Irene Campos
Class of 2009, B.A. in Psychology & Spanish
Where have you worked and/or studied since you graduated from USC?
Since graduating from USC, I went on to pursue a dual Master’s degree at UCLA. I obtained my degrees in Social Work and Public Health and graduated in 2012. During my graduate studies, I completed internships at various community social service agencies, including Vista Del Mar (a non-public school), Venice Family Clinic, and F.A.C.T. (an agency focusing on providing services to individuals with autism spectrum disorders). Currently, I work at Tarzana Treatment Centers in the San Fernando Valley. I am a mental health therapist who provides individual therapy and case management services to individuals living with mental health conditions, like depression or anxiety, as well as with physical health issues and/or substance use issues.
What was the most beneficial thing you did as a student at USC to prepare you for post-graduation?
I believe the most important thing I did as a student at USC was take advantage of the interdisciplinary studies. When I first heard of this, I knew it would open me up to new experiences and also allow me to make the most of my time at USC. Pursuing a double major in Spanish helped build my language skills and give me confidence in speaking, writing, and reading in Spanish. Now, as a bilingual therapist I utilize these skills all the time, since I work primarily with a Spanish-speaking population.
What course did you enjoy the most?
The course I enjoyed the most would have to be my psychology honors course. My course instructor was also my research adviser, Dr. JoAnn Farver. This course was challenging, but I loved how our class was allowed to study and research topics that most interested us. I learned so many valuable skills in this class that came in handy later on in graduate school (e.g. how to analyze and interpret journal articles and how to develop a research thesis).
If you were an undergraduate again, is there anything that you would do differently?
There is really little I would change about my undergraduate experience at USC. If I had to choose, I would have liked to have taken up a work-study job within the psychology department sooner than I did. I had the wonderful opportunity to work at part of a team with Dr. Karen Hennigan and Dr. Kathy Kolnick in the USC Center for Research on Crime and Social Control at the start of my junior year. I really valued my experience working with this team because I got to learn and apply my research skills, and develop strong relationships with faculty members. Both Dr. Hennigan and Dr. Kolnick served as great role models for me…I just wish I would have met them sooner.
Have you won any awards, accolades, etc. after you graduated from USC?
I was awarded some fellowships during my graduate studies including the California Wellness Foundation Fellowship and also the UCLA graduate opportunity fellowship. I also received an employee recognition award at work for my productivity and commitment to serving our clients.
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