Lindsay Weinstein
Class of 2008, BA in Psychology
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
After graduation from USC, I started working as a Project Manager at Schlesinger Associates in Westwood, where I stayed for two years. In 2010, I went back to school for a Masters in Public Health at UCLA (graduating in 2012). During my MPH program, I began working at the VA in West Los Angeles, and I have continued to work there post-graduation as a Health Coach.
What was the most beneficial thing you did as a student at USC to prepare you for post-graduation?
Get involved/ be a part of as many organizations, programs, and other opportunities as you can. The connections and experience will help you greatly in life post-college.
What course did you enjoy the most?
Abnormal Psychology: it was very interesting learning about the different conditions
If you were an undergraduate again, is there anything that you would do differently?
Enjoy it more- I spent so much of undergrad stressed out about EVERYTHING! You have plenty of time to be worried about your future! You will never have another opportunity to sleep in until 10:00am on a weekday, and go out on a weeknight. I wish I was more present while in college—you only have 4 years, so make the most of it.
Have you won any awards, accolades, etc. after you graduated from USC?
Graduated cum laude from UCLA MPH program, presented at the National Biofeedback Conference in Savannah, Georgia
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