Organizers: Arie Kapteyn, Lila Rabinovich, and Joanne Yoong, University of Southern California

Thursday February 21st, 2019

Location: George Washington University (Elliott School of International Affairs – City View Room) 1957 E Street NW Washington, DC 20052.

Registration and Continental Breakfast

9 AM

Welcome Address by Arie Kapteyn (USC) VIDEO


9.10 – 10.30 AM


Recruiting and Retention

Session Chair: Jill Darling (USC)

Canceled due to illness 
Tania Gutsche (CESR USC) VIDEO
Co-authors: Jill Darling and Bas WeermanPanel Engagement: Or why our phones keep ringing (UAS)
9.40 – 9.55 AM Mansour Fahimi (Chief Statistician and SVP at Ipsos) VIDEO
Co-authors:  Ge Tang, and Frances M. BarlasComparisons of Probability and Nonprobability Samples from Online Panels
Mario Xavier Carrasco (USC and ThinkNow) VIDEO

The Changing Face of Hispanic Online Panels (ThinkNow)

10.10 – 10.30 AM


10.30 – 10.45 AM



10.45 – 12 PM

Innovations In Measurement and Data Collection

Session Chair: Jeremy Burke (USC)

Marco Angrisani (USC) VIDEO
Co-authors: Arie Kapyteyn, Swaroop SamekReal Time Measurement of Household Electronic Financial Transactions in a Population Representative Panel (UAS)
Arie Kapteyn (USC) VIDEO
Co-author: Jill DarlingIntegration of Surveys, Wearables and Mobile Devices (UAS)
Gema Zamarro (University of Arkansas)
Co-authors: James Soland, Albert Cheng & Collin HittIdentifying Naturally-occurring Direct Assessments of Character Skills: The Promise of Survey Metadata (UAS)
Jill Darling (USC) VIDEO
Co-authors: Margaret Gatz, Ying LiuPlatform differences in assessing cognitive response time (UAS)
11.45 – 12 PM


12 PM – 1 PM

Lunch Keynote: Courtney Kennedy, Pew Research Center VIDEO

Introduction: Arie Kapteyn


1 – 2.20 PM

Panel Management

Session Chair: Arie Kapteyn

Ipek Bilgen (NORC) VIDEO
Co-authors: J. Michael Dennis, N. GaneshExamination of Nonresponse Follow-up Impact on AmeriSpeak Panel Data Quality
Elodie Perodin (Sciences Po) VIDEO

ELIPSS : how to maintain participation in a probability based internet panel

Chintan Turakhia (SSRS) VIDEO
Co-authors: Jennifer Su, Jennifer Schmidt, Kyle Berta, Jonathan BestResponse Patterns in Probability based Web Panel (SSRS Panel)
1.45 – 2 PM Frances M. Barlas (IPSOS) VIDEO
Co-authors: Mansour Fahimi, Randall K. Thomas, Ge Tang(IPSOS)Are Panel Effects a Concern with Online Panels?
2 – 2.15 PM


2.15 – 2.30 PM



2.40 – 3.40 PM


Surveys and Experiments to Inform Policy and Practice – Socioeconomic Well-Being

Session Chair: Joanne Yoong (USC)

Kyla Thomas (USC) VIDEO

The Psychology of Distinction: How Cultural Tastes Shape Person Perception in the United States (UAS)

John Sabelhaus(Federal Reserve) VIDEO
Subjective Expectations and Risky Household Decisions: Results from an On-Line Experiment (SCE)
Kristi Scott (SSA) VIDEO
Co-authors: Richard Chard, Matt Messel, David RogofskyLifetime Migration among Retired, Disabled, and Working Populations (UAS)
3.40 – 3.55 PM





3.55 – 4.55 PM


Surveys and Experiments Inform Policy and Practice – Financial Decisionmaking

Session Chair: Gary Mottola, FINRA

Andrew Dunn (CFSI) VIDEO
The US Financial Health Pulse (UAS)
Angela Fontes (NORC) VIDEO

Collecting household financial data online: A comparison of the Financial Well-being and Literacy survey with federal data benchmarks (AmeriSpeak)

4.25 – 4.40 PM Angela Hung (RAND) VIDEO

Co-Authors:  Julie Agnew, Nicole Montgomery, and Susan Thorp

White Label Funds in Retirement Plans (UAS)


Closing Address by Annamaria Lusardi, GFLEC, George Washington University

5 – 6 PM Reception sponsored by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation