Katie Byrd
(Ph.D, 2024)
Katie completed her Ph.D in Quantitative Methods and Computational Psychology in 2024 and worked with Richard John. Her reserach interests include: judgement and decision making, risk perception, and fake news related to extreme events such as natural disasters, terrorist events, and pandemics; Improving research literacy related to health information through podcast based interventions. She is now a Statistical Programmer Analyst at the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

Winnie Wing-Yee Tse
(Ph.D, 2024)
Winnie completed her Ph.D in Quantitative Methods and Computational Psychology in 2024 and worked with Hok Chio (Mark) Lai. Her research interests include: multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, sample size planning for multilevel studies, measurement invariance for scales with order-categorical indicators, multilevel regression and post-stratification for natural language processing research.

Yichi Zhang
(Ph.D, 2024)
Yichi completed her Ph.D in Quantitative Methods and Computational Psychology in 2024. She worked with Hok Chio (Mark) Lai and Rand Wilcox. Her research interests include: measurement invariance, multilevel modeling, equivalence testing, robust methods.