March 9 – March 10, 2023
Steering Committee: Arie Kapteyn, Marco Angrisani, Jill Darling, Francisco Perez-Arce, USC Center for Economic and Social Research; and Angela Fontes, Financial Health Network.
All times are in Eastern Standard Time
DAY 1 |
Thursday, March 9, 2023 |
8:00 AM |
Breakfast and Registration |
9:00 AM |
Welcome Address by Arie Kapteyn (USC Center for Economic and Social Research) |
SESSION 1 9:15 AM |
Probability-Based Panel Challenges: Exploring Panel ExperiencesSession Chair: Angela Fontes (Financial Health Network) |
Kyla Thomas (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)
LABarometer: Promises and Pitfalls of a Local Survey Panel |
Marcin Hitczenko (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Sample Bias Related to Household Role |
Joke Depraetere (Ipsos)
All for One: Conceptual framework, Cross-cultural Differences, and Approach for the Unified European KnowledgePanel |
Frank Graves (EKOS Research Associates Inc.)
Evolving Challenges and Solutions to A Canadian Probability Panel: Probit |
SESSION 2 10:30 AM |
Advances in Design, Operation, and Analysis for Real Time SurveysSession Chair: Jonaki Bose (National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) |
Paul Scanlon (National Center for Health Statistics)
Data Collection and Research Using the Research and Development Survey (RANDS) |
Yulei he (National Center for Health Statistics)
Applying Calibration Weighting to Real Time Surveys: Some Lessons Learned from the Research and Development Survey (RANDS) |
Guoyi Zhang (National Center for Health Statistics)
A general procedure for evaluating models and Ensemble Support Vector Regression |
Stephen Blumberg (National Center for Health Statistics)
Leveraging Commercial Online Survey Panels for Timely and Actionable Health Statistics |
Lunch |
Brady T. West (Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)Moving from a national probability-based push-to-web survey to an online probability-based panel: What are the issues? Session Chair: Arie Kapteyn (USC Center for Economic and Social Research) |
SESSION 3 1:30 PM |
Panel Recruitment and Composition: Target Sampling and Approach VariationSession Chair: Jill Darling (USC Center for Economic and Social Research) |
Chintan Turakhia (SSRS)
Improving Response Rates and Sample Representativeness via a multimode design for a Statewide Survey |
Ipek Bilgen (NORC at the University of Chicago)
The impact of using personalized solicitation on response rates and composition during mail contact when recruiting to a probability-based panel |
Jon Krosnick (Stanford University)
The Quality of Data Obtained from River Sampling Online Surveys |
Frances Barlas (Ipsos)
Recruiting Latino Households – Geographic and Modeled Targeting with Address Based Samples |
2:50 PM |
Break |
SESSION 4 3:00 PM |
Human Needs: Food, Shelter, and HealthSession Chair: David Rogofsky, Social Security Administration |
Katherine Carman (RAND Corporation)
Nice Work if You Can Get It: Willingness to Pay to Avoid Burnout |
Michelle S. Livings (University of Southern California)
Under-reporting of food insecurity in surveys that ask participants to recall the past year versus the past week |
Andrew Parker (RAND Corporation)
A shock to the system: Using panel survey data to understand how COVID-19 changed long-term influenza vaccination trajectories |
SESSION 5 4:00 PM |
Growing Pains: Challenges in Probability-based SamplesSession Chair: Katherine Carman (RAND Corporation) |
Angelica Phillips (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Who Owns Smartphones? An Assessment of Smartphone Coverage of the U.S. Population Over Time |
Randall K. Thomas (Ipsos Public Affairs)
Cleanliness and Goodliness: Data Cleaning Effects on Bias and Covariance in Probability-based Samples |
Sam Slamowicz / Darren Panney (The Social Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia)
Investigating Panel Conditioning Effects in the Life in Australia(TM) Panel |
Jennifer Hunter Childs (U.S. Census Bureau)
Testing Methods for a Probability-Based, Nationally-Representative Survey Panel for Federal Use |
5:15 PM |
Reception, sponsored by the FINRA Foundation |
DAY 2 |
Friday, March 10, 2023 |
8:00 AM |
Breakfast and Registration |
9:00 AM |
Brief Introduction |
SESSION 6 9:10 AM |
Economics: Household Expenditure and Labor Market OutcomesSession Chair: Marco Angrisani (USC Center for Economic and Social Research) |
Scott Schuh (West Virginia University)
New Evidence on Consumption and Income Dynamics from a Consumer Payment Diary |
Wilbert van der Klaauw (New York Fed)
Perceptions of Earnings Growth and Employment Risk |
Andrew Warren (Financial Health Network)
Using Linked Survey and Transactional Data to Understand Gas Purchasing Behavior |
SESSION 7 10:15 AM |
Passive Data Collection and Data Sharing (I)Session Chair: Michael Link (Ipsos) |
Nicholas Biddle (Australian National University)
Measuring the impact of national-level data breaches on attitudes to data privacy using a probability-based online panel |
Marco Angrisani (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)
Collection of Electronic Financial Records in a Population-Representative Panel |
Alexandra M. Brown Breslin (Joint Program in Survey Methodology)
An Analysis of Nonparticipation to a Passive Data Collection of Financial Transactions |
Break |
SESSION 8 11: 30 AM |
Passive Data Collection and Data Sharing (II)Session Chair: Francisco Perez-Arce (USC Center for Economic and Social Research) |
Ritika Chaturvedi (USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics)
Collecting Person-Generated Health Data in a Population-Representative Panel |
Henning Silber (GESIS – Leibinz Institute for the Social Sciences)
A vignette study on acceptability norms and personal willingness to share digital trace data |
Anna Lethborg (The Social Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia)
Probability-Based Panel Performance Compared to Other Survey Modes: More Evidence from Australia |
12:30 PM |
Lunch |
SESSION 9 1:30 PM |
Survey Data Analysis: No data is perfect, all data is valuableSession Chair: Andrew Parker (RAND Corporation) |
Necati Celik / Kenna Cepa (Financial Health Network)
Once Financially Unhealthy, Always Financially Unhealthy? Evidence from a 5-year UAS Panel Survey |
Mansour Fahimi (Marketing Systems Group (MSG))
Reliable Inferences from Imperfect Data |
Matthias Schonlau (University of Waterloo)
Automated classification for open-ended questions with BERT |
SESSION 10 2:30 PM |
Individuals’ Attitudes and PerceptionsSession Chair: Tania Gutsche (USC Center for Economic and Social Research) |
Andrew C. Ward (The Social Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia)
Combining online survey data and area-level external data to create local estimates of social attitudes in Australia |
JoNell Strough (West Virginia University)
Age differences in psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: March 2020 to June 2021 |
Samer Atshan (Pardee RAND Graduate School)
Using longitudinal survey data to account for risk perceptions in population- and individual-level epidemiological COVID-19 models |
3:30 PM |
Closing Remarks |
Conference Organizers: Tania Gutsche, Pamela Tyler, and Tarra Kohli
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