February 2025
Shimane University visits USC
Students from Shimane University recently visited the USC campus and engaged in a 交流会 (exchange meeting) with students from the advanced Japanese classes. The meeting was conducted in both English and Japanese, and featured a lively exchange of ideas and cultural insights. Thank you to the students from Shimane University for visiting us from so far away!
Spetember 2024
Japan Stories: Study Abroad & Internship Showcase
Students talked about their own experiences in Japan. This years talks include not only about study aboard, but also an internship experience, which made more valuable for students who are willing to go to Japan in near future!
April 2024
Sing Along in Japanese
We hosted a “Sing Along in Japanese” event at a 1st floor auditorium of the Taper Hall.
Over 30 students attended, and we all had a blast singing together. We provided pizza and snacks to help fuel the fun, and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.
March 2024
Language Day
September 2023
Japanese Program Mixer
Covid 19以降初めて、4年ぶりとなるMixerでした。
The students who studied abroad to Japan gave wonderful presentations about their experiences and shared their stories with us! The students presented their stories of Nanzan University, Sophia University, Maymester Global East Asia, Julymester Encountering Japanese Religions, Hokkaido International Foundation and JASC (Japan-America Student Conference)!
October 2019
Wagashi Seminar – 和菓子
We were fortunate to have “Kameya Yoshihiro” Japanese traditional confectionary from Nagoya, Japan as our guest again. What an amazing opportunity to see the master’s delicate art work! USC Chanoyu Tea Club helped us making this event even more special by serving us delicious Matcha green tea and enjoyed it with our hand-crafted Wagashi!
September 2019
Japanese Program Mixer
The students who studied abroad to Japan gave wonderful presentations about their experiences and shared their stories with us! The students presented their stories of Nanzan University, Sophia University, Tokyo International University, Maymester Global East Asia, and CLS (Critical Language Scholarship) Japanese Program!
February 2019
Yukata and Matchakai -浴衣とお茶の会
Annual fun event of wearing Japanese summer style kimono “Yukata”. USC Chanoyu Tea Club helped us making this event even more special by serving us delicious Matcha green tea with tasty Wagashi!
February 2018
Yukata and Matchakai -浴衣とお茶の会
Annual fun event of wearing Japanese summer style kimono “Yukata”. This time, we had a special guest and got to eat delicious sweets and experiencing Matcha-green tea ceremony with it!
November 2017
Wagashi Seminar – 和菓子
We were fortunate to have “Kameya Yoshihiro” Japanese traditional pastry shop from Nagoya, Japan as our guest. Increadible to see the master’s beautiful art work, and we got to experience making those! Had a lovely matcha green tea also!
September 2017
Japanese Program Mixer
The students who studied abroad to Japan gave wonderful presentations about their experiences in Japan! The students presented their stories of Waseda University, Sophia University, Maymester Business Japanese, and Global East Asia, Japan.
March 2017
Yukatakai – 浴衣会
We got to experience wearing Japanese traditional summer style kimono, called “Yukata”. Lots of fun!
October 2016
Takoyaki – たこ焼き
Everyone’s favorite, “Takoyaki”!! Lots of fun, and very tasty!