Friday, 8 March 2024

Introduction to the UASArie Kapteyn (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Recruitment, Response Rates, and Survey Data in the UAS Marco Angrisani (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Access to Existing UAS Data Jill Darling (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Visualization Francisco Perez-Arce (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Administering Surveys in the USAJill Darling (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Special Services in the UASTania Gutsche (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)


Uses of UAS Data
Session Chair: Jeremy Burke (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Ryan Best (West Virginia University)
Loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic across sociocultural contexts: The intersection of gender, age, and romantic co-residence

Patrycja Sleboda (Baruch College, City University of New York)
Don’t say “vegan” or “plant-based”: Food without meat and dairy is more likely to be chosen when labeled as “healthy” and “sustainable”

Ravi Iyer (USC Marshall School Neely Center)
Tracking Positive and Negative Experiences with Social Media and AI