Faculty affiliations for the Psychology department by Core (TT), RTPC (Teaching, Practice, and Research), Affiliated/Joint Appointment, and Emeritus.
Bechara Antoine Professor, Chair of Department of PSYCHOLOGY Arvai Joe Professor Baek Elisa Assistant Professor Baker Laura Professor Beam Christopher Associate Professor Chen Meng Assistant Professor Davison Gerald Professor Dehghani Morteza Professor Ezawa Iony Assistant Professor Farver Jo Ann Professor Hackel Leor Assistant Professor Han Duke Professor Huey Stanley Professor John Richard Professor Kaplan Jonas Associate Professor Kircanski Katharina Assistant Professor Lai Hok Choi (Mark) Associate Professor LaTourette Sandy Assistant Professor Martins-Klein Bruna Assistant Professor Mintz Toby Professor Moll Henrike Professor Monterosso John Associate Professor Morales Santiago Assistant Professor Oyserman Daphna Professor Piray Payam Assistant Professor Read Stephen Professor Rouhani Nina Assistant Professor Saxbe Darby Professor Schwartz David Associate Professor Schwarz Norbert Professor Stange Jonathan Assistant Professor Stone Arthur Professor Valadez Emilio Assistant Professor Walsh David Associate Professor Wilcox Rand Professor Zevin Jason Associate Professor -
Axelrod Jenna Adjunct Lecturer Albright Julie Adjunct Lecturer Beasley Brittany Associate Professor (Practice) Buhle Jason Associate Professor (Practice) Cuadra Lorraine Adjunct Lecturer Farid Nejad Mona Assistant Professor (Practice) Holovatyk Alexia Adjunct Lecturer Lepley Meredith Associate Professor (Practice) Shapiro Lauren Assistant Professor (Practice) Tarbox Jonathan Associate Professor (Practice) Westberg Steven Associate Professor (Practice) Damasio Antonio Professor (research) Damasio Hanna Professor (Research) De La Haye Kayla Associate Professor (Research) Gatz Margaret Professor (Research) Habibi Assal Associate Professor (Research) Junghaenel Doerte Associate Professor (Research) Kaplan Jonas Associate Professor (Research) Luczak Susan Professor (Research) Schneider Stefan Professor (Research) Aclan Megan Adjunct Lecturer Barone Miranda Assistant Professor (Teaching) Barraza Jorge Associate Professor (Teaching) Birjandi Shirin Assistant Professor (Teaching) Breland William Lecturer Brunet Hannah Adjunct Lecturer Cameron Michael Adjunct Lecturer Droutman Vitaliya Lecturer Durbin Kelly Adjunct Lecturer George Patricia Lecturer Grewal Naomi Adjunct Lecturer Haj-Mohamadi Sourena Lecturer Harrington Roggero Maura Adjunct Lecturer Huey Latonya Adjunct Lecturer Ipek Canan Assistant Professor (Teaching) Kaeveney Breitz Lexi Adjunct Lecturer (Teaching) Kim Kyoung Sook “Lucy” Lecturer Lyon Julie Adjunct Lecturer Marker Kathleen Adjunct Lecturer Mathur Sneha Lecturer Neubauer Catherine Lecturer Nguyen Michael Adjunct Lecturer Pearson Corey Adjunct Lecturer Puggelli Francesca Romana Lecturer Rubenstein Jenna Adjunct Lecturer Sahibzada Khatera Lecturer Shilowich Bryan Lecturer Stephenson Clayton Associate Professor (Teaching) Tehrani Jasmine Adjunct Assistant Professor (Teaching) Thelen Luke Adjunct Lecturer Young Lauren Adjunct Lecturer (Teaching) -
Bottjer Sarah Professor Bruine de Bruin Wandi Professor Fleming Monique Adjunct Assistant Professor (Research) Aziz-Zadeh Lisa Associate Professor Carnevale Peter Professor Coricelli Giorgio Professor Dusing Stacey Associate Professor Eich Teal Assistant Professor Finch Caleb Professor Goldsworthy Raymond Associate Professor Gratch Jonathan Professor Helen Immordino-Yang Mary Professor Hollingshead Andrea Professor Itti Laurent Professor Kaeveney Breitz Lexi Lecturer Kirkpatrick Matthew Associate Professor Kretch Kari Assistant Professor (Research) Lerman Caryn Professor Levitt Pat Professor Lucas Gale Assistant Professor (Research) Luo Shan Assistant Professor Lyon Thomas Professor Mather Mara Professor Miller Lynn Professor Narayanan Shrikanth Professor Nation Daniel Adjunct Associate Professor Osborn Ronald Lecturer Patall Erika Associate Professor Saks Elyn Professor Simon Dan Professor Sinatra Gale Professor Sowell Elizabeth Professor Sussman Steven Yale Professor Swanson Larry Professor Townsend Sarah Associate Professor Traube Dorian Associate Professor Tynes Brendesha Professor Wellwood Alexis Professor Wenzel Suzanne Professor West Amy Professor Williams Marian Professor Young Lauren Adjunct Lecturer Zelinski Elizabeth Professor -
Andersen Elaine Professor Emerita Arbib Michael Professor Emeritus Chambers Kathleen Professor Emerita Cliff Norman Professor Emeritus Dawson Michael Professor Emeritus Greene Ernest Professor Emeritus Grings William Professor Emeritus Jellison Jerald Professor Emeritus Lavond Dave Professor Emeritus Lopez Steven Professor Emeritus Manis Frank Professor Emeritus Margolin Gayla Professor Emerita Marston Albert Professor Emeritus Meyerowitz Beth Professor Emerita Miller Norman Professor Emeritus Prescott Carol Professor Emerita Rueda Robert Professor Emeritus Spruijt-Metz Donna Professor Emerita Wood Wendy Professor Emerita, President of the Association for Psychological Science