Brian Benjamin
Class of 2012, B.A. in Psychology with Minor in Business Law
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
After graduating from USC I began my graduate education. I am currently pursuing a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, an APA accredited program.
What was the most beneficial thing you did as a student at USC to prepare you for post-graduation?
Through the help of Dr. Jo Ann Farver and Dr. Wendy Wood, I became a proficient consumer and producer of original psychological research. I am truly glad that I was selected to complete the honors program before graduating. Not only did the honors program make me a more competitive applicant for graduate school applications, but it has benefited me over my current peers through its rigorous demands.
What course did you enjoy the most?
Although I learned much from the many psychology courses I completed at USC, I would have to say that the class I enjoyed the most was “Improvisation and Theatre Games” taught by Eric Trules. Not only did this class teach me about the art form, grant me an amazing creative outlet (while introducing me to great friends in the process) but Trule’s classroom philosophy of getting all of us to “say yes” to any situation presented via improv has become a mantra in my personal life. I believe this class made me a more confident, spontaneous and generally happier person. Although I took that class a few years ago, I still tell my friends at USC to enroll in this class with Trules before they graduate.
If you were an undergraduate again, is there anything that you would do differently?
I would take more advantage of the amazing research opportunities and various other academic resources available at USC. I feel that, sometimes, I underestimated how easy it is to become involved with the groundbreaking research that is happening on campus. This is a huge loss as these opportunities will probably never prevent themselves as clearly to us after graduating.
Have you won any awards, accolades, etc. after you graduated from USC?
I was granted the Deans Award of Excellence for my first year at Alliant University. This financial award is given to incoming students who demonstrate academic excellence as they enter and continue their education at Alliant University.
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