Research Areas

At CESR, our scientists, colleagues and staff pursue compelling, data-driven research in the social sciences and economics that further understanding, policy making and quality of life. In broad terms, our significant areas of interest include:

Children & Families
Development Economics
Education Economics
Financial Decision Making
Health, Health Disparities, and Socio-Economic Status
Mobile Health
Subjective Well-Being
Work Disability


2024 | CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper Series

Titus J. Galama, Andrei Munteanu, Kevin Thom, Intergenerational Persistence in the Effects of Compulsory Schooling in the U.S. Paper No. 2024-001

Maria Casanova, David Knapp, Jinkook Lee, Ana Llena-Nozal, Paola Sillitti, Demographic Variations in the Relationship Between Long-Term Care Policies and Place of Death: A Study of 20 OECD Countries. Paper No. 2024-002

Arie Kapteyn, Jill Darling, Margaret Gatz, Tania Gutsche, Ying Liu, Erik Meijer, Bart Orriens, Evan Sandlin, Stefan Schneider, Bas Weerman, COVID-19 Infections and Cognitive Function. Paper No. 2024-003


The Evidence Base Blog

A collaboration between the USC Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) and the USC Schaeffer Center, The Evidence Base focuses on improving policy in health, economics, and well-being. The blog is a vehicle for timely insights and analysis on current issues.

Posts on our blog are edited for clarity, but have not been subject to a formal, peer-review process.