Jennifer Zuchowski
Class of 2005, B.A. in Psychology
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
Completed Master’s degree from Arizona State University
Currently working on Doctor of Education in Organizational Change and Leadership at USC
Appointed Manager Programs & Administration for the Environmental Services Division of the Metropolitan Council in St. Paul, MN in May of 2016– As part of my work, I manage divisions workforce planning efforts, as well as diversity, inclusion & equity programs and initiatives. I also serve on Council-wide Equity-related teams and committees.
The Metropolitan Council is the regional policy-making body, planning agency, and provider of essential services for the Twin Cities metropolitan region. The Council’s mission is to foster efficient and economic growth for a prosperous region.
Finalist in the Governor’s 2018 Better Government Award for my work in Diversity Outreach and Employee Engagement
Employees are one of the Metropolitan Council’s most valuable assets. Our Environmental Services division (MCES) is expanding recruitment, retention and promotion efforts to create a workforce that reflects the diversity of our region and a culture where employees are prepared, welcomed and supported in their work.
Our Diversity Outreach Program is a multifaceted strategy that includes building relationships with dozens of community partners from Big Brothers Big Sisters to the Twin West Chamber of Commerce. We work with teachers to help build STEM curriculum related to our work. We are visible and vocal in the community, participating in job fairs and hosting site tours and job shadowing, among many other activities.
We revamped our Employee Recognition Program to make it more robust and inclusive. It now includes a peer recognition component and a Keystone Award recognizing superior achievement of agency goals. Engagement in the program has increased significantly.
These efforts are helping to ensure that MCES is a sustainable, diverse, inclusive and competitive employer for years to come.
Award website: https://mn.gov/admin/continuous-improvement/results/governors-awards/
Appointed to the Board of Directors for AccessAbility Inc. in Minneapolis, MN in Dec. 2017; AccessAbility Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for self-sufficiency for people with barriers to employment and community inclusion.
Recognized by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and will be a featured topic in their Winter Issue of the Clean Water Advocate Magazine to be released in February 2019 for innovative workforce development partnership with local school districts that serve concentrated areas of poverty. The partnership allows my organization (the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services division) to build relationships with school districts and to directly influence curriculum that supports skills needed by the future workforce. This partnership is just one of the many efforts to diversify our workforce, be an inclusive employer, as well as to recruit and retain a highly trained workforce.
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