Paul Jansson
Class of 2009, B.A. in Psychology, with Minors in Musical Studies and Critical Approaches to Leadership
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
After graduating from USC, I enrolled in a post-baccalaureate, pre-medical certificate program at Northwestern University. While completing my post-bac, I worked as an EMT in the Emergency Department of Evanston Hospital and also as a simulation specialist and project manager in the medical simulation lab at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. In 2011, I entered the MD/MS dual degree program at Feinberg, earning my M.S. in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety in 2013 and my medical degree in 2015.
What was the most beneficial thing you did as a student at USC to prepare you for post-graduation?
The research methods that I learned as a psychology major at USC gave me more insight into conducting and analyzing research than most of my peers in more traditional pre-med tracks and helped prepare me for a career as a physician. Having a leadership role in independent research so early in my academic career as a part of the honors program set me apart from my peers when applying to medical school.
What course did you enjoy the most?
The two courses that I enjoyed the most at USC were MDA 365, the interdisciplinary leadership course taught by former USC President Steven Sample and leadership scholar Warren Bennis, and the honors program in psychology with Dr. Farver.
If you were an undergraduate again, is there anything that you would do differently?
Probably not! USC had so many opportunities to offer that I had a fantastic undergraduate experience!
Have you won any awards, accolades, etc. after you graduated from USC?
I was honored to be named the graduation speaker for my master’s degree program, and I recently conducted research that was awarded first place at Northwestern’s 2014 Research Day. I have also presented and published research at national medical society meetings and in a major academic journal.
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