Andrew Choi
Class of 2011, B.A. in Psychology
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
Following graduation, I worked as an analyst at Berkeley Research Group, an economic and litigation consulting firm. I then spent two years working as a market research analyst at SmithGeiger, a boutique media and entertainment consulting firm. Currently, I am working as a data analyst at Kaiser Permanente.
What was the most beneficial thing you did as a student at USC to prepare you for post-graduation?
The most beneficial thing I did as a student was get work experience. Doing so allowed me to discover what interested me professionally and provided many future opportunities that I otherwise would not have had.
What course did you enjoy the most?
My favorite course as an undergraduate was Abnormal Psychology.
If you were an undergraduate again, is there anything that you would do differently?
I would have gotten more involved with the many volunteer and community outreach programs USC participates in.
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