Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Psi Chi was founded in 1929 for the purpose of encouraging and maintaining excellence in scholarship for members in all fields, particularly in Psychology, and advancing the science of Psychology. Membership is open to undergraduate students who meet the minimum qualifications of scholarship (more information mentioned below). At USC, we plan lots of social and academic activities. One of the most important benefits of membership is our end-of-the-year banquet, when we give our membership certificates, and all have a nice meal together.
We typically allow students to invite family members and/or significant others.
This link describes some of the other benefits of Psi Chi membership:
The membership fee, for a lifetime membership with USC’s chapter, is $100 although Dr. Schwartz understands that Psi Chi has procedures for economic hardship and he is happy to work with students around that issue.
Membership requirements are as follows:
You must be a Psychology Major or Minor.
You must be at least a second-semester sophomore.
You must have at least a 3.3 overall GPA.
You must have completed at least 3 psychology courses AT USC.
To apply, there are two steps:
1) Apply on the Psi Chi website:
A few of you have already applied on the website and that’s fine. Dr. Schwartz will be able to download your application.
2) E-mail Dr. Schwartz a copy of your STARS report at davschw@usc.edu so that he can verify your GPA. Because Dr. Schwartz is a faculty member and not an advisor, he can’t log onto the advising system and directly access your GPA information otherwise.
Questions about Psi Chi: Please reach out to Dr. David Schwartz (davschw@usc.edu)