The USC Brain Health Observatory aims to make research and data on brain disorder available and accessible.

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Healthcare Personnel: Practicing Physicians

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Practicing Physicians

Practicing Nurses
Practicing Physicians
Primary Care Physicians
Dementia Specialists

Persons (count)

Persons (count)
Persons per million population

Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Australia 741,00 75,258 77,974 80,968 83,490 86,550 90,417 93,604 97,039 100,260
Brazil 295,488 294,323 306,444 324,272 345,671 352,110 367,670 385,111 396,313 413,559 433,311 459,080
Canada 77,488 80,762 83,629 86,406 88,873 91,268 94,643 97,212 100,710 102,850 103,739 106,042
France 196,767 199,094 201,094 203,249 205,041 206,710 208,266 210,038 210,567 213,201 214,315
Germany 303,645 311,223 317,390 325,407 332,695 338,129 344,755 351,195 357,401 365,100 371,556 376,873
Italy 226,384 231,481 230,621 234,918 235,889 233,102 239,642 241,512 240,301 241,945 237,844 244,441
Japan 283,548 292,039 300,075 308,105 315,406 327,403
South Korea 98,293 101,370 104,114 108,909 111,694 114,322 117,450 120,630 123,230 127,258 130,014
Spain 175,033 179,267 178,833 177,665 176,665 178,600 177,731 180,633 188,166 207,565 216,766
Sweden 35,718 36,756 37,780 38,828 39,853 40,919 42,017 42,945 43,967 44,046
Taiwan 38,849 39,960 40,897 41,924 42,920 43,961 44,803 46,311 47,426 49,493 50,999 52,124
United Kingdom 166,250 169,919 171,747 173,976 177,352 180,444 182,534 185,692 188,783 196,784 203,529 213,839
United States 752,572 767,782 784,633 809,845 820,251 827,261 835,987 849,126 851,641 866,316