda The Nurture of Nature and the Nature of Nurture: How Genes and Investments Interact in the Formation of Skills The Nurture of Nature and the Nature of Nurture: How Genes and Investments Interact in the Formation of Skills June 11, 2021 Fleur Meddens Genetic contributions to inequality of opportunity May 14, 2021 Hans van Kippersluis Dynamic Complementarity in Skill Production: Evidence From Genetic Endowments and Birth Order May 07, 2021 Rosa Cheesman Gene-environment interactions and childhood educational achievement: do within-family polygenic score effects vary across schools and neighbourhoods? April 16, 2021 Pietro Biroli Sources of inequality at birth: the interplay between genes and parental socioeconomic status March 12, 2021 Patrick Turley Discussion on: “The imprint of assortative mating in the human genome reflects human behavior and social preferences” February 12, 2021 Alexander Young Disentangling genes and environment using genomic family data January 08, 2021 Sjoerd Van Alten Parent-child dyads and imputation December 04, 2020 Neil Davies Mendellian randomization November 14, 2020 Jessica Faul Collecting, extracting, and storing genetic material August 07, 2020 Jennifer Smith Population stratification and principal components analysis July 10, 2020 Jason Boardman Gene-by-environment interplay (GxE) June 12, 2020 Aysu Okbay Polygenic scores, what they are, how to construct them, etc An Introduction to Statistical Genetic Data Analysis May 08, 2020 Andries Marees Andries Marees will be leading the discussion of Chapters 1 and 3 of Mills et al. 2020 An Introduction to Statistical Genetic Data Analysis April 03, 2020 Sam Trejo Genetic Nature or Genetic Nurture? Quantifying Bias in Analyses Using Polygenic Scores Genetic Nature or Genetic Nurture? Quantifying Bias in Analyses Using Polygenic Scores March 13, 2020 Sjoerd van Alten Discussion of chapter 4 of “An introduction to Statistical Genetic Data Analysis” by Mills, Barban and Tropf, to understand the basics of Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) An Introduction to Statistical Genetic Data Analysis February 14, 2020 Abdel Abdellaoui Genetic correlates of social stratification in Great Britain Genetic correlates of social stratification in Great Britain -
To learn more or join our mailing list or to join our Zoom Social-Science Genetics Seminars Journal Club, please contact our Director, Titus Galama.
USC Conference “Polygenic Prediction and its Application in Social Science”, April 2017
Link to USC, polygenic conference program and recorded talks
Link to USC, polygenic conference slides
Link to USC, polygenic conference blog post
USC Polygenic Prediction and its Application in Social Science Conference, December 2018
Link to USC polygenic conference program and recorded talks
Titus Galama interview with Human here (in Dutch)
Kevin Thom’s research presented in The Washington Post here
Director, Center for the Study of Health Inequality
Senior Economist, CESR
Co-Director, Center for the Study of Health Inequality
Director, CESR
Co-Director, Center for the Study of Health Inequality
Co-Director, USC Schaeffer Center
Marina Aguiar Palma
Research Associate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

PhD Candidate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Lyydia Alajääskö
Research Associate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Economist, CESR
Economist, CESR
Research Scientist, CESR
Sam Cole

Associate Professor, University of Michigan
Research Scientist, CESR
Anna Gotti
PhD Candidate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Senior Economist, CESR
Associate Economist, CESR
Project Specialist, CESR
Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Center Administrative Assistant, Center for the Study of Health Inequality
Center Administrative Assistant, CESR East
Sjoerd van Alten
Research Associate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Kim Zandvliet-Oerlemans
Project Manager, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Dornsife News: $59 million boost enhances USC Dornsife’s Understanding America Study and nationwide research.
Contact Us
To learn more or join our mailing list or to join our Zoom Social-Science Genetics Seminars Journal Club, please contact our Director, Titus Galama.