Yael Adef
Class of 2005, B.A. in Psychology & Political Science with Minor in French
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
After graduating from USC, I attended Emory University where I obtained my JD in 2008. I practiced law at a national firm until early June 2011, when I left that position spent a month backpacking through Vietnam and Cambodia and returned to USC to pursue my MSW in late July. I am currently finishing up my MSW and interviewing for clinical social work positions, especially focusing on working with kids and families.
What was the most beneficial thing you did as a student at USC to prepare you for post-graduation?
Internships and research opportunities. These were the best experiences I had outside of the classroom that prepared me to think critically and work on a team, crucial skills in any work environment.
What course did you enjoy the most?
I don’t know if you still have this class but it was a psychology elective on drugs taught by Prof. Mitch Earleywine. It was amazing! I still use material from that class in working with clients (and it didn’t hurt that Prof. Earleywine practiced his standup with us).
If you were an undergraduate again, is there anything that you would do differently?
Be more involved than I was. As a current graduate student, I have been so fortunate to have been so involved and have gotten so much more out of my student experience than I thought possible.
Have you won any awards, accolades, etc. after you graduated from USC?
I was awarded a public interest scholarship in law school and have received several awards for academics and leadership as a graduate student. I was also honored to serve as the Graduate Student Body President last year.
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