Katy Kragel – British American Drama Academy

  • Major: Theatre (Acting)

  • Minor: Dance in Entertainment

  • Email: kragel@usc.edu


Talk to me about: Literally anything! I absolutely loved every part of my experience in London from the classes to my peers to the cheesy tourist adventures. I never thought I would study abroad, but I’m so glad I took a chance on this experience because it has changed me for life. I am professionally and personally more confident than I have ever been. I am obsessed with talking about my time abroad, so really reach out with any and all questions!!

Advice: Take all the chances you can! Honestly, I didn’t think I would financially be able to go abroad and I had never looked into it. But last year on a whim, I looked into BADA and I was quick to take advantage of every opportunity it presented. Also, don’t waste the incredible public transportation that London has to offer. Don’t forget your raincoat and umbrella because the weather is QUITE different from LA! Finally, connect with people from your program before you go and it can help to ease the transition!


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