Claire Battis
Class of 2013, BA in Psychology with Minor in Environmental Studies
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
After I graduated USC, I started working at “FirstSteps for Kids” in Hermosa Beach. As an instructor, I implement one-on-one behavioral interventions for children with autism and related developmental, behavioral and emotional issues. In addition, I serve as an instructional aide for my clients in school, and provide parent training.
What was the most beneficial thing you did as a student at USC to prepare you for post-graduation?
Getting involved in faculty research not only gave me valuable experience in the field, but allowed me to connect with professors, staff, and other psychology students who could share advice on graduate degree and career possibilities. As a majority of my course load was comprised of large lectures, it was difficult for me to establish relationships with teachers, but the professors with whom I did research with became invaluable adivsors and role models. In addition, I took PSYC-391 “Directed Field Experience in Psychology” my senior year, which further inspired me to get involved in the clinical aspect of psychology and pursue a career in mental health.
What course did you enjoy the most?
Besides PSYC-391, which allowed me to intern at a mental health agency, I really enjoyed PSYC-456, Conservation Psychology. This innovative class, led by Dr. Viviane Seyranian, combined elements of persuasion, ethics, psychological theory and research methods to understand society’s relationship with the environment. I loved that the class incorporated two fields I love, in addition to being discussion driven, intimate, and very interactive. During one class, we actually conducted Asch’s Elevator Experiment on unsuspecting students in Kaprielian!
If you were an undergraduate again, is there anything that you would do differently?
Without a doubt, I wish I had applied to the Psychology Department’s Honors Program. I didn’t really know much about it until my junior year when I had already set my sights on studying abroad in the spring. However, if I had known it would pose a conflict, I would have adjusted my schedule beforehand. Not many people without a PhD can say they designed and conducted their own research project, so I think the program offers a unique opportunity even for students who aren’t considering grad school.
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