Thursday, 7 March 2024

Session 1

Panelist Motivation and Satisfaction
Session Chair: Tania Gutsche (USC Center for Economic and Social Research

Kyle Berta (SSRS)
Does panelist satisfaction and use of QR codes for panel recruitment matter?

Ipek Bilgen (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Examination of Mode and Device Preference Trends Over Time in a Probability-Based Research Panel

Femke De Keulenaer (Ipsos) Virtual
An examination of motivational factors of survey participation in KnowledgePanel Europe

Francis (Frank) Graves (Ekos Research Associates and Carleton University) Virtual Identifying and Responding to Institutional Mistrust Bias in Probability Panels

Session 2

Recruitment and Demographic Change
Session Chair: Jill Darling (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Jennifer Hunter Childs (U.S. Census Bureau) Virtual
The Census Household Panel: Innovations in Infrastructure for Measuring Demographic Change

Jenny Marlar (Gallup)
Reaching the Hard-to-Reach: Recruiting Diverse Populations to the Gallup Panel

Dina Neiger (The Social Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia)
Comparing Careless Response Metrics across Online Probability and Nonprobability Samples

Evan W. Sandlin (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)
Recruiting Republicans: The Effect of County Republican Vote-Share on Recruitment into the Understanding America Study

Session 3

Applications of Research
Session Chair: Arie Kapteyn (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Marco Angrisani (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)
Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life: Tracking Public Awareness, Usage, and Perceptions in a Population Representative Panel

Samer Atshan (Pardee RAND Graduate School)
Trajectories of Loneliness during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UAS

Kayla de la Haye (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)
Granular vs. Generalizable: The benefits of collecting food insecurity data with high spatial-temporal granularity for LA County stakeholders

Brian Scholl (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of the Investor Advocate) How do Investors React to Mutual Fund Benchmarks?

Session 4

Data Sharing, Management, and Linkages
Session Chair: David Rogofsky (Social Security Administration)

Alexandra M. Brown Breslin (University of Maryland, JPSM)
An Offer of Control over Data Shared with Researchers to Reduce Nonparticipation in a Passive Data Collection

Danny Fryer (The Social Research Centre) Virtual
Data orchestration: Life in Australia™ goes Bach to the future

Andrew Parker (RAND Corporation)
Fielding a Large, Multi-panel National Survey Following a National Test of the Wireless Emergency Alerts System

Andrew Warren (Financial Health Network)
Respondent Willingness to Share Credit Report Data: Evidence From An Internet Probability Panel


Friday, 8 March 2024

Session 5

Sampling, Response Rates, and Weights
Session Chair: Marco Angrisani (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Jonathan Burton (ISER, University of Essex)
Trialing Event-Triggered Data Collection in the Understanding Society Innovation Panel: Response and Measurement Quality

Mickey Jackson (SSRS)
Failure to Launch? Exploring the Possibility of Tailoring Study Launch Timing to Maximize Response Propensity

Paulina Tabery (Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Virtual
Building a Probability-based Online Panel in the Czech Republic

John Tsang (University of Ottawa)
Correcting Selection Bias in Non-probability Two-Phase Payment Survey

Session 6

New Technologies
Session Chair: Jan Karem Höhne (MASS)

Nick Bertoni (Ipsos Public Affairs)
Using a Chatbot on KnowledgePanel for Frequently Asked Questions

Michael Link (Ipsos Public Affairs)
Evaluating the Black Box: Performance of Different Large Language Models in Coding Panel Open-Ended Questions

Paul Scanlon (National Center for Health Statistics)
Cross-Panel Measurement Invariance and Differential Item Functioning: An Evaluation Using NCHS’ Research and Development Survey and Rapid Surveys Systems

Vera Toepoel (Statistics Netherlands)
Combining Research Grade Accelerometers, Activity Trackers and Survey Data to Measure Physical Activity in a probability-based online panel in the Netherlands

Session 7

Weighing and Estimation
Session Chair: Francisco Perez-Arce (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Jim Dahlhamer (National Center for Health Statistics)
National Center for Health Statistics Rapid Surveys System: An initial evaluation of weighting and combination methods and a comparison of estimates using two probability-based panel surveys

Grigory Franguridi (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)
Estimation of panels with attrition and refreshment samples

Jon A. Krosnick and Sierra Davis (Stanford University)
Sample Blending: How Well Does It Work?

Randall K. Thomas (Ipsos Public Affairs)
Weighting for a Purpose: Does Weighting Equally Reduce Bias in Probability Panel Samples and Opt-in Samples?

Andrew Mercer (Pew Research)
From buggy whips to bogus respondents: Changing perspectives on data quality in online surveys

UAS Data Use Workshop

Session 8

Uses of UAS Data
Session Chair: Jeremy Burke (USC Center for Economic and Social Research)

Ryan Best (West Virginia University)
Loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic across sociocultural contexts: The intersection of gender, age, and romantic co-residence

Patrycja Sleboda (Baruch College, City University of New York)
Don’t say “vegan” or “plant-based”: Food without meat and dairy is more likely to be chosen when labeled as “healthy” and “sustainable”

Ravi Iyer (USC Marshall School Neely Center)
Tracking Positive and Negative Experiences with Social Media and AI