Ronnie McFarlane – British American Drama Academy


Talk to me about: Absolutely anything! I love talking about my experiences abroad and encouraging others to do so. Studying theatre in London made me a better student, performer, and person, and I would do it all over again if I could. As someone who has lived only in LA my whole life, I was very anxious about living in another country for a semester. But, knowing that I wasn’t alone among my peers who felt this way, we were able to learn and make the most of it together. If you are looking for answers about finances, living situations, programs, professors, public transportation, or even where the best pub in town is, I’m your gal.

Advice: Get out there! Especially in the UK, there are so many beautiful destinations to go to that are usually up to an hour away from London, tops. Additionally, make sure you get used to public transportation right away, it’ll be your best friend (download CityMapper to get around easier)! Make the most of your time by connecting with the people around you. I’ve gotten so many great tips and advice from professors and locals about the city that really inspired me to keep exploring and try new things. Finally, if you’re studying theatre like me, see some amazing affordable theatre, it’s everywhere!


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